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Shh, it's a surprise!


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Hey guys! 

This is for anybody who is friends with @The Halcyon Girl.

Since Haly's leaving the Shard for now (*incoherent sobbing*), I thought I'd open up an opportunity for anybody who wants to talk to her. I talk to her almost every day, so if you have anything you'd like to tell her, post it here on this thread and I'll pass it on. :-)


Kaysa --> out

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6 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Not permanently, but being forced to be off of it for a unknown amount of time.

Yes. Parents are sometimes obnoxious. But she asked me to pass on any important info, and I promised to. So I made this thread for her friends to still be able to talk to her :) 

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17 minutes ago, Kajsa :) said:

Yes. Parents are sometimes obnoxious. But she asked me to pass on any important info, and I promised to. So I made this thread for her friends to still be able to talk to her :) 

If Kajsa is unavailable for some reason, I can also pass messages when needed. ;)

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12 minutes ago, Ranryu said:

If Kajsa is unavailable for some reason, I can also pass messages when needed. ;)

How does one pasta a message?

30 minutes ago, Kajsa :) said:

So I made this thread for her friends to still be able to talk to her :) 

That's really sweet. If only one could RP through pasta messages....

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Haly says:


I hasn’t got one (a pic) but I’ll take one when I get home (at like six XD) also tell them to watch out for infinite pine trees with peanut butter squirrels who eat through three inches of the trunk and make it fall down into the sky


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