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Which Order are you?


Which Order are you? (Take the quiz if you haven't already)  

149 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Order are you? (Take the quiz if you haven't already)

    • Order of Windrunners
    • Order of Skybreakers
    • Order of Dustbringers ( Or Releasers )
    • Order of Edgedancers
    • Order of Truthwatchers
    • Order of Lightweavers
    • Order of Elsecallers
    • Order of Willshapers
    • Order of Stonewards
    • Order of Bondsmiths

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78% Windrunner, 76% Bondsmith.  I consistently get these two very close together, though when I was in charge of some 11 year olds I got Skybreaker, which probably says something. I'm definitely not a Lightweaver or a Dustbringer. I could see either Windrunner or Bondsmith, though in terms of Bondsmith Ideals I fear I would be as chull-footed as Dalinar.

Being a Windrunner is generally who I am, being a Bondsmith is what I try to be. In the explanatory article it notes that some who followed Bondsmiths would swear the Oaths knowing they would likely never bond a spren considering the limited number of Bondsmith spren. Knowing myself and the high probability that the Bondsmith slots would be taken, I would probably end up as a Windrunner who tried to become a Bondsmith squire.

I'll wait. If no one is a higher match than 76% Bondsmith I'll put that, otherwise I'll put Windrunner. And no, not just because Bondsmiths are bustedly powerful.

Edited by Duxredux
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Truthwatcher. By a lot.

Which makes a lot of sense, given my personality and interests.

I actually did it twice, with slightly different answers where neither word fit me that well, and got massively Truthwatcher-biased results both times... 86% and 89%.

Edgedancer second kind of surprises me though. While they have a super awesome power set, and I like their concept (it's hard not to like Loving/Healing and helping the less fortunate) I'm not nearly socially aware enough to function as an Edgedancer, and also probably too much of a structured kind of person. Frankly none except Truthwatcher fit me at all well... Skybreaker or Bondsmith could fit the structure side, but I'm not violent enough for Skybreakers and dislike leadership roles, so no Bondsmith.

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My last time taking the test I came back stoneward.  The real question is was that me though?  I have pretty well wrecked the results for myself at this point because being totally unbiased at what I think each order would be is impossible. 

More than for myself I create characters and plug those characters and my thoughts of their personality and world views into it to see where they would fall.  

So my Koloss Blooded kickboxer happens to be Stoneward (60% stoneward 59% bondsmith which shocked me). 

I think for myself it comes back Willshaper the vast majority of the time. 

The fact that I take it so often and plug in so many personalities makes me wonder if I should just accept being a lightweaver and that I am constantly swapping personalities based on what character I am building next. 

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I get Windrunner 90 percent of the time. With stoneward as a close second. Although I like the surges of the dust bringers the most. And I have gotten Dustbringer once but I was in a weird mood that day. More of what I want to be rather than what I am.



Screen Shot 2023-06-08 at 2.11.57 PM.png

Edited by Telperion
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Just took the quiz and was told I'm a Stoneward. Surprisingly, the Stoneward summery is super close to my real life. 


Stonewards...tend to attract those who are most interested in warfare, prowess with weapons, or athletics of any sort. They like a challenge...engaging in (and running) various sporting events of both a military and a non-military nature. Many like the outdoors...They tend to be known for their can-do attitudes and for taking on enormous projects (sometimes more than they can handle). However, most agree that the primary attribute of the Stonewards is their dependability...If a Stoneward is your friend, they will be there for you, and it is a core tenant of their order--to be there when they are needed. Another key attribute is their ability to take a difficult situation with few resources and make something better of it...they are good at improvising solutions to problems in the moment.

The 2nd and 3rd closest orders were Skybreakers and Windrunners. Thought it was funny that while the results of the poll were a lot of Truthwatchers ~30%, that was my lowest category. 

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On 6/9/2023 at 10:41 AM, External Gills said:

I'm 84% Truthwatcher and 83% Edgedancer. I've taken the quiz three times on different occasions and Edgedancer is always juuuust behind Truthwatcher by 1 or 2%. 



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 Got 81% Truthwatcher as first place. Second and third were Edgedancer and Windrunner. So a lot of different Surge options there, though I had a feeling Truthwatcher would fit best even before the quiz. Such is the way of the nerd. Also, being a Windrunner seems like it could be scary at times and not just by learning to fly. I could see plenty worrying about either getting themselves killed by biting off more than they could chew or about getting their honorspren killed by not protecting enough.

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  • 4 months later...

I always get Windrunner with the test with Stoneward next. It's a fairly accurate result. It is interesting though cause as an engineer and a scientist, a Truthwatcher seems more fitting. It's something I've done some exploring of and basically came to the conclusion that I am just a nerdy Windrunner and that is all. I have a long history of being involved in combat sports and have strong feelings about honor and justice and all that. I just also happen to get really excited talking about electromagnetism and electron tunneling and the like. I would probably fall into a role of hanging out with Navani and being the middle man between her R&D team and the Windrunners. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Everytime I take the quiz I always end up with Edgedancer. The funny thing is it always ties with another order and it usually flip flops with Windrunner and Truthwatcher.

Edgedancer does make the most sense for me as it does seem like they are among the less combat oriented orders. I think in a setting like the Cosmere i'd definitely be sliding around the battlefield helping others instead of fighting.

And while I think it be absolutely fun to be able to use Lashings I definitely think Truthwatcher is a good second for me. Renarin is probably my favorite Stormlight character and the character I most relate to so Truthwatcher definitely fits as well! 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

I got windrunner with stoneward in close second. I expected skybreaker, but I guess stoneward is probably the best match for me. And i suppose i'm one of the least elscholar people here, but it makes sense because i genuinely don't like Jasnah

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On 1/10/2024 at 5:35 PM, One of the Ten Fools said:

I have never not been a wind runner. It seems strange to me that there are more Bondsmiths then there are Dustbringers

1 hour ago, Banana_assassin said:

I always get either Lightweaver or Truthwatcher. I was expecting there to be more Windrunners though

Well, @HSuperLee said it best. . . 

On 4/12/2023 at 6:42 PM, HSuperLee said:
On 4/12/2023 at 5:22 PM, Kendelian said:

I myself am an Edgedancer. I think it is quite notable that the Truthwatchers are the most common on the poll. Although, the poll doesn’t have a lot of responses (12 as of writing this) but I’d like to see the progression of this.

Sharders are definitely biased towards the Elsecaller and Truthwatcher orders. Its not necessarily that Sanderson's books are only read by certain kinds of people so much as only certain kinds of people have the personality type that leads them to joining an online forum to discuss magic, continuity, and theories.


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