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Is Xisis another name for Foil ?

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So in the ars arcanum of RoW khriss says : 


I think that perhaps Foil, deep within his ocean, would find this information supports my theories over his. And he’d do well to listen to me on this matter if he ever wishes to achieve control over the aethers, as he has insisted is his goal.

And in TotES we learn that xisis lives under the aether sea researching something. Most probably the aethers. 

So what are the odds that xisis is foil ? 


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On 4/6/2023 at 1:45 PM, Friendshipspren said:

So what are the odds that xisis is foil ? 


They're high; It's possible that two separate beings live under the sea and research aethers, but more than likely they're the same being.

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On 6.4.2023 at 7:45 PM, Friendshipspren said:

So what are the odds that xisis is foil ? 


Xisis arrived around 300 years before Tress of the Emerald Sea. The Iriali vanished round about that time frame (we do not know whose years Hoid was counting in). They must have lived there for some time. I do not see how you can make that fit any time line where Xisis would have to be on Lumar at the time of Rhythm of War, while the Iriali are still on Roshar.

On 10.4.2023 at 2:59 PM, Argenti said:

They're high; It's possible that two separate beings live under the sea and research aethers, but more than likely they're the same being.

Xisis claims to study the ecology of the ocean floors, while Foil wants to control the aethers. It is possible that his goal shifted over the centuries, but they are not identical.

Edited by Oltux72
forgot to mention the current location of the Iriali
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Is there a compelling reason to believe that Ars Arcanum entries must be contemporaneous with the novel they appear in?  It's possible Brandon is playing loosely with time, giving us "more advanced" information when he thinks readers need it, rather than describing exactly what Khriss knows at the exact time each novel occurs.

I find it extremely unlikely that there are TWO long-lived entities both studying aethers at the bottom of an ocean.  I think Xisisrefliel = Foil,  99%.

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13 minutes ago, AquaRegia said:

Is there a compelling reason to believe that Ars Arcanum entries must be contemporaneous with the novel they appear in?  It's possible Brandon is playing loosely with time, giving us "more advanced" information when he thinks readers need it, rather than describing exactly what Khriss knows at the exact time each novel occurs.


The Ars Arcanum Entries are not all written the same time as the story; the AA for sixth of dusk is not written in the far future, but closer to our time.

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