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Wittles Makes Some Stuff Sometimes!!


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I've been watching a lot of videos on how to draw gooder, and I think I've seen a lot of progress in just the past few weeks. My previous drawing was actually from a few weeks before, so I tried out a few new tricks and things in this next one.





I just freaking love Nightwing, and it was just fun to draw him. Except for when I was in physical pain from trying to get the pose right

This one took significantly less time and I think it's actually really cool.



This was pretty much a study on this:



Mainly because it's a cool visual that I wanted to draw, but also because I really like the movie

Uuuh, so there's some things! Idk what else to say so bye!



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  • 1 month later...

I've been really busy with school, so I haven't really had much time to do much more than just little doodles, but I thought I actually did some really good ones so...yeah! Here you go!


This is actually really close to how I imagine this character in my head, so it's how he officially looks now. 

Dis is Wick and he's prolly my favorite character in the story I hope to write. Wick is probably short for something, but idk what. He usually tries to seem happy, but he's just sad here.



And here I was trying to do a side profile cuz I suck at them, this one still kinda sucks, but it's better than ones I've done before.

This is Soar, (short for Saurin), I think it turned out how I think she looks. She's from the same story as Wick, but I haven't quite got as much of a hold on her character though, but she's cool so yeah.



Then here's just some doodles I did in my notes with no reference, so they look a bit wonky. Use references kids!

(Also, sorry for bad image quality, I tend to draw small and phone camera no likey)


I've been drawing hollow knight characters a lot cuz I just love their designs.

Here's Broken Vessel/Lost Kin(I drew two of them cuz yes):




And here's Grimm:



And the Knight:



I've also been doodling Deltarune/Undertale characters cuz I love their designs too and I just love them so much.

Anyways, here's Papyrus:



And Kris:



And finally Ralsei(the fluffiest boy):



Soooo...Yeah! I didn't really use references for any of these, so they're all a bit off, but recognizable at least. Also again, sorry for the blurry photo quality, idk why it do dat.

There you go! Oodles of doodles! 

Bye for now!

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  • 2 months later...
On 2/13/2024 at 5:39 PM, Wittles said:

I've been really busy with school, so I haven't really had much time to do much more than just little doodles, but I thought I actually did some really good ones so...yeah! Here you go!

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This is actually really close to how I imagine this character in my head, so it's how he officially looks now. 

Dis is Wick and he's prolly my favorite character in the story I hope to write. Wick is probably short for something, but idk what. He usually tries to seem happy, but he's just sad here.

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And here I was trying to do a side profile cuz I suck at them, this one still kinda sucks, but it's better than ones I've done before.

This is Soar, (short for Saurin), I think it turned out how I think she looks. She's from the same story as Wick, but I haven't quite got as much of a hold on her character though, but she's cool so yeah.

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Then here's just some doodles I did in my notes with no reference, so they look a bit wonky. Use references kids!

(Also, sorry for bad image quality, I tend to draw small and phone camera no likey)

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I've been drawing hollow knight characters a lot cuz I just love their designs.

Here's Broken Vessel/Lost Kin(I drew two of them cuz yes):

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And here's Grimm:

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And the Knight:

  Reveal hidden contents


I've also been doodling Deltarune/Undertale characters cuz I love their designs too and I just love them so much.

Anyways, here's Papyrus:

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And Kris:

  Reveal hidden contents


And finally Ralsei(the fluffiest boy):

  Reveal hidden contents


Soooo...Yeah! I didn't really use references for any of these, so they're all a bit off, but recognizable at least. Also again, sorry for the blurry photo quality, idk why it do dat.

There you go! Oodles of doodles! 

Bye for now!

Wick is my favorite! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I writed this thing just because. It's mostly just an exercise and I don't really plan on doing anything else with it, but it was still fun


Phoenix, sorry, Agent Phoenix now, found himself waiting for his first official assignment. He looked around the room to see what was there, or more accurately what wasn't there because the room was desolate except for a single sheet of paper lying on a desk, the two chairs sitting on opposite sides of the desk, a single bookshelf in the opposite corner lined with books that looked too full of themselves to read, Agent Phoenix himself, and of course, the potted plant in the corner he stood beside. 

Phoenix had absolutely no clue how long he had been waiting with the plant, but it had definitely been far too long. He lifted his wrist to check his watch, and after looking at his own skin rather than a timepiece, remembered that he didn't have a watch today, or any other day. A sigh of indignation that would have been audible to everyone in the room, if there had been anyone in the room that is, except for the plant. The agent hadn’t forgotten about the plant, whom he was beginning to feel inclined to call Beatrice. 

Agent Phoenix waited for what felt like at least an hour, but was in actuality precisely fifteen minutes, before the door opened and a man walked in. He looked to be in his mid-fifties, his salt and pepper hair was neatly combed back, and he wore a navy blue suit vest over a collared shirt. Phoenix noticed a pocket watch chain dangling from the right pocket of the vest.

“Hello! So sorry for the wait, Agent. I was attending to some urgent matters,” the man said jovially.

From the crumbs on his lapel, Phoenix concluded that the “urgent matters” had involved a pastry or two from the cafe downstairs. The man crossed the room to sit at the chair behind the desk.

“Please, take a seat,” He gestured to the chair opposite him. When Phoenix made no move to sit down, the man gave a hearty laugh and continued, “Ah, not so quick to trust foreign chairs I see! Those are some good instincts you’ve got on you, Agent! It’s always good to be wary of new things. Never trust new things. As I always say, ‘if it’s new, it might be deadly so always keep a gun handy,’” The man finished, chuckling to himself.

Agent Phoenix raised a quizzical eyebrow, but said nothing. 

“Now, where were we?” the man said. Looking completely lost, until he looked down at the paper in front of him. “Oh!” he exclaimed, “I forgot to introduce myself. How rude of me. I am your handler from now on, you can’t have my name, but you can call me Mr. Bucket if you must address me. So, with that out of the way, let’s see what we have here.” He picked up the paper and skimmed over it quickly. “Oh dear, this does seem like quite a dire situation,” Mr. Bucket said, notably without the emotion such a statement would usually provoke, “it doesn’t look like anything the folks at the academy can’t handle though, so neither of us need bother,” he concluded. 

From the pocket which the watch chain dangled from, Mr. Bucket withdrew an old fashioned lighter attached to the other end of the chain. Agent Phoenix looked on in alarm as Mr. Bucket lit the paper on fire. He scooped the ashes into a neat little pile and stood up from his seat and the lighter was returned to its pocket 

Seeing his still somewhat alarmed expression, Mr. Bucket began speaking again. “Don’t worry about that, the janitor can take care of it. I would have thought the Directive would have given you an assignment more fitting your skill, but oh well. Be seeing you again next Tuesday?” He asked, not waiting for an answer before stepping toward the door.

Phoenix followed behind, feeling deflated that he had not been given his first assignment as an Agent, but didn’t object. Mr. Bucket stopped just before the door, and Phoenix ran into him. He had produced a pocket watch from his other pocket and was checking the time, and from over his shoulder, Phoenix could see his eyes inspecting the mirror that was inset into the watch for something Phoenix couldn’t figure out. 

Mr. Bucket turned around and pointed to the bookshelf across the room. 

“I almost forgot again, I was going to lend a book to a friend last week, could you fetch it for me?” His tone still kept the joviality with which he had introduced himself, but now there was a sort of tension in his tone. He continued staring into the mirror.

Phoenix sighed, but strode over to the bookshelf anyway. He put his hand on the book he thought Bucket was pointing to and looked at him expectantly. 

“No, not that one. Or that one. To your right. No, your other right. Up one shelf. No, your other up,” and so on and so forth until he had finally chosen the right one. “Yes! Now let’s be on our way!” 

Phoenix rolled his eyes and pulled the book from its spot snugly wedged between the shelf and another book. There was no title on the purple cover, but its surface was etched with a simple pattern. When he had fully removed the book, a metallic glint caught his eye. The book had hidden a button that Phoenix could see a few wires connecting to. He had suddenly become very aware of how quiet the room was and felt something wasn’t right. With as little movement of his head as he could, he looked over at Mr. Bucket who gave an almost imperceptible nod, as if to say, “Yes, there is a button there,” and “Yes, you should press it.” 

He pressed it.

Immediately the lights went out and without any windows to the outside, the darkness was absolute. Phoenix obviously couldn’t see in the dark, but he did his best to pretend he could by looking at where Mr. Bucket had been standing. He took an involuntary step back when he saw the older man’s face softly illuminated by his lighter uncomfortably close to his own. He had no time to do anything else before Bucket began to speak rapidly, his voice kept just above a whisper.

“Now listen closely, because we don’t have much time. That button you just pressed was a short range EMP device I installed quite some time ago, I’ve never had to use it before, so this is a rather exciting new experience for me.” He paused to take a breath. “A camera has been planted somewhere in this very room, presumably to spy on this briefing. I don’t know who the culprit is, but this is just more evidence to my theory that there is an imposter in our midst, in this very agency we stand in.” Mr. Bucket’s air of joviality suddenly fell stale and was replaced with a somber tone, which suited the darkness much better. “I fear that there is something much larger at play that could put the entire world in jeopardy, so it is of the utmost importance that we be as secretive as possible with our planning. I don’t have a mission for you yet, Phoenix, but I do have an objective. You are to gain any and all information that even remotely connects to whatever organization this is, by any means necessary. Have I made myself clear?” 

Phoenix nodded his head as affirmation.

“Good,” he said, “Now, the EMP effects should be wearing off any second, so if you could please drop the book.”

Phoenix heard Bucket walking across the room back to where he stood before the blackout, presumably to cover up that anything other than a very strange, very localized power outage had occurred. Phoenix dropped the book.

There was a soft thud as it landed on the carpeted floor, and the lights came on again. Phoenix bent down to pick up the book.

Mr. Bucket looked slightly befuddled and was putting his lighter back into his pocket as he strode over to Phoenix. The agent knew now that this was an act, but it was definitely a very convincing one. 

“Terribly sorry about that, lad,” Bucket said, his initial light-hearted energy back in his voice, “One of the rabbits must have chewed through the wires again; I really must stop letting them out in the maintenance vents.” He took the book Phoenix was holding and replaced it on the shelf. “I just now remembered that the friend I mentioned earlier loathes anything purple, so they won’t be needing this. Now that we’re all finished here and the door is visible, I think it’s time for a cup of cocoa or two, don’t you agree, agent?” 

Phoenix gave a very positive nod in response and followed Bucket out of the room. Just as Phoenix was about to exit the room he had spent far too much time in, he saw Beatrice’s leaves rustle, as if she was saying goodbye. He smiled, then waved farewell back to the plant and closed the door behind him.


Sorry it's all in bold, Idk why it does that


It definitely needs at least one revision to be the best it can be, but I'm not feeling like doing that, so it is what it is I guess. 

Soooooo yeah! There's a thing!


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  • Wittles changed the title to Wittles Makes Some Stuff Sometimes!!

I've been kinda stuck in a really frustrating loop of wanting to make something but not making anything because of crippling perfectionism, so I just went for it and did this.



I've had some form of this image in my head ever since I first heard the song Trapdoor by Twenty One Pilots, and I think it's cool. The lyrics "Do me a favor and try to ignore, as he falls through a blatant trapdoor, cause nobody knows he's alive" kept repeating in my head and I wanted to put them into the actual thing, but I couldn't really figure out how to do that, but I think they're important to the whole thing.

It could be better of course, but I feel really happy with how it turned out. 

So yeah, here's a thing!

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1 minute ago, Wittles said:

I've been kinda stuck in a really frustrating loop of wanting to make something but not making anything because of crippling perfectionism, so I just went for it and did this.

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I've had some form of this image in my head ever since I first heard the song Trapdoor by Twenty One Pilots, and I think it's cool. The lyrics "Do me a favor and try to ignore, as he falls through a blatant trapdoor, cause nobody knows he's alive" kept repeating in my head and I wanted to put them into the actual thing, but I couldn't really figure out how to do that, but I think they're important to the whole thing.

It could be better of course, but I feel really happy with how it turned out. 

So yeah, here's a thing!


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4 minutes ago, Wittles said:

I've been kinda stuck in a really frustrating loop of wanting to make something but not making anything because of crippling perfectionism, so I just went for it and did this.

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I've had some form of this image in my head ever since I first heard the song Trapdoor by Twenty One Pilots, and I think it's cool. The lyrics "Do me a favor and try to ignore, as he falls through a blatant trapdoor, cause nobody knows he's alive" kept repeating in my head and I wanted to put them into the actual thing, but I couldn't really figure out how to do that, but I think they're important to the whole thing.

It could be better of course, but I feel really happy with how it turned out. 

So yeah, here's a thing!

Dudeeee this is awesome looking!

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7 minutes ago, Wittles said:

I've been kinda stuck in a really frustrating loop of wanting to make something but not making anything because of crippling perfectionism, so I just went for it and did this.

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I've had some form of this image in my head ever since I first heard the song Trapdoor by Twenty One Pilots, and I think it's cool. The lyrics "Do me a favor and try to ignore, as he falls through a blatant trapdoor, cause nobody knows he's alive" kept repeating in my head and I wanted to put them into the actual thing, but I couldn't really figure out how to do that, but I think they're important to the whole thing.

It could be better of course, but I feel really happy with how it turned out. 

So yeah, here's a thing!


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26 minutes ago, Through The Living Glass said:


22 minutes ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

Dudeeee this is awesome looking!

20 minutes ago, Wierdo said:


:D Thanks!

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31 minutes ago, Wittles said:

I've been kinda stuck in a really frustrating loop of wanting to make something but not making anything because of crippling perfectionism, so I just went for it and did this.

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I've had some form of this image in my head ever since I first heard the song Trapdoor by Twenty One Pilots, and I think it's cool. The lyrics "Do me a favor and try to ignore, as he falls through a blatant trapdoor, cause nobody knows he's alive" kept repeating in my head and I wanted to put them into the actual thing, but I couldn't really figure out how to do that, but I think they're important to the whole thing.

It could be better of course, but I feel really happy with how it turned out. 

So yeah, here's a thing!


That’s epic

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  • 3 months later...
On 5/13/2024 at 11:14 AM, Wittles said:

I've been kinda stuck in a really frustrating loop of wanting to make something but not making anything because of crippling perfectionism, so I just went for it and did this.

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I've had some form of this image in my head ever since I first heard the song Trapdoor by Twenty One Pilots, and I think it's cool. The lyrics "Do me a favor and try to ignore, as he falls through a blatant trapdoor, cause nobody knows he's alive" kept repeating in my head and I wanted to put them into the actual thing, but I couldn't really figure out how to do that, but I think they're important to the whole thing.

It could be better of course, but I feel really happy with how it turned out. 

So yeah, here's a thing!

A few months late but Trapdoor is super underrated and honestly this drawing captures it for me perfectly

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8 minutes ago, BlueWildRye said:

A few months late but Trapdoor is super underrated and honestly this drawing captures it for me perfectly


I love Trapdoor so much and I agree, it is totally underrated

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So I haven't really drawn or written like, anything over the summer except for this 



this is one of those times when it's like three am and I have an image in my head that needs to exist in any form. 

If anyone has read the Kingkiller chronicles, (spoilers)


this is that part where Kvothe can't open his chest and breaks down. 


that scene made me cry a little



While I haven't done much writing or drawing, I did a lot of music things. I got a baritone ukulele for my birthday and I've been having a lot of fun with that. I'm working on recording a few covers that I'll probably put on here once I get them ready. 

I tried my hand at writing my own stuff, and it turns out writing music is hard, so I only ended up with two half baked ideas longer than 30 seconds so here you go



I messed around a lot with panning and echo effects for this one and had a lot of fun with it. 

I think I could eventually turn it into something, but for now it's a dead end so I'm happy just leaving it as is



This one is what happens when I get a decent strumming pattern and try to apply my inadequate music theory knowledge for adding some fancy chords and stuff


It's got a serious tempo issue lol


So yeah there's some stuff!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, I know double posting Triple posting technically is kind of a no no, but it's my thread and I have some things

I had a sketch I liked that turned into this. I'm really proud of the lighting cuz it looks cool. I learned a lot doing this so it was definitely worth the time



And then there's this. To be honest, I wasn't expecting this to go anywhere so when it actually did I was really pleasantly surprised with what came out. This is the first full song I've made actually and I'm really proud of it


(Let me know if it doesn't work and I'll mess with it)


Anyway, there's my new things!

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17 minutes ago, Wittles said:

Okay, I know double posting Triple posting technically is kind of a no no, but it's my thread and I have some things

I had a sketch I liked that turned into this. I'm really proud of the lighting cuz it looks cool. I learned a lot doing this so it was definitely worth the time

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And then there's this. To be honest, I wasn't expecting this to go anywhere so when it actually did I was really pleasantly surprised with what came out. This is the first full song I've made actually and I'm really proud of it


(Let me know if it doesn't work and I'll mess with it)


Anyway, there's my new things!

Aaaahhhh the drawing is so good!!! 

I also love the song, it’s actually so epic in a way I wasn’t expecting. 

beautiful new things! (And I think I’ve like…quadruple posted in my thread lol)

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1 hour ago, Wittles said:

Okay, I know double posting Triple posting technically is kind of a no no, but it's my thread and I have some things

I had a sketch I liked that turned into this. I'm really proud of the lighting cuz it looks cool. I learned a lot doing this so it was definitely worth the time

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And then there's this. To be honest, I wasn't expecting this to go anywhere so when it actually did I was really pleasantly surprised with what came out. This is the first full song I've made actually and I'm really proud of it


(Let me know if it doesn't work and I'll mess with it)


Anyway, there's my new things!

Oh my gorsh

I love those. The drawing has really good shadows and the neon lighting is 😗👌

I love the song, the piano sounds really good with the notes and chords and nonsense you picked.

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3 hours ago, Selia said:

Oh my gorsh

I love those. The drawing has really good shadows and the neon lighting is 😗👌

I love the song, the piano sounds really good with the notes and chords and nonsense you picked.

Lol thanks

I added a lot of nonsense but it seems like it worked, so I'm happy

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On 9/2/2024 at 11:57 AM, Wittles said:

Okay, I know double posting Triple posting technically is kind of a no no, but it's my thread and I have some things

I had a sketch I liked that turned into this. I'm really proud of the lighting cuz it looks cool. I learned a lot doing this so it was definitely worth the time

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And then there's this. To be honest, I wasn't expecting this to go anywhere so when it actually did I was really pleasantly surprised with what came out. This is the first full song I've made actually and I'm really proud of it


(Let me know if it doesn't work and I'll mess with it)


Anyway, there's my new things!

Heyyyy that's really good, my guy! I like the lighting a lot!

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