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I think the v!Archer case is better than the e!Archer case, but the same could be said about a lot of people

Fadran is probably the person I can’t think of a solid reason to v read but the inverse is the e case is paranoia :P I agree with Aman that I’d rather collapse this world though since I know I’ll be paranoiding till the end of the game until we kill him

Edit: Ninja’d by Bip

Edited by Matrim's Dice
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5 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

Okay, so, 10 players left (excluding myself). If we accept e!Tani, e!Steel, and e!Sart, probably only two elims left max... right?

  1. Ashbringer
  2. The Wandering Wizard
  3. Channelknight Fadran
  4. JNV
  5. Matrim's Dice
  6. Biplet
  7. Metalcognition
  8. Archer
  9. DrakeMarshall
  10. The last Fae in the Woods

Just remembered Fadran was the alternative exe on D5, apart from Steel and Sart, so no way all three elims got pressure that day, right?

Well, there could be three elims left, I think? That still falls below 25%.

But I agree that it may be unlikely. For one, I suspect the concept of a blackout flipless game inherently favors the elims and that there might be fewer elims to balance that out (then again... with the number of village power roles, maybe not?). And also, it's conceivable that some elims might be dead and we don't even know it.

It would certainly be funny if all three players who got votes D5 were elims, but I feel that it's more likely for only one of (Steel, Fadran) to be evil. And that's probably Steel.

5 hours ago, Kasimir said:

This sounds made-up.


Why would a neutral do this they're literally neutral that's not their wincon


meanwhile I was just having a quiet chill memeful game while the neutral stressed about analysis and helping the village win

sheer and utter madness >:P

4 hours ago, Archer said:

Quoted the wrong Drake post, but in response to this general conversation: it's a lot easier for you to shoot another villager if you have total impunity. You can make an argument in retrospect and sweep it under the rug. Whereas proposing your kill in advance and being scrutinized for it means you at least have to aim for a suspicious villager because it demonstrates you've thought it through and didn't, for example, make a terribly rash decision and shoot Aman quite unhelpfully. I realize that calling your shot exposes you to being blocked, but you can at least discuss it in a PM or drop an explanation of your kill near EOD.

so you want me to discuss who I am thinking of shooting publicly in the thread, and then maybe post something near EoD if I'm worried about being blocked?

my guy if you look closely I did all of that last night :ph34r:

or do you disagree...?

4 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

I think I’m going to stop tin foiling Drake.




Tbh, I think occam's razor says the surviving elim team rn is JNV/Matrim.

It's just that my gut says this explanation is wrong.


  1. Ashbringer: Allegedly unlynchable, killed e!Sart.
  2. Wizard: Fae claims Wizard is village. My gut says Wizard maybe isn't.
  3. Fadran: Actually, v!Steel and e!Fadran is still a possibility. Aman says they successfully trolled Orlok's scan but I don't think Aman would actually know if he got trolled by Fadran, thus causing Aman to grant Orlok troll immunity instead of trolling Orlok. In an e!Steel world, though (which I feel is simpler because it handily explains why the elims freaked out when the vote was split between 2 of them and came up with Sart's Vote Analyst claim as a bid to save their sinking ship), I'm not sure what e!Fadran gains by... Oh wait. No, I do see what e!Fadran gains by claiming to be roleblocked and then trolling someone other than Randby. Suppose e!Fadran trolled Araris. Then, assuming Araris actually checked for trolling on Randby, he would get a wrong result. Everyone would disregard the e!scan on Steel, since Araris reported Randby was trolled, and they might probably actually clear Steel, since it looked like the elims tried and failed to sabotage the scan. This would actually be a pretty good plan for the elims to try. But Araris forgot to check Randby thus foiling the elims plan :D This... Actually makes a surprising amount of sense.
  4. JNV: Claims to have scanned Matrim as village with PM spider role. Could be lying. Although, since nobody knew at this point that PM spiders could even do that, this probably lowers the chances that e!JNV would think to make it up.
  5. Matrim: JNV claims Matrim is village. My gut tentatively agrees, but PoE from the Orlok Tie Guy scan says Matrim has a decent chance of being evil.
  6. Biplet: Pretty much the sole thing pointing to village!Biplet is that it looks an awful lot like e!Sart tried to derail a lynch onto Biplet. This is a pretty good evidence for v!Biplet, but it is also just a single piece of evidence, and clearing anyone off of any single piece of evidence is bad business. Wizard claims to have observed Biplet using the Meme Maker role on N2, although the way Wizard said it sounded like they were saying Biplet trolled on N2 at first so that's kinda weird.
  7. Araris: Initial claimant to the Meme Maker role. Probably does genuinely possess that role, and this is a village-sided role although I don't think that would prevent Kas from giving it to the elims. I feel like a lot of what Araris is saying reflects my thinking as well which kind of makes me village read him.
  8. Aman: Village unless e!Striker and either e!Bookwyrm or trolled!Bookwyrm (D1) and this seems hard to argue.
  9. Archer: Reasons to vote Archer 1) In the PoE from Orlok's Tie Guy 2) Steel's (most likely fake) Tie Guy result seems designed to draw less attention to the members who aren't in both sets of which Archer is one 3) is a PM spider 4) has a stronger version of smoker that feels very elim sided 5) elim reading Archer's posts 6) I can't coinshot Archer apparently, so the vote is the only way he can be dealt with :P Reasons not to vote Archer 1) Archer pushed Steel twice, once on D3 and once on D5. Would e!Archer do that? 2) Archer appears to have a very similar role to e!Sart. Does that make sense in an e!Archer world?
  10. Drake: I am Drake, and Drake means me!
  11. Fae: Claims to have started the game with an "SE Buddy" (Wizard). While I believe that this is indeed a role that exists, I don't think we can be sure that this means v!Fae, or that the rules of "SE Buddy" say something like "you have a friend of the same alignment" instead of "you have a friend you know is village." So it is inconclusive.

Whomst indeed.

Honestly, the main thing keeping me from voting Fadran rn is that everyone's already doing it, and this fact flares up my contrarian impulses :P How much do I believe all of the Fadran voters are village?

Vote Tally
Channelknight Fadran (5): Amanuensis, Ashbringer, Biplet, Matrim's Dice, The Wandering Wizard
Archer (2): Araris Valerian, DrakeMarshall
DrakeMarshall (1): Archer

Edited by DrakeMarshall
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Hi um quick question was the consensus that Sart had a role that made them slippery or whatnot cause wasnt TJs whole spiel about how Sart was probably the roleblocker and beat them on the coinflip for OOA shenanigans which would mean Archers thing isnt doubled up if evil and honestly I havent really been keeping up too much but Im not really feeling the Fadran vote and having the PM network be entirely pure seems a bit far fetched and yeah Archer I have to go I dont think I can make it on again tonight sorry bye

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11 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:



On the bright side, even if you die today, you'll still have 1 vote to help us prevent Kasimir from inciting a civil war, thus providing the necessary blood sacrifice to complete the nationwide transmutation circle and create a sufficiently powerful philosopher's stone to attain God?

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24 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Does Tani/Steel/Sart/Fadran/JNV work as a coherent team tho? 

Like role wise, or meta wise? Both seem fine to me, tbh. Meta wise would be a bit weirder but I don’t see any glaring problems with it. And there could be a sixth teammate, potentially.

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6 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

Except I also scanned Orlok as having been Trolled, so this only works if the elims had access to 2 Trolls.

Oh, you did? Well then that settles that quite nicely.

Wonder what the elims have been up to... Although the answer to that riddle is possibly "being dead."

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1 hour ago, DrakeMarshall said:

I don't think Aman would actually know if he got trolled by Fadran

Archer appears to have a very similar role to e!Sart. Does that make sense in an e!Archer world?

Wouldn't there be different PM results? There wouldn't be a 'you successfully trolled Orlok' if Aman got trolled?

"Can't be targeted" and "roleblocker" are different enough that I could see them on the same team.

Sart wasn't going to die before he claimed vote-analyst. If the elims really wanted to save Steel that badly, then Fadran wasn't a good enough option for them, either because he's also evil or they didn't have enough votes.


Steeldancer (7): Archer, Channelknight Fadran, JNV, The Wandering Wizard, The last Fae in the Woods, DrakeMarshall, Orlok Tsubodai
Channelknight Fadran (4): Matrim's Dice, Araris Valerian, Steeldancer, Biplet
Sart (3): Amanuensis, Ashbringer, TJ

Looks better for the people voting Steeldancer in the v!Fadran case. Sart + one person switching from Steel could have tied it. Sart not wanting Fadran dead looks bad for him.

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25 minutes ago, |TJ| said:

plus the revelation about confirmed villager was very villagery

I don’t think it was, though. I’ve said this multiple times— what did it gain us? Paranoia? The elims would have been very concerned about the level of scans and it Fadran’s claim seemed perfectly placed to mess with that. We’ve seen no proof of the role (granted, it’s kind of a hard role to prove) but that’s also not really a point in its favor.

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