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Was Gavinor Experimented On?


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In Ch 16 of RoW, it's mentioned that little Gav, is just that, little. Too small for his age. And then it's thrown out their casually that the doctor's wonder if "something was done to him" during his time in the palace. Has Brandon addressed this at all? Are there any hints out there that I'm not picking up on? <---This is my primary assumption with most of my Cosmere questions.

A secondary question is, If he was experimented on, why? To what end? 

It's possible (even likely) that the trauma he endured took a toll on his physical development. But if it's not that, is there any reason to believe the Fused could create some sort of time-released plan with a young child they planned on sending to their enemies?

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5 hours ago, JohnnyKaizen said:

In Ch 16 of RoW, it's mentioned that little Gav, is just that, little. Too small for his age. And then it's thrown out their casually that the doctor's wonder if "something was done to him" during his time in the palace. Has Brandon addressed this at all? Are there any hints out there that I'm not picking up on? <---This is my primary assumption with most of my Cosmere questions.

A secondary question is, If he was experimented on, why? To what end? 

I would recommend reading the Coppermind Entry on Gavinor for all known information we have so far. 


It's possible (even likely) that the trauma he endured took a toll on his physical development. But if it's not that, is there any reason to believe the Fused could create some sort of time-released plan with a young child they planned on sending to their enemies?

The Fused didn't have access to him. He was held by his mother as she was influenced by the Unmade, but was smuggled out of Kholinar by Skar's team after the attack but before the Fused had full control of the city. 

Edited by Treamayne
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4 hours ago, Treamayne said:

I would recommend reading the Coppermind Entry on Gavinor for all known information we have so far. 

The Fused didn't have access to him. He was held by his mother as she was influenced by the Unmade, but was smuggled out of Kholinar by Skar's team after the attack but before the Fused had full control of the city. 

That's fair. I have always assumed that agents of R-Odium had access to Kholinar before its fail because of the Unmade being active there. I actually hadn't realized I had this assumption before now. It was just in my head.

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13 minutes ago, JohnnyKaizen said:

That's fair. I have always assumed that agents of R-Odium had access to Kholinar before its fail because of the Unmade being active there. I actually hadn't realized I had this assumption before now. It was just in my head.

Well, you do see the Fused attacking the walls and Secret Spren policing the use of Fabrials in the city (while also watching for Radiants). But the Unmade don't necessarily need a physical agent to move about and set up shop* as seen with the Thrill moving from Alethkar to Jah Kaved to "help" with the civil war. 

We also saw that the Palace started being affected by Ashertmarn sometime between WoK Ch 22 (Navani left Kholinar) and WoR Interlude 12 (Ardent Pai's execution). 

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    Yelig-Nar being a possible exception - likely somebody had to have given Aesudan the gem in which he resides. But who or when is unknown and since it was before the invasion, it is likely a human agent.


Most likely his trauma is witnessing the downward spiral of his mother while also being subjected to the mental influences in the castle. 

Edited by Treamayne
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19 hours ago, JohnnyKaizen said:

In Ch 16 of RoW, it's mentioned that little Gav, is just that, little. Too small for his age. And then it's thrown out their casually that the doctor's wonder if "something was done to him" during his time in the palace. Has Brandon addressed this at all? Are there any hints out there that I'm not picking up on? <---This is my primary assumption with most of my Cosmere questions.

A secondary question is, If he was experimented on, why? To what end? 

It's possible (even likely) that the trauma he endured took a toll on his physical development. But if it's not that, is there any reason to believe the Fused could create some sort of time-released plan with a young child they planned on sending to their enemies?

He had it hard, Painspren were torturing him for Stormfather knows how long, his mother was neglecting him, focusing more on her and her Guard than on him, and Ashertmarn was likely whispering to his ears as well. I'm surprised he behaves so normal during RoW for the amount of trauma he lived through.

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2 hours ago, Rg2045 said:

Don’t forget that some weird time dilation was happening as well. People locked up for weeks said they only been there for a few hours. 

Something that definitely needs explanation. The guards did say that they hadn't eaten more than a few times in weeks (which they thought was much less time), but some of them were well enough to fight in the battle. Huh..I had forgotten about that. That's real weird. 

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