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1 hour ago, Amanuensis said:

I mean, do you think e!Fadran doesn't vote to save himself? :P

Anyway, I'm kinda doubting e!JNV again too because Sart's D1 response to my Refugee claim was very aggressive. He definitely saw it for the trap that it was and I feel like he'd tell theoretical e!JNV not to bite.

I think Fadran was too afk to self pres at the end regardless of alignment

I think that’s a weak point, like you’re looking for a reason not to shoot them. Cause Sart was pretty clearly doing his own thing the whole game, imo.

Idk man I know it’s blackout but your near-confirmed-confirmed status is the only thing stopping me from legitimately wanting Drake to send a kill your way >> You manage to have no reads and yet all the reads and it’s a very easy spot for e!you to be in but e!you is hard to justify when you were LBd.

Is Striker confirmed at all? I forget if we’re just vibe reading him. Ok no Book did scan Striker so he’d have had to have been trolled and that’s weird. Possible I guess though?

…Anyway, I second the JNV kill. I think e!Fadran has a high chance of e!JNV because I think it’s relevant JNV came out of inactivity to vote Fadran’s countertrain.

Edited by Matrim's Dice
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okay i only kind of meant to hide that post (it had nothing game related) but going through with it was an accident please don't kill me sorry for clicking the wrong button

8 hours ago, Biplet said:

Just now realizing that stoned probably means, like, the the historical act of stoning someone, not, y'know, drugs

It means both. It might also mean drunk, but I might be wrong.

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Unfortunately y'all just killed the only other troll so I can't even attempt to kill Mat tonight :(

Hm. Why would the village get 3 Trolls and 2 Troll trackers while the elims have no Trolls and no Troll trackers? That seems odd to me

Edited by Amanuensis
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This is also Kas and Fifth in their trollish states, I think we can probably expect a Kayana distro. 

I mean that there could be others who are trolls but haven't claimed a second role. Kind of doubt it but at least it means most scans are probably reliable now. Always a silver lining there is. Just have to look out for any that are lies.

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37 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

This is also Kas and Fifth in their trollish states, I think we can probably expect a Kayana distro. 

I mean that there could be others who are trolls but haven't claimed a second role. Kind of doubt it but at least it means most scans are probably reliable now. Always a silver lining there is. Just have to look out for any that are lies.

Surely Kas wouldn't put us in a game so kayana that he wouldn't be able to solve himself... right? (ED1T: That is, WITHOUT going insane :P)

Edited by Amanuensis
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54 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Unfortunately y'all just killed the only other troll so I can't even attempt to kill Mat tonight :(

Hm. Why would the village get 3 Trolls and 2 Troll trackers while the elims have no Trolls and no Troll trackers? That seems odd to me

Why do you think Fadran was exed :P Not that it was exclusively a role exe but the paranoia was based on the assumption that the elims probably have a troll and that Fadran being said troll would explain some things.

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11 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

I mean. You could have voted Archer to at least tie it and maybe survive via RNG :P

Good to see your Kas vote didn't count tho

Tbh that's just Archer's take. I'd prefer him narrowing our PoE. JNV/Mat pairing particularly needs a lil pruning.

Especially since I'm pretty sure Fadran is V for not even bothering to self prez and that means Confirmed Villager is real

My thinking yesterday was Fadran was playing the long game to normalize Kas votes, and it might have worked eventually. Obvious answer might be right and all that. 

Do we know if the game ends if its one villager at night but the dead elims could still NK them? 

11 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

Which again leaves me pondering about e!Archer, since he PM'd Araris instead of me :ph34r:

Aman: everyone PM Wiz

Also Aman: why didn't anybody message me? :(. 

10 hours ago, JNV said:

Sounds good to me no complaints 

This seems very village, tone-wise. I'd expect more desperation from an elim. Conf vil!Mat probably makes more sense, considering they're the only person to claim only one role. 

I still object to killing though. The numbers favor us getting clears faster than we kill off people if we don't. We still have scans from the Spiders and the potential to block kills. 

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2 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

Hm. Why would the village get 3 Trolls and 2 Troll trackers while the elims have no Trolls and no Troll trackers? That seems odd to me

If I was an elim troll, I wouldn’t claim.

Or more specifically I wouldn’t claim to be a troll. I’d claim something else.

neither Steel nor Sart nor Tani have role claims that we can really believe

and there are other, living players that could easily have a secret second role, I mean it seems like almost every cycle somebody is pulling a new trick out of their sleeve like what Ashbringer did to kill Sart

38 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Am I really the only one who has claimed one role? I don’t believe that. 

I ostensibly only have a single role.

47 minutes ago, Archer said:

My thinking yesterday was Fadran was playing the long game to normalize Kas votes, and it might have worked eventually. Obvious answer might be right and all that. 

I still object to killing though. The numbers favor us getting clears faster than we kill off people if we don't. We still have scans from the Spiders and the potential to block kills. 

If Fadran is playing the long game, that implies you think the game is going to go long. Do we think the game is gonna go long? Cuz in that case, shooting is worth it. Not the biggest chess guy, but, like, chess, right? A trade favors the side with more pieces. The village has more pieces. If some elims get hit and some villagers get hit, that ultimately is still village-sided. For two, I’m not just shooting random villagers I’m closing the PoE on players that appear suspicious.

Also, PM spiders only get information every other cycle and even then it’s only a 1/N chance to be an alignment scan and even then the alignment scan is still not 100% reliable. And all of our other scanner roles have turned orange. So coasting on scanners just doesn’t seem tenable, if it ever even was.

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55 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

PSA: There was a clerical error with the D2 vote count. It is being reviewed for accuracy and will possibly change. 

hey, question

sorry to be nitpicking on details and what have you but as this is a blackout game i genuinely do not know what i would and wouldn't put past you

is the fact that Fae is orange in this writeup a clerical error, or is everything in this player list as it should be:


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5 hours ago, DrakeMarshall said:

If I was an elim troll, I wouldn’t claim.

Or more specifically I wouldn’t claim to be a troll. I’d claim something else.

neither Steel nor Sart nor Tani have role claims that we can really believe

and there are other, living players that could easily have a secret second role, I mean it seems like almost every cycle somebody is pulling a new trick out of their sleeve like what Ashbringer did to kill Sart

I ostensibly only have a single role.

If Fadran is playing the long game, that implies you think the game is going to go long. Do we think the game is gonna go long? Cuz in that case, shooting is worth it. Not the biggest chess guy, but, like, chess, right? A trade favors the side with more pieces. The village has more pieces. If some elims get hit and some villagers get hit, that ultimately is still village-sided. For two, I’m not just shooting random villagers I’m closing the PoE on players that appear suspicious.

Also, PM spiders only get information every other cycle and even then it’s only a 1/N chance to be an alignment scan and even then the alignment scan is still not 100% reliable. And all of our other scanner roles have turned orange. So coasting on scanners just doesn’t seem tenable, if it ever even was.

You're working from the presumption that you're innocent and I'm not, so our evaluations of your chances of hitting an elim are different 

4 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

TBH, all 4 of our Spiders are still alive. So @The Wandering Wizard, @The last Fae in the Woods, @JNV, @Archer be sure to actually scan tonight. (Also Archer, you never revealed what you learned N4, did you?)

I alluded to it earlier, but my scan revealed JNV was a PM Spider

57 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

PSA: There was a clerical error with the D2 vote count. It is being reviewed for accuracy and will possibly change. 

smh we explicitly reminded you to include Orlok's vote :P. 

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2 minutes ago, Archer said:

You're working from the presumption that you're innocent and I'm not, so our evaluations of your chances of hitting an elim are different


you know

the fact that you confidently assert that i would assume im innocent as part of an argument about why i am potentially dangerous and not to be trusted sounds like a slip to me but that's none of my business :ph34r:

likewise the fact that you frame it as "drake has presumed I'm evil and there's nothing i can do about it" does not sound like an especially village take to me? FWIW i haven't decided you're definitely evil, i have some reasons to suspect you which we could talk about if you want, but i also have several reasons to village read you


regardless, is this actually pertinent?

again, e!Drake is going to murder everyone whether you like it or not, we've been over this :ph34r:

So why is me presuming im innocent a bad thing? Either I am in fact innocent so I'm 100% correct to behave that way, or I'm evil and this conversation is completely performative

And whether I think you are suspicious or not also doesn't really affect who I shoot? Since you're apparently immune to being terminally sought :P I apologize for my particular methods of discovering your immunity but well I made the decision I thought was the best one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ all we really can do

So anyway I'm not sure about what impact you are proposing this has on my ability or decision-making to do coinshot things.


I mean, if you can come up with better reasons, I might not use my ability tonight, but right now I am going to be using it. I could appeal to the fact that other players seem to think it's a good idea for me to use it too, but at the end of the day it's my decision :P

Hey, question: let's, for a moment, assume that it is inevitable that I use my ability tonight. Who would you pick?

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