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The Moon Pie Initiative (MPI)


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17 hours ago, Cash67 said:

“I motion that our General becomes acting President in my absence, and that our Special Forces commander becomes our acting Vice President in Telrao’s absence. “

”I would be thrilled if @Lord Gregorio and @Shining Silhouette would join me on the Saturn Expedition. The combination of cold hard logic and abstract jazz will aid us in guiding our craft through the solar system”

"I am totally going to abuse this power! I will not abuse this power."

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Symph walks into the rocket, followed by her drones, all holding stacks of pies. She puts on pie-shaped glasses. “Let’s do this!” She pauses. “Oh, also, as you can see, the drones all have signs labeled either Hemalurgic, Nutritional, or Electronic. Nutritional just means that it’s energy boosting and healthy, while electronic varies from the Apple pie Walkie-talkies to explosives.”

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On 3/7/2023 at 5:07 PM, Being of Cacophony said:

The platypus walks in the front doors to NASA. Seeing the receptionist, he says, "I'm here to talk to Bookwyrm. My sources say he went here. I have vital information for him. The MPI is after him and I'm here to help. Can you point me to him?"

@The Bookwyrm

@The Bookwyrm, have you seen this?

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1 hour ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

Nerdy patches into the radio channel. "We're launching Project Apple Turnover. It's a mission to boost our recruitment. Can you send me some hemalurgic pies?"

Symph smiles widely. For some reason, she reminds everyone of the Cheshire Cat for a second. “I thought you’d never ask…” She takes a second to clear the insane grin off her face. “They’re coming your way as we speak. They’ll probably be there in… oh, I’d say… 10 minutes?”

Edited by SymphonianBookworm
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2 hours ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

Nerdy patches into the radio channel. "We're launching Project Apple Turnover. It's a mission to boost our recruitment. Can you send me some hemalurgic pies?"


51 minutes ago, SymphonianBookworm said:

Symph smiles widely. For some reason, she reminds everyone of the Cheshire Cat for a second. “I thought you’d never ask…” She takes a second to clear the insane grin off her face. “They’re coming your way as we speak. They’ll probably be there in… oh, I’d say… 10 minutes?”

“Are the pies to your satisfaction? Also @Witless of Shinovar I’d like you to collaborate with Nerdy on this while we are gone.”

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On 13/03/2023 at 3:11 AM, SymphonianBookworm said:

Symph walks into the rocket, followed by her drones, all holding stacks of pies. She puts on pie-shaped glasses. “Let’s do this!” She pauses. “Oh, also, as you can see, the drones all have signs labeled either Hemalurgic, Nutritional, or Electronic. Nutritional just means that it’s energy boosting and healthy, while electronic varies from the Apple pie Walkie-talkies to explosives.”

"Excellent work, Symph!" Rael says, shoving a few crates into the storage compartment. She glances toward one of her aids, who nods and scribbles some notes. "The drones have been cleared. Feel free to load them anytime."

She then picked up a small kitten from the ground, who purred and mewed happily. "And this little guy is coming with us! Meet Kelsier Junior."

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1 hour ago, Telrao said:

"Excellent work, Symph!" Rael says, shoving a few crates into the storage compartment. She glances toward one of her aids, who nods and scribbles some notes. "The drones have been cleared. Feel free to load them anytime."

She then picked up a small kitten from the ground, who purred and mewed happily. "And this little guy is coming with us! Meet Kelsier Junior."

“Thank you!” Symph stares at the kitten, then puts a hand to her mouth. “Oh my god. Kelsier Jr. is the most Kelsier looking cat I’ve ever seen. It (he?) just… gives off Kelsier vibes.” Symph grins at Rael. “Also, I know you like muffins, so I made you a muffin-flavored pie! Here,” Symph says, producing it out of thin air and handing it to Rael.

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28 minutes ago, SymphonianBookworm said:

“Thank you!” Symph stares at the kitten, then puts a hand to her mouth. “Oh my god. Kelsier Jr. is the most Kelsier looking cat I’ve ever seen. It (he?) just… gives off Kelsier vibes.” Symph grins at Rael. “Also, I know you like muffins, so I made you a muffin-flavored pie! Here,” Symph says, producing it out of thin air and handing it to Rael.

Rael petted the kitten and grinned widely. "He is absolutely the most Kelsier kitten! Just LOOK AT HIM!" She holds out the tiny ginger kitten, its unusual blue eyes shining. He mews happily. She then places him on a small hovering platform and takes the muffin flavoured pie. "Oh, thank you! Mmmmmm...." She sniffs the pie and her mouth waters. "Oooooohhhh this smells SO GOOD! MMMMMM!"


Edited by Telrao
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Rael barely contained a small squeal of excitement as she knelt on the floor near the kitten. "Purr-row?" She mewed back, slow-blinking at the kitten.

Kelsier Junior watched from his perch, his small ginger tail twitching.

Edited by Telrao
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I see the kittens and accept their presence

”Well with all the stuff we have to do today it is gonna be nice to have a few kittens to relive stress.”

I then let each of the kittens

”Nice to meet you Kelsier Jr.! Mind if I call you just Junior occasionally? *turns to other cat* And what might your name be?”


Canonically I’m imagining Kelsier Junior as a orange tabby with chaotic white crisscrosses of fur up his front legs


“Reminder to everyone that Launch day is today!!! Launch will be in approximately 12 hours.”

Edited by Cash67
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6 hours ago, Cash67 said:

I see the kittens and accept their presence

”Well with all the stuff we have to do today it is gonna be nice to have a few kittens to relive stress.”

I then let each of the kittens

”Nice to meet you Kelsier Jr.! Mind if I call you just Junior occasionally? *turns to other cat* And what might your name be?”

  Reveal hidden contents

Canonically I’m imagining Kelsier Junior as a orange tabby with chaotic white crisscrosses of fur up his front legs


“Reminder to everyone that Launch day is today!!! Launch will be in approximately 12 hours.”



Kelsier Junior mewed, slow-blinking at Cash. Rael smiled at Junior, then turned back to the small black kitten and petted it gently. "What shall we call you, hmm?" She asked it.

She glanced up at Cash and grinned. "Confirmed, President. We are almost ready for take-off."

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"Takeoff is immeneint! Everyone on the mission please board the rocket. @Telrao @Lord Gregorio @Shining Silhouette @SymphonianBookworm 

Additionally, if Kelsier Jr. and the as-of-yet-named cat @The Wandering Wizard wish to join us on our journey through the solar system, they may."


"In fact, I have just thought of a name for our delightful fish-loving friend: Salmon! It would be both his name and what seems to be his greatest treasure. *turns to cat and gives a nice pet* What do you think?"

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"I've got spacesuits! Make sure you put them on before take-off!" Rael shoves a clothes rack filled with spacesuits towards the group. Each has a name embroidered on the front, with a cool bubble helmet. "I've got feline sized ones too, for the kittens."

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An automated voice echos througout mission control:


I then take all of my things, and call to everyone to get on the ship. I also turn to the cats:

"It's the last call if y'all wanna make it on!"

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Kelsier junior mewed and piloted his small hovering platform into the ship, then stopped for a moment and meowed at the black kitten.

@The Wandering Wizard

Rael finished pulling on her space suit and grinned, strolling up the ramp and entering the ship's interior, pulling herself up into the cockpit. She pulled on her helmet and called the Launch Tower. "Rao Alpha 01 calling in. Preparing for launch."

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