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30 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

Quick question - what happens flavor-wise when someone is exed? Or is that kinda up to us?



More seriously, flavour-wise they'll be handled similarly to the NKs/DDoSes. We're totally covert here and keeping under the radar of the mods to handle this as a community don't look at Elan don't look at Elan don't draw her attention pls pls but Fifth does know a few neat tricks about what we can do to get those nasty imposters to go away if you guys can just ID them for us. It's why I looped him in on this to begin with.

FWIW I'm not a 1337 hacker but I do have a very cursed cat video the real Wyrm sent me (happy birthday you bloodthirsty backstabber), and sending it to any imposter you guys identify on loop should get them to leave this subforum alone for good :P 

Edited to add:

Not to say we can't do it ourselves but it usually takes a whole Village and all that. I don't really want to be traumatising ten innocent actual SE friends with Wyrm's cat video just so we can find the one imposter in that set the long way! Hopefully you guys will speed up the process for us :) 

Edited to add 2:

@Ashbringer Though tbh if you guys are into mob justice, mass reporting and the likes (who am I kidding, that's why y'all so bloodthirsty and in this subforum, right?) I guess you could just terrify/torment them into leaving this subforum alone yourselves. Maybe you have a buddy on a darknet market. Whatever works :ph34r:

[Actual genuine OOC comment: Largely winging this but recall that this game is a product of @|TJ| challenging me to have funny write-ups for once so Fifth and I are more or less going full-throated funny/absurd. Rule of cool will apply, plus a lot of 'lol what happened to worldbuilding and narrative consistency.' So I've listed the options above but really, you'll find out when we do. And if you guys happen to put something we find to be comedic gold in the thread, maybe it'll show up in the write-up, who knows? :eyes: ]

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2 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Cursed cat video? I love black cats. :P

It's an extremely cursed video. I hear the SCP Foundation may be considering requisitioning custody of the video. No idea. We're still in contact at the moment, but I think we'll need this secret weapon to get rid of the Eliminator imposter pod people. Hackers. Whatever.

Gotta fight fire with fire, you know?

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19 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

Hmmmm, can I spectate?

@Kasimir, on a scale of 1-10, how infuriating will this be? Is it the kind of game that would be fun to chaos in?

You can spectate. 

I am not Kasimir, but feel compelled to warn you on his behalf that this game should under no circumstances be signed up for by a rational person. 

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1 minute ago, Fifth Scholar said:

I am not Kasimir, but feel compelled to warn you on his behalf that this game should under no circumstances be signed up for by a rational person. 

Excellent. It's been confirmed that I'm not a rational person, so this will go swimmingly. Signing up.

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26 minutes ago, Cinnamon said:

This sounds dangerous and infuriating. I shall join but only as a spec.


Edit: Signups close in less than 24 hours! Take the path of wisdom before you which Cinnamon has so clearly displayed. 

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5 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:

Hmmmm, can I spectate?

@Kasimir, on a scale of 1-10, how infuriating will this be? Is it the kind of game that would be fun to chaos in?

I really don't know how to give you a good number. If you're Village, you're going to have to deal with no flips, which is exactly what it says on the tin. Are you the kind of player who can live with not knowing for sure what anyone who ever died is, Village, Elim, vegetable, mineral, SK, converter? If you can't and you think that sounds like hell to you, don't play this game.

Then there's the blackout element which means that all players start out knowing are the rules I've shared. There are things no one knows about and you all have to discover the rules as you go along. Is that frustrating to you or not? Then rate it based on how much you think that annoys you.

You can definitely spectate - I'll put you on the spec list first but you're free to let me know your final decision before sign-ups close.

Edited to add: I guess you could say blackouts have an additional layer of chaos because since no one knows the rules, players have felt free to lie 'creatively' like V!Striker pretending to be a neutral, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

2 hours ago, Cinnamon said:

This sounds dangerous and infuriating. I shall join but only as a spec.


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8 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:

@Kasimir, on a scale of 1-10, how infuriating will this be? Is it the kind of game that would be fun to chaos in?

I guess the final thing I can say is, and this is a bit OOG and meta-gaming but I guarantee some players will be having this in their heads anyway once the game starts:

-I played MR56 and was one of the players banging his head against the wall hardest and begging for death because fliplessness and blackout. At that time I only solved via vote analysis so the game drove me up the wall. I actually DK if I'd handle fliplessness better now. This probably tells you something about what this gameplay experience is designed to be (i.e. would I really design a game just to piss players off? Like ok but a game only designed for the GM's amusement is sadistic and bad design - most of the time you have to have a basic value proposition or the belief it can be fun for players.) All the same, I can't guarantee that my game design will alleviate a lot of the frustration, or that the committee was wise to clear this game. So again, telling people upfront to strongly reconsider signing up if they hate the idea of fliplessness is more or less about setting player expectations. Ideally, it won't be frustrating and it's designed to be playable, just maybe not as easy as a standard game.

-In a way I don't think the chaos judgement is about the game design, it's about you and how you want to play. Certainly it's easier to be chaotic when you don't know what's going on, but I think we've talked about this before in MR61 - keep in mind there's often a chaos tax to how you play. And Striker and Aman are the kings of faking roles in blackouts :P

Edited to add:

Part of this is best left for the AAR, but it doesn't fully help that SE only has so many actually flipless games in play history, meaning working out if I've got the balance right can be difficult. So it's worth letting players be aware of this upfront. Even MR56 wasn't quite designed to be flipless - just an unintentional result of two different roles interacting. I've spent the past few days reading more R-21 flipless games than a sane guy should have to, courtesy of Mads and her home forum (I can't even say some of it here), which is helping me get an idea of inherent balance factors, e.g. how hard a climb is this for various alignments. I can't guarantee that we've gotten everything just right, but I have a co-GM, @Fifth Scholar, precisely for this reason. I'll leave further comments for the actual AAR when we see how this game goes.

Long story short, probably not awful as far as game experience goes, and there are good reasons to believe we've done our best, but also, caveat emptor.

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The players when this game actually works and does not cause extreme frustration, existential Angst, or despair:



Elan, Straw, Wilson, and Fifth when that happens:



Me tbh fr fr:



Which is your reminder the game will start and sign-ups close in under eleven hours!

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