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What do we actually know of Cultivation


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Cultivation was vaguely referenced in the first two books.  She shows up in an OB flashback, and once in a big way in RoW.  She seems to attempting to manipulate current events.  She basically put Taravangian where he is.  She has plans for Dalinar and Lift. 

However I feel like we know little to nothing of her ancient activities.  All the stuff involving the Heralds and the Knights Radiant seem much more tied to Honor.  The only thing I can think of is her being vaguely referenced as telling the Dawnsingers to take in the humans.

Is there anything else we know of her ancient activities?

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Not much tbf. She and Honor arrived first on Roshar, before Odium came



What was the order of the Shards coming to Roshar and changing allegiances? Did humans come with Odium?

Brandon Sanderson

So... you're talking about on Roshar specifically? So, Odium had visited Roshar. The humans gave him more of an ear... The Dawnsingers would have considered him the god of the people who had come, but-- I mean, it wasn't like they necessarily brought him. He was capable of getting around before that. I mean, he did kinda come along with them, he was instrumental in what happened there.


Okay, but he was separate, and after Honor and Cultivation had really settled there?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, he was after Honor and Cultivation had settled.

Oathbringer Glasgow signing (Dec. 2, 2017)

We know she wants Nightwatcher to develop without influence of people and learn by herself.



So, in Oathbringer, when Dalinar goes to the Nightwatcher, we see Cultivation intervene directly. How closely does she supervise other Nightwatcher visits? ...Could the Nightwatcher give a boon that Cultivation wouldn't want her to?

Brandon Sanderson

Well, yes. "Wouldn't want her to" is a strong phrase. Like, Cultivation is always aware of what's going on. Cultivation rarely intervenes, even if she thinks it would be a bad boon, because she wants the Nightwatcher to learn. And she also is very interested in seeing what happens. So, rarely intervenes, but is aware.


Would she intervene if she thought the boon would help Odium?

Brandon Sanderson

Not necessarily.

JordanCon 2018 (April 21, 2018)

She was romantically involved with Tanavast


StormAtlas (paraphrased)

Were Cultivation and Honor romantically involved?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)


Rithmatist Albuquerque signing (May 22, 2013)  

She helped Honor with fight against Odium



If Cultivation and Honor were romantically involved, why did Cultivation not help Honor against Odium?

Brandon Sanderson

She did.

Idaho Falls Signing (Nov. 28, 2015)

And was close enough to learn from Odium how to splinter Shards



Was Cultivation close enough to when Odium got  Honor, to know how to fight back?

Brandon Sanderson

Heheheheh. I would say yes.


And Cultivation, is she--

Brandon Sanderson

She is still there.


Alive and kicking. Okay, you've said that before--

Brandon Sanderson

She is alive and kicking.


And she can probably know how to not turn her back to the--

Brandon Sanderson

Well, I mean... She has learned from the experiences of others.

Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing (Dec. 6, 2016)

And currently, despite what people in world think, she is still fighting against Odium



How does Cultivation figure in this conflict between Odium?

Brandon Sanderson

So, what people assume is that Cultivation is hiding. I would disagree with that. People in-world would assume that.

Oathbringer London signing (Nov. 28, 2017)

Cultivation was also briefly on planet Ashyn, and established Cultivation-based magic there



You have talked about writing a book about Ashyn, the first planet in the Rosharan system. You said that they have a magic system based on disease, but they are currently without a Shard. Can you tell us what the source of that magic system is?

Brandon Sanderson

A lot of the magic systems in the cosmere, I kind of in my head differentiate kind of the primary worlds and the secondary worlds. And even on the secondary worlds, there is magic. And any place that a Shard has been in presence is gonna leave behind an aftereffect, but it's not always that. I would call most of the magic on Ashyn Cultivation-based, most likely. And Cultivation's in the system, but has only briefly been to that planet. But it doesn't mean that... basically, it's kind of the level of Investiture. If you go to Scadrial, on Scadrial, you're gonna have a high percentage of the population, cosmereologically, that are gonna have access to one of the Hemalurgic [Metallic] arts, right? Same thing on Roshar. And indeed, the people are going to be Invested on a level that is beyond the others. This is my in-world canon reason that people just don't come down with colds very often or have tooth decay very often, and things like that. On the primary Shardworlds, we're talking about people who are just naturally, highly Invested.

All the other worlds, though, you're still gonna have the occasional pop-up of magic, here and there. You're still gonna have effects of being in the cosmere, and things like that. Just much smaller chances. And the magic's probably going to be less likely to be planet-destroying potential, and things like that, like happened on Ashyn.

Dragonsteel Mini-Con 2021 (Nov. 23, 2021)


That's most likely it. She came with Honor on Roshar, was involved in cultivating sprens and the planet, allowed humans from Ashyn to settle on Roshar, and later helped Honor and humanity fight with Odium. She learned how to splinter shards and is still fighting against Odium in a way, as we saw in RoW. She wants Nightwatcher to learn by herself, and made her in such a way to be un-Connected to humans and is unaffected by the way they think about her.

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We know that Cultivation is an original Vessel from Yolen, who participated in the Shattering of Adonalsium. And that her Vessel is named Koravellium Avast, and that she is a Dragon.

Oh and it's very likely that she once slammed Hoid.

Edited by Honorless
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