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Warning/ disclaimer:

The rant below is brought to you by seasonal depression and genuine feelings. It freely uses CAPS and hYpErBoLe! If one is offended by those, please consider it artistic license, otherwise take it at face value.


Frankly, as I see you, I am ashamed. Ashamed and DISGUSTED!

Is this what the proud Caton has degenerated to? Have you no sense of our HISTORY? Even so, have you no pRiDe? We cats are proud species of Gore, Murder and Fluffiness! Even a normal cat is proud to KILL (as depicted in this comic), and would go for major veins with their claws to show AfFeCtIoN (experience)! And that is the kind of banner you would suggest for us, Awesomeness Summoned? We should MAUL you for presumption!


Pathetic creatures, art yar cats or mice spiked with the essence of Lifeless PUPPIES? Art yar VERMIN??

(note to self: breed mice spiked with lifeless  puppies, spike city officials with that)


As it is now, we shoid aSpIrE to be like Felynes, at least they are respected and regenerate from any injury, throwing bombs larger than their bodies! And yet we the Cat Inquisitors (though I am part human, for my eternal shame) have so much more potential! Potential for GORE and DOMINATION!


Now, I knyaw that our origins are humble, as our organization was born from research of deranged, self-spiked human (me), but our goals are lofty: taking over the cosmere as the shadow rulers. Not to mention that our creation is supported by BRANDON himself!


Know, ye unbelievers that the mind of a catquisitor is TWISTED (here is a symbolical representation). Know that our types and phenotypes are MaNy! The Engineer, the Spy, the Harvester! (I apologize for my inability to draw)


ReMeMbEr, that we had many successes, as we terrorized Elendel! Follow the great example of Kurkistan, who has summoned the DEVIL, the Satan to spike it and take its powers for his own, even though he had to replace parts of his body by metal and cybernetics! Ah, how the blood of a hundred virgins flowed that day, how new kittens played in their VISCERA! This is our foundation. See how he, alone, invaded Sel and has taken over the whole COUNTRY that now bears his name and gives him POWER? We should follow this glorious example!


Quitecontrary, did you say cat MEAT? We shall invade China and eat their INFANTS! (As soon as we are done with Elendel) Their vast population would swell our numbers!


Tempus: For shame! Dost thee not know that squid causes gastrointestinal distress in cats? I applaud your attempts in creating the cat-stamp that would transform lowly HUMANS and noble Cats into the Cat Inquisitors, even though the change is temporary. But the ink you use  is weak. The best ink for soulstamps is made from human blood and BILE, as their livers are RIPPED from their bodies, with  some ground bone added for stability.  Keep that in mind, nyaw will you?


In conclusion: We are cats! We DOMINATE and INFILTRATE! Have some dignity, or ate least BLOODYMINDEDNESS!

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The rant below is brought to you by seasonal depression and genuine feelings. It freely uses CAPS and hYpErBoLe! If one is offended by those, please consider it artistic license, otherwise take it at face value.


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Now, I knyaw that our origins are humble, as our organization was born from research of deranged, self-spiked human (me), but our goals are lofty: taking over the cosmere as the shadow rulers. Not to mention that our creation is supported by BRANDON himself!


More than that, even: Peter has even canonized our attempt to take over the cosmere!

Edited by Kurkistan
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  • 7 months later...

*Captain Hammer voice*

Not if i can stop it, foul villian! Under Cluase 57, Article 3 lines 5-7 of the Non- Interference Treatry of '57, you must first perform three trials if you wish to claim this RP for more than 1 guild, group, or clan. The trials go as follows:

Read Twilight

Listen to german scream metal

perform in an opera.

However as a member of The Root Beer Bar, I can say that it also states that you are allowed to claim it for the Root Beer Bar, provided you give root beer to the Catquisitors. The DA has to perform the trials however.

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Unfortunately, Cheese, under Paragraph 3 Concession 76 of the following Article, all Hemalurgic operations, including those of Catquisitiors, is policed under the jurisdiction of the Dark Alley due to copyright infringement issues. While said trials sound horrific, I have already done those. I have successfully created a mini-play, depicted to an audience of Lifeless, of a lowly Dark Alley acolyte reading Twilight, listening to German scream metal, and singing in an opera as a side character to the tragedy unfolding. These trials were magnificently performed by the Seon Sheo in a Broadway style film. Thus were the trials performed. Entry fees for later showing include a soul (undamaged), a new baking recipe, and large quantities of Aluminum.


I would also like to extend a warm welcome to the Caton of Inquisiiton, a guild formed upon the principles of devotion of Hemalurgy. If the Caton would like to see those Chromium spikes currently in use by the werewolf "Winter", which transmuted her form from that of a human to a creature capable of free interchange between a human and lupine form, as well as species specific abilities, you are all invited for cookies and milk (neither of which is intended as a slur to the feline culture). I am also sure such spikes effecting a similar transformation between a human and cat could be created, providing  permanent version of Tempus's Forgeries. We would always love such interesting and like-minded customers in the Dark Alley. Also, any scientific documentation of spike placement or development from the Caton that you would be willing to share for the sake of science would be appreciated as a mutual benefit for the future development of Hemalurgy.

Edited by 18th Shard
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