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The Lords of Chaos

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Oh good, our Mistress of Cutlery switches allegiances! I want to sow chaos and discord as much as the next fellow, but I want to be able to do it while making sniggeringly evil Waffles as well.


Which is what we were doing in the first place. So we will just maintain the status quo.

It's just so much better to be out doing what we are intended for. 


A Queen shouldn't ask for followers, even if she is desperate.


You can trust the Wafflesworn as far as you can pay. They are really a mercenary guild.


Chaos, how are your relationships with your possible spouse and fiancee contrary the Wafflesworn?


Get a room, you two.


The Wafflesworn is dedicated, to creating Chaos. Our thriving business in the Cosmere has helped fund more than one war of power. Just because we accept payment doesn't mean we lack in loyalty. We have just been very very smart with our management of money, jewels, metals, and Breath.

Wars are expensive. Your majesty Elsa, we deliberately moved our ovens outside of your castle to avoid melting it, but still our overt and much pronounced allegiance to The Lord Ruler Chaos was cause for your Head Scholar to renounce contracting with us. We never hid our loyalties. Our dedication to him who rules over the land (which includes Newcago), is much pronounced and published.


It is not our fault that you are now starving and must live on ice cones, and the kiwis that the Observers sometimes dole out. 


Panda, my relationship with The Lord Ruler is none of your business. You are not called to observe these proceedings, as these are all done behind closed doors.

Edited by Quitecontrary
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I hereby announce my official allegiance to Chaos and all that this may entail.

That is a statement I never thought I'd hear. Ever. What happened to the rivalry?! It was one of the pillars of the universe! Chaos and Monsta do not get along, and here you go joining his faction?

That said, I love me some Chaos. And Disorder. Bring it.


Yes, this is my request to join, oh Wise and Chaotic Eric Lord Ruler, First and Only of His Name, Emperor of the Cosmere and Enemy of Order.


This is perfect, as I was trying to decide which faction would have the honor of my membership...

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By the seven isles. . .

what have we done.

All are attracted to more powerful factions. It is inevitable.


Oh good, our Mistress of Cutlery switches allegiances! I want to sow chaos and discord as much as the next fellow, but I want to be able to do it while making sniggeringly evil Waffles as well.

This is, of course, acceptable. No one expects evil waffles. All that chaos!


That is a statement I never thought I'd hear. Ever. What happened to the rivalry?! It was one of the pillars of the universe! Chaos and Monsta do not get along, and here you go joining his faction?

That said, I love me some Chaos. And Disorder. Bring it.


Yes, this is my request to join, oh Wise and Chaotic Eric Lord Ruler, First and Only of His Name, Emperor of the Cosmere and Enemy of Order.


This is perfect, as I was trying to decide which faction would have the honor of my membership...

Lady Wilson. You are now inducted into the Lords of Chaos. In your case, Lady of Chaos. All new members will find invincible axes for beheading in your suites in the Palace. Cutlery is provided for all who wish to cook and devise evil recipes to thwart our enemies, and delicious recipes for us to feast upon when we are victorious. Which is always.

And today, I invite all of our allies and our glorious Lords and Ladies of Chaos into the Palace for our victory celebration over the Newcagoans. The avatar has been changed. We have won.

"But Chaos," you ask, "I wanted to wipe the Newcagoans from the face of the planet." Patience, new followers of Chaos. Their time will come when they least expect it, as Chaos generally goes.

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Just cause, you know, its my thing. Done one for everyone else. Can't leave out the Lord of Chaos.




And a smaller version:




Edit: this is actually mostly just a modification of something a graphic artist friend of mine made. I do not take credit for a design of this quality.

Edited by Awesomeness Summoned
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Just cause, you know, its my thing. Done one for everyone else. Can't leave out the Lord of Chaos.




And a smaller version:




That is amazing.

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I Do Not know My Ladies WIll in This Matter, But I shall Serve against the Courts of Newcago. Long Have I sought for Battle Against them. My Lord. The Feathermancers are your's to Command.


and if the lady feather is opposed to this?



"The lions sing and the hills take flight.

The moon by day and the sun by night.

Blind woman, deaf man, jackdaw fool.

Let the Lords of Chaos rule."

Someone had to do it.


I agree if no one else had I would have. it would have been expected of me.

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and if the lady feather is opposed to this?

She already said yes. Or at least was Hemalurgically compelled to do so.


It seems my time standing on the sidelines shall come to an end. Sowing chaos and discord are notions I can get behind so I shall request admittance into this den of disharmony. I would also request to be named the Artisan of Entropy.


Fantastic. You shall be an excellent Lord of Chaos.


(sigh), Awes, you keep beating me to it.

Am I to interpret this that you are joining the Lords of Chaos?

Ranks will come soonish. The Lord Ruler must decide how to do them properly. I think we can have special titles for each Lord/Lady if desired, separate from the official ranks. Let me think on this.

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No, I meant Awes always beats me to photoshopping/creating an image.

You're welcome to join regardless. You know you want that ultimate power and awesome titles.

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As Feather has pledged her allegiance to this Lord, I shall as well. All Featherranks, assemble! We will join the Lords of Chaos and we will fight! Anyone who disagrees will be eliminated from the clan.

Lord Chaos, I pledge my spear and my ten Shardblades and all the Surgebinding I have to your use.

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Awesome, I hope you don't mind. I bastardized the logo that you made to make the main black area be a waffle. I don't want too many images in my signature so I Waffled the Lord of Chaos logo to represent both The Wafflesworn and Lords of Chaos.

I didn't have a highres logo to work with so I just changed the big logo that you attached here. Apologies for the quality.

Edited by Quitecontrary
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Lords and Ladies of Chaos. I have been very busy sowing chaos at my work, hence my slight absence.

I am creating rosters for this guild and our allies. For people who have sworn to be a servant of Chaos and have not been in another guild, you will get titles. One can pick that one. I may give separate titles as well. Ranks will come later as necessary.

Friends and allies, however, will not get titles. The unlimited power we offer you will be decidedly more limited. So my offer is, if you swear to be a Lord of Chaos first, above all other guilds, then you shall have the all the rights that entails.

I am a generous lord, so you may of course continue helping another guild. But you are a Lord of Chaos first. Please post if you are interested. There are many who wished to join our side in the war but have not been formally inducted.

(As an aside, you may not be a full Lord of Chaos while also being in the Newcago Court, or the Caton of Inquisition until I decide what to do with them. Serving any enemies or making any betrayal will result in swift retribution.)

Now, with that business out of the way. Fellow lords, how has your day been? Mine has been far too busy and I wish to sleep. Yours?

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(As an aside, you may not be a full Lord of Chaos while also being in the Newcago Court, or the Caton of Inquisition until I decide what to do with them. Serving any enemies or making any betrayal will result in swift retribution.)


Strangely enough, this is a matter upon which Chaos and I appear to agree.

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My lord, Chaos, I have sworn to put Lady a Feather first and as the founder of the Feathers, I can't give up my full allegiance. But I swear to you, that except for Feather, you are my absolute authority and I will serve you. If ever there is a matter in which your will and Feather's contradict, I will have to see to Feather's.

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My deepest gratitude to you, my Lord, for your generosity, and unlimited power.

I am back from the Newcago Court to head the Wafflesworn Kitchens here in the Palace of Chaos.

My allegiance is to you, first and always.

I will create Waffle in the name of Chaos.

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A haze in the air and the sounds of birds chirping made everyone look up from Miss Contrary. On the floor behind her was a little note with "To the Earls of Chaos". Miss Contrary picked it up looked at it for a brief second and handed it to the Baron of Chaos. Inside in loopy handwriting was this.

" I never back down from a challenge that I can beat. I like the new decorations in the hall, what goodwill did you get them from?

P.S. Tell Miss Contrary we'll miss her  screams singing at the Palace.


                                                                                         The Knight LeftInch."

Cleaned by the Edict of Lord Chaos.

Edited by Chaos
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