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11 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:


@Kasimir @Fifth Scholar can Trolls troll the dead?


Troll the Dead

Necromancy cantrip

Casting Time: 1 Night action
Range: 60 playerlists
Components: V, S, M (Troll role, GM PM)
Duration: Instantaneous

You point at one Removed Player you can see within range, and the sound of a dolorous bell fills the air around it for a moment. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d8 necrotic damage and despair at the futility of being unable to die in a game where Day turns are regularly twenty pages long. If the target is missing any of its sanity (assumed), it instead takes 1d12 necrotic damage and is sent an additional prequel meme or cursed cat video.

At Higher Pagecounts. The spell’s damage increases by one die when you reach page 5 (2d8 or 2d12), page 11 (3d8 or 3d12), and page 17 (4d8 or 4d12).

(They can try. :P)


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37 minutes ago, The last Fae in the Woods said:

Would that even do anything, or do you mean if they died in the night?

The reason I asked is because apparently dead elims can still submit the NK, and I was thinking about experimenting on Tani

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1 hour ago, The Bookwyrm said:



That tests the Araris vote adding thing too, which is nice 

2 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:

What an interesting theory!

My guess is you're some kind of Thug? But the implication is that you're willing to waste this exe and our time instead of trying to clear your name. If you have an information gathering role that requires your exing to work, I'd rather you just say so. 

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Just now, Archer said:

My guess is you're some kind of Thug? But the implication is that you're willing to waste this exe and our time instead of trying to clear your name. If you have an information gathering role that requires your exing to work, I'd rather you just say so. 

Well, I did say that I was panicked when I thought it was almost Rollover. I don't actually want to be exed, cause, yeah, that wastes our time. 

No, I do not have a role that requires my exe.

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6 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Out of curiosity, does the term Terminal Seeker have a history in SE like Goalkeeper?

Yeah it’s been a recent euphemism for Coinshots, since you get to see someone’s role and alignment when they die. :P

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Just now, StrikerEZ said:

Yeah it’s been a recent euphemism for Coinshots, since you get to see someone’s role and alignment when they die. :P


I wish Stick was still here to ask why the heck she shot TKN :(

Also does anyone have a theory (or theories) about the Xino elim kill? I know already someone posited that elims could have started the game out knowing his role, but idk. That seems odd to me and I'd like a better explanation

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3 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Also does anyone have a theory (or theories) about the Xino elim kill? I know already someone posited that elims could have started the game out knowing his role, but idk. That seems odd to me and I'd like a better explanation

Maybe one had a PM with him? Village redirect potential? Redirected elim kill?

@xinoehp512 did you have any PMs besides your GM PM?

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2 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

I didn't stay stop :(

I didn't say I would waste my vote

2 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

Why did you decide to submit a kill order on Xino last night?

I won't answer that question, it's an Elim TMI question.

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40 minutes ago, Tani said:

I didn't say I would waste my vote

I won't answer that question, it's an Elim TMI question.

Surely you have enough living teammates that your vote wouldn't matter at exlo, yeah? :ph34r:

inb4 that's elim TMI too :P

But seriously tho, for the rest of us, a part of it seems to be information denial. Too many elims hiding among the more active players like myself?

I still find it odd that the elims would let v!Book scan v!Orlok, but if they were afraid of a role like Xino's catching them...



I'm guessing the elims have a Multiquoter or, as has been suggested, knowledge of Xino's role for some reason or another. They would maybe leave Book be in either scenario so their trolls don't get caught


Also just possible that Orlok is an e!Confirmed Villager and they didn't care if he got scanned, but I'm not willing to go down that line of thinking until later

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1 hour ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Maybe one had a PM with him? Village redirect potential? Redirected elim kill?

@xinoehp512 did you have any PMs besides your GM PM?

I did not. I have not revealed any information about my role to anyone prior to this cycle. (Other than implicitly, I could be trolled.)

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1 minute ago, Amanuensis said:

I forgor. Did you mention your N1 Lookout results?

His action failed N1.

6 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

I did not. I have not revealed any information about my role to anyone prior to this cycle. (Other than implicitly, I could be trolled.)

Alright, you could have been scanned N1 or RPed N1 and they wanted you dead. Those are a few that come to mind.

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1 minute ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

His action failed N1.

Alright, you could have been scanned N1 or RPed N1 and they wanted you dead. Those are a few that come to mind.

Right right right. And @|TJ| who did you RB N1?


NVM found it

On 2/2/2023 at 0:25 PM, |TJ| said:

n1 - rbed shining
n2 - rbed mat

My memory this game is not working for me haha


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Steeldancer Walin

Last VC:


Steeldancer (5): Archer, Ashbringer, Adavantos, DrakeMarshall, The Wandering Wizard,
Shining Silhouette (3): Metalcognition, Channelknight Fadran, Shining Silhouette
Walin (2): Matrim's Dice, |TJ|

Current VC:


(4) SteeldancerArcher, AshbringerDrakeMarshallThe Wandering Wizard,
(4) Walin: Matrim's Dice, |TJ|Shining SilhouetteAdavantos,
(2) Shining Silhouette: Metalcognition, Channelknight Fadran,
(1) Metalcognition: Bookwyrm,

Wouldn't mind if Sart was up for the running either, maybe if @Araris Valerian and @Channelknight Fadran are willing to vote there

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3 hours ago, Fifth Scholar said:

(They can try. :P)


1 hour ago, Amanuensis said:


I wish Stick was still here to ask why the heck she shot TKN :(

Also does anyone have a theory (or theories) about the Xino elim kill? I know already someone posited that elims could have started the game out knowing his role, but idk. That seems odd to me and I'd like a better explanation

I uh, may not have been entirely frank

I am, after all, Drake. Frank is clearly absent from this game. You could say that it’s possible for somebody to be Frank undercover but then that wouldn’t be frank so I rest my case. Nobody is frank.

Anyway, the point is, Stick didn’t shoot TKN

that might have been a very minor fib

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Just now, DrakeMarshall said:


I uh, may not have been entirely frank

I am, after all, Drake. Frank is clearly absent from this game. You could say that it’s possible for somebody to be Frank undercover but then that wouldn’t be frank so I rest my case. Nobody is frank.

Anyway, the point is, Stick didn’t shoot TKN

that might have been a very minor fib

Gah. Bruh. My head has been spinning for the last 24 hours trying to make sense of this.

So she did kill Xino, or?

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