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The Lords of Chaos

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I think that the leader of this guild embodies my values. 


  • Creating chaos in the forums
  • Holding vast amounts of power
  • But still actually doing real stuff 
  • (And thus allowing him to ignore this kind of stuff for extended periods of time.)

So, I will throw my support behind Chaos. But since the third and fourth things on the list are usually appealing to me… 


My support perhaps isn't all that valuable.

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Welcome Curiosity!

We usually just drop by here for a little bit of nonRP discussion in the social forums. The meme wars are getting crazy and I'm glad you necroed this thread.

How IS Chaos? I haven't seen him here either.

It's funny how for 17th Sharders, the word "social" means "crazy meme wars everywhere". :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

But if no one here chooses to recognise a rent collector's authority or rent collector-ness, does it matter whether or not he has instated himself as a rent-collector?


Maybe you should see if there's some Vashikaran black magic that can help you on that, Panda. Maybe Babaji can hook you up with something :P

Edited by Kasimir
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But if no one here chooses to recognise a rent collector's authority or rent collector-ness, does it matter whether or not he has instated himself as a rent-collector?


And the philosophy major steps forward.... :P Valid points, however. Perfectly chaotic. I commend you.



Maybe you should see if there's some Vashikaran black magic that can help you on that, Panda. Maybe Babaji can hook you up with something  :P


Didn't you hear? It's not just babaji now. He's brought friends to the fold, spreading the glory of all things black magic. I hear it's quite the rage with kids nowadays.



As for rent. For one, we don't recognize such things, and two, you dare to threaten the lords of all things chaos? You don't even know the chaotic wrath you'll bring upon yourself if you continue down this path. Your life will become lost and full of darkness. Best to just leave us alone and go beg the rent of the Newcago Court. They'll probably even pay up. Or bestow some title upon you as a way to avoid paying. Of course, it'll be a meaningless title, but that's to be expected from anyone who isn't chaotic. :P

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As for rent. For one, we don't recognize such things, and two, you dare to threaten the lords of all things chaos? You don't even know the chaotic wrath you'll bring upon yourself if you continue down this path. Your life will become lost and full of darkness. Best to just leave us alone and go beg the rent of the Newcago Court. They'll probably even pay up. Or bestow some title upon you as a way to avoid paying. Of course, it'll be a meaningless title, but that's to be expected from anyone who isn't chaotic. :P


Cool story bro. Needs more Dragons.  :P (Sorry, just had to say that.)


I suppose the Knives you chucked at me might pay off the rent. (Serious, Leftinch? They chucked your brother at me and you didn't try to save him? :D). Be back in a month.  :ph34r:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I found a New place. I'm not joinging any of the Guilds.And Please, Why would I go to Doughnut filled Newcago when I could go to Sausage McMuffin filled Portland?




Oregon is best faction. Not only does it produce more chapters of a gripping Steelheart fanfiction every day, but it is filled to the brim with ponies, Sausage McMuffins, bowler hats, and beards. :D

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