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I don’t think we should kill Mat before JNV. As strange as JNV’s scan was, the odds JNV got Trolled N2 are very low. Mat could be a Confirmed Villager. Otherwise Mat’s V unless JNV’s E.

I’d also be somewhat nervous of E!Araris claiming NK immune while really being a Thug, but Thug generally doesn’t need a counterbalance. (Edit: and Araris got V!scanned, so is clear in a no-Elim-Troll world.)

Edited by Ashbringer
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Just now, Biplet said:

I'm for shooting JNV and Fae tbh.

You and the sacred numbers both tbh.

You are a wise individual to be in such attunement with the sacred numbers.

1 minute ago, Biplet said:

I can't see a whole lot of reason for e!mat or araris?

Well to be fair, do you see a lot of reason for v!mat or araris?

For that matter, do you see a lot of reason for e!JNV or Fae?

Idk where things really stand anymore ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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You know deaths kind of an interesting proposition in this game cause its not so much about confirming suspicion so much as its about stopping powerful actions my miskill doesnt stop any powerful actions unless Im the funnel for NKs which isnt viable cause Ive been using my action in a provable manner I mean except for the even nights where Ive been getting shoddy info tehoretically could be murdering then so its not a big deal if I die Faes been around but not doing much so its viable they could be murdering we also dont have action accountability from them but it feels less plausible honestly Araris apparently cant be night killed so the obvious solution is to make them the vote if they live just murder them and I already said my last words N6 but heres the picture of the spider quokka hybrid with crab claws again



EDIT you know I just realized the quokkas standing on its feet and I put three sets of spider legs on it so thats actually ten limbs whoops


Edited by JNV
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56 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Drake, I could make up reasons to v read and e read everyone :P It’s all pretty much just PoE point-and-shoot at this point.

Aint it just!!



yo @Amanuensis are u there perchance?

if not is ok but if you happen to be here i have a small question

in a similar but not quite the same vein as last time

Edited by DrakeMarshall
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Rule Clarifications:

  • Kas and Fifth are only valid vote targets at parity.
  • The wincons are complete. 
  • Flipless implies no roles and no alignments.
  • Survivals, if any, will be written up in the standard way.

Player List:


1. @Ashbringer as Ash the Amateur, a RPing college student
2. @The Wandering Wizard as Emma, twin of Wiz, corruptor of all, avatar of the Kaos.
3. @Steeldancer as Steel
4. @Channelknight Fadran as Fadran the Guy From the Fellowship of the Thing Who Has Never Done This Before.
5. @StrikerEZ as Kjell, an overworked, stressed out man who really needs a break
6. @xinoehp512 as xinoehp513, a newbie to the forum that is very puzzled that his name was already taken.
7. @JNV as JNV
8. @Matrim's Dice as Matrim's Dice
9. @Biplet as Biplet
10. @Araris Valerian as Metalcognition, definitely not an imposter of the founder of SE.
11. @Devotary of Spontaneity as Cecelia, Devona, and Saponin
12. @Amanuensis as Adavantos
13. @The Known Novel as TKN (The Known (and Totally Kool) Novel)
14. @The Bookwyrm as Bookwyrm, the SE deprived Sharder who's doing this even though it might be a bad idea.
15. @Tani as Mehelin, a random bystander who isn't Randby.
16. @Archer as Archer, a player that's hellbent on PM spidering.
17. @Walin as Walin, the consistently befuddled and absent SE-er
18. @|TJ| as mad watcher
19. @dannnnnex as Danex
20. @DrakeMarshall as Drake
21. @Orlok Tsubodai as Orlok (he's Orlok right? I think?)
22. @Random Bystander as Random Bystander
23. @Sart as Sart
24. @Shining Silhouette as Silho, bootleg King's Wit
25. @The last Fae in the Woods as The last Fae in the Woods


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2 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

So any suggestions? Who the heck is evil? There are 9 players left. Why is this so hard? -_-

1 person has died in the last 96 hours :P

... this is not the time for me to do this. But starting with JNV shouldn't hurt.

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6 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Sorry. I figured we should to do it one more time since the elims wouldn’t know I can be protected infinitely. Now they know so the jig is up.

Glad Drake and Wiz proved themselves again though.

lol I was convinced they wouldn't try it again I kept trying to convince Wiz :P

and then I was paranoia-ing so hard last night

but you guys outvoted me in this case and it turns out that was a good thing PM buddies are nice

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6 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

1 person has died in the last 96 hours :P

... this is not the time for me to do this. But starting with JNV shouldn't hurt.

TBF I would have died when my alignment wasn’t really in question, and you’d probably followed since you’re unexeable. I guess we did miss out in two kills, but there’s always the chance they make things worse.

4 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

lol I was convinced they wouldn't try it again I kept trying to convince Wiz :P

and then I was paranoia-ing so hard last night

but you guys outvoted me in this case and it turns out that was a good thing PM buddies are nice

I’m just glad it worked out. Now I can vote Mat.

Edited by Amanuensis
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I would like to add my vote to Matrim as this was the attack order I had decided on before I was able to get into contact with Wizard or Aman.

Would JNV make more sense? Well maybe tbh.

But at the same time I village-read JNV and I elim-read Matrim and at some point that has to outweigh unreliable scans.


  • Vibes :tm:
  • PoE from kinda thinking everyone except Matrim and Araris seems village
  • Tie Guy PoE (only relevant in an e!JNV world, mind, which again I find unlikely but it's still there)
  • The D3 vote (voted Walin over Steel)
  • The D5 vote

All of these reasons are pretty self-explanatory except for the D5 vote.

I thought it was weird that at the end of D5, at the first sign of Archer providing reasoning as an out to voting up Sart, multiple people jumped on it and switched off of Sart. But I dismissed it as just that, a little weird, but not necessarily alignment indicative. After all, weird as it was, what did the elims even have to gain by it? Sart and Steel were both evil, right?

Then I realized Sart, unlike Steel, was very probably NK immune.

In light of this I find Matrim's D5 switch at EoD kinda suspect. Wizard did more or less the same thing but I trust Mat less than Wizard if I'm picking between them.


EDIT: Also this is largely unrelated to anything, but I'm surprised more dead players aren't using their votes, at least symbolically.

If I was dead I would still vote at the beginning of every single cycle but then I would retract before EoD with like a 75% chance.

Just to keep the votes flowing, ya know? Can still apply pressure that way.

Edited by DrakeMarshall
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I guess I can’t dispute vibes :P Will note that vibe reads tend to be unreliable on me (with the exception of a very select examples) but sure I guess

Tie Guy PoE is just a bad reason to include in this list of voting me over JNV and you even acknowledge that like what xD if you’re going to vote me partially because of the tie guy PoE, JNV should go first. Every time. Normal PoE as a reason is similarly /shrug to me as a reason cause yeah sure you do you

I did vote Walin over Steel, yeah. I elim read Walin and I village read Steel. I won’t make up excuses here because there are none :P

Do you think Sart is NK immune, or not? Him being so was my v!Archer case, essentially. But no, you said, it’s an OoA RB weird thing and you went and killed Archer, and now you’re back to the other answer. I’m indifferent to which it is but e!Sart who is NK immune doesn’t work with e!Archer imo so you should really make up your mind about whether I was right about Archer or not and stop switching to whichever side is convenient for your argument

Want me to TC today?

Edit: Wait wasn’t D3 a Tie Guy day

Dude you can’t elim read me off of a vote I literally couldn’t move without messing up Orlok’s scan >> Even if I did e read Walin

Edited by Matrim's Dice
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30 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Tie Guy PoE is just a bad reason to include in this list of voting me over JNV and you even acknowledge that like what xD if you’re going to vote me partially because of the tie guy PoE, JNV should go first. Every time. Normal PoE as a reason is similarly /shrug to me as a reason cause yeah sure you do you

Tie Guy PoE affects you and JNV equally, in essence. Since it is only relevant in a world where the two of you are E/E. It is a reason to vote for one of you two, but to decide which one of you to vote for, we have to base the decision off of the possible worlds where you guys are V/E. Admittedly, I think elim #2 in the Tie Guy pool might already be dead, but I do appreciate thoroughness.

Normal PoE is different bc unlike Tie Guy it has nothing to do with Confirmed Villager roles existing or not.

34 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Do you think Sart is NK immune, or not? Him being so was my v!Archer case, essentially. But no, you said, it’s an OoA RB weird thing and you went and killed Archer, and now you’re back to the other answer. I’m indifferent to which it is but e!Sart who is NK immune doesn’t work with e!Archer imo so you should really make up your mind about whether I was right about Archer or not and stop switching to whichever side is convenient for your argument

Personally yea I think it’s possible. I never said I thought Sart’s thing was a result of OoA shenanigans that was somebody else. I think e!Sart and e!Archer might have worked on the basis that role analysis is just generally a bit sketchy.

37 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Edit: Wait wasn’t D3 a Tie Guy day

Dude you can’t elim read me off of a vote I literally couldn’t move without messing up Orlok’s scan >> Even if I did e read Walin

Can’t I?

I mean sure you couldn’t break the tie but you were still playing a part in deciding which parties were involved in the tie in the first place.

On that note, why did you suspect Walin?

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hm so I think I and possibly everyone else should have continued to scrutinize D5 after we figured out that Steel and Sart were both elims tbh

in the very least it might have convinced me to shoot somebody other than TJ but spilt milk and all that

Matrim Araris.

For now.

Edited by DrakeMarshall
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  • Aman - Village - From Striker Lynchbait Scan, Sart N1 Scan*
  • Striker - Village - From Bookwyrm N1 Scan
  • Wizard - Village - From Fae 'SE Buddy' role
  • Orlok - Village - From Bookwyrm N2 Scan, backed up by Araris antitroll.
  • Mat - Village - From UPS Scan
  • Araris - Village - From Bookwyrm N3 Scan, Sart N2 Scan*
  • Biplet Elim - From Sart N3 Scan*
  • Steel - Elim - From RandBy N4 Scan
  • Tani - Elim - Claimed
  • Shining - Okay fine claim redacted
  • 2 Elims in pool of Mat/Drake/Ash/Shining/TJ/Archer/Steel/TKN - from Orlok Tie Guy
  • 2 Elims in pool of Mat/Drake/Ash/Shining/Biplet/Wizard/Amanuensis/Orlok - from Steel Tie Guy*

* Sart and Steel are relatively likely Elims.


  • Ashbringer - Thread Master (Immune to Execution), Veteran (Removes one vote from self) 
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven, Role 2 Proven)
  • Wizard PM Spider (Creates a 1-on-1 PM on Odd Nights and learns a fact about a target on Even Nights (incorrect fact if Trolled) ) 
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven, Role 2 Unknown)
  • Steeldancer - Pinch Hitter (Copy the Role of a Removed/DDoSed player (does something interesting if Trolled) ) 
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven, Role 2 Unknown)
  • Fadran - Troll (may Troll players, gives a random player Troll Immunity next cycle if Trolled), Confirmed Villager (Always scans as Village) (Seems concerned about someone who's trying to incite a civil war, thus providing the necessary blood sacrifice to complete the nationwide transmutation circle in order to create a sufficiently powerful philosopher's stone and attain God)
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven via Troll Immunity generation, Role 2 Unproven)
  • Striker - Lynchbait (Will place an Extra Vote on a random player who both had a vote on the Lynchbait at the 24 hour mark of the previous Day turn and is of the same alignment), Stab Voter (If your first vote is placed in the first 24 hours of a Day turn and does not change, it counts as double)
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven, Role 2 Unproven, Dead)
  • xino - Multiquoter (Learn target's target (learn who targeted the target if Trolled) )
    • (Status - Role 1 Unproven, Role 2 Unknown)
  • JNV UPS Driver / PM Spider (Creates a 1-on-1 PM on Odd Nights and learns a fact about a target on Even Nights (incorrect fact if Trolled) ) 
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven, Role 2 Unknown)
  • Matrim's Dice - Tunnel Constructor (Force execution to either kill you or a target player, if triggered before Rollovet) 
    • (Status - Role 1 Unproven, Role 2 Unknown)
  • Biplet Meme Maker (Can see if a target gets Trolled (false info if Trolled) ) 
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven as Bip knew the role name, Role 2 Unknown)
  • Araris Meme Maker (Can see if a target gets Trolled (false info if Trolled) ), Porch-Sitter (Added vote to self if voted on but immune to NKs) 
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven, Role 2 Proven to exist but NK immunity unproven)
  • Devotary - RPer (May copy one of target player's roles to use the next turn (temporarily grants the RPer role to the Troll (or the target?) if Trolled) )
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven, Role 2 Unknown)
  • Amanuensis Goalkeeper (Protect target other player (turned to a Kill if Trolled) ), Troll (may Troll players, gives a random player Troll Immunity next cycle if Trolled... I think) 
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven via initial claims, Role 2 Proven)
  • TKN - Goalkeeper (Protect target other player (turned to a Kill if Trolled) )
  • The Bookwyrm - Analyst (Alignment Scan someone you voted for or who voted on you last turn (incorrect alignment if Trolled)
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven via RandBy, Role 2 Unknown)
  • Tani - RPer (May copy one of target player's roles to use the next turn (temporarily grants the RPer role to the Troll (or the target?) if Trolled) )
    • (Status - Role 1 Unproven, Role 2 Unknown)
  • Archer PM Spider (Creates a 1-on-1 PM on Odd Nights and learns a fact about a target on Even Nights (incorrect fact if Trolled) ), Rules Ignorer (Ignores most Night Actions) 
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven, Role 2 Unproven even if it would explain a good amount)
  • Walin - Troll (may Troll players, gives a random player Troll Immunity next cycle if Trolled... I think)
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven via Troll Immunity, Role 2 Unknown)
  • TJ - Wallposter (Roleblock target player (Makes target immune to non-Troll Disruption if Trolled) ), Veteran (Removes one vote from self)
    • (Status - Role 1 PseudoProven, Role 2 PseudoProven but can confirm via a vote)
  • Dannnnnex - Tie Guy (Learn alignments of players involved in a tie (need specifics, ??? If Trolled)
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven via Orlok and Steel, Role 2 Unknown)
  • _Stick_/Drake Terminal Seeker (NK a target (protects the target if Trolled) ) 
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven, Role 2 Unknown)
  • Orlok - Pinch Hitter (Copy the Role of a Removed/DDoSed player (does something interesting if Trolled) ) 
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven, Role 2 Unknown)
  • RandBy - RPer (May copy one of target player's roles to use the next turn (temporarily grants the RPer role to the Troll (or the target?) if Trolled) ), Tunnel Constructor (Force execution to either kill you or a target player, if triggered before Rollovet) 
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven via initial claim, Role 2 Unproven)
  • Sart - Analyst (Alignment Scan someone you voted for or who voted on you last turn (incorrect alignment if Trolled)
  • Shining - Discussion Leader (Move a vote) 
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven, Role 2 Unknown)
  • Fae PM Spider (Creates a 1-on-1 PM on Odd Nights and learns a fact about a target on Even Nights (incorrect fact if Trolled) ), SE Buddy (Automatically know one Villager is Village at game start) 
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven, Role 2 Unproven)

We're missing an Elim Roleblocker.




StrikerEZ (6): Araris Valerian, Ashbringer, Devotary of Spontaneity, Shining Silhouette, Stick, The Bookwyrm
The Bookwyrm (3): StrikerEZ, The Wandering Wizard, xinoehp512
Walin (3): Channelknight Fadran, Matrim's Dice, Archer
Amanuensis (2): 
Sart, Steeldancer
Shining Silhouette (2): Amanuensis, TJ
Channelknight Fadran (1): The Known Novel
Stick (1): Orlok Tsubodai
The Wandering Wizard (1): Tani



Danex (6): Amanuensis, Ashbringer, Matrim's Dice, Stick, The Wandering Wizard, xinoehp512
Araris Valerian (2): Sart
Ashbringer (0): Shining Silhouette
JNV (1): TJ
Matrim's Dice (1): Danex
Orlok Tsubodai (1): The Bookwyrm
Aman (1):
Stick (1): Araris Valerian
Walin (1): Archer



Steeldancer (4): Archer, Ashbringer, DrakeMarshall, The Known Novel
Walin (4): Matrim's Dice, Shining Silhouette, Steeldancer, TJ
Biplet (2): Sart, The Wandering Wizard
Araris Valerian (2): The Bookwyrm
Sart (1): Araris Valerian


Ashbringer (3): Ashbringer, Biplet, Matrim's Dice, The Wandering Wizard, Orlok Tsubodai
Biplet (3): Amanuensis, DrakeMarshall, Shining Silhouette
Steeldancer (1): Random Bystander
Sart (1):


Steeldancer (7): Archer, Channelknight Fadran, JNV, Matrim's Dice, Orlok Tsubodai, The last Fae in the Woods, The Wandering Wizard
Sart (4): Amanuensis, Ashbringer, DrakeMarshall, TJ
Channelknight Fadran (3): Araris Valerian, Biplet, Steeldancer
Biplet (1): Sart


Channelknight Fadran (5): Archer, Ashbringer, Biplet, Matrim's Dice, The Wandering Wizard
Archer (4): Amanuensis, Araris Valerian, DrakeMarshall, JNV


Archer (5): Amanuensis, Araris Valerian, Ashbringer, DrakeMarshall, JNV
JNV (2): Matrim's Dice, The Wandering Wizard
Matrim's Dice (1): The last Fae in the Woods





StrikerEZ (6): Araris Valerian, Ashbringer, Devotary of Spontaneity, Shining Silhouette, Stick, The Bookwyrm
The Bookwyrm (3): StrikerEZ, The Wandering Wizard, xinoehp512
Walin (3): Channelknight Fadran, Matrim's Dice, Archer
Amanuensis (2): Sart, Steeldancer
Shining Silhouette (2): Amanuensis, TJ
Channelknight Fadran (1): The Known Novel
Stick (1): Orlok Tsubodai
The Wandering Wizard (1): Tani



Danex (6): Amanuensis, Ashbringer, Matrim's Dice, Stick, The Wandering Wizard, xinoehp512
Araris Valerian (2): Sart
Ashbringer (0): Shining Silhouette
JNV (1): TJ
Matrim's Dice (1): Danex
Orlok Tsubodai (1): The Bookwyrm
Amanuensis (1):
Stick (1): Araris Valerian
Walin (1): Archer



Steeldancer (4): Archer, Ashbringer, DrakeMarshall, The Known Novel
Walin (4): Matrim's Dice, Shining Silhouette, Steeldancer, TJ
Biplet (2): Sart, The Wandering Wizard
Araris Valerian (2): The Bookwyrm
Sart (1): Araris Valerian



Ashbringer (3): Ashbringer, Biplet, Matrim's Dice, The Wandering Wizard, Orlok Tsubodai
Biplet (3): Amanuensis, DrakeMarshall, Shining Silhouette
Steeldancer (1): Random Bystander
Sart (1):



Steeldancer (7): Archer, Channelknight Fadran, JNV, Matrim's Dice, Orlok Tsubodai, The last Fae in the Woods, The Wandering Wizard
Sart (4): Amanuensis, Ashbringer, DrakeMarshall, TJ
Channelknight Fadran (3): Araris Valerian, Biplet, Steeldancer
Biplet (1): Sart



Channelknight Fadran (5): Archer, Ashbringer, Biplet, Matrim's Dice, The Wandering Wizard
Archer (4): Amanuensis, Araris Valerian, DrakeMarshall, JNV
Archer (5): Amanuensis, Araris Valerian, Ashbringer, DrakeMarshall, JNV
JNV (2): Matrim's Dice, The Wandering Wizard
Matrim's Dice (1): The last Fae in the Woods


... yes something did change. Araris's roleclaim is slightly longer :P

... and more Ghost Quote Boxes.

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11 hours ago, DrakeMarshall said:

EDIT: Also this is largely unrelated to anything, but I'm surprised more dead players aren't using their votes, at least symbolically.

If I was dead I would still vote at the beginning of every single cycle but then I would retract before EoD with like a 75% chance.

Just to keep the votes flowing, ya know? Can still apply pressure that way.

I just worry about missing rollover and forgetting to move my vote. Because I have missed several of the last few rollovers. However, I will say that I think we should go for JNV today.

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40 minutes ago, The last Fae in the Woods said:

I feel offended, but it makes sense, so I will help you get rid of JNV but I am innocent, though there is no way to prove it without Wizard's help. 

Yeah, don't necessarily think that you are village. There's a chance, but not certain anymore. 

Feel like going Araris

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21 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

I mean sure you couldn’t break the tie but you were still playing a part in deciding which parties were involved in the tie in the first place.

On that note, why did you suspect Walin?

Yeah but I voted Walin like really early on, before Orlok's reveal and before Steel had any votes. So it wasn't a conscious choice to pick Walin over Steel. I would have picked Walin over Steel, but I think your point was about the timing more than anything else so my likely bad reads shouldn't play a huge factor. Confirmed wrong =/= confirmed evil, yeah? :P 

I suspected Walin because his posts were focused specifically on making himself look better, and he was trying to hide it. There was a decent amount of gut in the read, but it stemmed off of bad feelings in that regard. I don't remember exactly, it was awhile ago, so there was probably something else too.

(I wrote this response last night, and apparently forgot to post it, sorry >>)

Is the Araris theory that Bookwyrm was trolled, I guess? Which works with e!Fadran and him not submitting an action on Randby's scan? Or something else. Trying to figure out the logistics of this since I like it less than JNV just because Araris is in our confirmed list. How paranoid is this read, I haven't been paying enough attention.

And I do get e/e vibes off Wiz/Fae, I'm sorry. Wiz has been real quiet lately, when he was quite analytical in the earlier game. We haven't seen any other SE Buddy roles. Their votes don't sit well with me. But JNV first.

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