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16 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Which is where my conclusion came from. Which I do still stand by, by the way. If Sart was a village vote analyst then I actually don't know what he was doing.

Okay, yeah. That makes a lot more sense. I do think there is a chance Sart is village, but that seems to not be the most obvious first conclusion anymore.

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so on the one hand im pretty sure whatever happened last cycle was probably somehow a win for the village

on the other hand i dont really know where we go from here

i wonder if the elims will visit me tonight


interesting fact, though: the sacred numbers tell me TJ's suspicion levels are 666

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1 hour ago, Amanuensis said:

I have no idea what happened then.

This seems most similar to Mat's Tunnel Constructor role, claimed to have the execution hit the user or the target player. It's easy to imagine a corollary role that makes both die, or Steel having something that brings the second highest vote recipient down with him in an e!Steel/v!Sart situation .

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What if Sart and Steel are elims, but Steel is a powerful role. Steel's afraid of being scanned to verify the results of their Tie Guy thing because that would show they're really a [What You Don't Know, Goalkeeper, other role that has a weird interaction with scans or trolling etc]. So Sart tries to break the tie. Then Sart tries to mess with this exe. It's weird that Sart has chosen to look sus two times that relate to Steel - in retrospect I don't see them knowingly breaking the tie as much different than what they did today, and it looks scummy overall. 

23 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

I wouldn't be opposed to NK'ing Bip here. That should mostly guaruntee one Elim goes down. Unless someone wants to fess up to Trolling Sart.

If not that, go back to the Orlok PoE.

Orlok showed 2 elims among Ashbringer, Drake, TUN, Mat, Shining, Steeldancer, TJ, and me. 

Steeldancer is a candidate. Lightly putting Shining down as not a teammate, but in an e!Start world maybe they needed it for some reason. 

TUN was NKed. Mat was scanned. I'm awesome. 

So 1 elim among TJ, Drake, Ash. My money would be on TJ there

1 minute ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

This seems most similar to Mat's Tunnel Constructor role, claimed to have the execution hit the user or the target player. It's easy to imagine a corollary role that makes both die, or Steel having something that brings the second highest vote recipient down with him in an e!Steel/v!Sart situation .

I've got a theory about Araris being able to add the number of votes that he has had added to him passively, which could make a tie. But ties are RNGed, not kill everyone. 

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42 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

Oooh! My turn.

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I wouldn't be opposed to NK'ing Bip here. That should mostly guaruntee one Elim goes down. Unless someone wants to fess up to Trolling Sart.

If not that, go back to the Orlok PoE.

Yes, good.

Let the memes flow through you.




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I'm a little weirded out that nobody has claimed to have caused the double-lynch, but I'm still reasonably sure a villager is responsible.

I think if the elims got a role that let them cause the top 2 voted people to get exed, that would be somewhat gamebreaking at parity, where they could mechanically guarantee that either Fifth or Kas gets exed without the village likely being able to do anything about it.

6 minutes ago, Archer said:

What if Sart and Steel are elims, but Steel is a powerful role. Steel's afraid of being scanned to verify the results of their Tie Guy thing because that would show they're really a [What You Don't Know, Goalkeeper, other role that has a weird interaction with scans or trolling etc]. So Sart tries to break the tie. Then Sart tries to mess with this exe. It's weird that Sart has chosen to look sus two times that relate to Steel - in retrospect I don't see them knowingly breaking the tie as much different than what they did today, and it looks scummy overall.

Sart potentially breaking the tie doesn't really involve Steel though? That tie was between Biplet and Ashbringer. Steel was involved in a D3 tie but I don't think Sart voted in that one.

13 minutes ago, Archer said:

Orlok showed 2 elims among Ashbringer, Drake, TUN, Mat, Shining, Steeldancer, TJ, and me. 

Steeldancer is a candidate. Lightly putting Shining down as not a teammate, but in an e!Start world maybe they needed it for some reason. 

TUN was NKed. Mat was scanned. I'm awesome. 

So 1 elim among TJ, Drake, Ash. My money would be on TJ there

I've got a theory about Araris being able to add the number of votes that he has had added to him passively, which could make a tie. But ties are RNGed, not kill everyone. 

any particular reason why TJ and not Ash?

other then the admittedly very suspicious fact that the sacred numbers say TJ's suspiciousness value is 666

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8 hours ago, DrakeMarshall said:

I'm a little weirded out that nobody has claimed to have caused the double-lynch, but I'm still reasonably sure a villager is responsible.

I think if the elims got a role that let them cause the top 2 voted people to get exed, that would be somewhat gamebreaking at parity, where they could mechanically guarantee that either Fifth or Kas gets exed without the village likely being able to do anything about it.

Sart potentially breaking the tie doesn't really involve Steel though? That tie was between Biplet and Ashbringer. Steel was involved in a D3 tie but I don't think Sart voted in that one.

any particular reason why TJ and not Ash?

other then the admittedly very suspicious fact that the sacred numbers say TJ's suspiciousness value is 666

Counterpoint would be that the exe the GMs thing is kind of a joke. It's easier just to get over parity. 

My theory is that the tie going through invited scans of Steel to confirm the validity of his tie guy results, which obviously resulted in him being discovered to be an elim. I haven't seen any reason to disbelieve the scan, except perhaps that it's convenient that Randby wasn't RBed and Araris didn't check. 

If you accept e!Start due to then being a loose cannon, why do they feel the need to mess with that Steel exe at EOD? 

I know TJ legitimately scanned Mat and told us about it. I know Ash might have a village indicative role. So I'm actually slightly positive about both, but my gut says TJ. 

3 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

I guess a good place to start with is "how many elims do you guys think are left?"

The challenge of that question is that e!Drake would mean a smaller team. 

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24 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

but what if Tani’s village

Then you'll be charged with murder!

But seriously, e!Tani+v!Drake doesn't make much sense because Tani is game throwing. e!Tani+e!Drake kind of makes sense because it explains the easy Tani claim. v!Tani makes zero sense because they're lying about their alignment. For... no reason? It has a material impact in that it attracts RBs to try and block the NK, so they're actively hurting the village. I feel like the GMs would recommend against it. 

16 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

I 100% do. I think we (the village, not you) are gonna lose very soon.

I count twelve living players. Subtract two for tonight's deaths. 5 to 5 would be parity, so if you're reading this, Zombies, stick around tomorrow at EoD just in case. 

But I really don't believe we've hit nobody evil. Sart seemed off. Silh too. And I'm still okay with Dannex's death. We're probably closer to 7 to 3 next round.  

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11 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

I'm actually acquiring Silh village credences.

Sart probably evil tho

edit: If Sart’s village then Biplet is definitely evil, right?

Better late than never, I suppose :P

I thought so before he revealed being a Vote Analyst but like; doesn't anyone else find it weird that Bookwyrm was the only one? And Sart's votes have always been... independent, for a lack of a better word. Feels to me like he was genuinely voting for people and scanning them. I remember being super confused why he just stopped pushing me D2 and it explains a lot of his behavior IMO

So yeah, I actually believe v!Sart and e!Biplet and wouldn't mind a Biplet shot tonight just to collapse both possibilities of e!Sart and v!Sart

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I just think it’s weird Aman doubted Randby’s scan but saw Sart’s and just was like “oh yeah I buy that”

Like I get that Randby was more likely to be messed with (and I still can’t tell whether or not that’s still possible >>) but it’s hard to take Aman seriously at the point when he’s hardcore just tunneling on Bip. Aman, who are the other elims of Tani is the only dead one? All of them.

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3 hours ago, Archer said:

I know TJ legitimately scanned Mat and told us about it. I know Ash might have a village indicative role. So I'm actually slightly positive about both, but my gut says TJ. 

bro i might have been confused but im definitely not wrong this time when i say i did not scan mat :P. that was jnv :P.

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