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Duralumin Mistings located?


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So basically in the hero of ages, it was made clear that those who could burn duralumin or aluminium could essentially never be found since these would require other metals and that wasn't possible unless you were a Mistborn. So how in the world did Dumad, the fake wax, have a duralumin spike? I mean, are you telling me they ran tests on 1000's of individuals, giving them pieces of duralumin until one of them started burning it?

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3 hours ago, An_Sa said:

So basically in the hero of ages, it was made clear that those who could burn duralumin or aluminium could essentially never be found since these would require other metals and that wasn't possible unless you were a Mistborn. So how in the world did Dumad, the fake wax, have a duralumin spike? I mean, are you telling me they ran tests on 1000's of individuals, giving them pieces of duralumin until one of them started burning it?

It is possible that they did do just that.


Miscellaneous 2018 (Oct. 14, 2018)

Storm Cellar

We know Snapping is not the same in Mistborn Era 2.  We know Wayne knew he was a slider, but could not afford bendalloy for his early life. How do the poor skaa know they can burn rare metals?  Is there a ceremony, or a formal process of testing skaa for metal powers?

(The assumption is that nobles can just give their children a mix of metals to see if any of them are reactive.)  

Brandon Sanderson

There are lots of ways--remember that lots of groups are seeing Allomancy as valuable to them, and are actively recruiting.  There's no formal process, at least not for everyone, though some houses do have them. But there are events, even at fairs and the like, where you can get a vial and see if you feel anything--in exchange for promises of service if you do turn out to have abilities.  Beyond that, just like getting gold foil to put on food is not horribly expensive in our world, getting little bits of many of these metals is not THAT expensive. It may not give you enough power to do anything useful, but it can be enough to tell.

It is possible that any duralumin gnats or other Mistings and Ferrings are informally cataloged by some people as well (though not all of them), since people will want to hire them for specific tasks. I could see the noble houses doing this or larger businesses that wish to hire Metalborn and have the resources to spare to hire someone to find someone else to hire. The Set could do the same, or talk to/steal the information from others.

But duralumin would still be a very difficult ability to get ahold of even if this were the case.

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9 hours ago, An_Sa said:

So basically in the hero of ages, it was made clear that those who could burn duralumin or aluminium could essentially never be found since these would require other metals and that wasn't possible unless you were a Mistborn. So how in the world did Dumad, the fake wax, have a duralumin spike? I mean, are you telling me they ran tests on 1000's of individuals, giving them pieces of duralumin until one of them started burning it?

I believe the reason the inquisitor's couldn't get durilium mistings for spikes was because durilium wasn't known, but it could still be burned on it's own.

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You could also find a duralumin compounder to spike. If any combination is just as likely as any other combination there's likely not more than 5 in the last 300 years but still. Spike one of them and make sure you keep the spike in blood as long as possible. We don't really know how long the Set has been operating.

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Yeah, in Era 1 people didn't know duralumin Mistings existed (it appears that Vin and Elend still thought Mistings were basic-8-metals-only up until very late in HoA, because at first Elend thinks Yomen burning atium proves he's a Mistborn, only later realizing that the lack of those Mistings must have been another of TLR's lies about Allomancy). So none of the noble houses tested for duralumin mistings, so there were no known duralumin mistings for Inquisitors to spike.

In Era 2, with sixteen metals known, they can test for all metals if they want.

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  • 7 months later...

I remember reading a theory that after snapping children are given a vial with all 16 metals and a seeker is present to identify which metal is burned. If that were the case there could be a giant metalborn database kept by the government. No evidence to suggest this but if there are detailed records of Noble houses and their lineage that could include what metals each individual could burn. 

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On 2/9/2023 at 9:38 PM, IlstrawberrySeed said:

I believe the reason the inquisitor's couldn't get durilium mistings for spikes was because durilium wasn't known, but it could still be burned on it's own.

There were some Inquisitors who could burn duralumin in HoA, but they had to have spikes from Mistborn, because they couldn't test for Mistings. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/3/2023 at 10:47 AM, Walter The Moral said:

There were some Inquisitors who could burn duralumin in HoA, but they had to have spikes from Mistborn, because they couldn't test for Mistings. 

I know that there were ones that could burn Dur ilium, and I read the part (WoB? Annotation?) where it talks about Ruin generally thinking it a waste to spike a mistborn for it, preferring instead to have misborn inquisitors.

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On 10/3/2023 at 1:47 PM, Walter The Moral said:

There were some Inquisitors who could burn duralumin in HoA, but they had to have spikes from Mistborn, because they couldn't test for Mistings. 

41 minutes ago, IlstrawberrySeed said:

I know that there were ones that could burn Dur ilium,

Era 1 Ministry almost assuredly had Misting for all known metals (at that time) - including Aluminum and Duralumin. WoB:


Brandon Sanderson

They spike the drinks at one of the nobility's balls with trace amounts of Atium, then cause a bit disturbance. (Often, the Inquisitors themselves arriving will do it) and burn bronze and watch for brief pulses. The body will burn metals instinctively if it can, which has been shown quite often in the series. This is also how they get a lot of their secret information about who is a Misting and who isn't. It's not a perfect method, since you have to watch for Copperclouds messing things up, but it is effective once in a while.


it talks about Ruin generally thinking it a waste to spike a mistborn for it, preferring instead to have misborn inquisitors.

That was Rashek, not Ruin. You may be thinking of this thread (about Terris). 

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