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Frustration's Firepower Index: Skybreakers


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Welcome to Frustration's Firepower Index, where I compare and rank the combat capabilities of Cosmere worlds and magic systems. This thread will be focused on the Skybreakers.


Preparation: Be a warform singer, a fifth oath Skybreaker, and have a second oath squire, who is also a warform singer. It is unknown if Skybreakers can have multiple squires, but they can at least have one, so I'm going with that. The Skybreaker will need multiple gemstones sewn into pouches in their clothes, along with several bags full of truthberry stalks. The Squire will have large pouches containing extra gemstones, a bag full of rocks, another with aluminum darts, and a fabrial that can pull the blood out of someone, along with some aluminum armor.


Offenses: Shardblades can instantly cut through almost any material, and can form into almost any weapon. Waforms strength along with Shardplate would make blunt force attacks devastating. Rocks can receive multiple lashings and be sent at high speeds towards a target due to delayed lashings(OB Chapter 82, page 353), and aluminum darts can be dropped on anyone with invested ways to protect themselves. There are fabrials that can suck the blood out of people(RoW Chapter 82, page 993), and Truthberry smoke is intoxicating, impairing the mind of the Skybreaker's opponent. Additionally Division can burn through weapons and enemies alike.


Defenses:Shardplate will protect it's wearer, given them incredible resistance to all forms of attack, and with division they can burn through weapons before they even reach them, while aluminum will protect the squire from most invested attacks.


Mobility: Skybreakers can fly. Additionally with Division and Shardblades they can cut or burn their way through physical barriers.


Stealth: Plate can be commanded to stop glowing, and Spren can go and investigate anything invisibly.


Awareness: Spren can quickly search for anything invisibly.


Additional abilities: None currently known.


As always what do you think? Did I miss anything? And what should I work on next?

Edited by Frustration
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21 minutes ago, Frustration said:

Skybreakers can fly, there only limit on speed being the terminal velocity of the number of lashings they currently have, and the speed of light.

Just no. Friction. Friction makes the limit. It's like a spaceship reentering the atmosphere (~7-12 km/s). The greater the speed the greater the friction, and at some point it will just burn them. And if you give them even greater speeds, like meteorites entering Earth's atmosphere (11 km/s to 72 km/s), the damage done by this to them would be even crazier - most small meteorites doesn't reach Earth's surface, they got turn into vapor by friction or explode high in the air. The fastest crewed plane flight (X-15 Flight 188) reached the speed of 2 km/s but suffered extensive damage due to heat despite heat shielding. Repair was deemed uneconomical. So no, they can't move as fast as they want.

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1 minute ago, alder24 said:

Just no. Friction. Friction makes the limit. It's like a spaceship reentering the atmosphere (~7-12 km/s). The greater the speed the greater the friction, and at some point it will just burn them. And if you give them even greater speeds, like meteorites entering Earth's atmosphere (11 km/s to 72 km/s), the damage done by this to them would be even crazier - most small meteorites doesn't reach Earth's surface, they got turn into vapor by friction or explode high in the air. The fastest crewed plane flight (X-15 Flight 188) reached the speed of 2 km/s but suffered extensive damage due to heat despite heat shielding. Repair was deemed uneconomical. So no, they can't move as fast as they want.

You're right


Was I imagining a spacefight when I wrote that?

Probably just tired, but still that was dumb.

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1 minute ago, alder24 said:

Don't worry, I also want to read about space Cosmere right now!

Part of the reason I'm doing this is that Brandon's taking too long writing the crossover books.

I just want to see a coinshot edgedanncer fight a sleepless Elantrian with ettmetal primer cubes already.

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