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Twinborn Combos

Deus Ex Biotica

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I always figured Feruchemists could drain away as much of an attribute as they want so long as they've got room in their metalminds. They normally don't drain themselves all the way to zero, but if they did that with stuff like strength, breath, or healing they'd probably die (or at least pass out, and they can't fill a metalmind if they're unconscious).

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I really like the tin/iron idea, the human sentry tower! Also I was thinking that if you had no problems with being naked or else finding some incredibly lightweight clothes and your ironmind was in the form of a cable then if you decreased your weight to 0 you would have continual levitation, you would be anchored to one spot because of the cable (unless you had someone holding it on the ground and running around human kites! XD) also if you kept it up for a while your stores of weight would be huge so you could conceivablly 100x tap weight for a second or two fairly often without having to worry about reserves.

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Pewter/Iron. Wear 100-200 pounds of armour (either metal plate or stone/leather/wood), constantly fill ironminds as much as possible, giving yourself a total mass (including armour) the same as a normal person. You should have the same strength, speed, agility etc... as a normal unarmoured person, but be much better protected. Burn pewter to make yourself a better melee fighter.

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Pewter/Iron. Wear 100-200 pounds of armour (either metal plate or stone/leather/wood), constantly fill ironminds as much as possible, giving yourself a total mass (including armour) the same as a normal person. You should have the same strength, speed, agility etc... as a normal unarmoured person, but be much better protected. Burn pewter to make yourself a better melee fighter.

I think that the other way would work pretty well too, Iron/Pewter so that you could store your strength to decrease your mass a little which lets you manipulate your pulls a bit more so you could more easily pull yourself towards people and then engage in melee combat.

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  • 2 months later...

I'd think that a pewterarm with steel or gold feruchemical abilities could store healing or speed and then use their pewter to compensate for the loss. This would presumably allow them to store much greater amounts of healing or speed than a regular feruchemist.

Though it seems that the inquisitors were unable to do this (they needed to rest a ton to charge their healing spikes) so maybe I'm wrong.

Remember that Inquisitors did not necessarily have the ability to burn gold, as they would have been required to either waste a mistborn or find a gold misting.

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  • 3 months later...

I was just thinking about AoL and decided to look up all the different types of Twinborn and found this thread. Lots of good ideas, but I was surprised that nobody specifically mentioned Chromium Compounders. I think that would be even more terrifying than Gold Compounders. If I were a Chromium Ferring I'd always be nervous to fill a Chromium Mind very quickly, even if I was sitting at home in bed. If your fortune gets bad enough then maybe your furnace will explode and burn you alive before you can stop filling the mind.

If you're a Chromium Compounder though. Allomancers would always be terrified of you because you could burn your Chromium to force them to uber-flare their metals. Lots of metals you could easily kill yourself if you're not expecting it to happen, and even if you do get through it unscathed, you lost your metals. And nobody would be able to touch you because you'd constantly have the best luck. I wouldn't bother learning to aim a gun. Just point in the general direction you want to shoot, and it'll work itself out.

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Hey Chromium Compounder, welcome to the forums! You should go post an introduction topic when you get a chance, so we can all say hi.

Just thought I'd let you know that chromium doesn't give a boost to abilities, it makes metals vanish, like aluminum. I'd also like to add that you need to be touching someone for chromium and nicrosil to work.

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Regarding flying Lurchers, I'm surprised no one thought about the actual metalminds someone is wearing. Wax specifically doesn't push on his metalminds, but ones that were welded on should be able to be Pulled on, and if you started extremely heavy then switched to extremely light immediately, you could probably get a large jump. The problem I see is that you'd be flying backward, with your metalminds pressed into your chest, so navigation might be... tricky.

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Just thought I'd let you know that chromium doesn't give a boost to abilities, it makes metals vanish, like aluminum. I'd also like to add that you need to be touching someone for chromium and nicrosil to work.

Oops, you're right. I read through them real quick because I was more interested in the Feruchemical ability of Chromium. Still, it would be nice to never need to fear other Allomancers. Just leech their metals away and then keep firing your gun in their general direction.

I was thinking about it some more and decided I'd avoid gambling or anything that would make the good fortune too obvious. People would catch on and get ticked. I'd earn money as a law man, or perhaps as a miner. Just pick a random spot to dig. I'd be sure to strike gold or some other precious metal within a few feet of digging. :)

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Regarding flying Lurchers, I'm surprised no one thought about the actual metalminds someone is wearing. Wax specifically doesn't push on his metalminds, but ones that were welded on should be able to be Pulled on, and if you started extremely heavy then switched to extremely light immediately, you could probably get a large jump. The problem I see is that you'd be flying backward, with your metalminds pressed into your chest, so navigation might be... tricky.

First, keep in mind that you have to be particularly strong to push or pull on metals piercing someone, presumably including yourself (or did you mean something else?)

Second, while that's an interesting idea, it seems likely that it would injure the user. Reduce your mass, and then have something heavy slam into you to send you flying is sort of like a bug trying to use a truck's windshield as a landing pad. What might be more reasonable is having a ball and chain attached around your waist via some sort of harness that distributes the force. Increase your mass, pull on the ball hard, it shoots towards you, reduce your mass and step aside, then let the chain's slack get caught up and pull on your harnessy thing. Very Thor-y.

However, on the topic of the flying lurcher, I'd like to point out that in the Q&A, Sanderson stated that he thinks its possible, if one could get around the problem of the counterweight hitting the user. I had previously solved that problem by proposing a second counterweight (which means that no counterweight should ever be traveling along a path that intersects with the twinborns own path). Booyah, grandma, booyah!

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I've never taken physics, so correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it theoretically possible for a Skimmer with some sort of wing suit to fly provided they jumped off of something high, like a building or a plane? Just going off my gut, I'd imagine that they'd be able to manipulate their weight for maximum efficiency and take advantage of thermals.

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I've never taken physics, so correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it theoretically possible for a Skimmer with some sort of wing suit to fly provided they jumped off of something high, like a building or a plane? Just going off my gut, I'd imagine that they'd be able to manipulate their weight for maximum efficiency and take advantage of thermals.

Another thought is that Skimmers can probably fly like birds (if they can get the movements down) or easily slot into otherwise light flying machines and provide muscle power.

Wingsuits are interesting. I'm no expert, but I'll give it a try.

At increased mass, you'd gain less altitude from the same lift (which is a function of wing area and speed, not momentum), but you'd also loss momentum more slowly. A net loss over time, though, because you'll still lose speed fairly quickly and won't gain much altitude at all. It could be useful for "bullying" through inclement weather, perhaps.

At decreased mass, you'd get more altitude per unit of distance moved, but you'd also lose speed more quickly. Nice for thermals or the sort, though.

In the end, you will need those thermals in order to "fly" without adding any energy to the system. The problem is that there's no real way to transfer your momentum while your up in the air without Allomancy, and the transfer of the crazy-cheap momentum that Skimmers have is the main source of their awesome.

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First, keep in mind that you have to be particularly strong to push or pull on metals piercing someone, presumably including yourself (or did you mean something else?)

Second, while that's an interesting idea, it seems likely that it would injure the user. Reduce your mass, and then have something heavy slam into you to send you flying is sort of like a bug trying to use a truck's windshield as a landing pad. What might be more reasonable is having a ball and chain attached around your waist via some sort of harness that distributes the force. Increase your mass, pull on the ball hard, it shoots towards you, reduce your mass and step aside, then let the chain's slack get caught up and pull on your harnessy thing. Very Thor-y.

However, on the topic of the flying lurcher, I'd like to point out that in the Q&A, Sanderson stated that he thinks its possible, if one could get around the problem of the counterweight hitting the user. I had previously solved that problem by proposing a second counterweight (which means that no counterweight should ever be traveling along a path that intersects with the twinborns own path). Booyah, grandma, booyah!

I meant something more along the lines of manacles, instead of the somewhat flexible metalminds Sazed describes. Something that you would likely have to literally pull your wrist off before it would come off. I agree that it would likely injure the user, and the ball-and-chain belt is likely a lot better.

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This topic's been revived! Yay! I've been stalking this topic for like three months now.

So, flying Twinborns... Steel Compounders. Wear a wing suit (think flying squirrel), push off an anchor, and compound speed. It's not really flying, though, just falling with style. Also, it really depends on the nature of speed. Does tapping speed increase the rate your body moves, like going, say, five miles an hour while your body is doing the work of walking two miles an hour, or does it just make you move faster period?

Something that's come up a while are Duralumin Ferrings. Duralumin increases your connection with other people, creating strong bonds in moments. However, some say that this connection is two-way; you also feel the effect of Duralumin. I don't think that's really the case. We have WoB that Feruchemy protects you from the adverse effects of tapping or storing, so Brass Compounders don't burn themselves for example. So, why should Connectors be any different?

From the Q&A, I think anything about Identity is going to be a RAFO, so there may be something amazingly awesome about storing Identity we don't know yet... hm...

An Iron Compounder in a second-trilogy Scadrial could basically be Spiderman. By making yourself incredibly light, a lot more things become anchors. And, assuming we get giant metal frame skyscrapers to Pull-kour on, we get a team of your friendly neighborhood Twinborns. I smell fanfiction.

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Something that's come up a while are Duralumin Ferrings. Duralumin increases your connection with other people, creating strong bonds in moments. However, some say that this connection is two-way; you also feel the effect of Duralumin. I don't think that's really the case. We have WoB that Feruchemy protects you from the adverse effects of tapping or storing, so Brass Compounders don't burn themselves for example. So, why should Connectors be any different?

The "adverse effects" that Feruchemy protects you from are more so the ones that would require secondary powers so as not to have stupid side-effects--the effects that can never really be seen as beneficial in any circumstance mostly--like not burning yourself while tapping Brass and not having you body disintegrate with large uses of Steel or Iron.

Recall that Duraluminum stores "Connection," not "other people like me." It's quite naturally a two way street. Feeling increased empathy for others could be quite a benefit, I would think, connecting with and understanding others more easily than usual. Someone who has to do something unpleasant to another, on the other hand, might very well prefer to reduce their empathy with that person.

If my brilliant arguments don't convince you, then I'll have to be so rude as to cite facts and say that the RPG makes it quite explicit that Connection goes two ways.

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The "adverse effects" that Feruchemy protects you from are more so the ones that would require secondary powers so as not to have stupid side-effects--the effects that can never really be seen as beneficial in any circumstance mostly--like not burning yourself while tapping Brass and not having you body disintegrate with large uses of Steel or Iron.

Recall that Duraluminum stores "Connection," not "other people like me." It's quite naturally a two way street. Feeling increased empathy for others could be quite a benefit, I would think, connecting with and understanding others more easily than usual. Someone who has to do something unpleasant to another, on the other hand, might very well prefer to reduce their empathy with that person.

If my brilliant arguments don't convince you, then I'll have to be so rude as to cite facts and say that the RPG makes it quite explicit that Connection goes two ways.

Oh. Derp. I don't have the RPG (currently broke), but I should have realized that sooner. Thanks for clarifying that. That creates a much more interesting element than I originally thought. So, could we have characters that swing from being like Vin, unnoticable and unimportant, to Kelsier who has a natural... presence in the room as they store and tap. So, Duralumin Ferrings could be like Dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde, swinging back and forth from being a humanitarian to a crooked man. They would be mostly normal when not using their Feruchemy, but they still have the memories of both persona.

Also, Duralumin Compounders would finally mean a politician who isn't corrupt.

Edited by Nicrosil
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Oh. Derp. I don't have the RPG (currently broke), but I should have realized that sooner. Thanks for clarifying that. That creates a much more interesting element than I originally thought. So, could we have characters that swing from being like Vin, unnoticable and unimportant, to Kelsier who has a natural... presence in the room as they store and tap. So, Duralumin Ferrings could be like Dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde, swinging back and forth from being a humanitarian to a crooked man. They would be mostly normal when not using their Feruchemy, but they still have the memories of both persona.

Also, Duralumin Compounders would finally mean a politician who isn't corrupt.

Ah yes, Jeckyl and Hyde. I may or may not have posted some thoughts on the mentality of Duraluminum Ferings myself. It is quite an interesting question.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was thinking along the line of pewter,zinc, Think about it you make your self light to move fast then tap zinc to add momentum to your attacks. Also you would be able to super jump ie make yourself light to gain speed then heavy to add momentum and light again to fall slowly. Not to mention the tuning speed and agility you could manage. Ninja

Please note this has a key assumption that when you add weight that weight is moving with you. This would implies that energy can be created or destroyed as the equation for energy is E of k=1/2 (m)v squared a change in mass would either incessant your energetic or leave it the same.

Granted this would make it easy to slow down, increase your mass as you come to a stop would slow you down quickly. Also this could be dangerous any where if there was a sudden shift in mass it could cause a massive speed increase or decrease. It seemed simpler to assume speed was constant than energy was constant.

Along those lines one could also see how terrorifying Wax is he could speed up using steel then tap iron and become a cannon ball

Cannon-ball steel, iron

Zinc ferrings in and of them selves are dangerous mixed with any physical power, bronze, or bendaloy would make lethal combinations.

Edited by Tarontos
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I was thinking along the line of pewter,zinc, Think about it you make your self light to move fast then tap zinc to add momentum to your attacks. Also you would be able to super jump ie make yourself light to gain speed then heavy to add momentum and light again to fall slowly. Not to mention the tuning speed and agility you could manage. Ninja

Please note this has a key assumption that when you add weight that weight is moving with you. This would implies that energy can be created or destroyed as the equation for energy is E of k=1/2 (m)v squared a change in mass would either incessant your energetic or leave it the same.

Granted this would make it easy to slow down, increase your mass as you come to a stop would slow you down quickly. Also this could be dangerous any where if there was a sudden shift in mass it could cause a massive speed increase or decrease. It seemed simpler to assume speed was constant than energy was constant.

Along those lines one could also see how terrorifying Wax is he could speed up using steel then tap iron and become a cannon ball

Cannon-ball steel, iron

Zinc ferrings in and of them selves are dangerous mixed with any physical power, bronze, or bendaloy would make lethal combinations.

Don't zinc ferrings store mental speed? How would that help an allomantic bronze (seeker)? You may have your metals a little mixed up.

Edited by Goradel's Nephew
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  • 1 month later...

Yeah, I can only attribute my missing the power of Weight Compounding to distraction, and even that is no excuse - I was thinking that too much weight would immobilize the user, but through Wax, we know that would not happen.

When using their powers for Pulling and not just creating singularities, though, they'd have to be very careful: pull on a piece of metal while your weight is several tons, and it might come at you hard enough to punch through the two-inch thick Aluminum plate on your belly.

-- Deus Ex Biotica

P.S. Everything I have posted in this thread, I had written down from the start, and everything others mention I have been adding as we go. I honestly hope I never go insane enough to start trying to name all 255 non-Crasher combinations.

P.P.S. Also, am I the only one who was suspicious of the implication that there were generally-used names for all the possible combinations, despite the fact that Twinborns are maybe one in a thousand and there are so many types, there must not be more than a handful of each time in the whole world at a given time?

What is a crasher?

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What is a crasher?

Steel allomancy, iron feruchemy twinborn. What Wax is.


How do you store breath???? You have to stop breathing while you fill it? If so, you would have to fill it for short periods of time

You hyperventilate, storing oxygen from your blood, more accurately. There is an "Edit" button that you can use instead of double-posting.

Edited by Kurkistan
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