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The Lords of Chaos

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Says the person using words on a site dedicated to books full of words. I call chulldung on this. :P . LORDS OF CHAOS IS BELONG TO NEWCAGO NOW!

Agreed. Agreed. Agreed agreed agreed agrreeeed!

We have taken over our worst enemy's land and guild. Go Newcago!

Also, have a great bday Lwd! :)

Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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Says the person using words on a site dedicated to books full of words. I call chulldung on this. :P . LORDS OF CHAOS IS BELONG TO NEWCAGO NOW!

You speak like a dog does. You may use words but they are not meaningful ones. Continue with your triumphalism. We do not care.

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I admit I am confused. The Lords of Chaos have sworn to be chaotic. That is our sole mission in life. Checking in here constantly just to prove our existence to worthless peons in less-cool clubs isn't chaotic. We don't need to prove our existence or pay rent. We simply are and will always be. Nothing--not even a laughable claim from the so-called Ice Queen--can change that.

However, you may try. You won't succeed, but you can try. You'll find your court will become far more chaotic. You see, we need no help in knowing our duty--and that is to chaos.

Good luck though, and good day.

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I admit I am confused. The Lords of Chaos have sworn to be chaotic. That is our sole mission in life. Checking in here constantly just to prove our existence to worthless peons in less-cool clubs isn't chaotic. We don't need to prove our existence or pay rent. We simply are and will always be. Nothing--not even a laughable claim from the so-called Ice Queen--can change that.

However, you may try. You won't succeed, but you can try. You'll find your court will become far more chaotic. You see, we need no help in knowing our duty--and that is to chaos.

Good luck though, and good day.


Ah, yes. I just remembered a question I've always wanted to ask a Guild that claims to represent Chaos.


What does the Face of Insanity look like?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Lords of Chaos should enjoy a half-price sale of cookies in the dark alley. They are only pieces of metal rammed into your body from someone else's powering the magic of the Divine Force of Entropy. Chaotic enough? B)


"I am afraid not, you poor lost soul. Entropy is merely a guise for our most ancient Enemy... Order. Entropy always increases, this is fact, a physical law that defines everything in the multiverse. When the multiverse has reached a perfectly even distribution of energy, it will be at it's maximum state of entropy.


"Perfect evenness... this does not sound quite like what we strive for. Evenness is dull. Orderly. Unchanging. This is not the meaning of Chaos."


"Chaos holds no regard for physical laws." The stranger raised his hands. "Fire that chills." Black flame flickered and spat in his right palm, like a wavering hole cut in the fabric of reality. "Ice that burns." Hoarfrost glittered in around his left hand, even as the air warped and twisted as if from great heat. "Paradoxes, impossibilities, abominations that break the mind and send even the most stalwart defenders of Order into madness; these are the tools of Chaos."


"Why have I come, you may ask? I was invited, some time ago, to partake of the power of Chaos, by none other than the Lady Wilson herself. Although I took my time in coming, I have come here now, to swear my allegiance, and to bring hope. To restore what has near been lost, and to usher in the new. To drive out our enemies, and to sow Chaos wherever I find myself."


"Who am I, you may wonder? I am the Stranger, the Shadow in the Light, the Desolate Protector, and the Reflection of the Void. I have had many names and many titles, but you may know me by this; Aonaran a'Faileas, the Weaver of Dissonance."




I know that was more than a little RP-heavy for this particular guild, but I felt the need to write something suitably pretentious to go with the title I wanted to claim. :P So, yeah. I'd thought about joining this ages ago when it first started up, and now that it's pretty well dead, I've finally gotten around to it. :/ C'est la vie. Such is the nature of Chaos, is it not? 

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Wait, what? When did you become queen of this guild?

I claimed it a couple of pages back with LeftVash. It was deserted and so we claimed it

And apparently we were also paying the rent... :D

Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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Huh, so you did. Kas and Wilson were right though. You can't just claim a guild of chaos. Especially since the ruler of Chaos needs to be wreathed in flames at all times.

I'm wreathed in ice. I will let you sow chaos if that is what you desire.
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I'm not the leader of Chaos. I'm just pointing out that you can't be either. The only one who really can is Chaos himself. Though apparently Newan now controls Chaos?


The Oregon RP is weird.

I thought the Oregon RP was in a different world to this RP

It could be the Lords of Elsa. Then I still will be the leader.

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It is most definitely set in a different world--although at one point an Oregon character mentioned "The Snow Queen of Newcago" as being present in the Oregon universe. :P

I totally want to see that :D

And Joe, I don't think it's possible to change the title without an admin so I'll technically name it the Lords of Elsa.

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