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modern day SA

rosharan musk ox

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39 minutes ago, rosharan musk ox said:

This is kind of random but what would a modern Stormlight look like? This is assuming that somehow Radiants still exist and that Roshar isn't completely destroyed by completion of the series

Depends on what you mean by "modern." Do you mean "will they have the combustion engine and airplanes" or "how would a Fabrial version of modern automobiles and airplanes function?"

For example, I doubt they would ever have Skyscrapers (by modern Earth standards) due to the Highstorms or combustion engines (high oxygen environment means a Stormlight driven means of locomotion would probably be both safer and more reliable).

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@Treamayne  Modern meaning the same world but set one to two hundred years in the future. Would their technologies look similar to ours? Would they still have royalty? If there are no more desolations, they would have the freedom to develop their fabrials and methods for prevention/protection against highstorms. 

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I've always imagined that Roshar would develop technology that has the same effects of our Earth technology, but it would be achieved through a completely different means. Namely, fabrials. I think they'd get to a point where they'd be able to do everything we're able to do, but rather than electricity or computers or radio or whatever they're using Fabrial mechanics to produce the same effects. Same quality of life, but it would look very different than what a more Earthlike planet such as Scadrial would look like.

What exactly would a fully developed Fabrial society look like? I have no idea. But I bet it would be pretty cool.

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Roshar doesn't have much oil or coal deposits, it relatively young planet, they can't follow Earth's development. However they have Stormlight, which already in the books can mimic our technology, like lifts, pomps, airship. They will use fabrials and Stormlight to achieve the same tech as Earht's. This tech will function differently, but has the same effects. Skyscrapers are not only possible on Roshar (Urithiru IS one), but they can build higher ones due to lower gravity. Those would have to have blade like shape, with both edges facing east and west, and pendulums to dampen storms vibrations like in Taipei Tower. With soulcasting those can be build easily. 

And Roshar, unlike Earth, can have flying cars. It's gonna be cool.

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On 1/9/2023 at 6:45 PM, Treamayne said:

Depends on what you mean by "modern." Do you mean "will they have the combustion engine and airplanes" or "how would a Fabrial version of modern automobiles and airplanes function?"

For example, I doubt they would ever have Skyscrapers (by modern Earth standards) due to the Highstorms or combustion engines (high oxygen environment means a Stormlight driven means of locomotion would probably be both safer and more reliable).

 Have you read rhythm of war?

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32 minutes ago, bmcclure7 said:

 Have you read Rhythm of War?

Yes. When I said "Skyscrapers (by modern Earth standards)" I qualified my comment to show I meant hundreds of floors and thousands of feet - as oppossed to the hundreds of feet the organic Singer towers rose (with a possible few extra hundred for the heavenly-one towers). And it's not to say that they might not come up with their own architectural solution to go over 750ft (like Scadrial).

Edited by Treamayne
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