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Becoming Elantrian


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So hoid has stated that to become an elatrian you need to be invited and that an elantrian is able to do this.

If that is the case what is doing the inviting during the elantris book. There are no elantrians able to do the invite.

I think it has been said that the land itself is becoming slightly aware due to the amount of investiture which focused by the city itself being an aon could be the cause.

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Since the Dor is a combination of the investiture of both Dominion and Devotion - I've always felt that Dominion was expressed by the Spiritweb Connection to a country/geographic region/culture (only Aonic "peoples" undergo the Shaod - and Dulas or Teos have to be in Arelon to be taken); and Devotion is expressed by who is selected (at least during and post-Reod). Not that we have anything near a significant sample size, but looking at some notables for whom we have enough information:

  • Raoden - Devoted to the people of Arelon
  • Galladon - Devoted to his farm so much he built his house by hand
  • Taan - Devoted to Sculpting
  • Shaor - Does Narcissism count as Devotion to herself?
  • Karata - Devoted to her family and the Children
  • Saolin - Devoted to Eondel and the Army
  • Mareshe - Devoted to Artistry and Craftsmanship
  • etc.

It could be that the "Fabrial" is the Five Cities' Aon Rao helping channel the Dor to select people with enough Connection to Devotion (based on thoughts and actions) and Dominion (based on the Connection to being Aonic) to undergo the Shaod.

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5 hours ago, Wadders said:

So hoid has stated that to become an elatrian you need to be invited and that an elantrian is able to do this.

If that is the case what is doing the inviting during the elantris book. There are no elantrians able to do the invite.

I think it has been said that the land itself is becoming slightly aware due to the amount of investiture which focused by the city itself being an aon could be the cause.

I don't think invitation is the normal state. From how its described, i think there is something weird going on with the Ire, and that facilitate it. Because note it is possible to become an Elantrian through Forgery, so in theory Aon Dor should also allow it, but maybe their is some stipulations thus the deal. That's where my mind is going anyway

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5 hours ago, lacrossedeamon said:

And generally this makes Elantrians even more OP. Like can Shai do this by stamping herself Elantrian and then “inviting” the rest of the Ghostbloods?

I think that would altogether depend on how much investiture she chucked into the Soulstamp. My impression is that the powers of the Elantrians and the Forgers are both functionally limited only by the volume of investiture they can access, and how good they are at crafting stories or doing equations.

As far as OP and what happened with Hoid and the Sorceress ... the fact that the Ire predate the downfall of Elantris, and potentially even Odium's splintering of Devotion and Dominion means that the rules might be different for them and how Elantrians are chosen now and into the future as the Dor slowly gains more sentience. We've seen how a shift in how the same shards are held in Scadrial changed the nature of hemalurgy for e.g so it's worth being cautious in applying what happened in this book to the Elantrians we've seen on Sel.

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  • 3 weeks later...
22 minutes ago, Honorless said:

Wait, was Moonlight = Shai confirmed?




Why won't Moonlight's stamp wear off by itself?

Brandon Sanderson

This is an excellent question. The answer is—it might someday. But the other question is—it's been a spell. Depending on where I time these things, it's either been hundreds of years or decades since... Moonlight has had a lot of time to practice with powers and investigate what's possible in the Cosmere with magic and talk to some of the smartest people in the Cosmere about how it works. You should draw from the way the soulstamps work, the more mundane ones, that Shai has made a ton of progress in pushing forward the art of Forgery.

YouTube Spoiler Stream 5 (Dec. 2, 2022)


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7 hours ago, Poi said:

I still think that it is very unclear what this invitation was for Hoid in Tress, so can someone explain it. Was it literally the sorcerss inviting him to become an elantrian?

Hoid made a deal with the sorceress where she got to curse him in exchange of "membership" if he could break the curse. He speaks of this in ch. 64. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is more than an invitation, looks like Invited and Adopted
Adoption would take care of the needing the connection to the 



Turns out that to get this particular set of powers to work, you couldn’t simply fake Connection. You needed an invitation and 
adoption into a very select group.    ....  willing to trade membership for the opportunity to see me cursed.  Pg 467 ebook ToTeS


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On 1/10/2023 at 7:46 PM, Tglassy said:

The City invites you O.O

That might actually be the case



OK, I’ve got a question about AonDor.

Brandon Sanderson



So it's a lot like functional programing.

Brandon Sanderson



And my question is: could you write a higher-level language of programming with that?

Brandon Sanderson




Brandon Sanderson

Mmhmm. But. Only an Elantrian could make it, like, work, right? Not compile but could execute the function. They would have to type it out and execute it. Like if you were just-- Even if you just gave it to them, they would have to retype it and go. But yes, you could.


Couldn't you like-- Is there an Aon for define, definition? So like you could go and define some really long sequence of Aons and then assign it to a simple shape.

Brandon Sanderson



Then draw the symbol, and would it work?

Brandon Sanderson

Right right, object-oriented. This is realistically plausible, you would have to write all this stuff and call the function and have this constantly in a state of kinetic Investiture. But that is reasonable. I mean it's not so far off from things they actually did with much fewer-- much fewer lines of code, if you wish, in the past. It's what Elantris itself was.



Edited by Frustration
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