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We need a lot of recruited Epics, because they're probably all going to die in the CorpseMaker battle. :P

So should Nighthound drag some cannon fodder in or not? (Not that I would turn any of them into serious PoVs)


Even better.  :ph34r:


Nah, Mobius destroying the Empire would be fun, but it seems a little deus-ex-machina-ish. :P If we're going to bring in Mobius, I vote we keep it at what you suggested. That way we get the fun of writing their meeting, without the danger of having an OP Princess Celestia raze Oregon to the ground. :P

Please leave her where she belongs, our nightmares/next month.

Edited by Edgedancer
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So should Nighthound drag some cannon fodder in or not? (Not that I would turn any of them into serious PoVs)


Please leave her where she belongs, our nightmares/next month.


I just realized that long before it was announced, TwiLyght suggested a PMV that is the perfect theme song for Calamityville: Nightmare Night.


It's perfect in so many ways, describing both Mobius and the theme of the RP. They're not just nightmares no more, so buckle down and get set.

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I just realized that long before it was announced, TwiLyght suggested a PMV that is the perfect theme song for Calamityville:

It's perfect in so many ways, describing both Mobius and the theme of the RP. They're not just nightmares no more, so buckle down and get set.

Shes coming gracing her subjects, she ain't leaving no choice, she's gonna blow you all back with her Equestrian voice...

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Remember when someone posted the Kinetic Typography of Discord? Well the one lead me to Spetember.


I can´t remember what happend in Spetember. When everything is gone, when it´s dark and I´m alone.


At one point I planned a "Project September" named after that video. It's awesome, in a creepy sort of way. :D



Shes coming gracing her subjects, she ain't leaving no choice, she's gonna blow you all back with her Equestrian voice...



Edited by Kobold King
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At one point I planned a "Project September" named after that video. It's awesome, in a creepy sort of way. :D






Oddly enough, I hadn't heard "September" when you told me about Project September. And now I just listened to it. While thinking about Project September. 




….yeah, I'm not going to sleep tonight….


If I had the Mobius code and a little time, you would see the next line sung by Mobius and her new friend Funtimes. :D

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Oddly enough, I hadn't heard "September" when you told me about Project September. And now I just listened to it. While thinking about Project September. 




….yeah, I'm not going to sleep tonight….


If I had the Mobius code and a little time, you would see the next line sung by Mobius and her new friend Funtimes. :D


Spoilers for the song:

The best thing about Lightwards as the singer is, I can easily imagine him suffering from temporary amnesia after being at ground zero of a nuclear blast. And that last line... * shudders *


I might make a comic of it later, since I have both the Mobius code and too much time on my hands. :P And if anypony has a need for them, I can post a compilation of my Epic codes.

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Isn´t it lovely how this RP brings out the best in us? That and the psychotic horrofying stuff but hey, let´s plan some murder. :lol::P

Wait till you meet Koschei. :o

Who are you using for the Halloween RP, by the way? I'm pretty sure you mentioned, but I don't remember which page and I want to know how many nightmares to prepare for. :P

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Wait till you meet Koschei. :o

Who are you using for the Halloween RP, by the way? I'm pretty sure you mentioned, but I don't remember which page and I want to know how many nightmares to prepare for. :P


Heck, a completely unbridled Nighthound could just about hold his own in the Halloween RP. :o


TwiLyght, I know I keep asking this sort of thing, but do you still have a Remington pony code?

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Heck, a completely unbridled Nighthound could just about hold his own in the Halloween RP. :o

TwiLyght, I know I keep asking this sort of thing, but do you still have a Remington pony code?

An excellent idea. Let's lock him in a pocket universe with a hundred or so mannequins and maybe some beer and never ever EVER return to check on him. And then we can banish Lucentia to the moon. The second moon. Of Jupiter.

I'm not sure, but if I do, it's on my laptop. I might have to recreate it, but it shouldn't take me long.

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Past business, maybe SS has bought one of the smaller Chimerans once or twice before?

 Sounds good. So a rabbit-type? Or if you make something up, that could work too. If you get Soulswitch to the zoo, we can take it from there.


Cool, thanks Twi, I'll work on bio's with Mrs. Voidus and post them once she gets back.

Does anyone know what's going on with Mat? Has he PM'd anyone? I see that he's online from time to time but he still hasn't posted.

We're just going to have Altermind worry a bit about his friend, and if Mat never comes back, Psy-Fi is dead. If he does comeback then Psy-Fi can make a grand entrance into TT, all bloodied and describe his fight.

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An excellent idea. Let's lock him in a pocket universe with a hundred or so mannequins and maybe some beer and never ever EVER return to check on him. And then we can banish Lucentia to the moon. The second moon. Of Jupiter.


I get that that's (probably) a joke, but it does raise a question...


If Mobius built herself a space shuttle and used her powers to move it around the cosmos, how far could she go from Calamity? If she left the solar system completely, would her powers fail because she left its range? Are the powers inherent within her now, so that she no longer requires constant Calamity radiation to keep them functional? What would happen if she teleported to the surface of Calamity itself?


We really need that third book in the Reckoners series.  :mellow:

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I get that that's (probably) a joke, but it does raise a question...

If Mobius built herself a space shuttle and used her powers to move it around the cosmos, how far could she go from Calamity? If she left the solar system completely, would her powers fail because she left its range? Are the powers inherent within her now, so that she no longer requires constant Calamity radiation to keep them functional? What would happen if she teleported to the surface of Calamity itself?

We really need that third book in the Reckoners series. :mellow:

That is an interesting question. And if they failed, would Calamity's influence over her personality die as well, or has she already passed her Moral Event Horizon?

We need it yesterday. January 6, why must you be so far away?

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That is an interesting question. And if they failed, would Calamity's influence over her personality die as well, or has she already passed her Moral Event Horizon?

We need it yesterday. January 6, why must you be so far away?


If you suddenly neutralized Calamity's effect on an Epic's mind, would they in all cases revert to their pre-Calamity personalities? Or would the experience have corrupted the inherent essence of their beings? How much free will does an Epic have--can they be held responsible for their actions just like a normal human, or do their special circumstances mandate special consideration for their crimes?


I swear, if I had a TARDIS...

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If you suddenly neutralized Calamity's effect on an Epic's mind, would they in all cases revert to their pre-Calamity personalities? Or would the experience have corrupted the inherent essence of their beings? How much free will does an Epic have--can they be held responsible for their actions just like a normal human, or do their special circumstances mandate special consideration for their crimes?

I swear, if I had a TARDIS...

That brings up another question: Is exposure to their weakness tantamount to withdrawing an Epic from Calamity's range? At this point, the argument could be made rather forcefully for either side. Yes: Calamity gives them powers, weaknesses remove powers. No: Weaknesses only make powers inoperable, Calamity's influence is much more pervasive. If the final answer is yes, then a Epics should be held accountable for their crimes, since Steelheart only became angry in the presence of his weakness and slaughtered more innocents the moment it was removed. If no, then their crimes merit special consideration.

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That brings up another question: Is exposure to their weakness tantamount to withdrawing an Epic from Calamity's range? At this point, the argument could be made rather forcefully for either side. Yes: Calamity gives them powers, weaknesses remove powers. No: Weaknesses only make powers inoperable, Calamity's influence is much more pervasive. If the final answer is yes, then a Epics should be held accountable for their crimes, since Steelheart only became angry in the presence of his weakness and slaughtered more innocents the moment it was removed. If no, then their crimes merit special consideration.


You know, we can have pretty deep discussions when we're not posting ponies all day. :P


I believe that legally speaking, an insane individual is not considered accountable for his or her crimes. Considering the confirmed corrupting effect that has been observed, I believe that Epics could legally be considered insane.


It really boils down to whether they have any control over their actions. Are they really the same people once they receive their powers, or are their powers analogous to mind-altering variables in real life, such as drugs?


Honestly though, we could devote an entire thread to this and we might not come to a conclusion until The Great Sanderson publishes the final novels.  :mellow:

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You know, we can have pretty deep discussions when we're not posting ponies all day. :P

I believe that legally speaking, an insane individual is not considered accountable for his or her crimes. Considering the confirmed corrupting effect that has been observed, I believe that Epics could legally be considered insane.

It really boils down to whether they have any control over their actions. Are they really the same people once they receive their powers, or are their powers analogous to mind-altering variables in real life, such as drugs?

Honestly though, we could devote an entire thread to this and we might not come to a conclusion until The Great Sanderson publishes the final novels. :mellow:

No kidding. :P

I think you're right, but I also think there is a difference between insanity and evil.

Control is a major factor. Are Epics fully aware of what they're doing, or are they to some extent Calamity's puppets? (And yes, I fully expect a death metal band called Calamity's Puppets to release an album within the year. :P) I think Deathpoint is the best example of this distinction. He mentions "it" asking him why he wanted to rob a bank, with "it" assumed to be Calamity. Deathpoint hears voices in his head questioning his reasoning, yet he chose to rob a bank. This implies, to me, that he was acting under his own free will, Calamity's corruption notwithstanding. He stopped, he questioned his motives, and he went on with the heinous act anyway.

We really could continue this forever....

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No kidding. :P

I think you're right, but I also think there is a difference between insanity and evil.

Control is a major factor. Are Epics fully aware of what they're doing, or are they to some extent Calamity's puppets? (And yes, I fully expect a death metal band called Calamity's Puppets to release an album within the year. :P) I think Deathpoint is the best example of this distinction. He mentions "it" asking him why he wanted to rob a bank, with "it" assumed to be Calamity. Deathpoint hears voices in his head questioning his reasoning, yet he chose to rob a bank. This implies, to me, that he was acting under his own free will, Calamity's corruption notwithstanding. He stopped, he questioned his motives, and he went on with the heinous act anyway.

We really could continue this forever....


In spoiler tags just to be on the safe side.

And yet, opposite of Deathpoint is Prof. While he admittedly gets a little cranky when he uses his powers, he still maintains some form of morality. Would he maintain this morality if he used his powers frequently? If so, then he would stand as definitive proof of free will in Epics. If not, it would strongly speak of a loss of control over their own actions.


In the end, all I can conclude is that it's still over three and a half months until Firefight comes out.  <_<



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In spoiler tags just to be on the safe side.

And yet, opposite of Deathpoint is Prof. While he admittedly gets a little cranky when he uses his powers, he still maintains some form of morality. Would he maintain this morality if he used his powers frequently? If so, then he would stand as definitive proof of free will in Epics. If not, it would strongly speak of a loss of control over their own actions.


In the end, all I can conclude is that it's still over three and a half months until Firefight comes out.  <_<




That seems to be the case. During his fight with Steelheart, Prof's complaining became so terrifying that Tia had to cut his mic, but he kept on fighting. Of course, that raises the question of whether he was fighting for the others, fighting for the city, or fighting to prove his superiority. We're not in Prof's head, so we don't know yet.



There, there. The wait will make it all the sweeter when the book finally hits shelves. 




Once again, looking on a rather dim bright side….

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Wait till you meet Koschei. :o

Who are you using for the Halloween RP, by the way? I'm pretty sure you mentioned, but I don't remember which page and I want to know how many nightmares to prepare for. :P

I was thinking about Crow. Not that the fresh hell in my head couldn´t come up with something else. :ph34r: 

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Who's up next in Oregon?

Depends on the scene.

In the museum I would say Sightline.

Thoughttown, someone that isn´t Mailliw

I kinda forgot who would go next with staring skeletons and the group around PPPP

And then there are some that are alone and it doesn´t matter.

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I should probably note that it's now just PP and P, Protector got consumed into the original personality again when he saw Saccharine and his protective instincts came back. Actually I'm not really sure what to call him since he's not really PP anymore either :S

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