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LG93: Day Four: The Journey Must Go On

Soon may this journey end (says the tired and weary village)

To bring us safety and time with friends (that would be quite nice)

One day, when the Sleepless don’t bend (us to their will)

We’ll take our win and go (...we really really hope...)


Elandera was killed! She was an Expeditioner!

Day Four has begun! It will end in about 48 hours, on Friday, April 7th, at 8am PDT.

Take note of the following:

  • A reminder that you can call on the services of our IM, @StrikerEZ, for any concerns you may have during the game.
  • There will be a majority execution today, with no vote minimum. Tied votes will result in a random player in the tie being removed.
  • There is an inactivity filter in play, of two turns. Failure to post for the duration of D4 and N4 will result in removal or replacement. Besides that, @The Wandering Wizard is being warned for inactivity; failure to post D4 will result in removal or replacement. (But I'm not too worried :P)
  • The rules doc can be found here.

Player List:

  1. The Known Novel - Tekkin - Expeditioner
  2. Archer - Ene Seattle - Expeditioner
  3. _Stick_ - Stick - Expeditioner
  4. @TheAlpha929 - Kaust Joshe
  5. @Araris Valerian - rather lost
  6. Kasimir - Keshek - Rysn
  7. @Telrao - Mewlnir
  8. @Ashbringer - AraRaash
  9. @The Wandering Wizard - Raven Beak
  10. xinoehp512 - Expeditioner
  11. @JNV - Jack
  12. Devotary of Spontaneity / Elandera - Ykld, Rhwm, and Vrodn - Expeditioner
  13. @|TJ| - Tark
  14. Sart - Star Guy - Expeditioner


Edited by StrikerEZ
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I think 2 out of Lopen/Rushu/Huio are elim, and at least 1 of Lopen/Huio is elim. Kas scanned me as roleless, but I don’t think he claimed so that might not be worth anything.

For now my vote is on Ash, but we need everyone to chime in (and vote!) today.

I guess we don’t know if the kill was Cord or the elims. Cord couldn’t have been blocked by Ash, but I feel like Cord would have killed Ash if they sent in a kill. In either case, I think Cord should claim, since we are almost certainly at exlo, so a village NK won’t be of any value to us.

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Hi Im Cord honestly I kind of trust Ashbringer at this point because I had this whole scheme where I said I was going to kill someone but they could roleblock me so we could have accountilbiity but htey seemd strongly against it while if they were evil they could have just pointed me at someone they wanted dead now unbeknownst to them I was aiming for them so if the scheme had worked it would have either confirmed them as village or killed them so yeah but the strong pushbacak against both me killing and them tying up their roleblock makes me think village so yeah Ill have to go back through and check for things but temporarily TJ cause I have to leave like right now bye

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1 hour ago, JNV said:

Hi Im Cord honestly I kind of trust Ashbringer at this point because I had this whole scheme where I said I was going to kill someone but they could roleblock me so we could have accountilbiity but htey seemd strongly against it while if they were evil they could have just pointed me at someone they wanted dead now unbeknownst to them I was aiming for them so if the scheme had worked it would have either confirmed them as village or killed them so yeah but the strong pushbacak against both me killing and them tying up their roleblock makes me think village so yeah Ill have to go back through and check for things but temporarily TJ cause I have to leave like right now bye

Didn’t you get roleblocked already though, on N2? So you couldn’t have been blocked again last night. Also, how did you set up this scheme? Did you just happen to have a PM with Ash up? It is nice to know you are Cord though, that narrows things a little.

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7 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

Didn’t you get roleblocked already though, on N2? So you couldn’t have been blocked again last night. Also, how did you set up this scheme? Did you just happen to have a PM with Ash up? It is nice to know you are Cord though, that narrows things a little.

I coincidentally PMed Ashbringer the turn I got roleblocked that was an awkward conversation for a while there and also um where in the rules does it say Lopen cant block the same person twice in a row like as far as Im aware it was a viable scheme

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No roles are faction-specific. All roles are unique. No role can target the same player two cycles in a row.

From the rules. Should clear anything up :P

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*opens the Shard*

*Another expeditioner dead*



I'm going to try to get more reads before I vote on anyone... but at the moment I think JNV and Ash are pretty sus. Araris is off the hook in my mind - got a pretty strong V!Araris rn.

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41 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

Yeah, I'd say that scheme makes me think Ash is more sketchy, not less, for going along with that.

I… didn’t. JNV wanted me to roleblock them without telling me why, I wanted to hear why, which defeats the point. So I roleblocked someone else (Elandera). Either JNV shot Elandera too, or they didn’t shoot at all which is what they told me they’d do.

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36 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

I… didn’t. JNV wanted me to roleblock them without telling me why, I wanted to hear why, which defeats the point. So I roleblocked someone else (Elandera). Either JNV shot Elandera too, or they didn’t shoot at all which is what they told me they’d do.

Okay. Hmm. I mean, I think JNV has to be village. It seems like this was a ploy on to stop you from sending in the NK? I’m confused how this makes sense from JNV’s perspective. But it doesn’t really seem to have anything AI in it since what JNV asked for was impossible anyways.

My current take is that the elims could feel pretty comfortable with Cord not making a kill and potentially ending the game, so Ash or Huio’s action wouldn’t be too big of a deal in any case.

I’m not sure why the elims would leave v!Lopen alive though, since that is a pretty significant threat to them; a roleblocked NK would give one of them away and push exlo back further. And it’s clear that if Ash is village that he didn’t block the NK because Elandera is village.

I don’t think there’s a world where it makes sense that JNV and Ash are teamed and lying about JNV’s role? I feel like we would have gotten a counterclaim by now if that were the case.

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2 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

Okay. Hmm. I mean, I think JNV has to be village. It seems like this was a ploy on to stop you from sending in the NK? I’m confused how this makes sense from JNV’s perspective. But it doesn’t really seem to have anything AI in it since what JNV asked for was impossible anyways.

My current take is that the elims could feel pretty comfortable with Cord not making a kill and potentially ending the game, so Ash or Huio’s action wouldn’t be too big of a deal in any case.

I’m not sure why the elims would leave v!Lopen alive though, since that is a pretty significant threat to them; a roleblocked NK would give one of them away and push exlo back further. And it’s clear that if Ash is village that he didn’t block the NK because Elandera is village.

I don’t think there’s a world where it makes sense that JNV and Ash are teamed and lying about JNV’s role? I feel like we would have gotten a counterclaim by now if that were the case.

From my understanding JNV's plan was to ask me to roleblock them while claiming targeting TJ, then actually target me. If E!me V!TJ I don't roleblock JNV (instead trying to roleblock a V!Huio or something) and then die, V!me I guess was supposed to just roleblock them. But I was more confused on why I should roleblock JNV instead of going for an Elim Kill Roleblock, so JNV explained the idea which ruins the idea.

Also I think I've got an idea why the elims aren't killing me, seeing as I've been a discussion black hole for the entire game. And as a counterpoint, the Elims would have done probably more to save E!Lopen on D1, and IMO I would have done more too.

IMO only world where JNV's not Cord is a world where E!JNV is on the same team as an E!Cord. I roleblocked them N2, only one kill N2, and JNV claimed Cord aiming at not-Kasimir. Could be JNV did the Elim kill instead. But JNV made a PM with me the same turn, so they wouldn't have known a roleblock was coming, just that it could. V!Cord could have counterclaimed, or also just, you know, shot me.

Edited by Ashbringer
ask not as
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16 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

And as a counterpoint, the Elims would have done probably more to save E!Lopen on D1, and IMO I would have done more too.

I'm not convinced that the elims were capable of doing more D1, in the sense that it is extremely likely that one of them was involved in the D1 tie, and it would have been pretty easy to break said tie, which didn't happen. So either by playstyle or activity, I think we are looking at an elim team that just isn't able to exert thread influence. And Wiz did make a move to save you at the end of D1, though it still bothers me that he didn't switch onto me, TJ, or Sart. It's possible that e!Wiz wasn't entirely aware of the VC at that point?

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Bah, okay I feel like the elims are just letting us kill ourselves. 

D1 - 

  • Ashbringer (2): xinoehp512, |TJ|
  • Araris Valerian (2): Ashbringer, Devotary of Spontaneity
  • _Stick_ (1): The Known Novel
  • Sart (2): Archer, _Stick_
  • TheAlpha929 (2): Telrao, The Wandering Wizard
  • |TJ| (2): Sart, Araris Valerian
  • Archer (1): TheAlpha929
  • Devotary of Spontaneity (1): Kasimir

Important movements include Wiz from Ashbringer to Alpha. Reasons for v!Wiz to do this is to facilitate the tie like he said. Reasons for e!Wiz to do this is only if Ashbringer is evil. If Wiz and Ashbringer are teammates, I think Wiz here goes for a more risky but more less suspicious choice of tie to increase Ashbringer's survive and not vote on other possible. An addition to this case, iirc, Araris hadn't yet voted on me, so that vote on me could be from another possible teammate to increase of Ash and Araris' chance of winning, which could also explain why e!Wiz could not change from e!Ash to e!Araris. In this case, Araris/Ash/Wiz team is likely. The logic only works in this direction e!Ash leading to e!Wiz could possibly lead to e!Araris. If we start with e!Wiz, we diminish are chances because as I said, actions of Wiz could be justified as that of a villager wanting a tie. v!Wiz leads to possibly e!Alpha maybe? And v!RB!Ash -> e!CS!JNV + some other team member 

D2 - 

  • TheAlpha929 (2): The Wandering Wizard, Telrao
  • |TJ| (3): Araris Valerian, TheAlpha929, xinoehp512
  • xinoehp512 (4): Kasimir, JNV, Ashbringer, |TJ|
  • Araris Valerian (1): Devotary of Spontaneity

Further emphases that Alpha and Wiz are not e/e. Hints on JNV and Ash protecting Alpha from elimination. 

D3 - 

  • Araris Valerian (2): Telrao, The Known Novel
  • The Known Novel (3): Araris Valerian, JNV, Ashbringer
  • TheAlpha929 (2): The Wandering Wizard, |TJ|
  • JNV (1): TheAlpha929
  • The Wandering Wizard (1): Elandera

Okay this is another instance of JNV and Ashbringer voting together to protect Alpha from leading the elimination. 


From D1 -

Alpha/JNV/? [2 member e!Cord, e!Huio team?]

D2 - 

D3 - 

Not gonna lie, even though JNV/Ash/Alpha appear more times here, I'm really more suspicious of the D1 team of Ash/Wiz/Araris. I think JNV Ash scenarios arose because of their PMs maybe? And I think Ash has somehow pocketed JNV here, feels very similar to Pyro pocketing me in LG66, going as far as to allow kills on his teammates go unstopped. Allowing the Cord kill to go through not knowing the target is mild comparatively. Either way, Ash is the key to solving this and my gut has been telling me to flip him since D2. Possibility of chain of teammates exist with mostly him in the team, and no one else appears as much. Ashbringer

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42 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

I'm not convinced that the elims were capable of doing more D1, in the sense that it is extremely likely that one of them was involved in the D1 tie, and it would have been pretty easy to break said tie, which didn't happen. So either by playstyle or activity, I think we are looking at an elim team that just isn't able to exert thread influence. And Wiz did make a move to save you at the end of D1, though it still bothers me that he didn't switch onto me, TJ, or Sart. It's possible that e!Wiz wasn't entirely aware of the VC at that point?

One of them involved, meaning me or besides me? 

25 minutes ago, |TJ| said:

Bah, okay I feel like the elims are just letting us kill ourselves. 

Not gonna lie, even though JNV/Ash/Alpha appear more times here, I'm really more suspicious of the D1 team of Ash/Wiz/Araris. I think JNV Ash scenarios arose because of their PMs maybe? And I think Ash has somehow pocketed JNV here, feels very similar to Pyro pocketing me in LG66, going as far as to allow kills on his teammates go unstopped. Allowing the Cord kill to go through not knowing the target is mild comparatively. Either way, Ash is the key to solving this and my gut has been telling me to flip him since D2. Possibility of chain of teammates exist with mostly him in the team, and no one else appears as much. Ashbringer

We certainly seem to be doing fine at killing ourselves…

JNV made the PM with me N2. We had no communications before D3. We did not coordiate on D2 besides in thread. So I couldn’t have pocketed them before that. Of course we could be elims together and lying about the PM altogether, but you seem to have discounted that idea. Personally I don’t think JNV can be evil. E!Cord could have won the game today unless the Elims are only 2 people, and I think most teams would have taken the risk of hitting Huio’s target. Especially a team with me on it.


And I’m gonna be honest, it’s a little late to flip me for D1 info. If you want to exe me because you think what I’ve done is suspicious, then I’ll argue for that. But I can’t speak for what Wizard was doing while I wasn’t even there, or for why JNV trusts me, or for how many possible team compositions I could be on.

What have I done?

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Here’s a VC:

Ashbringer (2):  Araris Valerian, |TJ|
The Wandering Wizard (2): TheAlpha929, Ashbringer
|TJ| (2): The Wandering Wizard, JNV

Ugh, another tie. Just three-way this time, luckily, but still.

Edited by TheAlpha929
Fixed the VC to how it's supposed to look, and changed "Ugh, another three way tie" to what it is now
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... well a 3-way tie with two people not named me is slightly better than just an exe on me, but it's not great.

I could go for TJ, but I'd rather convince someone to join me on Wizard. Or, the splinter option.


@Telrao, any thoughts, besides that you think Cord is sus?

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Just now, Ashbringer said:

... well a 3-way tie with two people not named me is slightly better than just an exe on me, but it's not great.

I could go for TJ, but I'd rather convince someone to join me on Wizard. Or, the splinter option.

@Telrao, any thoughts, besides that you think Cord is sus?

Haha hello :ph34r:

Uhm... I have some leanings, but no solid reads.

Village leans: Alpha (newbie like me, doesn't seem too bloodthirsty), Araris (gut village rn), and well, me. :P 

Elim leans: Ash (I'm kinda following everyone else's leads honestly... sorry!), |TJ| (gut elim read)

Uncertain: JNV (Could go either way - very, very slightly more elim), Wiz (Seems village but ahhh) and yeee that's about it? Yems?

*bleps mead*

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