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6 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

@Orlok Tsubodai @Biplet I completely understand where you guys are coming from. If it makes you feel better, most of the discussion has been eaten up by the countless roleclaims (most of which I can’t remember off the top of my head), clearing up Aman’s stuff, and some lackluster attempts to get actual vote discussion going. Plus lots of memery (some of which I’ve been a part of). 

Unfortunately, it feels difficult to even parse what the roles are. I'm working on making a list lol

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44 minutes ago, Orlok Tsubodai said:

Forgive me if I’m being harsh, but all trolling for trolling’s sake does is heighten the barrier for meaningful engagement for everyone else, making the game less enjoyable and approachable, to gain some fleeting personal self-satisfaction.

It's not harsh and quite honestly something we needed to hear. At least I know I did.

General partial reread thoughts:

I think Tani was the vig!Kill or trolled goalkeeper kill because well Devo feels less suspcious and Devo would be more likely to be NKd earlier than Tani. At least I would probably have done that. Suppose my suspicion of Tani comes from her dropping a single vote on me and not coming back.

Striker was the first person to disbelieve Aman's Referee claim. Stick, Bookwyrm, TKN, Ash, Fadran, Steel, Shining, and Fae all believed it before Striker disbelieved it.


Aman: Troll/Goalkeeper Hybrid

Bookwyrm: Analyst

Fae: SE Buddy/PM Spider, Claimed me as his buddy

Wizard: PM Spider

TKN: Goalkeeper

Devo: RPer

Steel: Pinchhitter

Ranby: RPer, got Troll from Aman

Striker: Lynchbait/Stab Voter

Tani: RPer

Stick: A NON Goalkeeper protect of some sort

And I think that's all for now.


Just now, Biplet said:

Unfortunately, it feels difficult to even parse what the roles are. I'm working on making a list lol

I have one in my head :ph34r:


PM Spider: On Odd nights can create a single one on one PM. On Even nights can learn a random GM Fact about a player. Being trolled on odd nights results in not being able to use any PMs the next day. Being trolled on an even night results in receiving a random GM lie.

Trolling: Basically reverses what the role intened to do. If a troll is trolled it makes the person they target immune to trolling for the next cycle.

SE Buddy: Start knowing the allignment of a single village player.

Lynchbait: If you are a lead train at the halfway mark, a random player on you will recieve an extra vote the next cycle. ONLY works on players of the same allignment.

Stab Voter: If you vote a person in the first 24 hours and NEVER move your vote. Your vote will count as double.

Analyst: During the night you can learn the allignment of a single player who voted on you. Or the player who you voted on. If trolled you recieve a lie instead of a truth.

RPer: During the night gain the role of the targeted player. If you are trolled, they gain the RPer role for a single cycle.

Goalkeeper: Can protect a single player, can't protect self. Don't think consecutive protects either. If trolled kills the player instead.

Pinchhitter: Something to do with dead player role learning.

Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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  • *Striker ability pending*
  • Striker - Village - From Bookwyrm N1 Scan
  • Wizard - Village - From Fae 'SE Buddy' role


  • Ashbringer - ??? (Well I know, but I'm not saying)
  • Wizard - PM Spider (Creates a 1-on-1 PM on Odd Nights and learns a fact about a target on Even Nights (incorrect fact if Trolled) ) 
  • Steeldancer - Pinch Hitter (Learn the Role of a Removed/DDoSed player (does something interesting if Trolled) )
  • Fadran - ???
  • Striker - Lynchbait (Will place an Extra Vote on a random player who both had a vote on the Lynchbait at the 24 hour mark of the previous Day turn and is of the same alignment), Stab Voter (If your first vote is placed in the first 24 hours of a Day turn and does not change, it counts as double)
  • xino - ???
  • JNV - ???
  • Matrim's Dice - ???
  • Biplet - ???
  • Araris - ??? (May have something to do with watching trolls from Porches - I remember the Old Guy)
  • Devotary - RPer (May copy one of target player's roles to use the next turn (temporarily grants the RPer role to the Troll (or the target?) if Trolled) )
  • Amanuensis - Goalkeeper (Protect target other player (turned to a Kill if Trolled) ), Troll (may Troll players, gives a random player Troll Immunity next cycle if Trolled... I think)
  • TKN - Goalkeeper (Protect target other player (turned to a Kill if Trolled) )
  • The Bookwyrm - Analyst (Alignment Scan someone you voted for or who voted on you last turn (incorrect alignment if Trolled)
  • Tani - RPer (May copy one of target player's roles to use the next turn (temporarily grants the RPer role to the Troll (or the target?) if Trolled) )
  • Archer - ???
  • Walin - ???
  • TJ - ???
  • Dannnnnex - ???
  • _Stick_ - ??? (Claims a protection role that isn't Goalkeeper)
  • Orlok - ???
  • RandBy - RPer (May copy one of target player's roles to use the next turn (temporarily grants the RPer role to the Troll (or the target?) if Trolled) )
  • Sart - ???
  • Shining - ???
  • Fae - PM Spider (Creates a 1-on-1 PM on Odd Nights and learns a fact about a target on Even Nights (incorrect fact if Trolled) ), SE Buddy (Automatically know one Villager is Village at game start)

Edit - oh you edited it. Sorry Wiz :P

Edited by Ashbringer
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5 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

Edit - oh you edited it. Sorry Wiz :P

No it's fine, better to have two to catch any discrepancies. As I already see one. I forgot about Araris's claim of watching trolls from his porch. 

I've been interpreting it as he can target a person to know who targeted who, or knows if that player was trolled.


Just now, The Bookwyrm said:

By popular request, Orlok.

I hope this isn't a mistake.

As long as it doesn't actually kill him, that's a good idea. Though you are very likely to be trolled/killed this turn. Perhaps even roleblocked if one is in here.

Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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Don’t forget that Removed/DDoS’d Player counts as a role. Or at least that’s the impression I got, based on the description. When you “die,” you actually survive, lose your old role(s), gain one more vote to use in the game, and I think keep any PMs you have. Oh and you can’t be killed again. At least as far as we know. @Devotary of Spontaneity @Tani did I miss anything?

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Unfortunately I forgot that I work tonight so not only will this potentially be my last post and final vote, it will have to be done without any amount of backreading >> I can echo Orlok and Bip a bit but at least I've been present for a lot of the discussion.

  • Mild Village: Wiz, Steel, Randby, Fae
  • Slight Village: Striker, Devo, Aman, TJ, Stick
  • Null: Fadran, JNV (-), Bip, Araris, TUN (+), Bookwyrm (+), Tani (-), Archer, Orlok (-), Sart (+), Shining
  • Slight Elim: Walin, dannex
  • Mild Elim: Ash, xino

Null is the largest because it's kind of three categories; the last two might as well be combined.

I have no clue what the VC is but I'll hopefully be consolidating when I vote dannex; him, xino, and Ash are all sort of in a blob of the same boat where I feel like they can't all be villagers and I'm indifferent for which one so whatever. Even Shining to an extent fits in there.

Explanations for any of these reads can be given tomorrow (even if the trains swing onto me, thanks Kas :P) and if I show up again it'll be because my break happens before the cycle ends and I won't be able to do much but scroll/catch-up/change a vote if I need to.

Edited by Matrim's Dice
Ayo new game record! Does this deserve a :D or a D:
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48 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

Don’t forget that Removed/DDoS’d Player counts as a role. Or at least that’s the impression I got, based on the description. When you “die,” you actually survive, lose your old role(s), gain one more vote to use in the game, and I think keep any PMs you have. Oh and you can’t be killed again. At least as far as we know. @Devotary of Spontaneity @Tani did I miss anything?

We don't count towards parity, otherwise the game would go on forever.

What's happening with Stick's role? I doubt there would be two versions of kill protects (how I died in LG 53 for claiming a differently named lurcher role), so does hers block trolling?

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2 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Though you are very likely to be trolled/killed this turn. Perhaps even roleblocked if one is in here.

Yeah, I fully expect to be dead in the next two cycles. Either the elims kill me, or they don't and lots of people assume I'm an elim because I didn't get eliminated.

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Welp I forgot to post yesterday.

Fullclaim before the Day gets out: I’m a village Troll. I just wanted to do a little trollin’ by saying I was only related to the Trolling mechanic (and also hold my claim until later).

Anyway I’ll probably not be active until after the cycle ends.


Walin sat down and looked at the thread. 25 pages, on mobile. He really shouldn’t have picked now to do a Cradle reread.


I award myself 0.5 XP.

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12 minutes ago, Walin said:

Welp I forgot to post yesterday.

Fullclaim before the Day gets out: I’m a village Troll. I just wanted to do a little trollin’ by saying I was only related to the Trolling mechanic (and also hold my claim until later).

Anyway I’ll probably not be active until after the cycle ends.


Walin sat down and looked at the thread. 25 pages, on mobile. He really shouldn’t have picked now to do a Cradle reread.


I award myself 0.5 XP.

 Who did you troll?

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1 hour ago, Amanuensis said:

Js'y'all'k, I'm probably not going to be here for today's rollover :(

Anyone have one of them dandy vote count didgeridoos?

Here you go!

Vote Tally
Dannex (6): Ada, Ash, Wiz, Xino, Stick, Mat


Mat (2): TJ, Dannex
Ash (1): Shining
Stick (1): Araris

Orlok (1): Bookwyrm

TJ (1): Archer

GMs please double check before you kill anyone with my VC but I think that should be correct. Dannex has a lead of four votes.

Note: Stick was on Mat, Dannex followed and Stick jumped onto Dannex for reasons relating to him asking to not be voted on.

22 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Yeah, I fully expect to be dead in the next two cycles. Either the elims kill me, or they don't and lots of people assume I'm an elim because I didn't get eliminated.

Elims are more likely to kill you over elims because even going off of a GM lie, we can't tell that it is a lie.

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Hmm. I'm not sure if Dannex is the best option, considering he's been in the lead for a bit and nothing has happened. Though maybe the elims aren't super worried about their people dying because they'll still have the votes they need at the end of the game as long as at least one of them is alive?

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I'm not quite certain that I like it too much as well. But not too much I can do. I don't want to go onto Mat though, as that is the alternative to Dannex that I see. Don't want to go onto TJ, Stick, or Orlok that much. Maybe Mat but Dannex is on Mat, so I guess I'll stay for now.

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I have class so I'm not 100% sure I'll be on to look at rollover.

I'd rather stay. Both because I'd rather not end up stuck on inactives until D5, and because late shifts tend to be scary. (Both for my own health and generally getting reads and things.)

Honestly the main reasons I want to go after inactives is so we're not stuck with inactive Villagers in an endgame scenario. We're going to do misexes. If Bookwyrm's legit, we already have. It's a bit different now that we know the Removed/DDoSed rules, but it still could hurt significantly to have inactivity.

Also pushing inactives can sometimes get more info. Haven't really gotten any from them so far.

Shining could be another push. JNV or Biplet too, even if I've got a slight gut Village on them. Or Stick or Fadran. But for now I'm staying on Dannex.

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13 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Maybe Mat but Dannex is on Mat, so I guess I'll stay for now.

strongly dislike this post

this implies he is very confident in e!me

but his only prior statement about his read on me is:


Which pushes me towards Dannex. Feels off, but I suppose this isn't odd for V!Da[n=6]ex. Wish to pressure him more I do.

which is cagey and non-commital

but then he's apparently conf-vil from fae so idk

fae/wiz e/e is possible but i dont see why an elim team would make that gambit so early on


also i have an alignment scanner adjacent ish role so dont kill me thanks

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4 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

I'd rather stay. Both because I'd rather not end up stuck on inactives until D5, and because late shifts tend to be scary. (Both for my own health and generally getting reads and things.)


Remembering LG90 much :P

4 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

Honestly the main reasons I want to go after inactives is so we're not stuck with inactive Villagers in an endgame scenario. We're going to do misexes. If Bookwyrm's legit, we already have. It's a bit different now that we know the Removed/DDoSed rules, but it still could hurt significantly to have inactivity.


Mmm, yeah I agree with this mostly. I don't neccessarily like the reason for voting people out is because their inactive, but the kills go for the active and talkative players because they are present and solving. 

4 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

Also pushing inactives can sometimes get more info. Haven't really gotten any from them so far.


I also agree on this front, but a true inactive won't be present to provide the information.

5 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

Shining could be another push. JNV or Biplet too, even if I've got a slight gut Village on them. Or Stick or Fadran. But for now I'm staying on Dannex.

True, though the shining push didn't really get far. It fizzed out and got no claim. Reread all of Dannex to see if I read him differently. Didn't find anything except a disengagement from the game and a lack of attempts at solving. This could very well be time constrained, but dah, he feels not good still.

2 minutes ago, dannnnnex said:

strongly dislike this post

this implies he is very confident in e!me

but his only prior statement about his read on me is:

which is cagey and non-commital

but then he's apparently conf-vil from fae so idk

fae/wiz e/e is possible but i dont see why an elim team would make that gambit so early on


also i have an alignment scanner adjacent ish role so dont kill me thanks

I did just reread you, and I'm feeling worse about you than before. You popped right in a the beginning of the day and didn't come back during that day. Why didn't you?

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23 minutes ago, |TJ| said:

Willing to shift to jnv or shining anyone? 

Maybe Xino? I mean I like my Dannex vote but am slightly uncomfortable with the lack of push back 

35 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

Hmm. I'm not sure if Dannex is the best option, considering he's been in the lead for a bit and nothing has happened. Though maybe the elims aren't super worried about their people dying because they'll still have the votes they need at the end of the game as long as at least one of them is alive?

that might be the case 

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1 hour ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Yeah, I fully expect to be dead in the next two cycles. Either the elims kill me, or they don't and lots of people assume I'm an elim because I didn't get eliminated.

I still don't understand why you revealed so early. Yes, it was helpful to clear Striker, but you could have waited with that information. We now know deaths don't prevent someone from talking, so you could have revealed after your death. Now, we can't really trust your results, because of the high possibility of an elim troll. I'm pretty sure you're good though, since an elim wouldn't want that much attention drawn on them.

Speaking of which, since I tentatively believe your claim, perhaps we should look at the people who voted on Striker. I guess Araris. Normally he sticks out more to me. That could be because Aman sucked all the oxygen out of the room, but he's usually a more vocal presence.

I'm not really in favor of the Danex train. Like others have said, there has been an air of general apathy to this pick, which I think is more indicative of an elim team sitting back and relaxing.


6 minutes ago, dannnnnex said:

strongly dislike this post

this implies he is very confident in e!me

but his only prior statement about his read on me is:

which is cagey and non-commital

but then he's apparently conf-vil from fae so idk

fae/wiz e/e is possible but i dont see why an elim team would make that gambit so early on


also i have an alignment scanner adjacent ish role so dont kill me thanks

I still don't love the amount of claims we've been making, but I'll bite. What is your role? If it is alignment scanning, that's a really good reason to keep you alive. The main argument against you is that you're quiet. Scans are a good way to get a lot out of a little volume.

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26 minutes ago, |TJ| said:

Willing to shift to jnv or shining anyone? 

Yes, more the former than the latter and if it’s happening I’d need to know in the next five minutes :P 

Also wow I did not realize Dannex was so far ahead but like if you’re claiming alignment scanner then full claim details so it doesn’t just look like you’re trying to get out of the exe because at this point more details won’t hurt.

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6 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

I did just reread you, and I'm feeling worse about you than before. You popped right in a the beginning of the day and didn't come back during that day. Why didn't you?

because i was busy conspiring with my eliminator friends in the elim doc  ._.

but fr what possible answer are you looking for here that would dissuade your suspicion

this is tunneling 101

5 minutes ago, Sart said:

What is your role? If it is alignment scanning, that's a really good reason to keep you alive. The main argument against you is that you're quiet. Scans are a good way to get a lot out of a little volume.

i am going to keep the specifics of the role quiet, because the method in which i can gain information could be easily thwarted by the elims. i won't be saying exactly what info I get or how i get it.

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