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I look about me in this day and age and see... decay. Mice and men little better scurrying about and boasting of their grandeur. Building shacks and calling them castles. Hurling mud and calling it great war. Thinking that they and their banal conflicts matter. It sickens me.


The time has come to wipe the slate clean. To show these fools the true nature of power. To take what pitiful crumbs they have and make even those our own. RISE, my fellow Catquisitors. RISE AND CONQUER.

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Welcome, all cats and other things feline!

Our Caton has grand and well documented history, unlike some I other clans I would not lower myself to mentioning.

Behold the links to our humble beginning! Some may also be interested in the accounts (sadly incomplete) of our activities in Elendel (or meta-Elendel, home to crafty Eeron-Gal?) (links duplicated from my signature)

Know that we are many, and we move boldly, as well as in shadows, as befits our preferences! Know that we regard humans as something below us, yet useful. Sometimes very useful...

In other words, welcome :) Souls and livers shall be ours!

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Hemalurgic abominations! (I mean, more abominable than my usual Hemalurgic abominations!) Fight under our banner. If you do not swear fealty to the Lords of Chaos, there will be war. I will graciously allow you to operate autonomously if you do. I am a generous Lord Ruler.

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Did... Did an ambulatory fish just pay obeisance to us in fresh spikes?

Oh, come on. A Terminator Cat, a genetically enhanced Panda, a pair of loaded dice and an immortal Tyrant disguised as an admin has already participated in this discussion. An ambulatory fish was expected.

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Oh, come on. A Terminator Cat, a genetically enhanced Panda, a pair of loaded dice and an immortal Tyrant disguised as an admin has already participated in this discussion. An ambulatory fish was expected.

*elsecalls in* Obviously I need to go find my pirate-ninja rubber duck avatar. 

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Hemalurgic abominations! (I mean, more abominable than my usual Hemalurgic abominations!) Fight under our banner. If you do not swear fealty to the Lords of Chaos, there will be war. I will graciously allow you to operate autonomously if you do. I am a generous Lord Ruler.


*Meanwhile, in the Caton Headquarters*


The fool! He dares insult us with his "offer"!!!


But wait... There is no reason not to allow the mice to fatten themselves. Why put in the effort to gather together all of our spikes when we could let these two-legs do it instead? Then we could just nap for awhile and collect dozens of spikes at a time once we suddenly but inevitably betray them!


*Cut away*


What a kind and generous offer, meat Chaos! Why we would be fools (FOOLS!!! Hahahaha!!) not to accept. :)

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What a kind and generous offer, meat Chaos! Why we would be fools (FOOLS!!! Hahahaha!!) not to accept. :)

You speak true, Kurkistan! Let the repercussions of Hemalurgic harvesting fall on more... prominent creations. We shall conceal our spikes beneath our fur and harvest their corpses.

Also, little does Chaos know that as cats, we have little in the way of hierarchy. Those who speak, speak mostly for themselves... Nyaahahaha! As a wise thing once said,! let the lord of chaos rule!" While we go our way =<*_|>=

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Hey Kurk, I've been making quite a bit of steak lately. Would you care to have spiking rites to the cow before I slaughter it? And what would you offer in exchange?


Soon you will find yourself spending more time cooking rather than archiving. 

Soon you will succumb to the call of the grill. 

And one day, you will wake up asking yourself, "Was I ever a Scholar? Or was I always a cook? Was I always....secretly...in the deepest recesses of my mind...a Waffleworn?"

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HAHAHAHAHAH, you are getting desperate aren't you Mss. Contrary. First Chaos, now me. What's an hour making food, when I have 23 others to give to my Queen and the books. I have no issue with eating left overs either, so I cut back a lot of time.

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HAHAHAHAHAH, you are getting desperate aren't you Mss. Contrary. First Chaos, now me. What's an hour making food, when I have 23 others to give to my Queen and the books. I have no issue with eating left overs either, so I cut back a lot of time.

 hahahahaha.  Leftinch, youre awesome.

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I'd like to join the Caton of Inquistion. I'm in.


No wait, actually, I'm out.


Changed my mind, I'm in.

You really ought to swear your allegiance to me.

I am skeptical, Kurk, that your motives are pure with your alliance. I may rescind the offer, I may not. Must think on it.

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I'm afraid that, given my profile picture, I can do nothing other than join the Caton. I may not be spiked, but my Feline abilities are considerable and useful. And in order to get the freshest ink for my stamps, I have also caught many tasty squid, which I offer as tribute.

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Well, I think I have your anthem below:









Caton of Inquisition Anthem

Edited by Shivertongue
Edited to remove annoying screen distorting
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