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Cool, thanks Twi, I'll work on bio's with Mrs. Voidus and post them once she gets back.

Does anyone know what's going on with Mat? Has he PM'd anyone? I see that he's online from time to time but he still hasn't posted.

No. He posted a while back that school started and he got a job, but not since then.

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Cool, thanks Twi, I'll work on bio's with Mrs. Voidus and post them once she gets back.

Does anyone know what's going on with Mat? Has he PM'd anyone? I see that he's online from time to time but he still hasn't posted.


I think we sort of established Psy-Fi as MIA. If he comes back later on, maybe we could have Psy-Fi dramatically return to Thoughttown and tell his story.



I just realized that Lightwards is going to be even more irritated at Nighthound than he already is. Nighthound was sent to recrtuit or destroy ALL of the area's Epics, but Ray was all he came back with. Now it's known that Aldo, Cricket, Chicago Joe, and Backtrack were all present in the city, completely ignored by our favorite dinosaur-riding hound.


Did he search just long enough to find the first Epic with a pretty face and then call it a day?  <_<  :P

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I just realized that Lightwards is going to be even more irritated at Nighthound than he already is. Nighthound was sent to recrtuit or destroy ALL of the area's Epics, but Ray was all he came back with. Now it's known that Aldo, Cricket, Chicago Joe, and Backtrack were all present in the city, completely ignored by our favorite dinosaur-riding hound.


Did he search just long enough to find the first Epic with a pretty face and then call it a day?  <_<  :P

Nighthounds failure to not recruit Epics that didn´t exist yet is very shameful indeed. ;)

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I just realized that Lightwards is going to be even more irritated at Nighthound than he already is. Nighthound was sent to recrtuit or destroy ALL of the area's Epics, but Ray was all he came back with. Now it's known that Aldo, Cricket, Chicago Joe, and Backtrack were all present in the city, completely ignored by our favorite dinosaur-riding hound.


Did he search just long enough to find the first Epic with a pretty face and then call it a day?  <_<  :P


Yeah, probably. :P

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I bet Fortuity could have done it. :P


I'll post a bio and probably a pony for Backtrack soon.


You're kidding, right? He would've done the exact same thing Nighthound did, only he would've been slightly less creepy about it. :P


Slightly. Very slightly. 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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You're kidding, right? He would've done the exact same thing Nighthound did, only he would've been slightly less creepy about it. :P


Slightly. Very slightly. 

Less creepy certainly, although I´m not so sure how long he would keep her around.


Nighthound could pick up some Epics this time, if you want him to. I have options now.

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You'll never guess what I found searching MLP fan sites. 


Voidus, don't open the spoiler. I'm warning you. DON'T OPEN THAT SPOILER.  


I told you not to open it.



If you insist….. :P 


You know what is a surprisingly popular ship? Celestia/Discord. 


Princess Celestia….




….is shipped with Discord. 



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You'll never guess what I found searching MLP fan sites. 


Voidus, don't open the spoiler. I'm warning you. DON'T OPEN THAT SPOILER.  


I told you not to open it.



If you insist….. :P


You know what is a surprisingly popular ship? Celestia/Discord. 


Princess Celestia….




….is shipped with Discord. 



I have learned my lesson. *shudders*

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You'll never guess what I found searching MLP fan sites. 


Voidus, don't open the spoiler. I'm warning you. DON'T OPEN THAT SPOILER.  


I told you not to open it.



If you insist….. :P


You know what is a surprisingly popular ship? Celestia/Discord. 


Princess Celestia….




….is shipped with Discord. 




I want a canon meeting between them so badly:mellow: If only because Lightwards would crawl under his desk and cry for a very long time once he saw them together. :P

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I want a canon meeting between them so badly:mellow: If only because Lightwards would crawl under his desk and cry for a very long time once he saw them together. :P

So curious... musn't... look.

*Creates more canon fodder Epics to relieve stress*

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I want a canon meeting between them so badly:mellow: If only because Lightwards would crawl under his desk and cry for a very long time once he saw them together. :P


I kind of do, too. And no, it's not just because I want to see Lightwards crawl under his desk and cry like a little baby. What are you talking about? :P 


There's always the Disco Ending, I suppose. Or, for a meeting that would preserve Voidus' sanity….


The floor was filthy, covered in dust mice that tickled Lightwards' nose and clung to his suit jacket. There were sticky bits of chewing gum stuck to the underside of the desk, one of which threatened to become tangled in his hair, but he did not move. He clung to the leg of the desk, tears pouring down his cheeks. 


She was here. 


So far as he could tell, Möbius had no reason to visit the Empire. No reason to visit Portland, or even Oregon, for that matter. No reason but to torment him. 


How did she even know I was here? 


A giggle came from the next room, prompting a fresh flood of tears. It was just like her, he thought bitterly. Just like Doctor Funtimes to take a shine to the only other Epic he had reason to fear. 


I'll just wait here, he thought, holding the desk leg like a life preserver. I'll just wait here until she leaves. She can't stay forever. 



Möbius laughed softly as Lightwards began crying again. "This is quite the sophisticated piece of technology," she whispered when she could contain her giggles. And it was. The camera was small enough to be unnoticed, yet powerful enough to deliver a clear picture to a screen in the next room. 


Doctor Funtimes grinned. "Should we go get Lightwards?" 


This suggestion made the necromancer curl up tighter and….


Möbius squinted at the screen. "Is he sucking his thumb?" 


Funtimes laughed. "How long'll you stay?" she whispered. 


"Oh, until he stops crying."

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I kind of do, too. And no, it's not just because I want to see Lightwards crawl under his desk and cry like a little baby. What are you talking about? :P


There's always the Disco Ending, I suppose. Or, for a meeting that would preserve Voidus' sanity….


The floor was filthy, covered in dust mice that tickled Lightwards' nose and clung to his suit jacket. There were sticky bits of chewing gum stuck to the underside of the desk, one of which threatened to become tangled in his hair, but he did not move. He clung to the leg of the desk, tears pouring down his cheeks. 


She was here. 


So far as he could tell, Möbius had no reason to visit the Empire. No reason to visit Portland, or even Oregon, for that matter. No reason but to torment him. 


How did she even know I was here? 


A giggle came from the next room, prompting a fresh flood of tears. It was just like her, he thought bitterly. Just like Doctor Funtimes to take a shine to the only other Epic he had reason to fear. 


I'll just wait here, he thought, holding the desk leg like a life preserver. I'll just wait here until she leaves. She can't stay forever. 



Möbius laughed softly as Lightwards began crying again. "This is quite the sophisticated piece of technology," she whispered when she could contain her giggles. And it was. The camera was small enough to be unnoticed, yet powerful enough to deliver a clear picture to a screen in the next room. 


Doctor Funtimes grinned. "Should we go get Lightwards?" 


This suggestion made the necromancer curl up tighter and….


Möbius squinted at the screen. "Is he sucking his thumb?" 


Funtimes laughed. "How long'll you stay?" she whispered. 


"Oh, until he stops crying."


Well that's basically the scariest thing ever. 0.0



Also, I think I thought of a plausible reason for a canon meeting between Funtimes and Mobius. o.0 Sorry, Voidus. 


Are you referring to the Disco Ending, the Table Ending, or another possibility that has yet to be posted? :o

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Are you referring to the Disco Ending, the Table Ending, or another possibility that has yet to be posted? :o


Lightwards is going to use Backtrack to dig up dirt on Team Funacid, right? And you mentioned Revolution's commune being attacked and possibly nearly destroyed. Hypothetically, Funtimes could learn who was behind it and, hypothetically, buy Backtrack's loyalty through bribes or threats and use him to dig into Lightwards' past, inevitably uncovering Mobius. Once she had that information, she might decide to strike a preliminary alliance just in case Lightwards steps out of line.

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Lightwards is going to use Backtrack to dig up dirt on Team Funacid, right? And you mentioned Revolution's commune being attacked and possibly nearly destroyed. Hypothetically, Funtimes could learn who was behind it and, hypothetically, buy Backtrack's loyalty through bribes or threats and use him to dig into Lightwards' past, inevitably uncovering Mobius. Once she had that information, she might decide to strike a preliminary alliance just in case Lightwards steps out of line.


Actually, the way I have things planned out at the moment, Backtrack already knows about Möbius. So if Funtimes were suitably persuasive, he'd spill the beans and tell her everything he knows. Möbius might not be very keen on working closely with Funtimes, but she would be rather annoyed that Lightwards survived their last meeting.


In which case, Möbius would be more than happy to tell Funtimes what Lightwards' weakness is. It's perfect to her: she ensures that an unstable psychopath is capable of permanently killing her minor foe, and she doesn't even have to bother with going to Portland.


Of course, if we want Möbius to come to Oregon and tear down the Empire, I could oblige to that too. :P

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Actually, the way I have things planned out at the moment, Backtrack already knows about Möbius. So if Funtimes were suitably persuasive, he'd spill the beans and tell her everything he knows. Möbius might not be very keen on working closely with Funtimes, but she would be rather annoyed that Lightwards survived their last meeting.


In which case, Möbius would be more than happy to tell Funtimes what Lightwards' weakness is. It's perfect to her: she ensures that an unstable psychopath is capable of permanently killing her minor foe, and she doesn't even have to bother with going to Portland.


Of course, if we want Möbius to come to Oregon and tear down the Empire, I could oblige to that too. :P


Even better.  :ph34r:


Nah, Mobius destroying the Empire would be fun, but it seems a little deus-ex-machina-ish. :P If we're going to bring in Mobius, I vote we keep it at what you suggested. That way we get the fun of writing their meeting, without the danger of having an OP Princess Celestia raze Oregon to the ground. :P

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