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1 minute ago, |TJ| said:

but see, first order of business is to prolong parity for as long as possible and we know there are 2 non "confirmed villager" elims in that tie guy pile so we good. 

... I mean, it is if Orlok and Steel are village, which is the issue here >>

1 minute ago, |TJ| said:

aman, your troll was success? no one else seems to be blocked. and if your troll converted sarts block to block immunity, then it would make sense how my roleblock was just an attempt. 

Shouldn't that mean Sart's target has block immunity, not Sart?

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20 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

No idea >>

But yeah Fadran's our only lead on that and Fadran isn't particularly clear aside from it.

I thought I made it very clear on my stance here. We need to prevent Kasamir from inciting a civil war, thus providing the necessary blood sacrifice to complete the nationwide transmutation circle and create a sufficiently powerful philosopher's stone to attain God

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I think the only reasonable way to evaluate all of these claims is to take them as a probability. Contingent on the person making the claim not being village, being messed with by a troll or confirmed villager, or just plain being incorrect about what happened.

Anyways, I'm curious as to what the deal is with Sart as well, although a priori I don't see how weirdness surrounding targeting Sart is especially alignment indicative. Except in that I am surprised that this appears to both be a very similar but also different ability from what Archer has, which probably means something? But I don't know what yet.

Sart is a reasonably suspicious individual for other reasons, though: Sart's voting decision at EoD was a lil funky, and besides that any kind of role-based PoE includes Sart due to being the only player who hasn't claimed any role yet.

On the other hand... If only one person hasn't claimed, then I think it's pretty clear that the elim doc has decided to take a more proactive policy with roleclaiming. So honestly that might point to village!Sart.

The Sart train makes some amount of sense, but regardless, I have already registered my preference that we execute Steel. I believe that e!Steel has a clear motive to lie about there being 2 elims in the D4 Tie Guy pool since Steel was in Orlok's D3 Tie Guy pool but not in that one.

Vote Tally
Sart (4): Amanuensis, Archer, Ashbringer, |TJ|
Steeldancer (1): DrakeMarshall

There may or may not be votes missing from this tally, you know the drill. Please @ me if you find any :P

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So it seems reasonable either that Randby's scan was successful (Fadran is being truthful and failed to Troll, which implies Randby had Troll protection), or that Fadran is lying. In the e!Fadran world, he would have incentive to claim something here in order to Troll someone else, since presumably both Bip and myself are checking Randby's Troll status, and thus elims have no way to disrupt the village-favored outcome here.

Except I still think Fadran is village, in part because I think the existence of the Confirmed Villager role suggests at least one villager would have that role so we would know our scans aren't entirely reliable. And IMO it makes a lot more sense for villager to claim that role than an elim.

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8 hours ago, Fifth Scholar said:

Shining Silhouette was DDoSed.

what did I just watch

so many stabs

the horror >>

5 hours ago, Ashbringer said:
  • Shining - Elim - Claimed (jokingly? probably jokingly)

I would like to renew my petition and once again claim village

I have died and lost my Discussion Leader Role


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6 hours ago, Ashbringer said:
  • Wizard could be a Confirmed Villager. We don't have confirmation on Wizard having a 2nd role. I'm not liking this pattern.


I don't have a second role, all I have is PM spider and the not very useful information that Biplet scanned someone for trolling N2.

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@Ashbringer, I don’t think there is a ruling players are limited to 2 roles, is there? So players with 2 verified roles (such as myself) could still be Confirmed Villagers in theory.

Also, just to check, there aren’t actually a bunch of World Cup themed roles, are there? Just the Goalkeeper so far as we know?

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The latest vc according to Tallybot:


Vote Tally
Sart (4): Amanuensis, Archer, Ashbringer, |TJ|
DrakeMarshall (1): Shining Silhouette
Steeldancer (1): DrakeMarshall

As usual, @ if mistaken.

The latest utterance from WordBot:



This exam is going very well :D 

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Crap. I don't like being dead. That's annoying.

As I am now very, very dead, I would like to confirm that I am, indeed, a villager.

Anyway, if I was trolled, Steeldancer is village. If not, Steeldancer is an elim.

Also, I'm flipping off whoever killed me. :angry:

(Just kidding. I'm not mad.)

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Just now, StrikerEZ said:

I would not be opposed to you guys exing Steel today. I’m not gonna vote because I should save my vote just in case, but I think Steel is a good vote. So is Sart honestly.

If Steel is elim then that means 1 of Aman, Orlok, Wizard, and Biplet replaced him in the tie. I actually think Steel is likely V

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Well, I’m going to vote Steel then. I don’t see a plausible world in which the elims can:

1) Troll Randby
2) Block Fadran from Trolling Randby
3) Account for both myself and Biplet checking if Randby has been Trolled (in theory)

I guess if both Fadran and Biplet are elims then this is bad? Fadran could have actually trolled Randby, Bip could have just not scanned, and if the elims have a RB or second Troll then they could have hit me.

Another scenario is e!Bip but v!Fadran, which requires the elims to have a Troll and an extra RB, which is maybe less plausible, though it fits with my take on Fadran.

I guess for completion’s sake v!Bip and e!Fadran is plausible, again the elims need a way to disrupt both myself and Bip from scanning here though.

I will say, Fadran could just be an elim Troll and possibly Confirmed Villager doesn’t exist. Nobody has scanned him, right? Could be he’d just scan as red, but nobody has bothered because of the claim.

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3 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

I don’t see a plausible world in which the elims can:

1) Troll Randby
2) Block Fadran from Trolling Randby

Why do the elims need to do both of these things? Isn't the net result the exact same? As for stopping both you and Bip, we're pretty sure they have a troll and a RB.

I slept on TJ's theory and I'm back to not understanding because I don't get why the elims would RB TJ and not you/Bip/Randby. Even if Steel is village, they wouldn't want the scan to work, right? I'm also seriously tinfoiling you not submitting an action here but if you're village that's not fair of me

7 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

I will say, Fadran could just be an elim Troll and possibly Confirmed Villager doesn’t exist. Nobody has scanned him, right? Could be he’d just scan as red, but nobody has bothered because of the claim.

This has been my pet theory for a bit :P. I also think it's possible Fadran is actually a CV elim who claimed to get village cred as well as make us paranoid on all of our clears.

I'll vote on Steel for now. I'm guessing people don't want me to construct a tunnel today?

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2 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

@Ashbringer, I don’t think there is a ruling players are limited to 2 roles, is there? So players with 2 verified roles (such as myself) could still be Confirmed Villagers in theory.

Also, just to check, there aren’t actually a bunch of World Cup themed roles, are there? Just the Goalkeeper so far as we know?

No, there is only the Goalkeeper. I am waiting for flips to be revealed at the end of the game and some other random soccer role to appear.

3 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Why do the elims need to do both of these things? Isn't the net result the exact same? As for stopping both you and Bip, we're pretty sure they have a troll and a RB.

I slept on TJ's theory and I'm back to not understanding because I don't get why the elims would RB TJ and not you/Bip/Randby. Even if Steel is village, they wouldn't want the scan to work, right? I'm also seriously tinfoiling you not submitting an action here but if you're village that's not fair of me

This has been my pet theory for a bit :P. I also think it's possible Fadran is actually a CV elim who claimed to get village cred as well as make us paranoid on all of our clears.

I'll vote on Steel for now. I'm guessing people don't want me to construct a tunnel today?

As long as it's on an elim. But probably not.

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1 hour ago, Amanuensis said:

If Steel is elim then that means 1 of Aman, Orlok, Wizard, and Biplet replaced him in the tie. I actually think Steel is likely V

No, it doesn’t. Steel was the one who reported the results for the second tie. It Steel is an elim, then those results are invalid.

That said, I respect a healthy skepticism about scans. Trolling is still a fairly large possibility here.

That said, I still don’t trust Steel, and therefore won’t complain too hard that everyone suddenly decided to vote for him :P

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4 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

No, it doesn’t. Steel was the one who reported the results for the second tie. It Steel is an elim, then those results are invalid.

That said, I respect a healthy skepticism about scans. Trolling is still a fairly large possibility here.

That said, I still don’t trust Steel, and therefore won’t complain too hard that everyone suddenly decided to vote for him :P

Ah, fair. I’m kind of independently reading him Village anyway?

Alas, this is a democracy :P

Edited by Amanuensis
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