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8 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

I just think it’s weird Aman doubted Randby’s scan but saw Sart’s and just was like “oh yeah I buy that”

Like I get that Randby was more likely to be messed with (and I still can’t tell whether or not that’s still possible >>) but it’s hard to take Aman seriously at the point when he’s hardcore just tunneling on Bip. Aman, who are the other elims of Tani is the only dead one? All of them.

RandBy was publicly revealed at the time and we either know Fadran is an elim and lied about Trolling RandBy or that the elims blocked Fadran to ensure he didn't Troll the result for certainty. Yes, I'm not going to take that scan at face value

A player who's not revealed his roles at all claiming three scans? That's the kind of behavior I'd expect from an actual Seeker; especially one that had accrued suspicion after voting and unvoting Biplet during a crucial point of D4 EoD

While the uncharitable read of Sart's vote on Bip and later unvote would be to mess with the tie, the charitable read is that he initially voted her because he got the red scan and hadn't yet caught up or understood all the discussion in thread, and then later retracted when he finally processed the village was trying to arrange a tie with most of the original tie voters.

Not to mention that D4, Sart ended the day without a vote. Which means he couldn't submit an action N4 to scan anyone. Which means if @Sart didn't have a second role to use N4, both TJ and I would receive the "attempted to" failure because there was no action to Troll or RB in the first place


@Matrim's Dice honestly I'm concerned about a Wiz/Fae team rn :P Wiz was Biplet's main defender in PMs and outside them, and we still haven't verified the SE Buddy thing (if that's even something we can do)

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9 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Not to mention that D4, Sart ended the day without a vote. Which means he couldn't submit an action N4 to scan anyone. Which means if @Sart didn't have a second role to use N4, both TJ and I would receive the "attempted to" failure because there was no action to Troll or RB in the first place

Would you? TJ tried to RB Shining and Mat and they both claim they don't have Night actions.

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20 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Not to mention that D4, Sart ended the day without a vote. Which means he couldn't submit an action N4 to scan anyone. Which means if @Sart didn't have a second role to use N4, both TJ and I would receive the "attempted to" failure because there was no action to Troll or RB in the first place

Hmm, I could see that, yeah. Or he just is e with the same role as Archer.

21 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

@Matrim's Dice honestly I'm concerned about a Wiz/Fae team rn :P Wiz was Biplet's main defender in PMs and outside them, and we still haven't verified the SE Buddy thing (if that's even something we can do)

Was he? I don't remember that, I would have said Striker or Drake was in that category. But you're right that we haven't verified that. You also didn't answer my question :P

10 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

I guess I could try Trolling Mat tonight and see what happens. Could be TJ lied about his actions and he's been the e!RBer

If TJ's lying about his actions, he's likely the e!RBer, but sure, go ahead :P.

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2 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

You claim that you think Tani is the only dead elim. You clearly also suspect Bip is an elim. Who are their other 3-4 teammates?

Man idk do you have the game solved?

I still think Drake/Tani is a solid theory.

Biplet/Drake works too.

Jury's out on the rest.


@Orlok Tsubodai any chance you could pinchhit Tani to find out if she lied about being a RPer?

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No, but I have more faith in our ability than that. And I don't know how I feel about your best and only pairing being the person who shot Tani. It might be true, yeah, but why not add e!Fadran, based on v!Steel, into the mix? Maybe I'm being nitpicky, I'm just surprised you don't have any further ideas as you've consistently been the most engaged out of anyone.

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Turns out flipless deaths and the existence of roles that corrupt information so we can never 100% know that it's true makes confident reads difficult for me :P and maybe it's the pessimist half of me coming out but I haven't once felt I had any grasp on the game state at any point and don't believe we've had a single successful exe


3 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

Orlok has to pinch hit next turn, this turn he’s got Analyst. And doing that on Sart/Bip might be more productive.

Also - I did the Double Exe. That’s the second part of the Thread Master role.

Right, I forgor :P

And nice. Figured it was you if not Araris.

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1 minute ago, Ashbringer said:

Orlok has to pinch hit next turn, this turn he’s got Analyst. And doing that on Sart/Bip might be more productive.

Also - I did the Double Exe. That’s the second part of the Thread Master role.

Wait so you have -1 vote on you, immune to execution, and you can cause a double exe?

Good grief man

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Oh right. I’m skeptical about e!Fadran because there was a point he Trolled RandBy thinking it would turn him into an RPer, right? But he didn’t even realize RandBy had copied my troll role already? I feel like he’d not have made the mistake if he had a team to explain why that wouldn’t work and to suggest using his action more optimally. Also don’t think Fadran would make it up for a derp clear, but I’ve never played with him before, so that’s just my take based on first impressions

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13 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Turns out flipless deaths and the existence of roles that corrupt information so we can never 100% know that it's true makes confident reads difficult for me :P and maybe it's the pessimist half of me coming out but I haven't once felt I had any grasp on the game state at any point and don't believe we've had a single successful exe

I respect the sheer paranoia you bring to the table :P a village that is not constantly paranoid and willing to second-guess things is a dead village :P

But I do not think you are right in this case. I don't understand why village!Sart would retract a vote at the last second to save the life of somebody he knew was almost certainly an elim, in order to have a highly uncertain impact on the status of the tie. And that is without getting into how not voting for anyone that cycles throws away his scan when previous cycles would require that he was actually being fairly tactical with his votes to line up scans.

Idk. Like, I'm pretty sure Sart was evil, and just goofed up a little. It happens. But if he is village, or if he is evil but was deliberately falling on his sword to distance from Biplet or something, it isn't completely crazy to hedge bets by going after Biplet.

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4 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Oh right. I’m skeptical about e!Fadran because there was a point he Trolled RandBy thinking it would turn him into an RPer, right? But he didn’t even realize RandBy had copied my troll role already? I feel like he’d not have made the mistake if he had a team to explain why that wouldn’t work and to suggest using his action more optimally. Also don’t think Fadran would make it up for a derp clear, but I’ve never played with him before, so that’s just my take based on first impressions

Then how would you explain v!Steel? Cause e!Troll!Fadran is the only think I can think of. And tbh I think that could just be his explanation for trolling Randby, when if he had just told us that he trolled Randby without an explanation, that obviously would have looked weird. I wouldn't phrase it as 'make it up for a derp clear' but I suppose it's a similar idea.

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16 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

I respect the sheer paranoia you bring to the table :P a village that is not constantly paranoid and willing to second-guess things is a dead village :P

But I do not think you are right in this case. I don't understand why village!Sart would retract a vote at the last second to save the life of somebody he knew was almost certainly an elim, in order to have a highly uncertain impact on the status of the tie. And that is without getting into how not voting for anyone that cycles throws away his scan when previous cycles would require that he was actually being fairly tactical with his votes to line up scans.

Idk. Like, I'm pretty sure Sart was evil, and just goofed up a little. It happens. But if he is village, or if he is evil but was deliberately falling on his sword to distance from Biplet or something, it isn't completely crazy to hedge bets by going after Biplet.

I do, since I believe ensuring the tie went through is village aligned; at least there’d be no point in disrupting it at all if Steel was an e!Pinchhitter and would lie no matter what. But of course, this is me explaining Sart’s actions for him and we still need to hear his side of the story


@Matrim's Dice can’t edit in quotes cause mobile so:

I would be surprised if the elims didn’t have an unclaimed Troll somewhere


@DrakeMarshall @Matrim's Dice

I guess the question on my mind is, why would e!Sart claim Biplet scanned red and not Araris? He could have reasonably sat on that info to get more scans, since he could still inform us of the results after he died, but couldn’t guarantee accurate results if he claimed sooner

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Yea but bro the last few minutes of D4 was confused

Nobody knew if the tie was going through or if their vote would help or hinder it

I believed my vote was helping the tie happen but I didn't really have much confidence

Why, in that climate, do you go out on a limb to save the life of a confirmed eliminator?

I don't see it

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18 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

Yea but bro the last few minutes of D4 was confused

Nobody knew if the tie was going through or if their vote would help or hinder it

I believed my vote was helping the tie happen but I didn't really have much confidence

Why, in that climate, do you go out on a limb to save the life of a confirmed eliminator?

I don't see it

I would in his shoes. Especially since one of the biggest topics was keeping the votes among specific players


Again, @DrakeMarshall, why does e!Sart not frame Araris over Bip?


Here’s a good check!

@The Bookwyrm originally called their role Analyst, but I’ve been intentionally calling it Vote Analyst. Sart also called the role Vote Analyst. Bookwyrm, is Sart lying?



If Book says the role is just Analyst, then we’ve got e!Sart locked. At which point the why Bip and not me or Araris still applies in a different way

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1 hour ago, Amanuensis said:

Not to mention that D4, Sart ended the day without a vote. Which means he couldn't submit an action N4 to scan anyone. Which means if @Sart didn't have a second role to use N4, both TJ and I would receive the "attempted to" failure because there was no action to Troll or RB in the first place

1 hour ago, Ashbringer said:

Would you? TJ tried to RB Shining and Mat and they both claim they don't have Night actions.

1 hour ago, Amanuensis said:

I guess I could try Trolling Mat tonight and see what happens. Could be TJ lied about his actions and he's been the e!RBer

no my n1,n2 gm responses were distinguishably different from the n4 response. 

n1 - you roleblocked silhouette
n2 - they kinda forgot to give the result so i had to prompt "mat was roleblocked?" and they confirmed that mat was roleblocked. 
n3 - action failed 
n4 - 
you attempted to roleblock sart
me - ....and? what happened?
you attempted to roleblock sart
me - ??

also archer saw me visit mat n2 smh. 

edit: @Ashbringer, what exactly is the double exe ability? did you cause the double exe or was it steel who had an ability similar to yours?

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19 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

Well, Bip is a much more believable lie here, I think. So far as I can tell, nobody is super suspicious of me, and my alignment is also tied to Orlok’s, at least in one direction.

Idk you’ve always been a tinfoil in the back of my head (which I’ve expressed in thread multiple times) along with E!Orlok. And since you’re the only one verifying Orlok’s village scan was accurate, it would make sense to go for the two-for-one special. Not try to vote out Biplet after they originally died then got resurrected. Whereas v!Sart would want e!Bip out again

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1 hour ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Once per game, or can you do that multiple times?

Wouldn’t you like to know :ph34r:

It’s once per game. Or so I claim now.

17 minutes ago, |TJ| said:

edit: @Ashbringer, what exactly is the double exe ability? did you cause the double exe or was it steel who had an ability similar to yours?

Once per game I can force the exe to also remove the player with the 2nd most votes. Steel doesn’t have it because Steel would have survived the removal if he did.

I don’t know if Orlok can grab the ability off my corpse, though. It’s possible.

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