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Various Scadrial Questions


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In regards to the Terris Religion:

Is there evidence anyone took up the power from the well before Rashek? Preservation's plan was to have a steward for mankind and planted the prophesies before sacrificing himself, but surely mankind was around for more than just 1000 years after creation?

Or were the people of Scadrial only 1000 years old by the time of Rashek's ascension?

Do we have evidence that the Religion of Terris had ideas of Ruin AND Preservation? Or one? Or neither?

Terris Culture:

Are we to assume the Kandra likely have the closest naming convention to old Terris? I would assume Rashek, Haddek, and Kwaan are the only true old-terris names we get, but the Kandra seem to emulate the names phonetically with creative vowels.


On Scadrian wild life:

I was trying to piece together what wild life there was on Scadrial. Horses are present, but there's a throw-away line by Preservation in secret history "One can admire the lion while empathizing with the lamb?" And Kelsier doesn't question what he's talking about, implying there's some analog of lions and sheep available?


Edit: sorry, when can we post links?

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9 minutes ago, Maquet_Ontos said:

In regards to the Terris Religion:

Is there evidence anyone took up the power from the well before Rashek? Preservation's plan was to have a steward for mankind and planted the prophesies before sacrificing himself, but surely mankind was around for more than just 1000 years after creation?

Or were the people of Scadrial only 1000 years old by the time of Rashek's ascension?

It's hard to tell, the stories of the Well had to come from somewhere though and Scadrial would have been fairly advanced for only a millennium of society so its likely either it had happened before or at least there was a significant period of time before Ruin was trapped.

However, 1000 years could be enough time to build up the pre-ascencion society that Scadrial had assuming the Shards kept in contact with their people significantly during the early centuries which would still imply a time period between their creation and Preservation trapping Ruin

9 minutes ago, Maquet_Ontos said:

Do we have evidence that the Religion of Terris had ideas of Ruin AND Preservation? Or one? Or neither?

HoA implies that they were aware of both

9 minutes ago, Maquet_Ontos said:

Terris Culture:

Are we to assume the Kandra likely have the closest naming convention to old Terris? I would assume Rashek, Haddek, and Kwaan are the only true old-terris names we get, but the Kandra seem to emulate the names phonetically with creative vowels.

Seems like a very reasonable assumption 

9 minutes ago, Maquet_Ontos said:

On Scadrian wild life:

I was trying to piece together what wild life there was on Scadrial. Horses are present, but there's a throw-away line by Preservation in secret history "One can admire the lion while empathizing with the lamb?" And Kelsier doesn't question what he's talking about, implying there's some analog of lions and sheep available?

The only wildlife we ever ger to see are mistwraiths, horses, and dogs but if the nobility is eating any kind meat regularly then they would need to have some kind of farm animal


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20 minutes ago, Maquet_Ontos said:

Is there evidence anyone took up the power from the well before Rashek? Preservation's plan was to have a steward for mankind and planted the prophesies before sacrificing himself, but surely mankind was around for more than just 1000 years after creation?

Or were the people of Scadrial only 1000 years old by the time of Rashek's ascension?

We don't know, but it is very likely that it all had happened before. Stories have to have their origin.



I was just wondering how many Ascensions had taken place before The Lord Ruler Ascended?

Brandon Sanderson

That is a RAFO. Excellent question.

Dragonmount Zoom Call (Dec. 10, 2020)


25 minutes ago, Maquet_Ontos said:

Do we have evidence that the Religion of Terris had ideas of Ruin AND Preservation? Or one? Or neither?

Haddek said it himself, there is Ruin and Preservation, they know it. 

26 minutes ago, Maquet_Ontos said:

I was trying to piece together what wild life there was on Scadrial. Horses are present, but there's a throw-away line by Preservation in secret history "One can admire the lion while empathizing with the lamb?" And Kelsier doesn't question what he's talking about, implying there's some analog of lions and sheep available?

Scadrial was modeled after another planet from where humans came from. So pre-Rashek world was similar to ours, but it all changed with his Ascension and ash. Many animals went extinct, but were later brought back by Sazed. But during Rashek rule, wildlife was probably very limited.

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I believe it is implied that at least one individual before Rashek took up the power. Ruin tells Kelsier that Preservation spent thousands of years suffering after his sacrifice, and the Well of Ascension wasn't full until Rashek ascended. This implies at least one other ascension happened.


Ruin shrugged. "Yes, but no. He gave of himself to craft a cage. Though his throes of agony have lasted several thousand years, now, finally, he is gone. And the bargain has come to its fruition."

So then the question is what did this individual do with the power?

My theory is this was the source of the Terris prophecies. Preservation hasn't had the ability to speak to individuals outside of the cognative realm, so he likely would take the opportunity to explain the situation to whoever ascended. My guess is this individual likely chose to have the Well be placed high in the Terris mountains to limit accessibility, then may have given the people of Terris an environment similar to the Basin that Harmony creates. This would foster a peaceful agrarian society which wouldn't be very technologically advanced.

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8 hours ago, StanLemon said:

The only wildlife we ever get to see are mistwraiths, horses, and dogs but if the nobility is eating any kind meat regularly then they would need to have some kind of farm animal

The animals on-screen or discussed in Era 1 are: Cow, Pig, Goat, Sheep, Deer, Horse, and Dog. "Exotic animals" are mentioned in a few of the ballroom scenes (carved pillars and stained glass) implying that more earth-like species were known, but extinct in the final empire. Sazed also mentions restoring them as he Ascends to become Harmony

Edited by Treamayne
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18 hours ago, Maquet_Ontos said:

So then the question is what did this individual do with the power?

I've found this WoB which suggest that power didn't have to be used



When someone Ascended with the Well, if He don't use the power and neither release it...Would He keep his status for long time ?

Brandon Sanderson

No, unfortunately.

Stormlight Three Update #5 (Nov. 19, 2016)

This doesn't however mean that someone at one point held the power of the Well, neither released it or used it, until it disappeared.

One of the Ascended might use its power to create Lerasium that was placed near the Well.



Did the Lord Ruler create the lerasium that he gave to the ten foreign kings? Or where they put there by Leras--

Brandon Sanderson

Oh, good question… No one's asked me that before, I don't believe. Did the Lord Ruler create the lerasium that he gave-- No, he found the lerasium. It was existent before his Ascension.


Can I ask if it was placed there intentionally by Leras or did it sort of grow similar to how atium--

Brandon Sanderson

The Lord Ruler-- It was not placed for him, he had to-- he had to get it.

JordanCon 2016 (April 23, 2016)


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