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War is Coming. The Sides have been Drawn. Chaos, the Lord of Chaos, Self proclaimed Lord Ruler of the 17th Shard, Has declared War on The Courts of Newcago. Who will help him in his Onslaught?


EDIT: The Lords of Chaos Won. There is no need to post in this thread any more.


Here's the results of the poll:



Edited by The Only Joe
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The Lords of Chaos already control 75% of the Votes. And Lady Feather has declared her allegiance to Lord Chaos. None of your minions have followed you False Queen!


I'd just like to Remind myself and others to not go to far in RP. This is all fun and Games.

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The Lords of Chaos already control 75% of the Votes. And Lady Feather has declared her allegiance to Lord Chaos. None of your minions have followed you False Queen!

I'd just like to Remind myself and others to not go to far in RP. This is all fun and Games.

It is because some of my minions are not online at the moment. When they do you shall quiver in fear at the true strength of Newcago with ice and snow! Long live Queen Elsa and Princess Delightful, the true rulers!
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It is because some of my minions are not online at the moment. When they do you shall quiver in fear at the true strength of Newcago with ice and snow! Long live Queen Elsa and Princess Delightful, the true rulers!

You think you can resist the strength of the Lords of Chaos, the Pirate Monkeys, the mighty Feathertips, the Wafflesworn who come to my side, and your rapidly dwindling numbers from your Court?

Allies of Chaos! You shall be rewarded greatly for your allegiance. You cannot dream of the rewards I can grant.

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The Pirate Monkeys be sidin' with th' Pirate Monkeys. Th' Lord Ruler may claim to r'present chaos, but Cap'n Shiv be a true acolyte of her Lady Discordia. True chaos be havin' no agenda!


*Cap'n Shiv stands majestically on the prow of the Prettiest Little Inquisitor, flagship of the Pirate Monkey navy. Long, flowing locks of glorious golden hair flutter in the breeze as he stares out at the horizon, a smirk playing across his lips. A small macaque wearing a striped shirt and an eyepatch hops onto his shoulder, passing him an unlabeled bottle, fumes rising from the neck and distorting the air. Cap'n Shiv takes a drink, then hefts the bottle to the sky, declaring in a voice that resonates through the air:*


For the waffles!


For the monkeys!


And most of all... FOR OUR OWN AMUSEMENT!

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The Misstress of the Feathers, made it quite clear that she was forced to join by hemalurgy. Also, if Shiv stays on his own side, what does this mean for the wafflesworn.

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It is amusing to watch the meaningless banter from those who are destined to be vanquished. The Lords of Chaos are clearly not only the favorite in this soon to be slaughter, but almost hilariously so. I may have low status on the 17th shard but I can tell you from experience, going against Chaos is not a battle easily won. I will happily stand as this "queen" and "princess" fall under the jackboots of the Lords of Chaos!

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Stirring up chaos, while we have the only Ta'veran is a little stupid.

Oh, puny Head Scholar, my schwaffles have invaded your vocabulary. Else, your hands must be shaking as you scribe this missive to our powerful clan. It is Ta'veren that you mean, yes?

If you are speaking of Matrim, who I have fed honeycakes off Mistress Al'Vere's inn kitchen, we have agreed to a Two Rivers understanding.

As Mistress of the Wafflesworn, I am an honorary member of the Women's Circle. And THAT is enough to make Matrim hide.

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Current Forces:

The Lords of Chaos:                     Vs.               The Courts of Newcago


Hello. My name is Joe                                            Elsa Steelheart

Kobold King                                                           Leftinch

The Shardbearing Elephant                                     Erai











These Men Claim to serve Newcago, but have yet to Join the War Effort.

Princess High Imperial Delightful

Lord Grey Pilgrim, Humble Worshipper of the Cult of Elsa

Knave Sir Quiver, Closest Minister to the Throne

Sir Breathtaker, Knight and Guardian of Ice

Sir Matrim Bloody Cauthon- Knight of Newcago

Edited by Hello. My name is Joe
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"That's IT!!!!"

The Spectalced Head Scholar, Tripple Shard Wielder, and most importantly KNIGHT OF THE COURT came running in, duster billowing behind him, with something loud and white behind him.


After this dramatic proclomation, he quickly grabbed all the members of the court dragged them into a side room, and used his investure to create a barrier around them, that neither balefire, nor someone in the world of dreams, could ever hurt. As soon as they were safe, the white something was filling the hall. The TLR stood arrogantly looking at it, with all the wafflesworn standing timidly behind him. Then, they weren't. The Lord Ruler looked around. He was in the special staff forum. When he tried to exit out, he felt pain. Pain worse than Rand's wounds. He look at himself, all of his metalminds were burned away. The investure in them, had been destroyed by that stupid Duster wearing hooligan. The Lord of Chaos was going to have to bide his time for a while yet.

You really didn't read that did you.

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