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Oathbringer Shardblade Appearance


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I'm currently in the process of building an EVA Foam Oathbringer Shardblade, and notice that there are a lot of depictions online that show text on the blade.  Is there a description of this anywhere in the books, or is this just some artist's idea that has grabbed hold and stuck with others?  Here is a post with an example of an image showing the text...


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1 hour ago, dabhaskie said:

We know from Shallan's sketches that Elokhar's Sunraiser has 10 glyphs on the blade (one for each Radiant Order), but I don't recall reading anything that mentions any script on Oathbringer's blade.

The collected description (from all books) on the Coppermind is: 


he blade is six feet long, slightly curved and a handspan wide, making it broader than most of its kind.[4] It has wavelike serrations near the crossguard, and curves like a fisherman's hook near the tip.[3][5] The hilt is long enough to allow the wielder to use both hands, even while wearing gauntlets.[6] While in the possession of Dalinar, Oathbringer has a heliodor set into its pommel,[7] possibly after a previous gemstone was cracked in battle.[8] 

No writing or glyphs noted. 

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