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Players Needed


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I'm looking for players to for an rp to help me worldbuild. (yay) The entire rp would casual and unstructured. I would GM. The world is a high fantasy setting. If you have a question post it in the thread. If you are interested PM me.

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The world looks high fantasy, but I guess it will probably have more of an epic fantasy feel to it. There are different races and magic systems. (No less than 6 at this point.) I might restrict you guys to humans because the other races are pretty rare. 

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I'm interested in trying. Not done a forum role-play game yet, but I've been wanting to try one.

I will warn you that I don't care for strong language and will drop for that cause as well as other offenses.

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Yeah, leaving early could be an issue. When it comes to language it shouldn't be a problem. Any language that would be used would be native to the world, having been influenced by it's history.

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I'd like to join, depending on the specifics. How long would you be expecting posts to be? Any specific system? How often would we be posting?

That's pretty much my criteria too.

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There is no specific system, post length will probably stabilize as we go, but mine will most likely be the longest as I'm telling each person what goes on. How often we post is unknown at this time. (I'm kinda new to this.) I will definitely do some stuff through PMs.

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Sorry for the wait guys, I just got a job at a summer camp with limited internet so getting on here was tough, but I'm home now. Most of the first few "sessions" will just be you messaging me about characters and what you want to do with that as well as me giving you a run-down of the world. I'll hopefully get a group message out shortly for those who have messaged me. I'm still looking for at least one more player.

Edited by Lurthemir
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