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10 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

He’s only got the thread control we give him. And actually, feeling threatened by a player with thread control feels like an elim perspective to me, based on how I approached things in the AG.

Even if the whole thread village reads the person I’m reading elim? The chances of me looking bad are pretty high imo, and I’m at least trying to stay alive. You know, the whole “I know I’m an elim” thing. Also I don’t necessarily play like you lol :P

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12 minutes ago, Biplet said:

Even if the whole thread village reads the person I’m reading elim?

That's the thing. Everyone who is village reading him has reasons, so you have to argue against those reasons (at least, if you think it's worth the bother). I currently think he's village because of the scan, plus Sart being practically confirmed elim makes his play last cycle look pretty darned village. Up until that I was trying really hard to figure out how unlikely mechanically it would be for Ada to be elim, because his take on Steel last cycle was setting off my alarms.

And your next best bet is to expand the POE. I kinda agree with the read on you, because you haven't really pushed for anything this game. It's clear that much/all of that has been due to IRL stuff on your end, but in my opinion, SE is a guilty-until-proven-innocent kinda world, and we are starting to run out of people that haven't been scanned. Among those you haven't really given us much to work with.

I will say I'm not sure what my take on Sart's post last cycle was though. He wouldn't have expected to die, but was aware that Ada was strongly pushing for his exe and that some other folks agreed. If Steel is/was village, then I'm not so sure you're elim, because his post could have saved Steel and gotten you killed. On the flip side, if Steel was elim, I'm not entirely sure what e!Sart gets out of claiming there, except potential distancing with you.

And of course, if Ada has bamboozled us all and we don't catch him then you can say, "I told you so!" when we all get banned :P

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8 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

so you have to argue against those reasons


The flip flopping of opinions, changing reasons for my elim read, the insistence on not believing the Steel scan but being 99% on Sart’s proposed scan of me even though it’s obviously a lie?”

Mobile won’t let me quote twice ugh

as far as lack of contribution, I’ve tried my best. I’ve done what I can. I’m not smart enough to get the mechanics like y’all can and I’m busy and that’s that so. I’ve talked to elandera and kas and fifth and there’s so many pinch hitter calls I just decided to give my absolute best. It wasn’t a lot and it doesn’t look like it was enough. Why me and not JNV? Sorry if I sound frustrated/angry, I’m just trying to get across that I hate that irl has put me in a position where I look bad because I have commitments. Not your fault

Also kinda wild to completely trust village scans even tho we well know that there’s plenty of chances to disrupt those scans re what’s going on with us not trusting the Steel scan

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3 minutes ago, Biplet said:


The flip flopping of opinions, changing reasons for my elim read, the insistence on not believing the Steel scan but being 99% on Sart’s proposed scan of me even though it’s obviously a lie?”

Mobile won’t let me quote twice ugh

as far as lack of contribution, I’ve tried my best. I’ve done what I can. I’m not smart enough to get the mechanics like y’all can and I’m busy and that’s that so. I’ve talked to elandera and kas and fifth and there’s so many pinch hitter calls I just decided to give my absolute best. It wasn’t a lot and it doesn’t look like it was enough. Why me and not JNV? Sorry if I sound frustrated/angry, I’m just trying to get across that I hate that irl has put me in a position where I look bad because I have commitments. Not your fault

Also kinda wild to completely trust village scans even tho we well know that there’s plenty of chances to disrupt those scans re what’s going on with us not trusting the Steel scan

Almost like I didn't trust the e!scan on Steel :P or the v!scan on Orlok :P or the v!scan on Araris :P

But the Striker lynchbait vote couldn't be interfered with since it's a day action. Also Book's scan very unlikely interfered with cause it was N1 before they claimed to have a scan

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4 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

I am pondering exactly this question tbf

JNV makes sense as an e!PM Spider, yeah. I've been attempting to engage people on that subject too (which Spider is elim) but no one has really bit :P

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22 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

JNV makes sense as an e!PM Spider, yeah. I've been attempting people to engage on that subject too (which Spider is elim) but no one has really bit :P

well, a wise man once told me better late than never :P

AFAIK these are the PM Spiders, or at least the ones that actually claimed and made PMs and such:

  1. Wizard:
    • (+) Scanned village by Fae. Evil!Wizard requires two elim PM spiders, which is not inconceivable but less likely than other options.
    • (-) Has at various times requested that I don't shoot specific people in our PM, namely Biplet and then Araris. Both of whom are potentially suspect at this stage.
    • (-) Last-minute Steel vote yesterday
  2. JNV
    • (-) Claims to have village-scanned Matrim, who made a last-minute Steel vote yesterday
  3. Archer
    • (-) Last-minute Steel vote yesterday
  4. Fae
    • requiescat in pace

any of these could be evil tbh

the "last minute vote on Steel" yesterday criteria may or may not be relevant, depending on whether Steel is village or not

JNV is a slightly preferential target because there is a JNV->Matrim dependency and there seemingly has always been something more urgent than verifying it

also archer is bulletproof ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

edit: "well might as well go after JNV to cover the bases" ya know this feels a bit familiar...... ( ¬ _ ¬ ;).

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Listen if you want to kill me feel free Im really not sure how much help I can be alive that I wouldnt provide while dead I mean besides the random info every other night but thats not amazing like I havent been voting so its not like youll miss that 

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21 minutes ago, JNV said:

Listen if you want to kill me feel free Im really not sure how much help I can be alive that I wouldnt provide while dead I mean besides the random info every other night but thats not amazing like I havent been voting so its not like youll miss that 

What result did you get from N4 btw? You never got back to our PM :(

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After careful consideration, I have decided not to shoot Drake.

I want you to know that I value input from each and every one of you, though.

Even though I am unable to comply with some requests, it was a difficult decision to make.


Tbh I'm still not sure who to hit >:|

I'm leaning TJ rn since Orlok's scan result will be relevant to Biplet and JNV is seeming village but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

feels like whatever i do will probably be a miss tonight but i hope not

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LG92: Day Six - Welcome to the PM Paranoia








Orlok was DDoSed!

TJ was DDoSed!

The Day has begun and will end on Monday, 13th February 2022 at 1100hrs SGT (GMT+8)!

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Rule Clarifications:

  • Kas and Fifth are only valid vote targets at parity.
  • The wincons are complete. 
  • Flipless implies no roles and no alignments.
  • Survivals, if any, will be written up in the standard way.

Player List:


1. @Ashbringer as Ash the Amateur, a RPing college student
2. @The Wandering Wizard as Emma, twin of Wiz, corruptor of all, avatar of the Kaos.
3. @Steeldancer as Steel
4. @Channelknight Fadran as Fadran the Guy From the Fellowship of the Thing Who Has Never Done This Before.
5. @StrikerEZ as Kjell, an overworked, stressed out man who really needs a break
6. @xinoehp512 as xinoehp513, a newbie to the forum that is very puzzled that his name was already taken.
7. @JNV as JNV
8. @Matrim's Dice as Matrim's Dice
9. @Biplet as Biplet
10. @Araris Valerian as Metalcognition, definitely not an imposter of the founder of SE.
11. @Devotary of Spontaneity as Cecelia, Devona, and Saponin
12. @Amanuensis as Adavantos
13. @The Known Novel as TKN (The Known (and Totally Kool) Novel)
14. @The Bookwyrm as Bookwyrm, the SE deprived Sharder who's doing this even though it might be a bad idea.
15. @Tani as Mehelin, a random bystander who isn't Randby.
16. @Archer as Archer, a player that's hellbent on PM spidering.
17. @Walin as Walin, the consistently befuddled and absent SE-er
18. @|TJ| as mad watcher
19. @dannnnnex as Danex
20. @DrakeMarshall as Drake
21. @Orlok Tsubodai as Orlok (he's Orlok right? I think?)
22. @Random Bystander as Random Bystander
23. @Sart as Sart
24. @Shining Silhouette as Silho, bootleg King's Wit
25. @The last Fae in the Woods as The last Fae in the Woods


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