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9 hours ago, King Joseph said:

Ok! Will do

FIVE NEW BOOKS? I'll never get caught up with the cosmere :lol:

I know right? It feels like that and suddenly you have no books left and are sad, then you remember rereading is a thing and the cycle starts again!

Welcome to the Shard! 

16 hours ago, MrMarksman108 said:

hi im new here in the middle of oathbringer rn hoped to have some questions answered.:)

Is Stormlight all you’ve read by Brandon Sanderson? If so, you should read more books by him, they’re awesome ;).

Who is your favourite Kholin brother? Adolin or Renarin and why?

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6 hours ago, Cinnamon said:

I know right? It feels like that and suddenly you have no books left and are sad, then you remember rereading is a thing and the cycle starts again!

Welcome to the Shard! 

Is Stormlight all you’ve read by Brandon Sanderson? If so, you should read more books by him, they’re awesome ;).

Who is your favourite Kholin brother? Adolin or Renarin and why?

I haven't actually read anything else because I only found out the Cosmere was a thing recently. I may have known there were other series I just didn't know they were interconnected. My favorite Kholin brother is probably Adolin since I can relate to him more. I haven't gotten further than halfway through Oathbringer though, so I can't make an good judgement, but I hope Renarin gets more time in the series. 

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3 hours ago, MrMarksman108 said:

my fav is Renarin because hes  an introvert like me

also ive started mistborn but havent goten very far

Same; I've been neglecting fantasy and reading science fiction, but I'll start reading the cosmere again. I'm on the Well of Ascension :P

P.S. - I Renarin is one of my favorite characters for that reason + I like him better than Adolin. I'm pretty excited for SA 7 because his backstory is going to be in it eee

Edited by solarcat
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