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What Copper Compounding does: A theory


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I know, I know, copper Comounding is hardly a new topic. But I believe I can shed new light on it: an unexplored possibility

The most common theories about what copper Compounding does are

1. It duplicates the memory

2. It enhances the details

3. It lets you see things in the memory that you hadn’t seen before.

I believe that there is another underlying Cosmere mechanic in play, one that allows all of the above to some extent. To avoid Stormlight spoilers, I’ll put the relevant WoB here and use the Coppermind’s description unspoilered.



How do visions in the cosmere work? And I'm thinking Realmatically.

Brandon Sanderson

So almost always [it's] glimpsing into the Spiritual Realm. But you are often seeing it through the Cognitive, and so like a vision that...

So like the vision that Dalinar sees. What's going on is-- being pulled, and kind of stretched a little bit through the Realms, into the Spiritual Realm.  Where a Cognitive construct is adding a framework to seeds that are set in place.


So that you can kind of comprehend the Spiritual?

Brandon Sanderson

You can comprehend-- and also there's a little bit of a life to it. Meaning it can respond to you and things like this, to an extent. So imagine, it kind of works like an AI. Imagine there's some-- You've got that power in the Spiritual Realm and you're adding a framework to it, that it is shining through, and that is giving you the vision. Complicated, I know. Spiritual Realm is supposed to be weird, and we aren't supposed to quite comprehend it, but that's why we've got the Cognitive framework there.

JordanCon 2018 (April 22, 2018)

“Visions are almost like glimpsing into the Spiritual Realm, but viewed through the Cognitive Realm.[2] This is done by a person being pulled through the Realms into the Spiritual Realm, with the Cognitive Realm adding framework to seeds set in place. This allows the person to interact with the vision, and for the vision to respond, similar to an AI.[3] Almost anything can be shown in a vision.”

It is my theory that Compounding a memory creates one of these visions. Creating said vision lets you vividly replay that memory and you could theoretically record your experience after, thus providing chances to duplicate or relive an event.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. If you act a different way in the vision than you did in the original event, you can see new possibilites. Like a more detailed version of gold. But there’s also one other possibility. While you can’t use any physical objects from the vision, things that affects your mind and soul should still carry over.

For example, let’s say I’m a copper Compounder and I had a memory of battling a strong Lightweaver. In the vision, I do something different and they successfully use Soulcasting to turn me into fire. Assuming I provided enough Investuture, perhaps by Compounding the memory several times, the power should still work even in the vision. And while the details are provided by the Spiritual Realm, most of what you experience is fabricated by Preservation’s easily renewable Investuture.

Of course, you’d also have to figure out what actually affects the spirit or mind. Hemalurgy is probably a no since you need a physical spike. Repeated Essence Marks might give you a power without needing a physical stamp. Maybe you could trick a vision into giving you Breaths (the Breaths would self convert into a proper physical form). That would be a nice way to back door Compound Breaths. If you guys have any other candidates, let me know.

Finally, you may be able to bring others into the Vision if they are Connected, perhaps with proper Intent. That would be good for communication or even distraction if you have allies.

Anyway, that’s my theory. Brandon was being especially cagey not just to save Compounding, but because there is an underlying mechanic that can do unexpected things. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

Edited by Mistchemist16
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On 01/03/2023 at 3:28 PM, Mistchemist16 said:

I know, I know, copper Comounding is hardly a new topic. But I believe I can shed new light on it: an unexplored possibility

The most common theories about what copper Compounding does are

1. It duplicates the memory

2. It enhances the details

3. It lets you see things in the memory that you hadn’t seen before.

I believe that there is another underlying Cosmere mechanic in play, one that allows all of the above to some extent. To avoid Stormlight spoilers, I’ll put the relevant WoB here and use the Coppermind’s description unspoilered.

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How do visions in the cosmere work? And I'm thinking Realmatically.

Brandon Sanderson

So almost always [it's] glimpsing into the Spiritual Realm. But you are often seeing it through the Cognitive, and so like a vision that...

So like the vision that Dalinar sees. What's going on is-- being pulled, and kind of stretched a little bit through the Realms, into the Spiritual Realm.  Where a Cognitive construct is adding a framework to seeds that are set in place.


So that you can kind of comprehend the Spiritual?

Brandon Sanderson

You can comprehend-- and also there's a little bit of a life to it. Meaning it can respond to you and things like this, to an extent. So imagine, it kind of works like an AI. Imagine there's some-- You've got that power in the Spiritual Realm and you're adding a framework to it, that it is shining through, and that is giving you the vision. Complicated, I know. Spiritual Realm is supposed to be weird, and we aren't supposed to quite comprehend it, but that's why we've got the Cognitive framework there.

JordanCon 2018 (April 22, 2018)

“Visions are almost like glimpsing into the Spiritual Realm, but viewed through the Cognitive Realm.[2] This is done by a person being pulled through the Realms into the Spiritual Realm, with the Cognitive Realm adding framework to seeds set in place. This allows the person to interact with the vision, and for the vision to respond, similar to an AI.[3] Almost anything can be shown in a vision.”

It is my theory that Compounding a memory creates one of these visions. Creating said vision lets you vividly replay that memory and you could theoretically record your experience after, thus providing chances to duplicate or relive an event.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. If you act a different way in the vision than you did in the original event, you can see new possibilites. Like a more detailed version of gold. But there’s also one other possibility. While you can’t use any physical objects from the vision, things that affects your mind and soul should still carry over.

For example, let’s say I’m a copper Compounder and I had a memory of battling a strong Lightweaver. In the vision, I do something different and they successfully use Soulcasting to turn me into fire. Assuming I provided enough Investuture, perhaps by Compounding the memory several times, the power should still work even in the vision. And while the details are provided by the Spiritual Realm, most of what you experience is fabricated by Preservation’s easily renewable Investuture.

Of course, you’d also have to figure out what actually affects the spirit or mind. Hemalurgy is probably a no since you need a physical spike. Repeated Essence Marks might give you a power without needing a physical stamp. Maybe you could trick a vision into giving you Breaths (the Breaths would self convert into a proper physical form). That would be a nice way to back door Compound Breaths. If you guys have any other candidates, let me know.

Finally, you may be able to bring others into the Vision if they are Connected, perhaps with proper Intent. That would be good for communication or even distraction if you have allies.

Anyway, that’s my theory. Brandon was being especially cagey not just to save Compounding, but because there is an underlying mechanic that can do unexpected things. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

Clever, it opens up all sorts of doors for hot wiring other magic systems, like you said with Breaths

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