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Sorry I've been inactive.

"Alright! Let us depart." As they started down the road, Jeselin began to think of the reality of what they were doing. Then he decided to throw reality out the window. Who needs reality when you have a team of rugged heroes?



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On 4/7/2023 at 0:59 AM, Telrao said:

"Rusts! Axelle, how did you get here?"

Honestly, Hamin, I have no idea, one minute I was at a birthday party, and the next, Harmony was hurling me across this rusting obsidian plane. How did you get here!? Did Harmony throw you too?

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17 hours ago, Argenti said:

Honestly, Hamin, I have no idea, one minute I was at a birthday party, and the next, Harmony was hurling me across this rusting obsidian plane. How did you get here!? Did Harmony throw you too?

Hamin raised an eyebrow at Axelle. "I came through a perpendicularity... wait, did you say Harmony? A Shard threw you across the Cognitive Realm?" She shook her head, studying her friend again. "Some luck... would've saved me a lot of effort." She muttered to herself.

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1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Madiiri stopped in his tracks. "I was under the impression that with all your preparation that you had a method."

Axelle says "What's this Door thing? If it's locked I'm sure we can break it down. This Jeselin man looks strong enough?

Edited by Argenti
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Hamin facepalmed. "Rusting power of SHARDS." She huffed. She tugged at the sleeve of her dress, then forcibly smoothed her expression. She pulled out a notebook and made a couple notations.

"Right then. I have heard a few things about the Dor. As Madirii has previously mentioned, it is basically a wall of searing fire that will consume you. But the fire is pure Investiture. Just... a lot of it... and is basically impossible to get in and out of. Is that correct, Madirii?"


btw Fadran does Madirii look like an Elantrian (silver skin and shiny) or just a normal person with dyed hair?


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Riam was scribbling in her notebook again, but didn’t say anything. Anyone who walked past her would have seen a page titled “The Dor to Sel”, under which was a sprawling mindmap of messy notes. It looked suspiciously like she was formulating a plan - and one that involved the sword concealed in her pack. She thought she had hidden it well, but if one of the others looked closely, they may have seen a tendril of black smoke curling away from a strangely long and thin package, labelled DO NOT OPEN.


Would Nightblood be able to cut through the Dor? If not, I can change this.


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1 hour ago, Telrao said:

Hamin facepalmed. "Rusting power of SHARDS." She huffed. She tugged at the sleeve of her dress, then forcibly smoothed her expression. She pulled out a notebook and made a couple notations.

"Right then. I have heard a few things about the Dor. As Madirii has previously mentioned, it is basically a wall of searing fire that will consume you. But the fire is pure Investiture. Just... a lot of it... and is basically impossible to get in and out of. Is that correct, Madirii?"

"That is correct. Just in general, it is very hostile."


He's a bona fide elantrian


Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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1 hour ago, Shadowed said:

Would Nightblood be able to cut through the Dor? If not, I can change this



I don't think he'd be a be able to cut through the Dor. From what I know of Nightblood, he, in essence, eats Investiture, and can get full. So... unless he can devour the power of two Shards in one go, then no... sadly. Excellent idea, though!

It could be possible, with the assistance of suspense of disbelief, to "eat" enough to create a temporary pocket in the power, then SPRINT HELL-FOR-LEATHER to the Perpendicularity... hmm

1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"That is correct. Just in general, it is very hostile."

Hamin frowned and tapped her chin, thoughtful. "Perhaps there is a way to shield us from the Dor? Or maybe..." she hmmed and flipped through her notebook. "If there was a way to displace it... hmm..."

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2 hours ago, Telrao said:

"If there was a way to displace it... hmm...

"If it's a shard, It's alive, maybe it could be rioted and soothed? We could try talking to it too? Or maybe just an aluminium cart?"

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