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Would A Compass Point Towards A Perpendicularity?

Covex Fox

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Hi everyone, I have a question about compasses interacting with a perpendicularity, and if it would affect the direction the needle is pointing.

A compasses needle changes direction if a strong magnetic field appears, so first, does a perpendicularity emit a magnetic field?

On First of the sun in sixth of Dusk, Dusk's compass points towards Patji,  where the planets perpendicularity is found.

I would like to hear your theories please, as I do not have an answer to this yet.

Thank You. 

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10 minutes ago, Covex Fox said:

Hi everyone, I have a question about compasses interacting with a perpendicularity, and if it would affect the direction the needle is pointing.

A compasses needle changes direction if a strong magnetic field appears, so first, does a perpendicularity emit a magnetic field?

On First of the sun in sixth of Dusk, Dusk's compass points towards Patji,  where the planets perpendicularity is found.

I would like to hear your theories please, as I do not have an answer to this yet.

Thank You. 

This is a very interesting point! I know that in TFE all compasses point to Luthadel because the Lord Ruler moved the magnetic north pole underneath the capital city (which I think came about as part of moving the Well, so they might be linked).

It's also possible that Dusk's compass is some kind of Invested tool specifically drawn to the strong amounts of Investiture held within Patji, so the wayfinders can locate (or avoid) those specific islands when they need to. Not sure though; would have to read the story again.

Great observation though!


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7 hours ago, Covex Fox said:

On First of the sun in sixth of Dusk, Dusk's compass points towards Patji,  where the planets perpendicularity is found.

Dusk never uses a compass in SotD. Unless you mean the device Vathi had that was specifically used for finding Aviar.

The only Compass reference in the story:


Those waves were as good as a compass for him—once, they would have been good enough for any of the Eelakin, his people. These days, just the trappers learned the old arts. Admittedly, though, even he carried one of the newest compasses, wrapped up in his pack with a set of the new sea charts—maps given as gifts by the Ones Above during their visit earlier in the year. 

And, if the compass came as a gift from the Ones Above, there's a good chance it was designed to point at Investiture rather than Magnetic Fields anyway. In other Cosmeree worlds there are compasses designed to do just that.

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Investiture seeking compasses would make sense, but would they go haywire around other powerfully invested objects/people/places, Like Nightblood, The God King, And the bands of Mourning (these are some of the examples I could come up with, there are plenty more)

Thank you


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