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7 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

True yes, but also [...] they know the PM Spider role. I don't sense any lying in their statements so far. They are bit obvious.

Why is this alignment indicative? A better argument would be that they presented the information freely. Why can't they be a elim PM Spider and making up the other role? Or swapping out the real name they were given for another one? 

Just now, Shining Silhouette said:

I don't. This is a way of getting attention so people can talk about me and decide not to kill me.

But I don't particularly care one way or another.

I don't trust Aman.

I want to read you based on your solving, so I guess that's a start. Why do you find Aman suspicious? 

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Just now, Archer said:

I want to read you based on your solving, so I guess that's a start. Why do you find Aman suspicious? 

Well, I was first suspicious of the football thing cause I realize how easy it is to make up roles. The referee (or captain I guess) implies several more roles then we've even seen. I think TKN is village but is trolling cause it's fun and I was tempted to do so as well.  

The way that he's said "well there's just one more thing I didn't tell you" two separate times doesn't sit well with me, honestly. I feel like his behavior warrants more suspicion then we've seen so far this game.

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@StrikerEZ I can't remember if you've already answered this but I skimmed the thread and couldn't find it: What happens if someone Trolled you N1 (assuming you hadn't died)? Does the extra vote D2 appear on someone who doesn't share your alignment or does it not appear at all? Or, do you gain the extra vote instead?

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Wiz must be village, unless Fae is not. Zombie!Striker must be Village, unless Bookwyrm is not (or Bookwyrm got trolled). Depending on what those do, mild eyes on Bookwyrm for publicly claiming Alignment Scanner on D2…

I’d second that another Footballer would be nice to claim, but also please stop claiming everyone we don’t know what we’re working with >>

Remember that even if your role seems safe to claim, the more people who claim less powerful roles, the shorter list of people the Elims have for more powerful ones.

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1 hour ago, _Stick_ said:

Because like. Consider the number of role claims we’ve gotten. Randby, Bookwyrm, Striker, Devo, Tani, Wiz, Fae, Steel. That’s 8. NONE of these are football related and all of them are SE related. What are the odds that only SE related roles claim? TKN initially claimed vanilla. Let’s make that 10 claims if you include Aman’s and TKN’s. One of Aman’s two roles is SE related, and the only reason we know this is because Randby revealed it. Striker’s other role is apparently also SE related. Both of Fae’s roles are SE related. My role (:eyes:) is SE related. 

I didn’t actually answer your question. Idk what that says about Aman and TKN. xD Perhaps TKN just has some passive role that he wanted to trigger but wasn’t sure how, so figured fake claiming to get a yellow card might do the trick. 

Considering I've said as much myself, yeah I'm kind of confused why you used so many words explaining something I already believe instead of actually answering my question :P 

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goodie - bookwyrm, fae, wiz, stick, rby, sart

miiight be goodie - ash, steel, danex

hmmmmmmm idk plus maybe baddie - mat, aman, orlok, jnv, fadran, archer 

not goodie not baddie possibly third faction? - tkn, shining

everyone else idonthavearead. which is different from idk. bcause idk is like there is content but im not able to put them this side or that. idonthavearead is no read.

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29 minutes ago, Archer said:

Why is this alignment indicative? A better argument would be that they presented the information freely. Why can't they be a elim PM Spider and making up the other role? Or swapping out the real name they were given for another one? 

32 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

It's mostly gut. They could be an elim PM Spider or they could have a teammate with that role. It would be incredibly easy to fake, I do admit. 

Fae however doesn't seem very gambit happy as I can easily determine the truth of the matter.

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10 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Serious question: What is the goal behind your play this turn?

To have fun!

8 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

Obvious answer is that Shining is Lynchbait like Striker, but idk, they're making it obvious enough that there might be Troll potential.

Yeah I am most definitely a troll (lowercase)

I'm actually none of the above

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1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

guys I'm trying to read through the backlog and I'm so lost

It's pretty big :P

Sorry about that.

Basically Fae claimed PM Spider and they are village and have it, are evil and have it, or evil and have a teammate who has it.

Fae also claimed SE Buddy which they say tells them that they know that I am village.

Bookwyrm claimed a scanning role and claims to have scanned Striker as village or he was trolled. One of the two.

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Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

You're gonna have to tell me what those roles do man; I've only ever played one SE game and it was Star Wars-flavored

These roles are different.

All bookwyrm has said is that he is a allignment scanned and scanned Striker as village

Fae claimed SE Buddy which told them, supposedly, that I am village.

PM Spider can create a single PM on odd nights and on even nights target a player to learn a single truth about them from the GM.

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1 hour ago, _Stick_ said:

@StrikerEZ I can't remember if you've already answered this but I skimmed the thread and couldn't find it: What happens if someone Trolled you N1 (assuming you hadn't died)? Does the extra vote D2 appear on someone who doesn't share your alignment or does it not appear at all? Or, do you gain the extra vote instead?

That’s a great question I do not have the answer to.

Also hey I had also thought of that Ash!

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8 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

That’s a great question I do not have the answer to.


14 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

All roles that have interactions with Trolls apparently come with the effect of being Trolled.





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