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And thus we get into the geek battle. It never ends because both sides are so convinced that what they believe is true that the only way for it to end is for somebody to get banned. For instance you guys totally shrugged off Ice Swords that killed you, despite the fact that they are an equivalent of a shardblade because of the huge amount of investiture. So, lets let everything slide, because tomorrow Chaos is going to reapear, and in my head I'll think that he broke out of prison, and you can imagine whatever you want.

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I have to admit, spiking you bloody is tempting. Welcome.

*sharpens the spikes for chaos' arrival.


*raises an eyebrow*


We have our own spikes. They never need sharpening.

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Smoke erupts from the center of the impact. As the smoke dissipates, Captain Mailliw stands, holding his Featherspear high above his head. Behind him, smoke forms the double eye symbol of the FeatherKnights Radiant. "Those who follow our Lady Feather join this day with The Lord of Chaos to ruin Newcago. Long have they taunted us and betrayed us, but no more. Now we shall destroy them. Strength and freedom! Feather army, assemble!"

"My liege, Lord Chaos, I pledge allegiance to you during this war. I shall fight for you and all my power and army is at your disposal."

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My Lord Captain Mailliw...The Great Avatar War is over. We have emerged victorious.

However, we welcome you to the clan that bides its time...until we have vanquished our enemies fully.


For now, the bitter conflict has subsided to an uneasy peace. 


(You are welcome to the victory party that has been running the whole weekend. Catered by the Wafflesworn. Please register at the entrance, surrender your weapons for safekeeping, and accept the new weapons that the Lord of Chaos has provided to all and sundry.)

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Current Forces:

The Lords of Chaos:                     Vs.               The Courts of Newcago


Hello. My name is Joe                                            Elsa Steelheart

Kobold King                                                           Leftinch

The Shardbearing Elephant                                     Erai











These Men Claim to serve Newcago, but have yet to Join the War Effort.

Princess High Imperial Delightful

Lord Grey Pilgrim, Humble Worshipper of the Cult of Elsa

Knave Sir Quiver, Closest Minister to the Throne

Sir Breathtaker, Knight and Guardian of Ice

Sir Matrim Bloody Cauthon- Knight of Newcago

Excuse me.


You live under the false assumption that our troops are so disloyal that they must re-swear their allegiance at the smallest disturbances. Let me assure you this is not the case. However your guild may be run, the loyalty of Newcago is stronger than those who worship the Lords of Chaos out of fear of a certain self-righteous Lord Ruler's slippery words and veiled threats. Newcago has always been run and shall always be run through mutual trust and support, the only way for a kingdom to thrive for more than a few measly days. Is not our size proof enough?

Edited by Delightful
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I will not give up my weapons for safekeeping. None can keep them safer than me myself. But I am willing to let them hide for now. I will accept a ChaosAxe if he deems me worthy of one.


Very well, Lord Mailliw. Please don't wield them in the party, however. 

Now is for merriment.

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Sorry, I've been at Phoenixcon. I will defend my Queen and Princess at all cost. Together, Erai and i shall craft some of the most powerful IceRunes of protection and then we shall wade through the field of battle swing our IceShards and wearing our Frostplate, decimated everyone in our path. (also, can't vote because phone)

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I'll send you a couple barn silos of investure for you to use. Aslo if you could come up with some sort of drink that exploded once it was drunk, that would be awesome.

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