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On 21.2.2023 at 9:05 PM, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

Balance eyed Markus from the depths of his cowl. He was not lying, near as he could tell. He had freely admitted to having stolen the motivator, evidently for someone else. A hired hand. After a moments pause, he pushed his hood back, revealing his face. It was split down the middle between a normal human face and the blue lines of his wireframes.

"That is unfortunate. Who hired you to steal it?"

"That's so cool." Mike blurted out and stared at Balance's face. "Like a superhero from a movie!" he exclaimed and wondered how it was possible to split a face that cleanly into two parts. The blue lines of the wireframes seemed to disappear somehow where they touched his skin. Realizing that he was staring he tore his gaze away. "Sorry." he muttered and glanced at his watch again, mostly to cover up on his slip. So much for behaving professional. You didn't gawk at the guy that came round to kill you, because you stole their stuff. And you most definitely didn't call them a superhero.

"You called me Changed One." he said more calmly, his eyes moving back to Balance's face, but he didn't stare this time. He simply looked him into the eyes. "Why?" Such a simple question, but he doubted that the answer would be simple, too. The name alone indicated too much who Mike was. A monstrosity, something so wrong it shouldn't exist. Something he wished he could erase from the world, from sight, something that needed to be removed. That world without the Dark Alley, that world where nobody was spiked against their own wishes. But he wasn't. He had chosen to be spiked. He could have run away after everything had gone sour, and maybe Ark would have chased him, but nobody had forced him to step into the alley. And nobody had forced him to choose the experiment that was about spikes. Fear. Fear had forced his feet, had made his mouth stumble about the word spike, because the other option, the one he hadn't known anything about had felt so much worse. It had been easier to face a known terror than one that was lying in the dark.

Fox pressed against him, but for once Mike held him back easily. Fox could play later. For now he needed to know, he needed to understand how Balance had known, and why he had chosen something like a title. Why he had called him something else than monster, whispered a small voice in the back of his head. It sounded like Squid, but he wasn't sure. He shoved the voice aside as well, his attention on Balance and on Balance alone, hoping that he would answer.

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10 hours ago, Sorana said:

"That's so cool." Mike blurted out and stared at Balance's face. "Like a superhero from a movie!" he exclaimed and wondered how it was possible to split a face that cleanly into two parts. The blue lines of the wireframes seemed to disappear somehow where they touched his skin. Realizing that he was staring he tore his gaze away. "Sorry." he muttered and glanced at his watch again, mostly to cover up on his slip. So much for behaving professional. You didn't gawk at the guy that came round to kill you, because you stole their stuff. And you most definitely didn't call them a superhero.

"You called me Changed One." he said more calmly, his eyes moving back to Balance's face, but he didn't stare this time. He simply looked him into the eyes. "Why?" Such a simple question, but he doubted that the answer would be simple, too. The name alone indicated too much who Mike was. A monstrosity, something so wrong it shouldn't exist. Something he wished he could erase from the world, from sight, something that needed to be removed. That world without the Dark Alley, that world where nobody was spiked against their own wishes. But he wasn't. He had chosen to be spiked. He could have run away after everything had gone sour, and maybe Ark would have chased him, but nobody had forced him to step into the alley. And nobody had forced him to choose the experiment that was about spikes. Fear. Fear had forced his feet, had made his mouth stumble about the word spike, because the other option, the one he hadn't known anything about had felt so much worse. It had been easier to face a known terror than one that was lying in the dark.

Fox pressed against him, but for once Mike held him back easily. Fox could play later. For now he needed to know, he needed to understand how Balance had known, and why he had chosen something like a title. Why he had called him something else than monster, whispered a small voice in the back of his head. It sounded like Squid, but he wasn't sure. He shoved the voice aside as well, his attention on Balance and on Balance alone, hoping that he would answer.

Balance was caught off guard by Markus's reaction to his change. It was ... unusual to say the least. 

"I am far from a superhero," Balance stated. "And I will answer your question, then you must answer mine."

Balance continued without waiting for a response. "I can see change rippling through you, coming from the six spikes embedded in you. It was ... accurate. That is the entire reason. Now, who hired you?"

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Lita, Voidus’s office, the Alleys

It had often been Lita’s habit to watch the spiders in the corners of her father’s soothing parlor. There were always at least a handful of them hanging about, lurking fat and menacing in the center of their webs, waiting for an unsuspecting insect to wander into their trap. During her observation, Lita came to notice a strange pattern of behavior in the unfortunate prey of the parlour spiders. At some point, they stopped struggling - even if just a bit more fighting could have freed them. They would freeze, transfixed, and simply wait to be consumed. Was it the horrifying certainty? Were they flooded with paralyzing fear? Or was there something exquisitely alluring about their imminent doom?

“Not often that one sees such serving skills outside of those who work in the industry. Something you picked up on an assignment?"

Lita mentally shook herself, coming out of her reverie to meet the black, penetrating gaze of Voidus. He looked at her over the rim of his glass, expression mildly intrigued. It was distractingly familiar; how often had Laurelai looked at her like that from across the room before her smile turned wicked and eager?

”I…” Lita caught herself staring a moment, then cleared her throat. “An old skill, actually. One of my earliest. My father owned a Soothing parlour in Elendel. I used to pour for the guests.”

The memory of her father’s parlour sent a tiny twinge through her left hip, right at the front where Laurelai’s new spike nestled by the curve of her hip bone. She was a Soother now, too. Like her father.

It had been a long while since she had pictured the face of Conrad Attarre, with the deep brown hair she had not inherited, and the bright green eyes that she had. A smile that could convince anyone to buy at least one round of drinks. A laugh that had soothed Lita’s childhood worries far better than any Allomancy could have managed. Gregarious. Affable. Far too naive.

The exact opposite of the man sitting before her, examining her like she was a rather diverting riddle to solve. Lita took another sip of her wine, trying to focus on the taste, trying to calm the rapid beat of her heart. Trying to remember why she was here: to be professional, to make a good impression.

An impression on Laurelai’s father - remember that Lita? 

Lita did remember, and so out of respect for Laurelai she did not look at Voidus’s long, clever fingers, or the cut of his cheekbones, or the point where the collar of his perfectly white dress shirt curved around the side of his neck, or - 

“... well I shall have to find some way to suitably reward you. Did you have anything in mind? Anything you would like?"

Rust and ruin, Lita thought, reeling her imaginings back before they caused another flush in her cheeks. She shifted position again to give herself a moment to think. A favor offered in this manner was no small thing - it would not do to waste it. So, what did she want?

Lita dismissed the immediate, absurd answer that rose to mind with a tiny shake of her head.

If only I could Soothe myself, that would be damn useful…

Lita blinked, then looked up again, meeting Voidus’s eyes.

”As it happens,” she began, careful to pitch her voice just so - calm, collected, poised, “I have recently come into possession of the ability to Soothe emotions. While I have begun my own foray into the discipline, what I truly need is a teacher. I was hoping you might be able to put me in touch with someone who could mentor me in this skill, and possibly make introductions. Your influence in this matter would make finding the best instructor far simpler, and their likelihood of accepting my request far higher.”

And it would get her out of this room before she did something foolish. But she decided not to mention that.


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Valeria, The Grand Hotel, The Bindpoint

"I'm sorry." Laurelai expressed in quick tones. "I... shouldn't have..."

Valeria had come to realise all too quickly that in discussing her past she had completely neglected her guest's wellbeing. She had, without any filtering or prior knowledge of her,  clearly triggered some sort of unresolved trauma. 

The younger of the blonde women rose in a way that told Valeria that her initial assessment of her was incorrect in more ways than one. Evidently, she had been raised in an environment where self control was very important. Be it because of an abusive relationship, or perhaps a well to do family circumstance that required performance. Regardless, Valeria saw a child of hurt, and it was a more urgent instinct than her professional one that made her adopt a most un-assuming and open position on the chaise. 

"Very impolite of me to simply show up unannounced." Said Laurelai between supressed hastened breaths. "I really should..."

Valeria gave a gentle smile to the young woman.

"It was so lovely of you to check in with me, it speaks volumes of your good intention. You strike me as a person who has worked hard to make people around her feel better, calmer. Talking to you does indeed have a calming effect on me, and it has been quite a while since I have spoken to anyone about anything unimportant."

She sat forward again to pull her cup and saucer toward herself and began the motion with Laurelai's cup as she spoke. "You have given me much of your time already of course, and I am sure you are a very busy woman. But I fear I have no one else to discuss anything with, and I have so enjoyed your company, even if my histrionics would indicate otherwise." 

Valeria lifted the lid to the sugar pot and looked up at Laurelai. The girl did indeed have such a familiar quirk around the mouth when flustered, it was a wonder she thought she could hide it at all. 

"Si tibi placet?" Valeria asked in a tone that brooked little argument, and went about bringing the teaspoon to the pot. "was it one teaspoon or two?"


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"I don't know" Mike replied with a slight shrug. Some things were easy. Or not, depending on who you were. At least for him it was easier. He was about to get up and leave when he paused and looked at Balances face again. The man saw his spikes. He saw them and he talked to him anyway. That was rare. Most people made a wide berch as soon as they knew.

He tilted his head to the side, his calm real for once. Balance hadn't threatened him so far, and if he was the kind of person to rip someone apart out of spite - well then he would have to deal with that. His back twitched when scales covered his skin, Salmon's quiet and relaxed calm washing all over him. Mike settled back into his stool, leaned back comfortably. His thoughts moved slowly, and for a while he did nothing but look, carefully considered his next words.

"Maybe I have a few options to find out who they are." he finally stated and then, after another longer pause of consideration he remained silent, didn't add anything. His offer was on the table, waiting for something to meet its weight. There was no need for further elaboration. Balance had been good enough to track him, Mike suspected he knew how things worked.


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On 2/28/2023 at 11:14 PM, Sorana said:

"I don't know" Mike replied with a slight shrug. Some things were easy. Or not, depending on who you were. At least for him it was easier. He was about to get up and leave when he paused and looked at Balances face again. The man saw his spikes. He saw them and he talked to him anyway. That was rare. Most people made a wide berch as soon as they knew.

He tilted his head to the side, his calm real for once. Balance hadn't threatened him so far, and if he was the kind of person to rip someone apart out of spite - well then he would have to deal with that. His back twitched when scales covered his skin, Salmon's quiet and relaxed calm washing all over him. Mike settled back into his stool, leaned back comfortably. His thoughts moved slowly, and for a while he did nothing but look, carefully considered his next words.

"Maybe I have a few options to find out who they are." he finally stated and then, after another longer pause of consideration he remained silent, didn't add anything. His offer was on the table, waiting for something to meet its weight. There was no need for further elaboration. Balance had been good enough to track him, Mike suspected he knew how things worked.


Balance narrowed his eyes. The truth once more. In fact, besides the false name, this Markus character had not lied to him. The truthfulness was good, if not the subject. He saw another ripple pass through the man's body, originating from yet another of the spikes. With that ripple came the appearance of calm, oddly enough.

"Maybe I have a few options to find out who they are." Markus stated.

Balance sighed inwardly, carefully keeping his face impassive. Bribes. This man wanted bribes. And yet... he still seemed to not have lied.

"I can offer you ten crysts on providing a name, and another fifty with the retrieval of the motivator." Balance stated plainly.



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Voidus, Voidus' office, the Alleys

”As it happens,” Lita began, her calm voice completely at odds with the flustered energy Voidus could practically feel emanating from her. "“I have recently come into possession of the ability to Soothe emotions. While I have begun my own foray into the discipline, what I truly need is a teacher. I was hoping you might be able to put me in touch with someone who could mentor me in this skill, and possibly make introductions. Your influence in this matter would make finding the best instructor far simpler, and their likelihood of accepting my request far higher.”

Voidus' lips curled into an amused smile at the request, a perfectly reasonable request to ask of him, and one that showcased Lita's own talents and willingness to improve them even further. It also presented a rather interesting opportunity, one that Voidus did not intend to pass up. A chance to better understand his new head of Counterintelligence, and also a chance for him to unravel the puzzle that had presented itself to him.

"Soothing?" He asked, amusement trickling into the question. "As it so happens I think I can do one better. I don't know if you are aware of this but I have assisted many of the department heads in refining various talents. Quite recently I assisted Mac with exploring his own capabilities with manipulating the Void. I find it an excellent chance to learn a little more about those influential figures in the organization than one can learn from reading reports."

His smile deepened as he watched the implications set it, heard the immediate nervous flutter to her heart. Taking another sip of his wine to let the pause linger a little, he leaned back, looking up as if in thought and combed his hand back through his hair.

"As it so happens I am quite accomplished in the arts of Emotional Allomancy. I am sure I could provide some useful demonstrations and instruction to begin your forays, we can set aside some regular meetings for it."


Laurelai, The Grand Hotel, The Bindpoint

Laurelai hesitated for a moment at Valeria's invitation, and that was all the other woman needed to pull her cup over. Laurelai had lost the chance to politely leave, anything else would be a rather egregious breach of etiquette. Normally that might be an issue but she might still need to question this woman another day and offending her would make that more difficult. And... there was something about her presence. Some impulse that led Laurelai to give a gracious nod and resume her seat with perfect posture.

"One please." She said automatically. "My father is the one who takes his too sweet to drink."

She gave a slight internal wince as she once again gave further information away, unprompted. This woman was a spy, Laurelai reminded herself. And an incredibly capable one not to slip up under either Lita or Laurelai's scrutiny of her. For someone that capable... none of Laurelai's usual tricks would work. She would not succeed at tripping Valeria up with wordplay or a cleverly concealed verbal trap.

But perhaps the way she responds to one would be telling. She thought, mind working rapidly through scenarios. An excellent spy wouldn't slip up and reveal themselves, they would play it safe. But if she doesn't play it safe. If she reacts more obviously, more tellingly...

She avoided finishing the thought, not wishing to even entertain the outlandish possibility, however slim, that Valeria might actually be telling the truth. But it would be something at least, and she could at least use that as justification for her visit. She could still leave having gained more information than she had given.

"I suppose I can stay and we can talk for a little while at least. I don't have anything too pressing. I apologize if I've offended you in any way with my abruptness, it was not my intention. Ursus Paenitet."

It was a small phrase, matching the small pieces of the language Valeria had used. And its context was easy enough to guess. Laurelai wasn't sure how Valeria had picked up the few pieces of the language that she had used, but she seemed predominantly to still speak in the common tongue of the city. So she had perhaps only learned a few phrases to sell the story? It made sense after all, where could she have possibly learned the entire language? Laurelai doubted even her father really spoke it any more, after so many years with none to talk to in it. So then, it would make sense that Valeria would need to rely on context for what Laurelai had said, and would be unlikely to spot that it was a personal idiosyncrasy, not a common phrase.

@Mrs. Voidus

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Valeria, The Grand Hotel, The Bind Point

"One please." Said Laurelai.

Valeria nodded as though it were a matter of fact and fulfilled the specification. Steady hand stirring against the porcelain with nary a hint of a clink. But her hand stilled entirely when Laurelai had said "My father is the one who takes his too sweet to drink." 

These strange coincidences must mean nothing logically. 

Valeria handed back the fresh cup and set her mind to enquiring about the man when she heard a phrase she had not heard in weeks. or centuries? 

Time here too seemed to slow to her, as she spoke through a throat that felt too dry, "What have you done with her?"

A feral growl emanated from her then and she stood as her eyes glowed green and sparkling emerald trails flowed freely with her tears.

"Was this some sick game to you cooked up to torture me? First you take a child's teddy bear from them, and then what?" Her desperate voice rose to a shriek and the till full tea painted the carpet when its cup was brandished angrily.

"Quid facis cum infante mio?" 

Valeria took a step forward. "Perdam vestrum unumquemque, si vel capillus decerpitur pretioso capite."



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Laurelai, The Grand Hotel, The Bindpoint

Laurelai watched for careful tells, for a slight absent look of someone who did not comprehend and needed to gloss over that fact to sell a ruse. Failing that she was waiting for Valeria to use the phrase to jump to conclusions, to call Laurelai her daughter and ask to see her father.

She did not expect to be threatened. As Valeria stood, deep fury etched into ever line of her face, she spoke with words Laurelai couldn't understand. The memory of a three year old was not an omniscient thing, and she recalled only a few phrases from that time in her life. The words that Valeria used were not among those that Laurelai remembered, dashing any vain hope she may have had that the woman was not fluent in the language, but even in that unfamiliarity there was a nostalgic cadence.

She does speak it. This is not just a hastily memorized phrase, this is someone speaking in their natural language. She realized. But even more than that... it's familiar. Angrier than I remember, but this is... this is definitely how she sounded.

"Paenitat Mater." Laurelai squeaked instinctively, before her mind could stop the words from slipping out.

She froze, posture still shrinking back from Valeria's sudden advance. She tried to think of something, some excuse some reason to justify why she had used those words. Why just now she had called Valeria her mother. But... did she need to? Would a spy, even one who understood that phrase and new that Laurelai had used it in her youth, pretend that she thought Laurelai had abducted her child? If she was a spy then surely she would use it as an excuse to get closer, to 'realize' the truth suddenly. This reaction, it only made sense from someone who wholeheartedly believed that Laurelai Esserethel was still a three year old child.

"Meum nomen Laurelai Esserethel est" She said quietly, blue eyes fixed on Valeria's.

@Mrs. Voidus

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Valeria, the Grand Hotel, The Bindpoint

Her fury swapped to shock like a slap to an unready cheek. 

"What?" Valeria all but whispered, lowering the cup to hang limply at her side. 

She narrowed her eyes as she took a cautionary step towards the equally shaken woman.

She certainly has the look. Could the "coincidences" be reality?

She raised her free hand and felt all her chaotic energy flow to her fingertips. "There is only one mark in the world that could be hers. But I already spoke of it. If you have studied the Language as you say, then what is to make me believe that you did not falsify that too?"

She took another step closer and had to sidestep the coffee table, now sodden. 

She wanted to be angry, to be scientific, to be, well, cautious. But she looks so afraid. 

At a nervous inhale from Laurelai, Valeria felt the magic leave her, and her voice betray her. "Squishy?"



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Laurelai winced at the infantile nickname, even as it flooded her with fresh nostalgic warmth.

"Not very dignified." She muttered, more to herself than anything. "Just um... just Laurelai is fine."

Laurelai's hands were shaking. Was it nervousness? Lingering fear from being threatened like that? Excitement? She couldn't say for sure if it were any of them, or none, or all at once. Perhaps it was simply her frayed nerves reaching the end of her ability to conceal them any longer. Almost she simply Forged herself calm, but at the last moment she felt her stomach twist uncomfortably at the thought. The scent of smoke invaded her nose and a scream filled her ears.

"I... thought you were gone." She said, blinking and looking down to her hands, voice wavering a little. "Both of you. I was... alone. It was cold and dark and then suddenly... hot. Fires everywhere. I found... people tried to help. But they... I... I didn't mean to but..."

She spoke falteringly, not entirely sure what she was trying to say, what story she wanted to convey. As the words came tumbling out she realized that something wet had splashed across her wrist, the damp sliding over trembling skin until it touched the fabric of her dress beneath it and spread immediately into a small circle.

Have to stop that. A small, absent part of her mind muttered. Don't want to stain the fabric.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, not daring to look up. Not sure what she was apologizing for. But very sure that she needed to.

@Mrs. Voidus

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Before the words "I'm sorry" had left Laurelai's mouth, Valeria had crossed the distance between them and enveloped her daughter in a breath stealing embrace. 
"Sh, sh, sh, hush now it's alright. You aren't alone any more, and none of it is your fault."

Valeria loosened her grip slightly, and tentatively began stroking the blond hair, and all shred of doubt fell from her mind. Not because of the marking, that she could indeed feel, but at the smell, the texture, the very hair line. It had changed of course in the years apart, but not enough to hide who she was. 

"Its alright to cry parum faba, its alright." 

Too many emotions swirled through Valeria, but none stood out stronger that success. She had done it. She had found her baby. And she knew she had done it because she no longer felt the need to look. 

When Laurelai's shoulders shook a little less, Valeria leaned back just enough to look into those familiar eyes.

"Listen to me." She said with a seriousness that belied her immense happiness. 

"I am so, so sorry. I don't know what happened after that night. What I told you in the bar was my full recollection of it, I pressed my magic to you in a moment of panic." Valeria lifted her hand back to the covered spot on Laurelai's scalp. "I didn't know what else to do, I didn't know where you would go, only that your father would use his dying breath to send you some where safe."

She stepped back a pace, to place her hands softly on the young woman's arms. 

"None of what happened after that could have possibly been your fault. OK? Whatever happened. You were a child. And I would spend another eternity in the Voidspace to save you from whatever suffering you experienced, excepting that in doing so would rip me from you again."

She sniffed and a salty tear came up into her nostril. Valeria rubbed her nose and gave a weak smile.

"My sweet baby girl. Just look at you. Why, how old are you now? I was 28 when you... When it happened. So, if your beautiful face is anything to go by, Its been. what? 20 years?"




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Lita, Voidus’s office, the Alleys

Foolish girl, the voice in Lita’s mind whispered, slightly panicked and laced with derision. She should have realized far earlier that she was walking herself into a perfectly crafted trap - the type that she herself had often employed to ensnare an unsuspecting mark. This was a sloppy arrogance, she was so used to being the parlour spider, and not the hopeless moth that flew directly into the web.


Lita’s internal critic was momentarily silenced as she watched Voidus tilt his head back and run a hand through his platinum hair, seemingly lost in consideration. It was a masterstroke, perfectly calculated, and a small portion of Lita’s brain catalogued the utter brilliance of his timing, his positioning, everything, for later use in her own games. The rest of her mind she let catch happily on fire, tin-enhanced eyes following each long, slender finger as they parted furrows in his silver-blonde strands. Her own fingers itched to follow them, to rake through that hair, her mouth parting slightly as she gazed at the pale hollow of his throat. A pulse beat there, infuriatingly steady, completely unaffected. Lita wanted to feel it on her tongue, taste the totality of power and self-assurance that came from being able to end the world with a whisper.

“As it so happens I am quite accomplished in the arts of Emotional Allomancy. I am sure I could provide some useful demonstrations and instruction to begin your forays, we can set aside some regular meetings for it."

Lita felt her smile brighten mechanically, her training taking over while her conscious mind reigned itself back from total abandon. 

“How could I refuse such a rare and generous offer?” She said, taking a sip from her wine glass. Dread followed it down, viscous and cold. It woke her up in a way that tin powder never could.

Exhilarating, she thought, body a cocktail of adrenaline, need, terror. Relief. This was her, stopping the struggle. Such a terrible, glorious relief to be so utterly, expertly, caught.


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Laurelai, The Grand Hotel, The Bindpoint

The most Laurelai could manage was a feeble gripping of Valeria's apron in one hand as she sobbed. Part of her wanted to throw her arms around the woman, her mother, and cry, and keep crying until she couldn't any longer. But even in this emotionally raw state two parts of her mind rebelled against the thought. The first, perhaps predictably, was quite worried it would ruin her dress. The other, larger voice, still whispered that this was a trick of some kind. Perhaps not a spy, but some form of trap. Or perhaps she had simply lost her mind and was now hallucinating. Valeria's next words, words that Laurelai had always wanted to hear, did nothing to disabuse her of that thought.

"None of what happened after that could have possibly been your fault. OK?" Valeria said, tone familiar and soothing.

She doesn't know what happened. A tiny creeping voice reminded her. Doesn't know what you've done. Who you are. If she knew, would she be so happy to have found her daughter again?

"Why, how old are you now?" Valeria continued, breaking into Laurelai's thoughts. "I was 28 when you... When it happened. So, if your beautiful face is anything to go by, Its been. what? 20 years?"

"Almost exactly." Laurelai said, voice still shaking a little. "Nobody knew exactly how old I was. Nobody could really understand me, even though most people arrive here able to speak the tongue. But I'm twenty three now."

And I'm also a murderer, a spy and a monster. The small voice unhelpfully chirped in.

"How did you survive?" She asked aloud. wiping the worst of her tears away and pulling back into perfect, straight-backed posture. "I thought everyone was... gone. Except for me and..."

She trailed off, realizing she was treading dangerous ground. Voidus couldn't know that Laurelai had come here, he would suspect a ruse as she had, and he was far more suspicious a person than even Laurelai was. Would he question Valeria? Give her a chance to prove her story? Or would he just nip the bud immediately if he heard? No, best to keep her father out of this.

She took a deep, calming breath. Recentering herself, and bringing lines of power to the front of her mind. Her stomach tightened again at the thought, but Laurelai pushed through, keeping a firm hold over the torrent as she Forged herself to calmness.

@Mrs. Voidus

Voidus, Voidus’s office, the Alleys

It always interested Voidus to watch, when someone was clever enough to spot a trap, wise enough to know it was unavoidable, and poised enough to walk into it with a smile, accepting their fate as gracefully as they could. Lita Attar was such a person, smiling politely as her heart skipped momentarily in fear before settling into a semblance of acceptance. Fortunate that she had not adopted the Stranger's approach. The Stranger always refused to believe he had been bested, he had always sought to find a loophole, an escape, or better yet a means to fight back. He had found them frustratingly frequently.

“How could I refuse such a rare and generous offer?” Lita asked, taking another sip from her glass.

"I am glad you properly appreciate the opportunity." He said, draining the last of his own glass. "It is not a lightly made offer. And not one I extend even to all department heads .But I believe this will suitably meet your needs."

He gave another smile, holding her gaze as he set his glass back on the table and off slightly to one side. The pause dragged out just long enough to be noticeable, a brief lull during which two sets of tin-enhanced ears could listen to the quiet, hidden sounds that lay within human bodies. His smile widened a little further during the pause, pleased by what he heard, before breaking the silence again.

"I have always found the Metallic Arts the most interesting form of Investiture." He remarked, almost casually. "Not as flashy perhaps as the skills Radiants wield. But I appreciate that, almost uniquely, they cannot manifest their fullest possibility in unskilled hands. A dullard will never make for a good Soother, someone with poor aim will be equally poor as a coinshot. I enjoy that cultivation of talent. There are few things as upsetting as skill being wasted. I shall be glad to see that yours go neither underutilized or underappreciated."


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Lita, Voidus’s office, the Alleys

“I enjoy that cultivation of talent. There are few things as upsetting as skill being wasted. I shall be glad to see that yours go neither underutilized or underappreciated."

There were plenty of things about this meeting that had caught Lita off guard, but perhaps none of them as much as Voidus’s final statement. Lita felt herself frown ever so slightly, the muscles between her eyes pulling inward. The raw emotions of fascination, of need and allure, parted briefly to allow something new into her mind: confusion, and realization.

He was telling the truth. Lita could hear it in his voice, the mark of sincerity in the simplicity of his statement. It was not meant to cloak or redirect. Whatever else he intended for her - and Lita suspected that he intended quite a bit - Voidus did intend on actually teaching her how to harness and refine her new ability. He considered her talented. And he genuinely loathed the waste of such promise in others.

This last piece touched off something within Lita, something other than the melting, bone-deep lust that currently spiraled through her blood like poison. It reached into a lonely place, that corner of herself where she kept the sharp, painful rage of her past. Her father, Forian, all the various people who had paid her to spy on their lovers or business associates, the colleagues who stopped by only for gossip and a tryst. The Stranger, and his Shade. All those who had used her - but used her poorly. Claimed her as their own, but did not know what she was capable of, did not care to sharpen, to polish, to admire her. People who had found an emerald and used it as a paperweight. Unskilled and uninterested in discovering her potential. Even a demigod, who could have used her for any purpose, given her any task, had left her to wither on the vine.

The pain of being so thoroughly, laughably wasted grated at her each day, and kept her ill company at night. It was this pain, involuntary and unchosen, that she sought to drown in the brighter, cleaner pain of powdered tin. The blood on her pillowcase, the residue on her bedside table, they were choices. If Lita was to be wasted, better she waste herself. 

To be offered something so extraordinary, so necessary, as appreciation and utilization, was enough to make Lita catch her breath. She felt her hand shake slightly, causing the deep red wine in her glass to swirl lazily. Did he know what he had offered her? Its magnitude? Could he tell that all of her mounting guilt over what this would do to Laurelai, her better judgment regarding entanglements with her superiors, her recent history with the Stranger - everything was muted to an unnatural quiet within her at this one statement.

She would be used properly, and appreciated accordingly. A simple thing, and yet how long had she been searching for it? Always she had been a sharp knife in a dull hand. But a knife in the hand of someone like this? Lita felt her teeth toy at her lower lip, a tell that she would usually never allow. But what was the point of demurring now? They both knew her answer. Lita was dying of thirst, and Voidus, generous god that he was, had offered her a drink. More than a drink. A river. 

All this passed in a moment, and Lita found herself leaning forward slightly, nodding.

”I agree,” she said. “It is refreshing to meet someone both creative and attentive enough to foster and reward such talent. Thank you for your offer. When should we begin?”


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Valeria  was simply too overjoyed to be offended at her long lost daughter visibly putting up walls. After all, had she not been so extatic, it would have been entirely logical for someone on their own from such a young age to be entirely open to a stranger. 

She smiled warmly and nodded to herself. "I hope to one day help you feel at ease with your own emotions my dear. But please, won't you sit? It's a long story." 

Valeria sat and took the tea towel that hung fom her apron string and cleared her hasty spill. Refreshing their cups she handed one to Laurelai to take if she sat on the sofa seat beside hers.


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  • 5 weeks later...

sorry. had to finish several outfits for a new larp character

Ten Crysts. That wasn't a lot, but it was better than nothing. And it was a lot better than Balance beating the hell out of him in order to get the information. Mike agreed to the offer with a curt nod and got to his feet.

"I've got to fetch some things and we'll meet outside of the building?" he made sure to rise his voice at the end of the sentence, to make it appear more like a question and less like a demand. He looked calmly at Balance, tried to convey, that he wouldn't take him along. Because he wouldn't. He would be an idiot if he shared his true hideout with a stranger. And while Mike suspected, that he was an idiot on some days, getting caught after stealing something definitely puts you on that list, he didn't plan to go on like that. Fox stired beneath his skin and he grit his teeth, pushed him away. And strangely fox went, left him alone for now.

"I won't be long." he added like an afterthought and walked over to the door, opened it, so that Balance could step outside.


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13 hours ago, Sorana said:

Ten Crysts. That wasn't a lot, but it was better than nothing. And it was a lot better than Balance beating the hell out of him in order to get the information. Mike agreed to the offer with a curt nod and got to his feet.

"I've got to fetch some things and we'll meet outside of the building?" he made sure to rise his voice at the end of the sentence, to make it appear more like a question and less like a demand. He looked calmly at Balance, tried to convey, that he wouldn't take him along. Because he wouldn't. He would be an idiot if he shared his true hideout with a stranger. And while Mike suspected, that he was an idiot on some days, getting caught after stealing something definitely puts you on that list, he didn't plan to go on like that. Fox stired beneath his skin and he grit his teeth, pushed him away. And strangely fox went, left him alone for now.

"I won't be long." he added like an afterthought and walked over to the door, opened it, so that Balance could step outside.


Balance thought for a moment. "The top of the building would be preferable. I will meet you there. "

He walked calmly outside, and made his way to the roof of the six story building. He still needed to figure out the conversion rate between Norts and Crysts. How irritating.

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Continuation of the events at the hotel was on Discord, posting here for consistency, events in Voidus' office also continued in Discord.

@Mrs. Voidus @ZincAboutIt


ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 11:07 AM
People get together in Lita's penthouse suite at the Grand Hotel.

Voidus — 04/04/2023 11:15 AM
Laurelai, glancing up at the sounds of someone on the other side of the door: That will be the room service I imagine.
Using the time as she crosses to open it she Forges herself to calmness once again.

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 11:21 AM
Lita: Leans against the doorframe as she fits the key in the lock, hoping that her guest is either out or in the second bedroom and will afford her some peace to change and think

Voidus — 04/04/2023 11:23 AM
Laurelai, much more relaxed as she turns the handle, speaking before she has even opened the door: You can just put it on the- Lita?

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 11:52 AM
Lita, her hand jerked forward, key still in the lock as she sets her foot and instinctively flares her metals: What- Laurelai? 
She feels the blood drain from her face as the bottom drops out of her stomach, but covers her shock almost immediately

Voidus — 04/04/2023 11:54 AM
Laurelai, her own surprise and immediate guilt shoved to a distant part of her mind as she glances from Lita, to Valeria and then back: I was... that is, what brings you here?

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 11:59 AM
Lita, trying to peer over Laurelai’s shoulder, confusion and curiosity now overriding her burning guilt: I wanted to… check something here. Pick up a few things. This is my suite. Why are you here?

Voidus — 04/04/2023 12:02 PM
Laurelai, moving back into the room, pulling her gaze from the redhead: Oh I was just checking on... on Valeria.

Mrs.Voidus — 04/04/2023 12:05 PM
Valeria, calling out from her position on the couch behind Laurelai: I would invite you in ofcourse, but as it is your home I would not want to put you in an awkward position.
she looks between the two women with a tiny smirk

Voidus — 04/04/2023 12:08 PM
Laurelai, taking in Lita's condition before also smirking and raising a brow: Took a little break from work did we? Still, I don't think I've seen you this worn out before. What happened to your pewter?

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 12:14 PM
Lita, taking an equally intense look between Laurelai and Valeria as she steps inside and locks the hotel door: Forgot to take some this morning… too much on my mind.
She reaches her hand up to her hair, twisted into a lazy chignon secured with a spike after being unable to find her hair ribbon on the office floor

Voidus — 04/04/2023 12:20 PM
Laurelai, gaze shifting to follow the motion and frowning again: Did you... well, it must have been quite a forgetful morning.

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 12:22 PM
Lita, setting her folder on a nearby side table and trying to force herself to look calm, unworried: A lot to prepare for. Still sometimes forget it, on occasion. It’s not like tin.

Voidus — 04/04/2023 12:32 PM
Laurelai, considering for a moment reapplying a Forgery to herself but cautious that Lita is much more likely to notice: No, I suppose not. And you've had a busy day. A meeting, and a 'meeting'?

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 12:37 PM
Lita, cold fear seizing her for a moment before she smiles: The work of a department head is never done, as they say.

Voidus — 04/04/2023 12:42 PM
Laurelai, stomach twisting with guilt still: Come, take a seat. Something to drink? Or eat? Mo- mmm, Valeria made quite a delicious spread.
Internally she chides herself for the near-slip, but helped along by her own unfamiliarity with calling Valeria 'Mother'.

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 12:45 PM
Lita, frowning slightly at the odd cadence, but immediately distracted by the food: I- yes I suppose. You can tell me what led you to come here? I’m very interested.
She sits on her divan and slides a cookie off the plate, trying hard not to cram the entire thing into her mouth at once as her hand shakes slightly from hunger and exhaustion

Voidus — 04/04/2023 12:55 PM
Laurelai, eyes wandering in search of a distraction but unable to find one: I... well, as I said, I just came to check in on Valeria. Make sure that she was... adjusting well.

Mrs.Voidus — 04/04/2023 12:57 PM
Valeria, sensing her daughters tension, refrains from placing a calming palm on her shoulder and smiles to Lita instead: Indeed. It seems I have been blessed with two caring visitors. Though I should hardly be surprised after your offer for me to stay. How do you afford such a magnificent place?

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 1:00 PM
Lita, smiling back, eyes calculating: It is no trouble, of course. And as to your question… well. Good work is well appreciated, often in the form of coin.

Mrs.Voidus — 04/04/2023 1:06 PM
Valeria, taking note of the deliberate slight: yes of course. As a matter of fact, Laurelai and I were just discussing a shared history of Psychiatric work.
Valeria turns to Laurelai
I must lend you my paper on Avoidant Personality Disorder and the effects of dishonesty in intimate relationships.

Voidus — 04/04/2023 1:09 PM
Laurelai: Raises a brow as she gives a half-scandalized smile, looking between the two. About to interject in Lita's defense before hesitating, still uncertain of the limits of their current relationship.

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 1:12 PM
Lita, her smile unchanged but her eyes sharpening: How very fascinating. Laurelai shall love it, I am sure; I’m afraid it would be rather lost on me anyway. She’s the scholar, not me.

Mrs.Voidus — 04/04/2023 1:13 PM
Valeria's smile widens at her daughter for a moment: yes, she certainly has a keen mind.
she then stands and directs her hand toward the kitchen
Would you take some tea?

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 1:16 PM
Lita, perking up a bit: Yes, please actually.

Voidus — 04/04/2023 1:17 PM
Laurelai, temporarily mollified by the mutual praise: Oh, allow me.
Her gaze runs over Lita again, giving a slight frown.
Laurelai: Coffee maybe? You do look... worn.

Mrs.Voidus — 04/04/2023 1:18 PM
Valeria returns to her cussioned seat

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 1:22 PM
Lita, staring flatly at the blonde: How very sweet of you to say.

Voidus — 04/04/2023 1:24 PM
Laurelai, giving a worried frown: No need to get defensive. You look lovely even when you were recovering from a spiking in the storm. Just... are you alright?

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 1:28 PM
Lita, clearing her throat a bit at that particular memory and a far more recent, similar experience: Fine, Laurelai, yes. I am… just fine. Coffee would be lovely, thank you.

Voidus — 04/04/2023 1:29 PM
Laurelai, setting the kettle to boil with a wave as she begins busying herself with a trio of cups: Valeria? More tea?

Mrs.Voidus — 04/04/2023 2:33 PM
Valeria, brow creasing: thank you, I believe I have had quite enough.  My afternoon headaches  have begun, and I am quite sensitive to smell.
valeria stands to shake Lita's hand and moves closer
I thank you again for your hospitality Lita, if you dont mind, I think I shall lie down now, I-
Valeria smells the air with a perplexed caution
and, books?
Valerias cheeks blush

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 2:35 PM
Lita, frowning: I-I’m sorry. What?

Mrs.Voidus — 04/04/2023 2:36 PM
Valeria turns to look panicked at Laurelai, understanding finally what the two had been alluding to

Voidus — 04/04/2023 2:36 PM
Laurelai, filling two cups now and frowning: Something the matter?

Mrs.Voidus — 04/04/2023 2:38 PM
Valeria, releasing Lita's hand casts her attention to the red headed womans neck: I, am losing my mind, surely.
Valeria waves away the notion dismissively
But then there have been so many things that were not a coincidence already. Tell me child,
she asks Lita
Where DID you buy that marvelous perfume? It reminds me so fondly of my husband. In fact you smell  quite like he did when,
she shakes her head

Voidus — 04/04/2023 2:40 PM
Laurelai, freezing mid-step as she returns with Lita's coffee: Lita?

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 2:42 PM
Lita, quirking a brow, eyes flicking between her and Laurelai, a cold finger of dread tracing down her back: Hmm? I’m certain I have no idea what you are talking about. And I am not wearing any perfume, though there are plenty of…unique scents in my work environment.

Mrs.Voidus — 04/04/2023 3:30 PM
Valeria was struck with an instant pang of rage as something in her mind clicked pieces together.
Valeria staring unblinkingly at Lita and growling: Did you not say, daughter, that your father takes his tea with many sugars?

Voidus — 04/04/2023 3:32 PM
Laurelai, setting both cups down and looking between both women: I... it is complicated.

Mrs.Voidus — 04/04/2023 3:33 PM
Valeria, slapping Lita in the face: Cogitasti fascinare meum hominem, tibi vilis, aes, bilinguis femina!!

Voidus — 04/04/2023 3:38 PM
Laurelai, expression darkening in an instant as she glides to Valeria's side, blue eyes simmering with anger: Don't. Whatever... whatever you think you understand... you will not hit her again.

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 3:38 PM
Lita: Tin allows her to notice the motion of Valeria’s arm just in time to hold her ground, flaring the pewter that she is indeed burning, despite her earlier lie

Mrs.Voidus — 04/04/2023 3:40 PM
Valeria, gasping in pain and nurses her excruciating wrist: are you not dismayed? She, she...
her sentence trailed off as tears flew to her eyes

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 3:41 PM
Lita, reaching out to grab the injured wrist with one hand, the other pulling the spike from her hair and holding it out: I would think very carefully about your next few choices.

Voidus — 04/04/2023 3:41 PM
Laurelai, stare shifting to Lita: None of that from you either. We are going to talk. Like civilized people.

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 3:42 PM
Lita, not moving: I was being civil. This madwoman hauled off and slapped me because I smell like books?

Mrs.Voidus — 04/04/2023 3:43 PM
Valeria, slowly attempts to retract her arm from the vice like grip: Books, I can handle.
Valeria sucked in a pained breath: its what was done on top of them that pains me.

Voidus — 04/04/2023 3:45 PM
Laurelai: That is not a reason to slap Lita. Especially not when you have no actual proof.

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 3:45 PM
Lita, her eyes narrowing just slightly, fingers tightening in equal measure: What the hell is anyone talking about?

Mrs.Voidus — 04/04/2023 3:46 PM
Valeria shreiks, and lets out a sob, looking to Laurelai: Why didnt you tell me your father was here?

Voidus — 04/04/2023 3:47 PM
Laurelai, sighing: Lita, please let go of my mother.

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 3:48 PM
Lita, blinking as she releases Valeria’s arm, mouth opening slightly: Your… you believe her? Laurelai, honestly?

Mrs.Voidus — 04/04/2023 3:49 PM
Valeria hastily snatches her wrist to her chest, inspecting for broken bones

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 3:49 PM
Lita, not even looking at her: You’re fine. If I wanted it broken it would be broken.

Voidus — 04/04/2023 3:51 PM
Laurelai, holding out a hand: Here, let me look at that.
She focuses on the arm, rather than look up at Lita as she speaks.
Laurelai: Yes. I believe her. Lita, I told her my name and she still didn't realize who I was. Why would a spy not jump on an offering like that?

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 3:52 PM
Lita: She could simply be insane, it’s hardly rare in this rusting place.

Voidus — 04/04/2023 3:53 PM
Laurelai: Insane and using names that nobody else in the city know, speaking a language with only two living speakers, knowing exactly the circumstances around my... arrival.

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 3:55 PM
Lita, chewing her lip, twisting her hair back up into its knot and securing it with the spike once more: And you knew all that before you arrived, did you? Alone? With no protection or backup? No one who knew where you were? With a strange person claiming to be your mother? Very wise.

Voidus — 04/04/2023 3:58 PM
Laurelai, looking up to Lita again: I'm sorry. I should have told you.
She glances back to the wrist, waving a hand on it and using a simple Forging to remove the damage.
Laurelai: There. Please don't do it again. She really could break your wrist.

Mrs.Voidus — 04/04/2023 4:00 PM
Valeria, relaxing slightly with a sigh: He did always have a penchant for strong women. He offered you wine? hmm, you take pride in your work
she rolls her eyes
Valeria: Whatever that is... No, he praised your skills.

Voidus — 04/04/2023 4:01 PM
Laurelai, closing her eyes, pained: We are not talking about this right now.

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 4:03 PM
Lita, not quite totally hiding the shock in her face: I… had a meeting. Dropped off a report, requested to open the club. That’s what I went there for.

Mrs.Voidus — 04/04/2023 4:05 PM
Valeria, nodding with a sly smile: ah well, it was not premeditated. That man has such an aura about him, I can hardly blame you. she sighs wistfully Dios Mio! He can't see me in this!

Voidus — 04/04/2023 4:07 PM
Laurelai, looking suddenly up: You want to see him? That...
She glances back to Lita.
Laurelai: That would not be wise.

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 4:08 PM
Lita, letting out a tiny, hysterical laugh: You could, you could say that yes.

Mrs.Voidus — 04/04/2023 4:10 PM
Valeria, whips her head back at the odd little noise: Indeed. Lita, you are a shrewd woman, and give yourself too little credit for your inteligence. You will run a fine club. And you will make a fine lover, no, I dont mind sharing. His mercurial moods are entirely too much for one person to handle anyway. I have what I came for. I suppose I can wait.

Voidus — 04/04/2023 4:10 PM
Laurelai, blinking rapidly: I... that... I mean yes she is... but... what?

Mrs.Voidus — 04/04/2023 4:12 PM
Valeria, putting her arm about her daughters shoulder: Darling, your lover Lita, is also a lover of your fathers. This is odd I grant you, but not unheard of where we are from.

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 4:12 PM
Lita, swallowing another laugh: It, um… I am… 
She sits down
Lita: You were dead, alright? Like, incredibly dead until five minutes ago. Just. Let it be known.

Voidus — 04/04/2023 4:13 PM
Laurelai: How did you even know that? And... I am trying not to think about this right now.

Mrs.Voidus — 04/04/2023 4:14 PM
Valeria, seizing the moment to stand before Lita: But know this child, you will not lie to my daughter again. 

Voidus — 04/04/2023 4:15 PM
Laurelai, embarassed and irritated: Mother. That is... not your business to worry about.
Laurelai, muttering under her breath: And it's a bit of a sensitive subject.

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 4:16 PM
Lita, looking up at her calmly, utterly unafraid, too tired to be intimidated: Very good show, well done. How very sweet you are, standing here threatening me.

Mrs.Voidus — 04/04/2023 4:18 PM
Valeria, tsking: ah, you see Laurelai, Avoidant Personality is very predictable. The subject will do everything in their power to resist authority, and find threats exhilarating. Often this culminates in substance abuse and poor impulse control. But I am not threatening. Only stating fact. 

Voidus — 04/04/2023 4:19 PM
Laurelai: Please don't psychoanalyze my... Lita like that.

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 4:20 PM
Lita, pulling a silver case out of her dress pocket, selecting a cigarette and holding the case up to Valeria with a sweet smile: Substance?

Mrs.Voidus — 04/04/2023 4:21 PM
Valeria smiles, gratefully taking one and lighting it with a small green flame that sat on her finger tip: Very well Laurelai. We will be civil

Voidus — 04/04/2023 4:22 PM
Laurelai: Thank you. Now, if we can all please stop posturing so that I can tell my mother again what a monumentally bad idea it would be for her to meet my dread demigod of a father?

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 4:22 PM
Lita, raising a brow and lighting her own finger on fire with a grin, touching the cigarette to the flame: Alright, well played on that one.

Mrs.Voidus — 04/04/2023 4:23 PM
Valeria, coughing and spluttering on the cigarette: Pardon? coughs, and inhales Lucien is a God? I, well, I suppose of all the things that have happend

Voidus — 04/04/2023 4:24 PM
Laurelai: One of about a billion reasons you shouldn't meet him.

Mrs.Voidus — 04/04/2023 4:24 PM
She slumps ungracefully onto the sofa and kicks off her shoes, setting her stockinged feet on the coffee table 

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 4:25 PM
Lita, blowing out a stream of smoke: She’s not wrong. You won’t like what you find out.

Mrs.Voidus — 04/04/2023 4:27 PM
Valeria, smoking in earnest, and, feeling oddly at ease at having extended conversation after so long chuckled briefly: No? I suppose all I have learned lately HAS been rather a mixed bag. Laurelai, Parum Faba, I dont suppose you could still make that coffee?

Voidus — 04/04/2023 4:29 PM
Laurelai: Waves and summons a trio of cups on the table, along with a small port glass next to each.

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 4:29 PM
Lita, smiling at Laurelai: You are perfect, and this glass is far too small.

Voidus — 04/04/2023 4:32 PM
Laurelai, grinning and replacing it with a larger wine glass: Mmm, I suppose we're past the point of subtlety aren't we?

Mrs.Voidus — 04/04/2023 4:33 PM
Valeria, muttering fondly under her breath as she picks up her cup and extinguishes her cigarette: Marvellous.

Voidus — 04/04/2023 4:36 PM
Laurelai, sighing relaxedly as she takes a sip before directing her gaze back to her mother: Father he... I mean I only realized he even was my father... well actually that's rather complicated too. Gods how does one even begin?

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 4:37 PM
Lita: You’ve been in the city two weeks now, yes?

Mrs.Voidus — 04/04/2023 4:38 PM
Valeria, takes a sip before responding: Something like that. After so long in the Voidspace time feels... odd

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 4:38 PM
Lita: Heard of the Dark Alley yet?

Voidus — 04/04/2023 4:41 PM
Laurelai, groaning: Of course. Wouldn't even know of the Alleys yet.
She runs a hand through her long blonde strands pulling her hair back and then over one shoulder.

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 4:43 PM
Lita, pulling out a pen and seeming to twirl it absently, sending a message to Laurelai: I’m sorry. I really did just want to open the bar.

Voidus — 04/04/2023 4:46 PM
Laurelai, fingers twitching a moment before replying: I know. Just... we can talk about it later. I'm sorry I went behind your back.

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 4:50 PM
Lita: I cannot possibly be mad at you after…this. But I am going to have to tell him about her, and soon. Possibly even today. It is my job, and now that I- well, it is now even more my job. 

Voidus — 04/04/2023 4:53 PM
Laurelai, pausing, about to prod further before giving a near-invisible sigh: I'll do it. Better he finds out when I'm nearby.

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 4:54 PM
Lita, visibly relaxing: Thank the Survivor.

Voidus — 04/04/2023 5:40 PM
Laurelai, speaking aloud again: I... could set something up. If you're sure you want to see him.

Mrs.Voidus — 04/04/2023 5:43 PM
Valeria, takes her time thinking, then: Lita is correct. Five minutes ago learned he was not dead. That is a lot of misplaced grief. And we, weren't exactly at an ideal level in our marriage before it all... however long ago that was. she takes another sip of coffee This is very good darling. Well done.

Voidus — 04/04/2023 5:45 PM
Laurelai, giving a small smile at the compliment: Thank you. Just wait till you try this coffee machine we have. Another day then?
Laurelai: It's just... he will find out. Soon. It would... be better if I was around when he did.

Mrs.Voidus — 04/04/2023 6:05 PM
Valeria, smiling brightly: quis erit, erit, Parum Faba. I suppose then you had best stay close to my side.

Voidus — 04/04/2023 11:24 PM
Laurelai, giving a slight frown as her fingers twirl another message to Lita: Could you delay until tomorrow at least? Give some time to... come to terms with things?

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 11:26 PM
Lita, tapping her foot and thinking, taking another breath of smoke as she does so before letting it out and replying: Fine. But any more than that and I’d catch hell, this is precisely the sort of thing I’m supposed to find out and tell as soon as possible.

Voidus — 04/04/2023 11:31 PM
Laurelai: I know, I'm sorry. I know that- I know you wouldn't want to seem incapable. I'll... find some way to explain.

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 11:32 PM
Lita: Rather more worried about seeming deceitful, considering we watched him murder the last person to lie to him

Voidus — 04/04/2023 11:32 PM
Laurelai, paling a little: He wouldn't... probably.

ZincAboutIt — 04/04/2023 11:33 PM
Lita, her hand shaking slightly again as she brings her cigarette to her lips: Sure. Probably.

Voidus — 04/04/2023 11:35 PM
Laurelai, chewing her lip for a moment: I'm... going to have to tell him. Can't risk... that.
Laurelai, speaking aloud again: Mother? Did you want a bath perhaps? Something to settle you? That was... a lot to learn.

Mrs.Voidus — 04/05/2023 12:35 AM
Valeria, stretching: I am still covered in flour. It warms my heart to  hear you call me that.
Valeria stands and removes her apron
Thank you, both of you. I will take my time, I think
she chuckles at that, heads to the marble ensuite, humming her and luciens wedding song

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 12:39 AM
Lita, after watching her go: So…

Voidus — 04/05/2023 12:41 AM
Laurelai, pen twirling in her hand again, to a different recipient: Yes. So...

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 12:42 AM
Lita: So… I got permission to open that club…

Voidus — 04/05/2023 12:44 AM
Laurelai: Wonderful. Please order all of the alcohol. I would like all of the alcohol right now.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 12:45 AM
Lita, sighing and walking to an expansive liquor cabinet, opening the door: What sort?

Voidus — 04/05/2023 12:47 AM
Voidus, stepping from a corner, eyes dark and piercing as he immediately glances across the room: Are you alright?

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 12:48 AM
Lita, nearly dropping the bottle of whiskey she was holding with a quiet curse: Bloody rust-

Voidus — 04/05/2023 12:50 AM
Laurelai, jumping in her seat: Gah-ods. I was fine, now I've spilled my coffee.
Voidus: Head slowly turning until he has examined the space, then reaching into the shadows behind him and scooping another figure along, one hand on her hip.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 12:52 AM
Vivica, stepping along happily, immediately looking around: Oh, this is lovely, Nox. So much blue and white. Very nice colors. Not the best colors but… oh, hello Miss Laurelai!
She rearranges her dress absently

Voidus — 04/05/2023 12:56 AM
Laurelai, staring at her father still buttoning a shirt and then to Vivica: This... is a day.
Voidus: What did you call for?

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 12:58 AM
Lita: Sets the bottle of whiskey on the coffee table and meets Voidus’s eye for a moment, trying not to blush as she sits down

Voidus — 04/05/2023 12:59 AM
Laurelai, reseating herself and Forging the coffee stain from her dress: I... don't quite know how to phrase this. I'm fine, it wasn't... when I said I needed to talk I didn't mean right this second.
Voidus, focused only on his daughter now with a light frown: It was the first time you... well, it appears I was perhaps too protective.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 1:02 AM
Vivica: Is this your home, Laurelai?

Voidus — 04/05/2023 1:03 AM
Laurelai, a little surprised: I... no this is Lita's.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 1:05 AM
Lita, opening the decanter and pouring herself a measure of amber liquor: I keep it as a secondary residence in the city, a place I can use for any number of things. Useful for someone in my…line of work.
She holds up the bottle
Lita: Whiskey?

Voidus — 04/05/2023 1:08 AM
Voidus, giving an absent nod: Laurelai? What is it? It's... alright. Just tell me.
Laurelai, hesitating before giving a small nod: Yes. I just... you have to promise not to do anything rash okay? And actually listen before you jump to conclusions.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 1:09 AM
Lita: Pours a perfect second glass, setting it before Voidus with a rare sort of precision, even for her, before returning to her seat to listen

Voidus — 04/05/2023 1:13 AM
Voidus, pausing for a long moment as he takes the glass: You're worried I'll do something? To the woman in the other room perhaps?
Laurelai, flinching as she quickly glances to the hallway Valeria just departed through: I... please, you have to promise.
Voidus, holding her gaze before giving a heavy sigh: Fine. I promise. Can we dispense with the cloak and dagger now?

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 1:14 AM
Vivica, burning bronze and tilting her head: Hmm, an odd sort of investiture. Not one I’ve heard before.

Voidus — 04/05/2023 1:16 AM
Laurelai: No. I imagine not. But um...
She glances around before fixing her gaze on her now-empty coffee cup and refilling it with a wave.
Laurelai, looking up to Vivica: Similar?

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 1:18 AM
Vivica, tapping her nose thoughtfully, leaving a smear of red on the tip: Yes, actually. A bit like AonDor, sort…of. Not quite. 
Her eyes brighten
Vivica: Have you been making new people in here? Baking? New magic? How delightful!

Voidus — 04/05/2023 1:20 AM
Laurelai, blinking in momentary discomfort as her pupils shift rapidly through a spectrum of colours: Damn bane. Um... no, not quite. More like... finding old magic.
Voidus, frown deepening: Plainly, Laurelai. Speak plainly.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 1:23 AM
Vivica, whispering to Lita: Do you have anything red?
Lita, blinking a moment before composing her face into a polite smile: Of course. Would you like to help me choose?

Voidus — 04/05/2023 1:24 AM
Laurelai, taking a deep settling breath: I... found my mother. That's her.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 1:25 AM
Vivica, turning: That’s lovely!

Voidus — 04/05/2023 1:26 AM
Voidus, staring first at his daughter, and then glancing up, his dark eyes seeming ready to pierce through the walls between him and the other occupant of the suite: That is not possible Laurelai. Not even in the Forgery.
Laurelai: I know, I... remember. But what if that's because she wasn't here? She couldn't be Forged because she was still... wherever she was.
Voidus, his voice gaining a slight edge of tension: And where was she? Where did she appear from? Which group sent her here?

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 1:30 AM
Lita, speaking softly: She has no other connections that I can find. Totally rootless. Arrived speaking a language that cannot be translated via the Worldspike. She has to use a medallion. If she is lying, she is a better liar than any I’ve ever met. Ever.

Voidus — 04/05/2023 1:32 AM
Voidus, gaze drifting to Lita for the first time as his jaw tightens: Of course they would use the best. That is not...
He closes his eyes, strangely similar to his daughter as he takes a deep breath and forces himself to relax.
Voidus, looking once again to Lita: You are sure?

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 1:35 AM
Lita, hand just barely shaking as she holds her glass with practiced ease, the only crack in her calm demeanor: As sure as I can be. I’ve been watching her here for five days. She has contacted no one, done nothing of import. I’ve had my people peer into the Cognitive, check for any kind of interference, aluminum cloaking - nothing. My best guess was that she was mad. The only other option, aside from her being who she said she was, is… highly unlikely.

Voidus — 04/05/2023 1:37 AM
Voidus: Highly unlikely is more likely than impossible.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 1:39 AM
Lita: It is possible that she is some sort of holdover from the Forgery. Some sort of corrupted figment. But not even.., forgive me but no one knew of that part of your life, correct, sir?
She avoids saying the name, but it is obvious who she speaks of

Voidus — 04/05/2023 1:42 AM
Voidus, considering this: No. They shouldn't. Difficult to rule anything out as impossible when he is concerned though.
Laurelai, shaking her head: No. It's not the Forgery. It's her. Please, you have to... have to trust me.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 1:43 AM
Vivica: Was she stuck in the Cognitive Realm too?

Voidus — 04/05/2023 1:46 AM
Laurelai: Something like that. She was nowhere. Lost in the Void, like I was before...
Voidus: Before the other incident, yes. But Laurelai, daughter, this is not... it is not possible. You and I, only two. We were the only ones to survive. It is one of the only things I still remember clearly about then.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 1:48 AM
Lita: She has… an odd sort of power. It could have kept her alive. Possibly.

Voidus — 04/05/2023 1:49 AM
Voidus, rubbing at his temple: Another impossibility. There was no such power in that world.
Laurelai: There was. She told me. Told me she... hid it. That you both kept secrets. And wouldn't explain where I got my abilities from?

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 1:51 AM
Vivica: Well, Nox. You could just make her tell you.
She shrugs, as if this is obvious

Voidus — 04/05/2023 1:53 AM
Laurelai, glancing up with confusion: Soothe her? I mean I suppose it might work but that's still not a guarantee. And it would hardly seem reasonable, she's been through so much already.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 1:53 AM
Vivica, tilting her head: Mmm, yes. That could also work.

Voidus — 04/05/2023 1:54 AM
Laurelai: Well what did you... gods you want to torture her?

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 1:56 AM
Vivica, defensive: Well we would heal her if she was telling the truth, of course.

Voidus — 04/05/2023 1:59 AM
Laurelai, looking up at her father: That is absurd. You can't just torture her... she's your wife.
Voidus, shadows flaring in his eyes: I don't have a wife, Laurelai.
Laurelai: You told me. You promised not to do anything rash.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 2:01 AM
Vivica, confused: There’s nothing rash about questioning. It’s very precise. Lita knows.
Lita, shrinking backwards: Well, I-

Voidus — 04/05/2023 2:04 AM
Voidus, holding his daughters gaze before sighing once again: Yes, fine. I will... speak with her first at least.
Laurelai, breathing a sigh of relief: Thank you.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 2:06 AM
Vivica: Lita, you look very well considering.
Lita, dumbstruck until she takes another sip of whiskey: I… thank you, Vivica.

Voidus — 04/05/2023 2:07 AM
Laurelai, glancing up, still disapprovingly towards Vivica before tilting her head: You... there's something different about you.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 2:08 AM
Vivica, matching Laurelai’s head posture: Oh? What is it? 

Voidus — 04/05/2023 2:10 AM
Laurelai: I'm not... oh! Your scar!
She immediately blushes
Laurelai: Um... sorry. I didn't mean to...

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 2:12 AM
Vivica, brightening: Oh! Yes, Nox fixed it. Can’t wear two earrings with only one ear, after all. He’s so kind that way.
She gazes at Voidus with unmeasured devotion 

Voidus — 04/05/2023 2:13 AM
Laurelai, giving a small smile: Well, I'm glad that he could help you. So long as it's what you wanted?

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 2:15 AM
Vivica, nodding: I just want him to be happy. He is god, after all. We should all want what he wants.
Lita: Gives half a nod of agreement before seeming to realize what she’s doing and taking another sip of her drink

Voidus — 04/05/2023 2:17 AM
Laurelai, frowning: I... yes but is it what you wanted?
Voidus, turning back to her with a flicker of irritation: You think I would have healed her without even asking?

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 2:18 AM
Vivica, setting a small hand on Voidus’s arm: He is always the most polite. Of course he asked.

Voidus — 04/05/2023 2:20 AM
Laurelai, giving a resigned shake of the head: Well I suppose that's all that matters.
Her smile of half frustration shifts to nostalgia as she thinks.
Laurelai: I had a friend who had the same kind of scar. From the war. Maybe she got healed too.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 2:22 AM
Vivica, humming a little: Hmm, yes, that’s where I got mine. In… in the… the, um… the fire…
She looks off to the side, staring at the wall blankly, eyes growing wider and more troubled

Voidus — 04/05/2023 2:24 AM
Voidus, moving to her side and wrapping his arm around her shoulders: None here. You know I wouldn't let anything happen to you.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 2:25 AM
Vivica, starting a bit at his touch before looking up at him with a smile: No, of course not. I’m always safe with you.

Voidus — 04/05/2023 2:26 AM
Laurelai, feeling oddly soothed for a moment before starting, swiftly striding to stand straight in front of Vivica: That.... do that again... that humming.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 2:26 AM
Vivica, more startled: What?

Voidus — 04/05/2023 2:28 AM
Voidus, giving a gentle squeeze to Vivica and a flat stare to his daughter: Laurelai! Would you mind assuaging your curiosity about a tune later? And in a much more polite fashion?
Laurelai, still not entirely used to treating Voidus as a father and not her boss: Yes. Sorry si- father. I just... um... could you hum that again? Please Vivica?

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 2:32 AM
Vivica, looking up to Voidus for reassurance before nodding again: It’s an old lullaby. Quite old. 
She begins to sing, her voice a soft, sweet soprano
Vivica: Sleep, little dove, safe in your cote 
The Nightwatchman comes in his little row boat
To carry you off to the realm of the Dreaming
Farther than starlight, though nearer its seeming…

Voidus — 04/05/2023 2:34 AM
Laurelai, eyes closing as she sways gently with the tune: I... never knew the words. Couldn't understand her. But it always helped me to calm down. When it got cold and they... in the dormitory they wanted to keep us warm so they used to light...

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 2:35 AM
Vivica, a little frown between her eyes: …a fire, yes. But how do you know that?

Voidus — 04/05/2023 2:36 AM
Laurelai: Because everyone else used to crowd around it... except for the two of us.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 2:37 AM
Vivica, stepping forward a bit: Lauli?

Voidus — 04/05/2023 2:38 AM
Laurelai, wincing and smiling at once at the familiar nickname: Um... yes. Hi VeeVee.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 2:39 AM
Vivica, suddenly smiling and laughing, clasping Laurelai’s hands: You’re so tall!

Voidus — 04/05/2023 2:41 AM
Voidus: Glances between the two with a raised brow but a small smile.
Laurelai, starting at the sudden motion and smiling in return: You're so much smaller. Well.. taller than then I suppose. But you're smaller than me now.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 2:42 AM
Vivica, giggling: Yes I am. Taller than an eight year old at least.

Voidus — 04/05/2023 2:43 AM
Laurelai: You're... gods, I haven't seen you since...
Her smile flickers, dropping and replaced by a sudden panic.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 2:44 AM
Vivica: What is it? Are you alright?
Lita: Quickly moves to Laurelai and puts a hand on her shoulder

Voidus — 04/05/2023 2:47 AM
Laurelai, swallowing: I... yes of course I am. Just.. overwhelmed to see you again. I mean, see you and know it's you at least.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 2:49 AM
Vivica, smiling again: Yes, it’s so lovely to meet you properly. You know, you were my very first friend. Even before I met Bennington.
She looks off to the side, seemingly at thin air, and nods

Voidus — 04/05/2023 2:51 AM
Laurelai, trying to force a smile but flinching at those words: I... yes, you were mine too. My first friend. Even though you couldn't understand me.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 2:53 AM
Vivica: I understood you plenty. There’s more to communication than talking. Bennington does just fine at it too.

Voidus — 04/05/2023 2:55 AM
Laurelai, smile growing stiffer by the moment: Does he? That's... how wonderful.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 2:57 AM
Vivica, looking back at Voidus: Are you…sure you’re alright? Have I been rude?

Voidus — 04/05/2023 2:59 AM
Voidus, frowning as he looks to Laurelai: No. Not rude but... what is it?
Laurelai, heart pounding in her chest: I... no really it's nothing. Just.. maybe some air?
Losing a good deal of her usual poise she glides to the door.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 3:01 AM
Lita, following quickly behind to open the door to the hotel hallway: What is going on?

Voidus — 04/05/2023 3:03 AM
Laurelai, leaning against a wall and breathing heavily: I... just too much. Too much Lita. Oh gods... this is... this is worse than not knowing.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 3:04 AM
Lita, putting her hands on Laurelai’s shoulders: Just breathe. Do you… do you want me to try and Soothe you?

Voidus — 04/05/2023 3:06 AM
Laurelai, attempting to force a steady rhythm and failing: Nods quickly in agreement, gripping tightly onto Lita's hands.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 3:08 AM
Lita: This won’t be any great show of subtlety, but it should work.
She burns brass and pushes down on Laurelai’s sense of panic and overwhelm, in addition to any sort of embarrassment and sadness
Lita: Hey, look at me. Is that better?

Voidus — 04/05/2023 3:09 AM
Laurelai, breaths coming easier now as she finds herself forcibly relaxed: Yes. Much. Thank you.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 3:10 AM
Lita, keeping the Soothing going as she rubs her thumb on the back of Laurelai’s hand: Of course. I… well it’s the least I can do.

Voidus — 04/05/2023 3:13 AM
Laurelai, an odd sense of stiflement as any sorrow she might have felt at the words is tamped down: It's fine. Just... stay with me a moment?

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 3:14 AM
Lita: Stay with you always.

Voidus — 04/05/2023 3:15 AM
Laurelai, giving a warmer smile: Thank you. Sorry this was... all such a mess.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 3:16 AM
Lita: Well my suite isn’t reduced to rubble and ashes so it’s better than it could be.
She pushes a stray lock of red hair out of her eyes
Lita: You knew Vivica?

Voidus — 04/05/2023 3:18 AM
Laurelai, a small pang of guilt not-quite entirely suppressed: I... yes. When I was little. When I first arrived here.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 3:19 AM
Lita: Gods imagining her as a child is somehow more unsettling…

Voidus — 04/05/2023 3:21 AM
Laurelai: Lita I made her like that.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 3:23 AM
Lita, immediately frowning: You what?

Voidus — 04/05/2023 3:25 AM
Laurelai, frowning at her stilted emotions: Strange when I can't... doesn't matter. I... when I was little I couldn't control things as well. I didn't even know what I was doing half the time.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 3:26 AM
Lita: So you… what. Changed the color of your dress and… made her insane? That doesn’t follow.

Voidus — 04/05/2023 3:29 AM
Laurelai: I... the walls were so dreary. I was just thinking it would be nicer if they were something else. And then... there was a crack in it. VeeVee, she looked into it and she... changed.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 3:30 AM
Lita, trying to hide the unease on her face: You mean like she saw…She wiggles her fingers

Voidus — 04/05/2023 3:31 AM
Laurelai: I don't know... I couldn't... it took me so long to learn what people were saying.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 3:31 AM
Lita: You’re telling me that thing could be real?

Voidus — 04/05/2023 3:33 AM
Laurelai: Real, fake, does it matter? She was the only person who was nice to me and I drove her insane.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 3:35 AM
Lita, smoothing her hair back: I’d say yes it does matter, actually. But… alright you can’t know that she wasn’t just sort of waiting for some minor incident to go mad. It was a war, after all. People see things.

Voidus — 04/05/2023 3:37 AM
Laurelai, shaking her head: My fault. Cursed by the Nightwatcher.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 3:37 AM
Lita, frowning again: You know, I have to say, when the hell did you go? To Roshar, I mean.

Voidus — 04/05/2023 3:41 AM
Laurelai: I don't know. Just always been like that.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 3:43 AM
Lita, shaking her head: We should go back in there before they… get bored.

Voidus — 04/05/2023 3:45 AM
Laurelai, giving a slow nod: Yes that's probably for the best. Be a disaster if my mother came out and just found them.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 3:45 AM
Lita, giggling in a kind of amused panic: Hmm, mhm, yes. Total disaster.
She pulls Laurelai by the hand, reentering the suite

Voidus — 04/05/2023 3:50 AM
Laurelai, settles herself, using a Forgery to straighten herself up: Sorry, just needed a minute.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 10:15 AM
Vivica, wandering over from a desk in the corner, looking slightly sheepish: Are you alright?

Voidus — 04/05/2023 10:20 AM
Laurelai, giving Lita's hand a squeeze: Yes, alright now. Lita helped me. And I'm so glad to see you again VeeVee... um... Vivica.
She gives a somewhat uncertain smile, eyes drifting to Voidus and then back.

Mrs.Voidus — 04/05/2023 10:25 AM
Valeria, having sunk into the tub  spent a blissful 15 minutes scrubbing and soaking, applying her favorite bath scents and re-painting her nails, felt utterly at peace with the world. Having found her daughter, finding her ALIVE, and knowing that sometime soon she could see her husband again, whatever that meant, she now found herself richly singing her favorite opera fom her musician days. Of course she usually played the Viola in the background, but she had been a very successful sopranic Understudy before giving it all up.
And the marble bathroom did have such lovely accoustics

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 10:42 AM
Lita, lowering her tin to better filter the singing out from the rest of the ambient noise in the suite, eyes the direction that Vivica wandered from and goes to inspect the desk: Did you happen to, ah…
She picks up a small dart from within a discarded glass, peering at it

Voidus — 04/05/2023 10:45 AM
Voidus, gaze drifting for a moment down the hallway to the singing occupant: Mmm, yes tripped the trap there, but the poison is still on the tip. Vivica just gets a bit curious.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 10:47 AM
Lita, taking this in stride and resetting the trap: It is no trouble, of course. Vivica I believe you requested something red earlier? Can I get that for you?
Vivica, smiling: If it isn’t too much trouble, please.
Lita nods, heading over to another cabinet to peruse a number of bottles

Voidus — 04/05/2023 10:50 AM
Laurelai, smiling at Vivica: Reds are my favourite too.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 10:51 AM
Vivica, her teeth biting down a bit too hard on her lip as she twists her hands together, excited: Mmm. Such a … nice color.
Lita: Smirks at the bottles, saying nothing

Voidus — 04/05/2023 11:01 AM
Voidus, eyes travelling to Vivica with an amused smile: Wonderful to see you so enjoying yourself.
He glances around the room again, considering, until his eyes finally rest on the hallway once again, gentle singing still drifting down it.
Voidus: I would like to see her. I can't believe everything you've said, Laurelai. But... I should speak with her at least. Give her a chance to explain the what and the how.

Mrs.Voidus — 04/05/2023 11:08 AM
Valeria, her voice climbing to the climax of the Aria, has her eyes closed, and does not notice the tendils of pure emerald will lazily drifting from her throat, mixing steadily with the softly sweet smelling steam that lifted from her. Love, longing, and hope filled the room with every climbing note

Voidus — 04/05/2023 11:12 AM
Laurelai, smiling more easily now as the twin effects of the singing and Lita's Soothing take full effect: Mmm, beautiful.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 11:18 AM
Lita, pouring wine, possibly the only person in the suite that is not relaxed: For you, Vivica.
She hands off the glass, careful to maintain her hold on Laurelai’s emotions as she begins bringing coffee cups into the kitchen, leaning against the countertop as she is finally unobserved for a bare moment, her head in her hand

Voidus — 04/05/2023 11:22 AM
Voidus, also smiling as he looks down the hall: A lovely voice, yes. Is it....
He frowns, trying to consider if there is any aspect of it that rings familiar, some note of familiarity or recollection. But the ceaseless passage of eons have erased much, and now he can't even know if he would recognize her voice.
Voidus, giving a small shake of his head: Impossible to tell.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 11:26 AM
Vivica, cheerful: It will be lovely to meet someone else that loves you very much. We can be friends!

Voidus — 04/05/2023 11:33 AM
Voidus, speaking quietly: Mmm, perhaps.
Without looking to her he begins a light burn of brass, reaching out to calm Lita and reduce her guilt, worry and replace them, not with the sense of purpose from earlier, but a general contentment.

ZincAboutIt — 04/05/2023 11:37 AM
Lita: Takes a deep breath, looking up from the countertop and smoothing back her hair, more at ease than before. She has a suspicion, but doesnt question it, merely grateful for a respite from her internal turmoil as she re-enters the parlor

Mrs.Voidus — Today at 11:37 AM
Valeria, finishing her song, hears familiar voices from the other room and smiles as she climbs out of the bath carefully, and piles her curled locks atop her head, pinning them in place with her silver clip. The tendrils of messy curls barely contained, as stray ringlets trail across her face and back. Her face, still dewy, her skin tightening from the change in temperature, she dabbed his favourite scent behind her ear. At least, the closest approximation to it. Finally, she draped a sheer black bath robe over her shoulders and secured it so that its sides merely kissed atop her torso, and the large black bow hung in position to just ensure decency. A few drops of the warm scented water trailing from her slightly damp hair, and collected at the Caesarean  scar below her navel.
Valeria takes a deep breath, and enters the hallway behind her husband: sic, dilecte marite. Num tuae divinae virtutes includunt lectionem mentem?
(so, dear husband. Do your Godly powers include mind reading?)

Voidus — Today at 11:50 AM
Voidus, eyes flickering over Valeria as she appears: Non sine labore aliquo.
(Not without some effort.)
He holds her gaze, eyes searching for something in hers.
Voidus: So you speak the language at least. And properly accented.

Mrs.Voidus — Today at 12:04 PM
Valeria, smirking: Sed sane haec sunt, quae diximus vota nostra. et quando est aliquid iocum, cum facile fit? (But of course, these are the words we said our vows in. and when is anything fun when it comes easily?)
Valeria continues down the hallway to her guest room
Sed ut ornare quam. ignoscas
(But I must dress, excuse me)

Voidus — Today at 12:07 PM
Voidus, expression tired but a picture of courtesy: Of course. Take your time. I have promised my daughter to hear you out.

Mrs.Voidus — Today at 12:10 PM
Valeria, having her suspicions confirmed, closes the door without looking behind her and lets out a small sigh of mourning for the husband that was. She dresses in her outfit that she had arrived in, now mended and cleaned, but with new shoes paid for from her nights at the bar
A few minutes pass and Valeria steps out again: Our daughter, Chien, but very well. I see you are much changed. Are you still as moody and obsessive as ever? I see your tastes in women have not changed. while smiling, she casts her eyes slowly over a besotted looking Vivica and an anxious Lita.

Voidus — Today at 12:17 PM
Voidus, raising a near-scandalized brow: Moody and obsessive? I suppose the latter I can accept at least.
Following her gaze, he meets Vivica's and softens a fraction before looking back.
Voidus: This is Vivica, she is... very dear to me.
He gives a gentle smile that promises an apocalyptic fate should anyone try in any way to harm her.

Mrs.Voidus — Today at 12:19 PM
Valeria gives a gracious nod of her head to Vivica: A pleasure to meet you Vivica. My name is Valeria, would you take some tea or coffee?
valeria walks to the kitchen and sets the kettle to boil again

ZincAboutIt — Today at 12:21 PM
Vivica, looking to Voidus, then back to Valeria: It’s lovely to meet you too, Ms. Valeria. I would love some coffee. If it can be…special?
She looks back to Voidus, smile just a bit too wide

Mrs.Voidus — Today at 12:23 PM
Valeria, looking confused: oh, beg pardon, its Dr. Esserethel, but I am afraid it is simple coffee bought from the market. I have prepared some cookies if you would prefer? I do so love baking, and these were my husbands favorite.
Valeria indicates the half empty plate on the coffee table

Voidus — Today at 12:25 PM
Voidus, nonchalantly: Ah, she means if it can be blooded, not a special brand.

Mrs.Voidus — Today at 12:26 PM
Valeria, eyes widening: Blooded? Like a winter pudding? she looks to Laurelai What is the meaning of this word?

ZincAboutIt — Today at 12:27 PM
Vivica, beaming: Nox always makes me a special cup. But thank you so much for offering your cookies, Dr. Esserethel. I do so love baking myself.

Voidus — Today at 12:29 PM
Voidus: Regular coffee will be fine, I will fix the cup for her.
Laurelai, lost in her own thoughts and starting: Hmm? Oh I... um... Vee- Vivica just really likes red.

Mrs.Voidus — Today at 12:31 PM
Valeria claps her hands in as a habit before quickly going about her task: Right, Strong black with four sugars for Lucien, Cream and one sugar for me, and uh, Vivica, how do you take your coffee base?

ZincAboutIt — Today at 12:33 PM
Vivica: Oh, just one sugar for me please. I don’t want to lose any of the flavor.

Mrs.Voidus — Today at 12:34 PM
Valeria lets out a snort: indeed. I quite agree 

ZincAboutIt — Today at 12:34 PM
Lita: Watches Laurelai carefully, continuing to Soothe her

Voidus — Today at 12:35 PM
Laurelai, calm for all her current introspection: Forges a glass of water for herself before looking to Lita with a slight questioning raise of the brow.

ZincAboutIt — Today at 12:36 PM
Lita: Notices before nodding

Mrs.Voidus — Today at 12:36 PM
Valeria: More port for you Parum Faba? Lita? This is a joyous occasion! There is no need to be so tense 
(Squishy Bean)

ZincAboutIt — Today at 12:39 PM
Lita, starting a bit at being asked if she would like some of her own port: I… no thank you, Valeria. Water is likely the…wiser choice at this point.

Mrs.Voidus — Today at 12:42 PM
Valeria, shrugging and turning to the cabinet: In fact, a celebration such as this should have more red. Such a vibrant colour.
Valeria procures a red velvet cake and brings it to the table with more plates and forks. Handing the carving knife to Vivica: would you do the honors?

Voidus — Today at 12:44 PM
Laurelai: Hmmm? No not tense just.. thinking. It's been quite the day.
She creates another glass before passing it over to Lita.
Voidus, smiling fondly as Vivica receives the knife: Mmm, an excellent choice.

Mrs.Voidus — Today at 12:46 PM
Valeria, returning the smile, though it was not directed at her: Thank you, I had to do something in my nights to take my mind off my failed searching. So,..
gesturing to the cake before returning to retrieve the coffees

ZincAboutIt — Today at 12:46 PM
Vivica, fairly vibrating with eagerness as she takes the knife:  Thank you! I’ll just… how-how much would you like Nox?
Lita, eyeing the knife very intently: Takes the glass of water from Laurelai, touching her shoulder in thanks.

Voidus — Today at 12:48 PM
Voidus: Just a small slice thank you.

Mrs.Voidus — Today at 12:50 PM
Valeria places each drink down before their intended and sits comfortably into the cushioned couch corner: come girls, sit. Our guest is serving us, it would be rude to make her more welcome. She smiles at Vivica
Valeria: A larger slice if youd be so kind

Voidus — Today at 12:54 PM
Voidus: Takes Vivica's cup as it is placed, thumb and forefinger gripping the rim before giving a subtle flex and pulling a piece of the smooth porcelain away to be replaced with a more sharpened edge. He then places the cup back in front of her and takes his own to sip. 
Laurelai: Gives a look of momentary discomfort to Lita before shrugging, taking her hand for just a moment to squeeze in reassurance as she moves to take her previous seat, now next to Voidus.

ZincAboutIt — Today at 12:58 PM
Vivica: Happily cuts several pieces of cake, then takes her cup and sips, the rim and her lip coming back red
Vivica: Mmm, perfect. Of course.

Mrs.Voidus — Today at 1:01 PM
Valeria blinks rapidly and takes a large sip from her cup, before spitting most of it out violently: Expugno! Nimis calida!
(Too hot)
she puts her cup down laughing and waves at her mouth and blouse

ZincAboutIt — Today at 1:02 PM
Lita, taking several plates of cake back to the couch, sitting on the opposite side of as many people as possible: I can cool it down if needed. An easy fix.

Voidus — Today at 1:02 PM
Laurelai, waving a hand almost before the liquid hits the ground: Here, let me just...
In between moments the spill vanishes as though it was never there.
Voidus, giving a small startled smile of amusement: Mmm, well conversation would not be easy if you were to lose your tongue. Lita?
He gestures off-handly to Valeria's cup.

Mrs.Voidus — Today at 1:08 PM
Valeria, still chuckling: Yes! And I would hate to lose the use of my third most valuable organ.

ZincAboutIt — Today at 1:10 PM
Lita: Leans forward and touches the rim of the cup, siphoning off the excess heat
Lita: Do let me know if it is now too cool. I can reheat it as well.

Mrs.Voidus — Today at 1:10 PM
Valeria, shakes her head in wonder at her daughters skill and casual use of magic, and at Lita's readyness to assist the order: Thank you darling. Thank you Lita. Now, I believe questions may be exchanged?

Voidus — Today at 1:12 PM
Voidus, cooling his own cup as it touches his lips: Mmm, yes I think that would seem appropriate.

ZincAboutIt — Today at 1:21 PM
Vivica: looks to see if anyone has started eating their cake
Lita: Notices, and takes a single bite, not noticing the taste to allow her to also begin eating 

Voidus — Today at 1:30 PM
Laurelai, straight backed as she takes a small slice for herself: I was trying to explain to V- to father the circumstances around your survival. He was....
Voidus, quietly interjecting: Doubting of their possibility.

Mrs.Voidus — Today at 1:33 PM
Valeria, smile fading slightly: Well then, I suppose I must show you.
valeria summons her magical will and pulling as much of her love into her hands, she relays some small snippets of their life together, Laughing, Loving, Fighting, Working, and the final night, with her drifting through the voidspace
Her focus solely on the images above her hand: Of all the names you could have chosen Chien, why His? After all he did to us?

Voidus — Today at 1:39 PM
Voidus, watching each image curiously, trying to find anything familiar and replying almost absently: It was all that I could remember. Two names. My daughters and his. Or... not a name I suppose, more a title. No more his actual name than it is mine.

Mrs.Voidus — Today at 1:43 PM
Valeria, nodding along sadly: amica mea, solitudo loci illius, oblivio sit quae me sanum servavit. sed nunc memini. Non postulo ut bene. sit in pace maritus. Semper memento, numquam seorsum. Though we may need new vow after all.
(that place, and its lonely solitude, forgetting may be what kept me sane. Though I remember now, I do not need you to. Be at peace husband. Always remember, never apart)
Valeria, removing her hair clip, and offering it to Lucien as her hair falls chaotically about her face: You saved us

ZincAboutIt — Today at 1:46 PM
Vivica: Watches the images above Valeria’s head with rapt attention, her face a mixture of delight at the magic and sorrow at what happened
Vivica, looking back to Valeria: Nox does that. He saved me, too.

Voidus — Today at 1:53 PM
Voidus, reaching to take the clip, a faint glimmer of recollection to his eyes: I remember these words. There are precious few that I do from that time. But these...
He peers intently at her, dark eyes searching deep into her for some hint of deceit, manipulation, or obfuscation.
Voidus, slowly: I... believe you. Strangely.
Laurelai, watching the image curiously until one particular scene causes her to suddenly avert her eyes: Gods, mother I am in the room.

Mrs.Voidus — Today at 1:57 PM
Valeria, eyes glistening with relief, chuckles: Yes, dear, and so were you then. We made you on that table. Very sturdy

Voidus — Today at 1:58 PM
Laurelai, groaning: Please gods I don't need an explanation of my conception thank you.

ZincAboutIt — Today at 2:03 PM
Lita: Slips a small copper ring out of her pocket and discreetly slides it onto one finger, recording the precise use of this magic for later reflection and report

Voidus — Today at 2:08 PM
Voidus, giving a slight smile at the same image: Hmm, yes it certainly looks sturdy.
As the images continue to shift he eventually looks back to Valeria herself, his smile settling back to an impassive line.
Voidus: I have no connection to that life anymore. No memories. A gulf of eons separates us from then. I am glad that you may meet your... our daughter again. But your husband... doesn't really exist now.

Mrs.Voidus — Today at 2:24 PM
Valeria, nodding sadly: I suspected as much. Well, memory or not, we are still blood bonded. You are free to do as you wish, as you always have been. And I suppose I will need a job while I wait for you to re-obsess yourself with me. she laughs There was this one time, wait.
Valeria conjures up a new image of the pair painting Laurelai's room. Lucien flicks some paint on Valerias nose, and she seems to be angry, but he laughs and wipes it tenderly. they kiss, and Valeria dumps the half can of paint over his hair.
Valeria lifts her coffee mug: To making new memories together

ZincAboutIt — Today at 2:27 PM
Vivica: Deeply troubled by the idea of anyone dumping paint over Nox’s head

Voidus — Today at 2:30 PM
Voidus, giving a small resigned sigh: I do not wish for you to falsely raise your hopes. To keep expectations that... things might not be different. A job is perhaps a good idea however, that should be easily enough arranged.

Mrs.Voidus — Today at 2:32 PM
Valeria, raises her brow at her daughter: did he neglect to teach you your manners? raising her mug higher

ZincAboutIt — Today at 2:34 PM
Lita, raising her cup, smile not quite reaching her eyes as she looks back to Laurelai: New memories.
Vivica, lips pursed in slight disapproval as she hears Valeria talking about manners: Raises her cup

Voidus — Today at 2:36 PM
Laurelai, looking troubled: He didn't really... um... new memories.
She raises her cup, calming only as she meets Lita's gaze.

Mrs.Voidus — Today at 2:39 PM
Valeria, now looking into Voidus' black eyes with a smirk and a challenging gaze: Fremitus!

Voidus — Today at 2:41 PM
Voidus: Silently raises his own cup, gaze flicking for a moment to his daughter. He watches her closely until she relaxes before glancing to Vivica with a pacifying smile and a slight shake of the head.

After some further polite conversation, Voidus finally set his small plate back to the table and rose. He gave a polite smile, seeming a little less tired than usual after the conversation. And helped Vivica to rise next to him.

"We will need to be leaving." He said, tone subtly shifting back to formality. "I thank you for the hospitality, and I apologize for intruding so suddenly."

He gave a small, courteous, nod. It had indeed been quite pleasant to have a reception like that, a mitigating factor that had helped to ease the conversation from uncomfortable skepticism to a form of resigned acceptance. But it was best to keep to formality for now. Valeria still seemed to hold too tightly onto previous memories, a previous notion of who he was. And one that Voidus was quite sure would not match his current self all too well.

"It would be best if you did not use the name 'Esserethel' overly much. It is a problem that I shall manage shortly but for now a topic best avoided. As is any discussion of the... details of your unique situation."

He held her gaze for a moment, hoping to impress this at least onto her, before giving another small nod. He turned to his daughter, just as Laurelai too was rising, eyes a little distant as they had been for some time now. Though that was most likely the shock of the day and the Soothing that Lita was currently applying. Voidus shifted his weight forward, on the verge of taking a step closer and... he wasn't quite sure. Offering some contact, a hug perhaps? But her distant look and overall withdrawal from him led him to simply give a second nod to her before stepping past Lita to the door.

"See that she has anything she may need." He whispered, lips not seeming to move and with a volume that only tin enhanced ears could hear. "Let me know if there is anything unusual, or if you need more resources. Keep someone watching over her. And... make sure you pay a visit to the individual down the hall. They seem rather interested in this room."

As he passed he made the briefest of contact, tracing along the inside of her forearm for a moment as he gave her whispered instructions.

"And Lita?" He said, still in the same pitch. "You did well. I will have more tasks for you."

He moved past her, keeping his stride and giving a beckon to Vivica behind him. As she reached him and he slid an arm around her shoulder, the two vanished the moment they stepped into the hallway.

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Clotho, Mistkeep, 916 Yomen Street


Clotho woke, got out of bed, downed a vial, and burned gold.

Beside her were two blonde haired women. They were roughly the same height, but wearing drastically different outfits.


The first was a Scadrian noblewoman. Wearing a prim yellow dress, she held herself high, proud of her station. She was growing in influence, and was making her house proud. She worked day and night, and played politics beautifully. Unfortunately, most of what she said was lies. Or at least, she rarely knew if they were truths.


The other was a thief. Wearing dirty brown trousers and a grey blouse, she scanned the room accusingly, as if she expected people to be listening in on…whatever was going on here. She had been a thief for, well, as long as she could remember. This woman had gone to Alleycity to gain riches and power, things that she didn’t have before. As she looked around the deserted room, she saw that the room was surprisingly empty, even for a noble of Clotho’s status.


Clotho, she realized, was writing again. Recording notes on these people, and saving it for later. She closed the journal, and got up. She had a big day ahead.



As Clotho changed out of her nightgown, she noticed just how skinny she was. That probably wouldn’t make a good impression, she thought. She decided to choose a brown noblewoman’s dress, which was wrinkled from laying in the closet. Much too formal, she thought. Not formal enough, she insisted.

I’m sorry, it’s the best I have.


Clotho walked into her library. Sparsely stocked, there was only about 40 books in it. They were all, however, written by her. Notes upon notes on her surroundings, her daily life, her history, and her alternate selves. Clotho never really saw them as shadows; they were just as real as she was, just not properly present in this world.

The halls were silent as she walked, save for her footsteps. She would need to get quieter shoes, she noted. She was unused to the silence of a manor; these places were almost always full of chatter, or at least the noise of servants bustling about. Where had all the people gone?

Clotho packed her suitcase with essentials. Three separate journals, of course. They all contained useful information on herself, and were still only half filled. She had transcribed copies of them, so that if she lost these ones, she would only lose today’s notes. Too much had already been lost. 

In addition to her journals, Clotho packed a separate, more ordinary set of clothing, in case she needed something less restrictive. She wanted to pack perfume, but annoyingly, she couldn’t find any. She always carried perfume with her. How could there be none? Well, it is for the best. Perfume is too recognizable. 

She wanted to pack more, and felt there was so much she was missing. She never went out anymore, and now she was woefully unprepared. Well, at least she had pretty good selves for the job.


As she approached the door, she reached for a hat that wasn’t there. Why was her manor so barren? At least she had a noble’s cane, which she could fight with if needed. It wasn’t very ladylike though.

Well, it looked like she was ready. Or at least as ready as she could be, with the little supplies she had. Time to go out and get some help. And Harmony, did she need it.

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Tsyan, Mistkeep, 919 Yomen Street

"You've got to be kidding me," Tysan said, fingers itching for his knives.

"Sir, please understand that -"

"A letter of reference? You wanted hunters. I can hunt. I'm the letter of reference."

They were standing outside a locally-run butcher-shop, Tsyan and the young, stubborn manager he was arguing with. The place looked like it was coming part, one layer of paint at a time, and it stunk more than a Axehound's breath, but the only reason Tsyan was here was because, in bright and bold lettering, an EMPLOYMENT WANTED sign hung over the front door. Turns out, this butcher-shop sourced its own meat.

"We need at least one other person to vouch for -"

"Vouch? You want a Whitespine? I can get a Whitespine. Half an hour. Forests outside the city. I'll get you a Whitespine. He can vouch."

The manager looked confused.

"Because," Tsyan explained. "If I get you a Whitespine, that'll prove I can hunt. You sell Whitespine meat, don't you?"

"Yes," said the manager. "And Chasmfiend meat."

Only in AlleyCity, thought Tsyan. No wonder they were looking for hunters.

The manager kept his stance. No one to vouch, no job. Tsyan got so irritated he burned iron, and traced a blue line to the sign behind the manager. Subtly he took a step to the left, and the sign hung right behind the manager's skull. If Tsyan flared iron...

The sign shook, then flew off its spot towards the manager's head and -

- clattered to the floor.

The manager turned and knelt to pick up the sign. Tsyan sighed. He had killed people for money. Death by his hand had had value once. He wouldn't give it away for free, not for this rusthead.

And that job's gone now, he though sourly. The Ghostbloods were no more, replaced by the Mirrorshades. And Tsyan would go to damnation before he let his services go in the grubby hands of any of the two-bit gangsters and thieves in the streets. He wanted a job, storm it, and honest-to-Shard, legitimate form of employment, like killing people for the Ghostbloods had been. And now it was over.

While the manager fixed the sign, Tsyan grumbled and walked in the other direction. It was pointless. He ran, then Pulled on a streetlight and launched himself in the air. He maneuvered over the streetlight midair so that his chest wouldn't strike it, and then - 

- he was out of iron.

Storms, he thought. When had he forgotten about refilling his iron? This was shaping up to be a great morning indeed.

He crashed into the ground a few short paces from where he launched, right in front of an older woman and an even older manor.


Edited by I think I am here.
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Clotho took a brave step forward…and nearly walked into the man that just crumpled onto her doorstep.

Clotho jumped back. She wanted to pull out a knife on him. She wanted to scold him for jumping up on her, and dropping onto her own private property unannounced. She wanted to run back into her manor and slam the door behind her.

Instead, she said


”Oh my Harmony! Are you okay?”


A million questions raced through her mind. Who is this man? What is he doing here? How dare he? Why did he fall? Was that bone? 

She looked around. No visible place to fall. Must be a lurcher. Upon closer inspection, a few empty vials seem to have shattered in the fall.

Sadly, she lacked any real skill in medical attention today. Best she could do was make a rusty bandaging, and that doesn’t seem to be the attention this poor sod needed.

Looking around, there seemed to be very few others around, and no one rushing to help. Guess that’s Alleycity for you. 

“Here, let’s get you up. Least I can do for you.”


There’s no need to be polite, she thought. This person just crashed into being your problem without a thought towards you. 

Ignoring her thoughts for the time being, she hauled him into a sitting position. She often encountered such scenes, but few as sudden, and few where she is in any position to help.

Flashes of steel and gunshots flooded her mind. These past few years had certainly not been what she imagined the Alleyverse to be like.

Interesting. She would need to write that down.


”What’s your name sir? And what are you doing falling from the sky like that?”


@I think I am here.

Edited by Koloss17
Forgot the mention!
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2 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

"What’s your name sir? And what are you doing falling from the sky like that?”

Tsyan, Mistkeep, 919 Yomen Street

For the first few seconds Tsyan couldn't see or hear anything. The pain was all he could sense. Then, quickly, he forced himself back to reality, taking in a deep breath and numbing the pain. You never let pain get you down. What was pain? A feeling. Was he going to be put down by a storming feeling? No, sir.

He felt himself being placed into a sitting position and looked to an older woman helping him. He listened to her, while staring at the manor behind her.

What was he doing falling from the sky? "That's my right," Tysan said. "Divine right. You think the Lonely God gave us Lurchers the ability to fly without wanting us to use it? Scratches are just... par for the course."

He looked back to the woman, dressed in a creased brown dress. He looked back to the manor, devoid of any guards or orderlies, it seemed. Prime target. He could break in, score some iron, get enough money to pay rent this month, get -

- he stopped himself. He was an assassin, storm it. Not a gangster. He looked at the arm he had landed on, glad it wasn't serious enough to be a scar. He had enough scars already.

"Do you have iron?" he asked the woman, wishing she'd stop staring. "I'm Tsyan," he said, hoping giving his name would give her more incentive. He narrowed his eyes. She looked vaguely familiar, but he couldn't place her.

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5 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

What was he doing falling from the sky? "That's my right," Tysan said. "Divine right. You think the Lonely God gave us Lurchers the ability to fly without wanting us to use it? Scratches are just... par for the course."

Clotho was taken aback. This man…was surprisingly okay for someone that just fell—close to two stories, at least, from her estimation. She had seen this type of thing a few times before, from common thugs. Trying to be tougher than they actually were.

”Listen here mister” She said, adopting a role she has gone into a million times. “You may have the rights to the skies, but you have no right to crash onto my doorstep.”

He seemed a bit shaken, and didn’t seem to be properly hearing things. Which isn’t that surprising, given his current state.


"Do you have iron?" he asked the woman, wishing she'd stop staring. "I'm Tsyan," he said, hoping giving his name would give her more incentive.

“I have iron, but nothing pure enough for you to use. Do you seriously expect me to have Allomancer’s iron lying around?”

This man seemed to be as smart as a brick, but he was still in pain, even though he wouldn’t show it.

”Look, other than iron, what can I give you? I’m already running late, and you dying on my porch will not make things go any faster.”

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5 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

"Listen here mister” She said, adopting a role she has gone into a million times. “You may have the rights to the skies, but you have no right to crash onto my doorstep.”

"Yes ma'am," Tsyan said, groaning and shakily standing to his feet. He'd dealt with superior officers, generals and - once - a Ghostblood council member, but surprisingly this older lady commanded more authority than any of them in those few short words.

Maybe he he was still dazed from the fall.

5 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

"Look, other than iron, what can I give you? I’m already running late, and you dying on my porch will not make things go any faster.”

No iron. Tsyan titled his head. Curious. So it wasn't just the exterior - her manor really didn't have any security. Typically, even if nobles hired a Thug or Coinshot, they still had some reserves. Something.

Again, his irritation flared, his heart quickened and he reached for his knife, but stopped himself. The lady had helped him. That had to count for something.

She asked what she could give him.

A job, thought Tsyan sourly.

"A job," he accidentally said out loud. Storms.

He backed away from the lady. Despite the pain, his steps were quick, precise, and firm. That was the training.  "Forget that. I'm no beggar," he growled at her.

Edited by I think I am here.
Added sentence
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