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The Lords of Chaos

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A personal invitation by the Lord of Lords himself?  I must say, hard to turn that down!


What would you require of me, Lord Chaos?

Select a title, Terisen, and you shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.


I too, Serve m'Lady FeatherWriter. But seeing as you can Hemalurgicly force her to command me to do things, I serve you First, then Her Ladyship.

Select your title, valiant warrior Joe!


Chaos, what you did to Leftinch was just Overkill and Buzzkill.

That is indeed the idea. Lord Chaos is very exhausted today and his tolerance for tomfoolery is minimal :P

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That is indeed the idea. Lord Chaos is very exhausted today and his tolerance for tomfoolery is minimal :P

You really shouldn't tire yourself so, milord.

But I agree. That bookish creature deserved it. (May his name never be spoken in these hallowed halls.)

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I prepared batter earlier for real Dark Batter, but I'm just using triple chocolate for this (cocoa powder in the batter), then I folded egg whites, then folded with freshly ground cocoa beans, then finally folded with melted dark chocolate.


I'm going to see later if the result is still crispy on the outside and moist/fluffy on the inside. I used some olive oil for the batter as well.


I beat this with leftover hate from the skirmish with the Scholar, so I'm pretty satisfied.

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I prepared batter earlier for real Dark Batter, but I'm just using triple chocolate for this (cocoa powder in the batter), then I folded egg whites, then folded with freshly ground cocoa beans, then finally folded with melted dark chocolate.


I'm going to see later if the result is still crispy on the outside and moist/fluffy on the inside. I used some olive oil for the batter as well.


I beat this with leftover hate from the skirmish with the Scholar, so I'm pretty satisfied.

You're really bringing new meaning to "come to the dark side, we have cookies".
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You're really bringing new meaning to "come to the dark side, we have cookies".

Except that in this case, it's "come to the dark side. We have hateful waffles." Which is infinitely better. :P

Also, as for my title among the Lords and Ladies of Chaos, I am content with allowing the Chaotic One himself to place me wherever he would like, with whatever grand title that suits his chaotic fancy. I'm sure I will approve. :)

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You're really bringing new meaning to "come to the dark side, we have cookies".

Thank you Princess Delightful. Please remain in the foyer as it is the only room in the Chaos Palace that is safe for Newcagoans. Unless of course you wish to join us. There is absolutely no reason why we should not enjoy the delights of gourmet food while darkly scheming. 
Said the cunning spider to the fly: "Dear friend, what can I do
To prove the warm affection I've always felt for you?
I have within my pantry good store of all that's nice;
I'm sure you're very welcome - will you please take a slice?"
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No need to get miffed at the invitation, Princess. It was worth a try.

After all, you are here, when you have Newcago. You are also a Svrakiss, and we were wondering if you needed companions who understood condemnation and despair - something which belongs to our dark dominion.

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I accept the Dark Waffle. I pledge myself to the service of Lord Chaos. By my oath, I will draw as he says 'draw' and sheathe as he says 'sheathe.' By my oath, I will come as he says 'come' and go as he says 'go.'

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No need to get miffed at the invitation, Princess. It was worth a try.

After all, you are here, when you have Newcago. You are also a Svrakiss, and we were wondering if you needed companions who understood condemnation and despair - something which belongs to our dark dominion.

I am only here to keep an eye on you self-righteous, self-styled Lords of Chaos. I thank you for your concern, but no. I have my pet Heralds who understand despair and condemnation just fine. 

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I accept the Dark Waffle. I pledge myself to the service of Lord Chaos. By my oath, I will draw as he says 'draw' and sheathe as he says 'sheathe.' By my oath, I will come as he says 'come' and go as he says 'go.'


A chaotic oath with so much order.....Would it not be better to sheathe as he says draw and draw as he says sheathe? Come as he says go, and go as he says come? No? :P

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I believe it's a paradox. If I express chaotic disobedience, then I am acting in obedience to my Lord's precepts. If I express obedience to chaos, then I obediently pledge myself to disobedience. Either way, I am hoist upon my own petard. What would you have me do? :P

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May my Title Be:


The HighKing of Discord Who is more Powerful than Chaos

I am uncomfortable with this one for naming kings. I must veto this. How about Champion of Discord, for your valiance in the war?


Submitted for your approval:


Archon of Havoc

Love it.


I accept the Dark Waffle. I pledge myself to the service of Lord Chaos. By my oath, I will draw as he says 'draw' and sheathe as he says 'sheathe.' By my oath, I will come as he says 'come' and go as he says 'go.'

Welcome, Kasimir! Propose a title for you, young Lord of Chaos!

I believe it's a paradox. If I express chaotic disobedience, then I am acting in obedience to my Lord's precepts. If I express obedience to chaos, then I obediently pledge myself to disobedience. Either way, I am hoist upon my own petard. What would you have me do? :P

You obey me.

You have to understand, in our home, we must be well organized so that we may cause more entropy elsewhere. It is most efficient for this purpose. Our job is cause is to chaos in others, not ourselves. Counterproductive.

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Very Well, May my Title be:


Champion of Dicord Who is more Powerful than Chaos

You best not try to not fool me, Joe. I expect absolute obedience.

And anyway, you'd be Champion of Discord, not Dicord ;)

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