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Wittles Makes Some Stuff Sometimes!!


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On 3/20/2023 at 0:44 PM, Wittles of Shinovar said:

If y'all have any drawing requests, they would be greatly appreciated because I am really bad at figuring out what to draw

i got a few ideas in the little squiggly brain of mine :P

  • I kinda want to see what Bee, Toast, Deckard, Crispin, Cas, or Cardamon from Bee and PuppyCat would look like in your style!
  • frog (because hyper-fixations do happen)
  • what your _____ would look like as a human
    • Imagination
    • Thought process
    • Favorite color
    • Personality
    • Writing style (either story-wise or texting, either one works)
  • turning everyday objects into people (i noticed you draw a lot of people lol)
    • a fan
    • CD
    • charging cord
    • cheetos
    • (basically, i'll look around for an object, write it down, then continue writing whatever words pop in my head, and that's how i make lists of what to draw as people) 
  • Brandon Sanderson's book characters
    • Spensa (Skyward)
    • Alanik (Skyward)
    • Doomslug (Skyward)
    • Rig (Skyward)
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13 hours ago, shortcake said:

i got a few ideas in the little squiggly brain of mine :P

  • I kinda want to see what Bee, Toast, Deckard, Crispin, Cas, or Cardamon from Bee and PuppyCat would look like in your style!
  • frog (because hyper-fixations do happen)
  • what your _____ would look like as a human
    • Imagination
    • Thought process
    • Favorite color
    • Personality
    • Writing style (either story-wise or texting, either one works)
  • turning everyday objects into people (i noticed you draw a lot of people lol)
    • a fan
    • CD
    • charging cord
    • cheetos
    • (basically, i'll look around for an object, write it down, then continue writing whatever words pop in my head, and that's how i make lists of what to draw as people) 
  • Brandon Sanderson's book characters
    • Spensa (Skyward)
    • Alanik (Skyward)
    • Doomslug (Skyward)
    • Rig (Skyward)

Wow, that is a whole bunch of things that opens up a lot of possibilities, thank you!

Also, Bee and PuppyCat?

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On 3/20/2023 at 0:44 PM, Wittles of Shinovar said:

If y'all have any drawing requests, they would be greatly appreciated because I am really bad at figuring out what to draw

I just tend to mash up two creatures or aspects of creatures, throw an element in and call it good and have three different creatures to draw :P

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@shortcake, your prompts are really good. I did what my personality would look like as a person. At least how I see it anyway



It feels like I put on a mask and I have to hide the real part of me

Sorry, that was probably really angsty. Imma just post this before I think too much about it

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Argh, double posting! Oh well

I did some more things! Last night I couldn't sleep and I drew a few characters halfway, and I drew this thing



It's just a conjuring of my mind at 2 a.m. I don't even know what this is

And here's a drawing a bit ago but didn't post, it's a lot less weird



Dragon Turtle! (turtle for scale)

I'll probably be finished with some concept designs for some oc's tomorrow or something so...yeah. 

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7 hours ago, Wittles of Shinovar said:

Argh, double posting! Oh well

I did some more things! Last night I couldn't sleep and I drew a few characters halfway, and I drew this thing

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It's just a conjuring of my mind at 2 a.m. I don't even know what this is

And here's a drawing a bit ago but didn't post, it's a lot less weird

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Dragon Turtle! (turtle for scale)

I'll probably be finished with some concept designs for some oc's tomorrow or something so...yeah. 


And snakey person - reminds me of Fangs from Wingfeather!!!

*throws rep*

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On 3/28/2023 at 0:08 PM, Wittles of Shinovar said:

Wow, that is a whole bunch of things that opens up a lot of possibilities, thank you!

Also, Bee and PuppyCat?

np! and yea, it's my favorite show. some adults who have never seen it compare it to Steven Universe. My pfp is PuppyCat from the show. it's on Netflix and it it amazing!

On 3/30/2023 at 6:22 PM, Wittles of Shinovar said:

@shortcake, your prompts are really good. I did what my personality would look like as a person. At least how I see it anyway

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It feels like I put on a mask and I have to hide the real part of me

Sorry, that was probably really angsty. Imma just post this before I think too much about it

 yooooo that looks so cool! kudos to you with how you used creative liberty to your advantage!


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9 hours ago, Wittles of Shinovar said:

Argh, double posting! Oh well

I did some more things! Last night I couldn't sleep and I drew a few characters halfway, and I drew this thing

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It's just a conjuring of my mind at 2 a.m. I don't even know what this is

And here's a drawing a bit ago but didn't post, it's a lot less weird

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Dragon Turtle! (turtle for scale)

I'll probably be finished with some concept designs for some oc's tomorrow or something so...yeah. 

Ooooh! The first one gives me Fangs of Dang vibes but skinny and the second one is so majestic! I love the dragon turtle! It kind of gives me the same feel as the turtles in finding nemo if they were dragons :P, very graceful.

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How the scudding chasms did I miss this page?! Wittles, you're in trouble for not showing me it sooner. 

Okay first off I wanted to just point out something epic you did on the one you said the color palette was weird on--YOU USED THE BEST COMPLIMENTARY COLOR BLEND! Red and green are complimentary colors, as are purple and yellow and then blue and orange. Blue and orange is superior so epic job doing that. (*whispers with jazz hands* "COLOR THEORY!!!")  Also his whole pose and air and outfit and the SWORD *squeals and dies* IT'S AMAZING!!!! You deserve way more love and validation for these drawings because they're very good. I also really liked the one of--*brain glitch* *struggles*uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... what was his name? The hollow knight character. The one that wants me to join his dance. THAT ONE WAS SO COOL AND EPIC AND ALL THE THINGS AND THE COLORS WERE SO CLEAN AND AHHHHHHHHHHHHH it is amazing :star-eyes: x7 

I'm now following this thread so I can see more of your epic art :D Keep drawing!!!!!!!

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Thank you all so much! I'm so glad you all like my mediocre drawings.



Here's a drawing of Luz from The Owl House season 1. Dang the finale hit me so hard.

I'll probably be drawing more Owl House stuff because I can't just let go of all of the characters



This is supposed to be a basic design for one of my characters.

Her face is really weird. I kept trying to get the right expression, but I kind of just gave up at some point.

So I watched this animation, it's about 20 minutes long, on youtube called Lackadaisy, and it was amazing! the art style was beautiful, and the writing was also pretty amazing, I highly reccomend it. I had never really heard of it before, but apparently it's a web comic that's been going on for a while, and I have been sucked down that rabbit hole so yay!

Also, another thing I found out about is this thing called Linked Universe. It's basically this comic that has all the Links from the different Legend of Zelda games. The art style is amazing and brought back my Legend of Zelda obsession. So yay! I'll probably have some Zelda art soon lol

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Also, another thing I found out about is this thing called Linked Universe. It's basically this comic that has all the Links from the different Legend of Zelda games. The art style is amazing and brought back my Legend of Zelda obsession. So yay! I'll probably have some Zelda art soon lol

yeessss I love zelda

also your drawings are super cool as always!!! :D

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On 2/27/2023 at 10:51 AM, Wittles of Shinovar said:

I did another drawing!

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If anyone here has played hollow knight, It's Grimm! he's my favorite character, and he wants you to join his dance


for some reason this reminds me of Stolas from Helluva Boss

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's been a bit, and I haven't really done any actual drawings, but I have been doing more random doodles and practicy things, so hopefully next time I have an actual drawing it'll be better than most of my previous stuff. 

Aaanyway, I was awake really late and was thinking of things in the dark that would freak me out and something like this image came to mind



I just kinda scribbled this down before it got away from me, and I think I did a decent job of catching the eeriness. 

Thanks for taking the time to check out my mediocre drawings and such :D

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1 hour ago, Wittles of Shinovar said:

It's been a bit, and I haven't really done any actual drawings, but I have been doing more random doodles and practicy things, so hopefully next time I have an actual drawing it'll be better than most of my previous stuff. 

Aaanyway, I was awake really late and was thinking of things in the dark that would freak me out and something like this image came to mind

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I just kinda scribbled this down before it got away from me, and I think I did a decent job of catching the eeriness. 

Thanks for taking the time to check out my mediocre drawings and such :D

oooooooooo did you use charcoal for this? super cool! i likey :P


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2 hours ago, Wittles of Shinovar said:

It's been a bit, and I haven't really done any actual drawings, but I have been doing more random doodles and practicy things, so hopefully next time I have an actual drawing it'll be better than most of my previous stuff. 

Aaanyway, I was awake really late and was thinking of things in the dark that would freak me out and something like this image came to mind

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I just kinda scribbled this down before it got away from me, and I think I did a decent job of catching the eeriness. 

Thanks for taking the time to check out my mediocre drawings and such :D

That is AWESOME and reminds me very strongly of Sja’anat

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  • 5 months later...

Lol, I haven't posted anything here in forever, much less any writing. Today that changes though!

Hopefully I'll be putting more stuff on here more often. Anywy, here's the thing I writed, enjoy! 


The young man awoke. His sleep had been restless and fitful. There it was again. Every time he woke up there was a sense of loss, the absence of any memories made itself painfully clear to him. It was a memory of a life that had completely abandoned its owner. At least, most of it had abandoned him. All he could remember was a feeling of betrayal. The feeling was too strong for him to think it was caused by anyone other than a hero. Someone who had been idolized. A father. He couldn’t remember his own name, but somehow he remembered this? Why was this betrayal the only thing he remembered? It wasn’t even the event itself that had ingrained itself into his mind, it was merely the feeling. It was merely the imprint of an emotional scar too deep for the loss of memories to affect it. 


In the two years he could remember, he had often felt powerful emotions without a memory to tie them to reality. Dreams were the most noticeable cause. So the boy avoided sleep whenever he could. At least when he was awake he could do something. He would often spend the nights roaming the streets, simply observing the nocturnal city life. He almost wished he could know who he was before, but he pushed those notions to the side. He knew that whatever had happened, it was in the past and it should stay there.


He forced himself to get up. Laying there wasn’t going to do him any good. He stepped over to the window of his apartment and looked out into the city darkened by nightfall, but still illuminated by countless artificial lights. When he couldn’t sleep or when he woke in the middle of the night (which happened so often that it was a rare occurrence that he would sleep all the way through the night), it was common for him to go out into the city, taking in everything around him. He found it was a good distraction from his reminiscing. 

Pulling on a jacket and his shoes, he left his apartment silently and closed the door as quietly as he was able to. He wasn’t quite sure why he did this, but he summed it up to habits from before. He crept up the stairway to the roof and stepped out into the cold night air. He stepped up to the edge of the roof and stared at the city below. The cacophony of city life washed over him and drowned out his thoughts. 

He sat there at the edge of the roof for a while, just watching the cars pass below and observing the hustle and bustle of the nocturnal side of the city. It was relaxing. He didn’t have to be so caught up in his own mind, he could let himself be absorbed into the rest of the city. 

After a while something unusual caught his eye. This area of the city had a much higher amount of criminal activity than the rest, so it was very odd to see a man wearing a tailored suit walking through the streets. He watched the man for a moment, trying to anticipate where he might go. The man kept walking along the sidewalk and turned left and around the street corner. 

He debated whether or not to follow, but his curiosity got the best of him. There  was something familiar about the man that he couldn’t help but be intrigued by. His curiosity compelled him to at least know where the man was going.

He got to his feet and began running across the rooftop in the direction the man had gone. There was a gap between his building and the adjacent one. He didn’t stop though. He launched himself through the air towards the other building. He didn’t quite make the jump, but he caught himself on the edge. He pulled himself onto the roof, letting out a grunt of exertion, and continued running in the same direction.

There was one other thing left other than that deep rooted aching of betrayal, strength. Whoever he had been before had trained himself to be stronger, to be better than everyone else. He knew that much, he just didn’t know if it was a desire to prove himself or merely an inflated ego that had motivated him, whatever his motivation had been, it had worked. He had no problem leaping across when he got to the gaps between the next few buildings.

He stopped to catch his breath when he had reached the last building before the street. Looking back, he saw his apartment three rooftops away. He looked down over the edge onto the sidewalk below, searching for the man he had seen. He saw the man take another left to go down another path that was blocked from his view. He kept following the man from the rooftops. 

He took a few steps back and started running towards the next building in the direction the man had gone. He jumped the gap with ease and kept going. There was a sense of freedom that he felt when he went on these sorts of nightly jaunts. After making four more jumps, he reached the corner the man had turned at. He scanned the ground below for any sign of where he might have gone. He couldn’t see anywhere the man might have gone. Then he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. Down the road, there was an old church building with a graveyard nearby, and walking up to it was the man. 

The boy was slightly disappointed that the reason for this strange occurrence was something so mundane, but he still felt like he needed to get closer. He needed to know who this man was and who he had been to him before his life had vanished. He ran over to the fire escape steps and went down as swiftly as possible without making a sound. He reached the ground in almost no time and began walking towards the old churchyard.

Once he made it there he could see the man standing in front of a gravestone. While the boy had been tailing him, he had held himself in a way that projected confidence; but here, it was almost like it was a completely different person. His posture had sagged and he looked utterly defeated. That same sense of familiarity struck him again. He knew he should leave the man be, but…he needed to know who this man was. 

Taking a cautious first step forward, he entered the graveyard. He took another step, and another. As he drew closer to the man, he could hear the man talking in a heart wrenchingly sorrowful tone, but there was no sobbing, no tears. The boy felt uneasy, he felt like it was almost wrong to be viewing someone else in such a vulnerable moment without them even knowing he was there. But he had to know. He resolved that he would at least let himself make some amount of noise, that way there was at least an illusion of respect. 

He crept closer to the grave and the man. He was no longer trying to hide his presence, but he also wasn’t actively making his presence known. The man’s hushed words trailed off and he let out a sigh of exhaustion. He crouched down and placed his hand onto the gravestone, as if it were the only connection he had left to whoever it was. The boy prepared himself to speak, then he stuffed his hands into his jacket pockets and took the final few steps towards the man. 

“Who were they to you?” He asked, gesturing to the gravestone.

The man didn’t show any visible signs of surprise at having a youth appear behind him and start talking. He simply let out another exhausted sigh before responding. “He was…he was my son. I failed him. I could have saved him, but I didn’t. I wasn’t fast enough, he died before I could save him.” He said. There was no sound, but the boy saw a few tears fall from his face onto the grass below. The boy tentatively placed a hand on the man’s shoulder.

“I-I’m sorry for your loss,” he said, surprised at how his voice had choked up. He hadn’t thought he was the type to get emotional easily. What the man had said had felt so personal though.

The man stood from his crouched position and turned to face the boy, looking at him for the first time. The man’s face went from one of mourning to one of absolute shock after looking at the boy. The boy took a step back from the man. Seeing his face clearly, that sense of familiarity he had felt was amplified. There were some memories that seemed to be returning in their broad strokes. It was a lot to process so he just stood there, facing this man who had most definitely been a part of his life. 

The man gripped his shoulders, almost as if he couldn’t believe the boy was real. “Jason?” He said, emotion causing his voice to tremble. “Jason?” He repeated, this time pulling the boy into an embrace. “I thought- I thought you were dead! I thought he killed you! H-how…?” He exclaimed in complete disbelief. 

Jason pulled himself away from the man, completely at a loss for words. The man himself had caused some memories to return, but that name, that name made him remember what had happened. He remembered the man, he remembered his name. Bruce. Bruce Wayne. He remembered what had happened, he remembered who he had been, but most importantly, he remembered what had caused his amnesia. He remembered the betrayal that had stayed with him through the amnesia. The last thing he could remember about Bruce was that he had left him for dead. He had been stuck in a living hell, tormented by the Joker for so long, and Bruce had never come for him. He had simply moved on to find another apprentice.

 While Jason had felt sympathetic towards Bruce only seconds before, all he felt towards him now was anger. He was furious that he had the audacity to grieve at his supposedly dead son’s grave. He could have saved Jason, but he had replaced him so soon after his capture that Jason’s death was almost completely inconsequential. The most prominent memory was the moment where he realized the man he had looked up to, who had become his surrogate father had abandoned him. 

Jason took a step away from Bruce, still unable to form the words able to convey everything he wanted, no, needed to say. The best he could manage was a groan. He kept stepping away from Bruce. He was completely overwhelmed, he had regained his memories, the most important ones anyway, and the emotions brought with them were too much for Jason to bear. He felt so betrayed, he was so full of anger and hate and sadness, and in his mind broken from torture he was not able to come to the logical conclusion that Bruce had been completely convinced that he had been killed by the Joker. The amnesia had come after, a byproduct of whatever that woman had done to bring him back from the brink of death. His mind was broken, but with no memory, the mental scars were able to be shoved to the side.

With the scars reopening because of the return of his memory, his mind was almost as broken as it was before. In his mind, he was back in those days before the amnesia, where all he could feel was the pain of being abandoned by his father, his hero. But now he was conflicted because he had seen Bruce showing real grief over his supposed death. He knew that Bruce had cared, knew that he had tried, but it wasn’t enough to completely keep him from hating Bruce for it. 

In Bruce’s eyes Jason could see pain and grief and hope all at once. He wanted to run to him, to forgive him. He wanted to be Bruce’s son again. He wanted that more than anything; but he couldn’t let himself fall for it again. Jason knew that he would eventually fail him again, and he couldn’t let that happen again. He began backing away faster now. 

“Jason, wait!” Bruce pleaded, “Stay with me! Please stay here!” his pleas fell upon deaf ears. Jason gave one last mournful look back at him, and turned and ran. He ran with no particular destination in mind, he just needed to get away as fast as possible.

Rain began to pour down. Bruce stayed there by Jason’s grave. The rain poured down around him, but he didn’t care. His clothes were drenched, and still he stood there. He couldn’t bring himself to move, knowing that his son was alive, but that he had hurt him deeply. He mumbled a few words of apology to the grave and began the long walk back home. Maybe someday there would be another chance to reunite with him, but for now, it was enough that he was alive. Bruce allowed himself that one sliver of hope, but nothing more. He couldn't allow himself to be anywhere in his mind but reality, to do otherwise would be folly.

I'm finally living up to the writing part of the thread title, yay! This is the first piece of creative writing I've done in forever that's more than like two paragraphs, and I like it a lot. It's not that great, but it's progress to be sure


Yes it is a batman fanfic, what of it?



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  • 1 month later...

I got some things!

This is a drawing of Zuko I did from memory, mostly to experiment with shading, but I actually really like how it turned out. I've been absolutely obsessed with his character lately.



This isn't really a drawing, and I don't know if you can even consider this art, but I think it's hilarious. In my 3d modeling class we were supposed to make a render of a jackolantern, and this is how it turned out. Something about this image is just absolutely hysterical to me.




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7 hours ago, Wittles of Shinovar said:

I got some things!

This is a drawing of Zuko I did from memory, mostly to experiment with shading, but I actually really like how it turned out. I've been absolutely obsessed with his character lately.

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This isn't really a drawing, and I don't know if you can even consider this art, but I think it's hilarious. In my 3d modeling class we were supposed to make a render of a jackolantern, and this is how it turned out. Something about this image is just absolutely hysterical to me.

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Hehe I love both of those equally.

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  • 2 months later...

It's been quite a bit since I last put anything on here. Hopefully I'll be getting more consistent with my drawing habits, but for now, here's my attempt at digital art, sans color cus I just never got around to actually doing colors.



I was really liking the costume design for ninjago, so I decided to try a more realistic version of Kai. The eyes and head are a bit wonky, but I'm really proud of the hands actually. They don't look like weird sausage things! They look like actual hands!!


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