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Twinborn Combos

Deus Ex Biotica

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I think double steel is the biggest win, on the topic of mental speed I think that would have to increase proportionately as otherwise your motor skills would be severely hampered effectively rendering the speed useless, I think that the mental speed would be a side effect of storing physical speed, kind of like how a side effect of storing strength is storing mass (as was I think mentioned) so I think speed compounding is an epic win :D

Oh also Awesome idea! :D

Compounding duralumin (already mentioned) AND a soother, soother to combat your own feelings of empathy, MUCH better mind control (of course someone who compounds duralumin would need a ridiculously powerful soother to counter it, also the soother would presumably be in love with the compounder so that might effect their ability to do this, thoughts anyone?

Edited by Voidus
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An Iron(A) Steel(F) twinborn might be rather interesting. Not on the level of The Thing (Pewter/Pewter), The Human Torch (brass/brass), or the Invisible Woman (duralumin/duralumin), of course, but hopefully worth your time.

The problem with a lurcher is that they're largely a defensive creature: they can pull metal towards themselves, but that will rarely harm other people, but it can protect them. A twinborn with steel can partially remedy this. The twinborn would start by throwing a bit of metal away from him, then pulling on it. He then would tap steel to get out of the way quickly enough, and the metal would then fly past him. Then, he'd pull on it again, sidestep again, and repeat. Essentially, this would mimic Kelsier's first fight scene in Mistborn, where he kills guards with a paperweight. The need for steel is simply due to the increased demand on positioning: Kelsier had pewter to make him quicker, and steel to push an object as necessary. This twinborn, however, would need something else to help him move quick enough, both to sidestep and to position. Steel is that something else.

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I think double steel is the biggest win, on the topic of mental speed I think that would have to increase proportionately as otherwise your motor skills would be severely hampered effectively rendering the speed useless, I think that the mental speed would be a side effect of storing physical speed, kind of like how a side effect of storing strength is storing mass (as was I think mentioned) so I think speed compounding is an epic win :D

Oh also Awesome idea! :D

Compounding duralumin (already mentioned) AND a soother, soother to combat your own feelings of empathy, MUCH better mind control (of course someone who compounds duralumin would need a ridiculously powerful soother to counter it, also the soother would presumably be in love with the compounder so that might effect their ability to do this, thoughts anyone?

I don't think what the Soother is feeling affects his/her ability to use brass.

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I meant that they would need to be powerful due to the magnitude of the emotions they are trying to soothe, compounding duralumin would give you near-infinite control over others but also near-infinite empathy, you'd either need a soother+nicroburst combo or a ridiculously strong soother (talking TLR strength)

EDIT: On re-reading I think you meant that part at the end whoops :P

I just meant they might find themselves so fond of the compounder that they are unable to try to manipulate them.

Edited by Voidus
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I dislike the idea of doubles being twinborns. they should be twinnings. A true twinborn would be something like the lord ruler.

using that terminology as a basis for going off topic [the thread is called twinborn combos, so not really off topic]

a true twimborn ability mix could be something like a compounded zinc + compounded tin for a super sherlock holmes.

compounded steel + pewter to survive super speed collisions.

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The problem with calling TLR a twinborn is that he has more than two powers. That's why they're called twinborn, twin=two.

I'm using the idea that a user of one whole magic system is called a mistborn [even if its just for allomancy its still a pattern that could be used] while a user of a partial [ie one metal instead of the full sixteen] magic system is called a misting. so a user of two whole magic systems would be a twinborn , while a user of two partial magic systems would be a twinning.

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TLR was the only one. He knew that as long as both Feruchemists and Allomancers existed, there was a potential threat of another being like himself, born with, or somehow granted both powers (lerasium and/or Hemalurgy). And there will be more Mistborn in Scadrial's future, and there will almost certainly be Feruchemists born as well. Those two bloodlines meet? You get someone with both the powers. The larger the population gets, the more chance it'll have of occurring, and not to mention potential Hemalurgic craziness and either forced breeding programs (like in Alloy) and scientific progress providing more moral ways for it, like any individuals with either power being required to donate sex cells. I reckon it's almost certainly gonna happen, at some point. I dunno, I just don't think it seems all that logical to dismiss the idea of multiple such people ever existing on Scadrial.

Although, I don't agree that someone who has full access to both powers should be called a twinborn. Though I don't have a suggestion of my own to make in that regard.

Edited by InsurrectionistFungus
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Plus, Twinborn is the name Brandon used for it. We may make up new words for unknown terms, but we're not going to dispute with canon unless Brandon contradicts himself.

Though, i would be nice if we had a term for a Mistborn /Feruchemist. Though again, as has been said, it doesn't seem like we'll be seeing any more of them, so I'm not sure it's necessary.

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And there will be more Mistborn in Scadrial's future, and there will almost certainly be Feruchemists born as well.

I was pretty sure it's been more or less explicitly stated that we won't be seeing anymore mistborn/feruchemists. I think that the mistborn for the second trilogy will almost certainly be hemalurgically created and I can't think of any moral way to rip out chunks of peoples soul :P

I'd really love for there to be another twinawesome (I think I stole this from someone but not sure who) but yeah, it's already been done and as Brandon always says it's limitations that make things interesting and TLR had pretty limitless abilities.

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In fact, the more people are born, the more and more unlikely it will become for a keeper Mistborn to be born, not to mention just a Misting/TwinBorn/Ferring. They are becoming even rarer themselves. Mistborn are just legends and I don't think the populace at large knew there were such things as Keepers.

However, my pet name for a Keeper/Mistborn is:

Minder's Keepers

Minder- Allomancy is instinctive of the Cognitive

Keeper- Just completes the joke

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I was pretty sure it's been more or less explicitly stated that we won't be seeing anymore mistborn/feruchemists. I think that the mistborn for the second trilogy will almost certainly be hemalurgically created and I can't think of any moral way to rip out chunks of peoples soul :P

That's true. xD However! I'd still say that a hemalurgically-created Mistborn is still a Mistborn, and I wouldn't discount it. I mean, organisations and scientists, would, I imagine, have an interest in creating people with the full range of powers, no?

In fact, the more people are born, the more and more unlikely it will become for a keeper Mistborn to be born, not to mention just a Misting/TwinBorn/Ferring. They are becoming even rarer themselves. Mistborn are just legends and I don't think the populace at large knew there were such things as Keepers.

I'm not entirely sure I understand how that works. :3 Surely a larger population also means more Allomancers/Feruchemists/Twinborn, because (although I doubt the numbers would stay the same proportionally) the number of these individuals being born would also increase? And like I said above, surely scientists and other organisations might very well have good reasons to be interested in creating their own Mistborn/Full Twinborn/[full] Feruchemist?

Having said that, I doubt that we'll ever see someone born with full use of both powers, so I suppose it's a moot point in that case. Ah well. XD

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Having said that, I doubt that we'll ever see someone born with full use of both powers, so I suppose it's a moot point in that case. Ah well. XD

I'm not really sure how metallic inheritance differs from normal genetics but from what I understand the more blood you have of the of the pure blooded users [ie the original mistborn, not the ones who were diluted over time by skaa blood] the greater the chance of getting the abilities.

While I doubt sazed would allow the creation of more mistborn I think a decent breeding program would work. which is probably how allow would relate to the second trilogy [iee it would set the scene for new mistborn]. if you took all of those with allomantic powers and culled those who didn't develop allomancy from the breeding program, eventually you'd isolate the allomancy. once it is isolated the blood should be pure enough to get a few misborn. you'd than have to breed the mistborn with each other to try and purify that bloodline.

now, if you di the same thing with the ferrings to get the full set of ferro abilties than bred the mistborn with the feruchemancer, you may be able to get a combo of full abilities. They may not be very strong on both sides, but compounding should work to booste the strength of the ferro abilities. not sure about the allomancy though.

if it is possible to booste allomancy someone with a full set of both arts would probably be unstopable. a superpowered bendalloy bubble to reduce the time needed to store age [if the changed world has access to atium, healing, etc. would probably be more effective than the lord ruler having to spend a large part of his time weak and frail. etc. etc.

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Let's say that at first, 10% of people are full-lerasium mistborn and the other 90% are normal. So that makes it so that on average, 10% of DNA* strands are "enhanced" while 90% are normal. If we normalize everything so that one person is only allowed to have two kids to their name(otherwise the mistborns could all have like 20 compared to everyone else only have like 1, which'll ruin what I'm trying to do {ie breeding programs are against the law}) so a nice, happy family will have 4 kids (two for each parent), and eeverybody has to be in a nice, happy family :).

Eventually we'll end up with every person having approximately 10% lerasium DNA and 90% normal DNThis post has been reported for attempting to skirt the rules, which'll be just enough for some of the population to have misting powers :).

*I believe that all the mentions of DNA in this post really mean sDNA

**This is if two lerasium mistborn will make a lerasium mistborn, which is probably not the case.

Edited by Lantern13
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I'm sure that if hemalurgy is ever re-discovered (and it will be) then governments would probably each have a mistborn or keeper or Terrisborn as basically a super-soldier but pretty much no one would know about it.

(Loved the skyrim reference BTW)

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I'm sure that if hemalurgy is ever re-discovered (and it will be) then governments would probably each have a mistborn or keeper or Terrisborn as basically a super-soldier but pretty much no one would know about it.

(Loved the skyrim reference BTW)

if it was rediscovered it would probably be banned by most major religions, not to mention the fact that adherents to those religeons would probably call users the equivent to the medieaval "witch" and burn em at the stake [or drown them, or stone them, etc. etc.].

Not that breeding programs would be much better.

thye best solution would probably be arranged marriages.

that said, what happened in alloy suggests that a breeding program might be put in place.

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Yeah, I'm really interested to see where that goes. So yeah, I don't think hemalurgy will ever be publicly accepted but I'm thinking that for all those secret agencies they'd have to have misting/ferring operatives, so yeah I think they'd try and get a mistborn or full feruchemist, Or maybe just basically re make inquisitors so they have a mixture of both abilities.

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I can see hemalurgy being used humanely, or at least, humanely as possible. I mean, it's not a requirement that it kills someone to steal their power, right? So volunteers and allomancers/feruchemists on their deathbeds could offer to have their abilities 'transplanted' to a recipent. :3

Aside from that, I have to agree with master, that arranged marriages would be the best solution available to the people of Scadrial for full users of the metallic arts, but criminal organisations and such would probably have breeding programs in place, and I'm curious where Alloy leads to with that. It's possible that the Mistborn serial killer in the second trilogy is a result of their breeding program, perhaps

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Yeah, I'm really interested to see where that goes. So yeah, I don't think hemalurgy will ever be publicly accepted but I'm thinking that for all those secret agencies they'd have to have misting/ferring operatives, so yeah I think they'd try and get a mistborn or full feruchemist, Or maybe just basically re make inquisitors so they have a mixture of both abilities.

to me it seems that it would be more suited to cults than government agencies. but I guess thats more a question of personal style. I guess that whoever may [or may not] be trying to breed new mistborn would be sick enough to use the spikes, so I guess we'll see. its too interesting not to use again if you have six books worth of space.

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