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11 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

I did not get Trolled last night, and someone made me immune to Trolling.

Wait, so you did get Trolled?

6 minutes ago, The last Fae in the Woods said:

What are the current ratings?

Bip(1): Aman
TKN(1): Mat
Araris(1): TJ
Dannex(1): Ash
JNV(1): Stick
Shining(1): Archer

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Just now, |TJ| said:

sigh now im worried about bad trolls targeting our goodie pm spiders and giving misinformation to them -.- how does misinformation work? anything other than the truth or exact opposition of the information youd get? [@The last Fae in the Woods @The Wandering Wizard @Kasimir]


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Just now, |TJ| said:

sigh now im worried about bad trolls targeting our goodie pm spiders and giving misinformation to them -.- how does misinformation work? anything other than the truth or exact opposition of the information youd get? [@The last Fae in the Woods @The Wandering Wizard @Kasimir]

We get a lie about the target instead of a truth. Whether it is exactly the opposite, Kas just PAFO'd.

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Just now, The Wandering Wizard said:

So, you aren't claiming village or elim :eyes:

And I have confirmation that it would be game relevant information, but got PAFO'd about how the lies work. Which was what I figured :P

Wait you psuedo scanned me? You can confirm this?

Edited by Shining Silhouette
accidental fonetic spelling
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2 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

So, you aren't claiming village or elim :eyes:

And I have confirmation that it would be game relevant information, but got PAFO'd about how the lies work. Which was what I figured :P

Do you know if we get informed when a Troll targets us? That got PAFO'd for me, but Aman's first post from this turn seems to suggest he knew he got Trolled.

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Just now, _Stick_ said:

Do you know if we get informed when a Troll targets us? That got PAFO'd for me, but Aman's first post from this turn seems to suggest he knew he got Trolled.

I don't know on even nights, but I do know on odd nights.

Even because it would give it away if I knew it was a lie or not. I have to know on odd nights, but all I'm told is that I can't use PMs for the next cycle.

So I am not informed if I am trolled.

1 minute ago, Shining Silhouette said:

Hey who says I'm neutral?

I think we both misread our posts :P

Still think you could be the JOE disease faction from LG53

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1 hour ago, _Stick_ said:

What we know about Trolling (a lot of this is just Word of Aman):

  • Reverses the target's action
  • A Troll getting Trolled while using the Troll action gives a random player Troll immunity for the next cycle
  • Multiple Trolls targeting the same player results in the player getting Trolled regardless (I asked the GMs a similar question and they just told me the target gets Trolled extra hard)

What abilities did you gain exactly? Does it all line up with the above?

Did you have a role? If yes, we'll benefit from you sharing the details cuz the role itself is presumably not usable anymore.

Okay yeah your assertions regarding Wiz from last cycle make a lot of sense now :P 

It sounds like SE Buddy is Fae's second role?


@The Wandering Wizard but didn't you just say you have a pseudo scan?

Trolling someone alters that person's abilities. It doesn't specify how, but it alters abilities. 

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Just now, Random Bystander said:

Trolling someone alters that person's abilities. It doesn't specify how, but it alters abilities. 

It works very similarly to reversing the ability that it is targeting. At least from what I can gather.

It's how it interacts with mine, mostly.

On even it give me a lie instead of a truth.

And on Odd days it prevents me from using PMs the entire next cycle. Meaning if you have a death wish troll me on an odd night and claim. >:(

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Oh great I lost the quote this next bit is in response to. At least I copied it. It was in response to you saying you can’t use two role abilities in one night: Hey. You know. This is not true. Before I lost my abilities, I could use both my roles in one turn. I was set to until I canceled the second one (not the lynchbait). Granted, they’re both passive and happen if certain circumstances happen. I just made the circumstances not happen. So maybe that’s different from more active double role abilities.

Also I can’t add another quote, but I’ve been having fun keeping it a secret. Not for like any real reason, I just think it’s funny. If you guys would rather I just go ahead and reveal it, I will.

@|TJ| Don’t know about Tani or Devo, but my alignment is still the same. Would make my lynchbait ability weird if not. Like, would it activate based on my alignment D1? Or the post-Removal alignment? Hypothetically speaking, obviously.

@Archer Lynchbait would’ve worked every round where I was top 3 at the 24 hour mark. Which I was very excited to try and pull off without actually getting exed, but alas.

@_Stick_ My second role does a different thing than my Lynchbait role. Though it is a similar effect. Or I guess was. RIP Lynchbait and Other Role.

Also saw that Kas said most people have one action slot per turn except for some exceptions? I guess the exceptions are passive roles like mine.

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