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Random Twinborn Combos: Go!


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7 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Are there any relationships between the two? Ehhhh maybe. Perhaps you could manipulate connection to have the coppercloud bind to someone else, but I somewhat doubt it.

I think that's very likely, because this is even possible to do by a very skilled Smoker. F-Duralumin might just make it easier.



Also speaking of continutiy...

Brandon Sanderson

Uh oh. 


This is a very very minor spoiler. It's just a statement that was made in Alloy of Law, that Smokers could...

Brandon Sanderson

Oh yeah, that was just a typo


Is that going to change things?

Brandon Sanderson

Wait, go ahead and say it.


Can Copperclouds shield others' emotions?

Brandon Sanderson

Oh okay. Did we put that in Alloy of Law in the Ars Arcanum? Is that where you read it?


I forget. I don't remember where it is.

Brandon Sanderson

I believe it’s in the Ars Arcanum, which in Alloy of Law was put together by Peter. And that’s mostly a mistake, though the thing is the Role Playing Game came to me and said “Is it feasible that this could happen?” And I said “It’s perhaps feasible, but only a very rare individual could make this work if they knew exactly what they were doing.” And so I said “Yeah, go ahead, but make it a power that someone really has to know what they’re doing to make it work.” And so they put it in, and so Peter assumed that it was canon, that anyone can do it, but that’s not what I intended.


So would it be easier to say that somebody discovered they could do it and now they are training copperclouds to do it?

Brandon Sanderson

I would say that it is viable that someone could figure it out, but it would be a very difficult thing to train, and it is not a common Coppercloud—A common Coppercloud isn’t going to be able to be doing it, and almost no Mistborn will ever be capable of doing it, they just don’t focus on that metal enough to learn it. Of course, there aren’t Mistborn around anymore. So it is a possible power, it is plausible, but it is not the standard. Perhaps I will allow it to become the standard eventually, but it’s not right now. It would be much easier to wear a tinfoil hat. (laughter) Aluminum, aluminum. Which does work.

West Jordan signing (Dec. 15, 2011)


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Random Twinborn Combo Day 5:

A-Iron and F-Brass

pulls nearby metals and stores warmth.

So Allomantic Iron is quite nice. It can be situationally better than steel, and can certainly be as deadly. Lurchers also have the advantage of practically neutralizing a coinshot, which can be quite nice. Where coinshots thrive in large areas, lurchers seem to thrive in smaller ones. 

Now, we haven’t seen much in the way of F-Brass. Though theoretically, it could be quite powerful. Being able to survive sweltering temperatures is certainly nice, and giving someone burns from touching them is also quite the trick. 

Putting the two together, you have two possible options. One way you could use the two is just…in daily life. Being able to grab a remote from across the room and be able to wear whatever you want whenever are both really nice. If I could be a twinborn in daily life, this would certainly be up there (though in reality, you know I’m picking F-tin).

The other option is a more combat focused perspective. Get a metal rod or a sword, heat it with your touch, and wield a flaming sword into battle. Would this require roughly 400 degree (Fahrenheit, I’m sorry) or so body temp, but given that you could survive that as a brass ferring, it could be quite the deadly combination. 

Resonance: Well, I honestly don’t know. These are quite different, and I can’t see a physical or mental improvement from wielding burning coins into battle, other than developing masochistic tendencies, and losing the reflex of pulling your hand away from a stove.

Name: I am so very tempted to just call them an Oven. If you want a better name, I would recommend making one.

Rating: honestly? For fun value and couch potato potential, I say it’s an 8/10. Yes, there are deadlier combos, but nothing tops killing your opponents with a makeshift branding iron.

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Random Twinborn Combo Day 5.5:

Gold Compounder

Since this is one we are really familiar with, I won’t be dedicating a full day to it, but since I rolled it, I’ll at least mention it.

Allomantic gold, believe it or not, can be quite useful. It isn’t godlike, but if you are skilled enough, you could learn facts you didn’t know before, or have reflexes you wouldn’t have before. Now, given how weird it is, most wouldn’t bother. And gold compounders, given that they can just heal their way to victory, probably won’t need that either.

The real reason gold compounders are so good is their ability to abuse F-gold, which is stored healing. They can survive pretty much anything, and it is seriously nice. Personally, though, I find it a tad boring. 

Resonance: with healing and alternate selves, I would say that a sense of inner reflection would come with the pairing. We saw this with Miles, and I would argue that it is decent grounds for a resonance.

Name: I’m tempted to go with BLOODmaker, but something like an Immortal would be a tad more fitting. Or just, you know, a gold compounder.

Rating: abilities are really strong, so a 9/10 for that. Personally though, for coolness level, 4/10, as regeneration/immortality can only be on “screen” for so long before it gets a tad boring.



Random Twinborn Combo Day 6:

A-Chromium and F-Steel

(Wiping metal reserves and storing speed)

well, since this series is supposed to be about finding new, unorthodox combinations, you get another today. Admittedly, this one ain’t that special, but it’ll do.

So Allomantic Chromium can be quite nice, as a misting without metal isn’t much of a misting. The only downside to it is that being close enough to touch them is often close enough to either kill them or be killed yourself. So it’s a tad more of a utility tool than an invaluable ability.

Feruchemantic Steel, on the other hand, is really nice. Being able to move even twice as quickly, not to mention 25 times as fast, is useful for so many things. It goes without saying, but F-steel is one of the best Feruchemantic powers out there.

Now, putting them together, and you get someone that can wipe metal reserves in an eyeblink. However, they could just kill those people in that eyeblink, so unless you are either a pacifist or just want to have a chat with them, it’s not that useful. However, it would be a fun character to have act as a “good guy” and choose to solve problems in ways other than unloading a mag into the bad guys’ faces.

Resonance: Hmm. Well, I am sort of stumped on this one. Mayybe you could get away with being able to wipe at range, as it speeds up the process, but that seems to be a bit of a stretch.

Name: Well, Windwiper would be funny, but something like Disarmer would be a bit better.

Rating: basically a Steelrunner with a bit more utility: 6/10

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2 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Random Twinborn Combo Day 5.5:

Gold Compounder

Since this is one we are really familiar with, I won’t be dedicating a full day to it, but since I rolled it, I’ll at least mention it.

Name: I’m tempted to go with BLOODmaker, but something like an Immortal would be a tad more fitting. Or just, you know, a gold compounder.

Sweet, two Twinborn in one day!

Also, I heard someone else come up with the name "Immortal" at some point on the forums. I think that would work well.

2 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Resonance: Hmm. Well, I am sort of stumped on this one. Mayybe you could get away with being able to wipe at range, as it speeds up the process, but that seems to be a bit of a stretch.

Don't know either. It's kind of a weird combo, though the powers are both pretty good.

2 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Name: Well, Windwiper would be funny, but something like Disarmer would be a bit better.

Disarmer sounds good (though Windwiper is pretty funny :D).

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3 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Resonance: Hmm. Well, I am sort of stumped on this one. Mayybe you could get away with being able to wipe at range, as it speeds up the process, but that seems to be a bit of a stretch.

Tapping speed will cause you to burn metals faster, so the process of leaching will be sped up for sure. But that's not a resonance, it's the nature of F-steel.



Would tapping Feruchemical speed cause you to burn metals faster as your whole body speeds up?

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah. I think it probably would. I don't know if we've gotten to that interaction yet, but it probably would. Good question. If it's speeding up... Yeah, I think it would. Good question. If you're in a speed bubble and doing it, it's totally going to do it, and there's some analogies there.

Starsight Release Party (Nov. 26, 2019)


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2 minutes ago, alder24 said:

Tapping speed will cause you to burn metals faster, so the process of leaching will be sped up for sure. But that's not a resonance, it's the nature of F-steel.

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Would tapping Feruchemical speed cause you to burn metals faster as your whole body speeds up?

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah. I think it probably would. I don't know if we've gotten to that interaction yet, but it probably would. Good question. If it's speeding up... Yeah, I think it would. Good question. If you're in a speed bubble and doing it, it's totally going to do it, and there's some analogies there.

Starsight Release Party (Nov. 26, 2019)


Interesting! I’m not sure if that allows at-range leeching, but it would do…something probably

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1 hour ago, alder24 said:

Tapping speed will cause you to burn metals faster, so the process of leaching will be sped up for sure. But that's not a resonance, it's the nature of F-steel.

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Would tapping Feruchemical speed cause you to burn metals faster as your whole body speeds up?

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah. I think it probably would. I don't know if we've gotten to that interaction yet, but it probably would. Good question. If it's speeding up... Yeah, I think it would. Good question. If you're in a speed bubble and doing it, it's totally going to do it, and there's some analogies there.

Starsight Release Party (Nov. 26, 2019)


Hmmm. Any Twinborn with F-steel could enhance their Allomantic power by burning their metals faster.

Actually, that would be very interesting to see with Allomantic bronze, copper, pewter, steel/iron, and Bendalloy/cadmium especially. It could be like a more controlled duralumin burst.

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Uh, I just realized how powerful an A-pewter F-steel Twinborn would be. It's actually pretty crazy what the two powers do when mixed. Honestly, it may be even better than double steel.

Personally, I can think of at least three different synergies that would exist between the two powers. I'll try to contain myself and resist the urge to post them until (if) I get your consent though, @Koloss17. I don't want to take over your job here :D

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2 hours ago, Trusk'our said:

Uh, I just realized how powerful an A-pewter F-steel Twinborn would be. It's actually pretty crazy what the two powers do when mixed. Honestly, it may be even better than double steel.

Personally, I can think of at least three different synergies that would exist between the two powers. I'll try to contain myself and resist the urge to post them until (if) I get your consent though, @Koloss17. I don't want to take over your job here :D

The whole point of this thread is to inspire thoughts on potentially cool Twinborn combos! Go for it!

And I still have 288 other combinations to mess around with.

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21 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

The whole point of this thread is to inspire thoughts on potentially cool Twinborn combos! Go for it!

And I still have 288 other combinations to mess around with.

Awesome! Thank you! :lol:

You see, the quote that @alder24 found about F-steel increasing the speed at which you burn your metals got me thinking; if you burn your pewter faster, you get the same amount of effect out of the metal burned- but that effect is going to be compacted over a shorter window of time.

Basically, the faster you tap your Steelmind, the faster you burn your pewter, and the more physical enhancement you get from it. You would very quickly would become far more powerful than any other Thug alive, easily handling ten times your normal strength, durability, stamina, dexterity, healing ability, and other physical aspects whilst also moving much faster than your enemies can. Not to mention that the more burn your pewter, the more extra speed you get from it, further increasing your total speed but without needing to tap more from your Steelminds.

Plus, since A-pewter increases your physical speed somewhat, that can be siphoned off into your Steelmind in your downtime, making it easier to store a large amount of physical speed.

The last useful effect of the combo wouldn't come into play very often (probably not at all without access to Compounding or some other way to get more F-speed stored up), but one of the physical limitations of F-steel is that it doesn't reduce heat from friction. However, pewter lets you resist extreme temperatures, and with it getting proportionately strengthened along your Feruchemical speed, you could use your A-pewter to let you move at speeds that normally would burn you up as a Steelrunner.

Now, pewter burns pretty quickly, so I'd say that this Twinborn would need to swallow a LOT of it, but as we've seen in TFE, this is something that Thugs wishing to Pewterdrag do anyway, so I think that if you prepare properly you could still use your enhanced A-pewter without too much complication.

As to what the Resonance is, it probably has something to do with physical speed or perhaps a passive improvement to reaction time.

The name of the Twinborn? "Blitzer" maybe? I may need help on this- I'm not particularly creative with names :rolleyes:

I hadn't thought about this combo until this thread, but it seems very powerful. I look forward to seeing more awesome Twinborn combos and their synergies in the future!

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Alllright folks! It’s another double day! Because I rolled a Zinc Compounder.

Random Twinborn Combo Day 6.5:

A-Zinc and F-Zinc

Compounding mental speed for days! But don’t forget that this is also a rioter! Honestly, I think this would be really powerful, but really annoying to have. At this point, you’re limited by the speed of your own body, which can be quite irritating. Rioting is fun though, so being able to do that would certainly be nice. 

Resonance: Well, you would naturally be great at reading emotions, but I feel like that just comes with caring about reading emotions while being able to think real fast.

Name: Thinker. Just, Thinker.

Rating: theoretically real powerful but practically really annoying. For that fun little quirk, it gets an 8/10.


Random Twinborn Combo Day 7:

A-Nicrosil and F-Electrum

(bursts target’s allomancy and storing determination)

So this one is interesting. Allomantic Nicrosil is really powerful. So powerful, in fact, that more Nicrobursts are enlisted into the Elendel military, because of the firepower they can give. Imagine a hyper steelpush, or a brutal show of strength in one blast. Theoretically, I think Nicros could burst feruchemy too, so long as the metal is ingested like Allomancy. Really good stuff.

F-Electrum isn’t as great. I suppose, if you were to be a soldier, determination would be quite nice. But last that and doing homework, it has quite niche uses.

Resonance: This is yet another one I have no clue of. They are completely different things, and I have no clue how they could interact. But maybe you do!

Name: Something militarily related, I would think. Basically a Nicro but better suited for military work. And even with that, I have no clue what the Earth-equivalent position would be that a Nicroburst fills in Scadrian military.

Rating: Cool combo! 7/10

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12 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

Resonance: This is yet another one I have no clue of. They are completely different things, and I have no clue how they could interact. But maybe you do!

I've kind of wondered what determines what a Resonance does? Is it the effects of the two powers combining into a similar effect, or is it that the two powers combine to create an effect that relate to the Realmatics of the two powers?

For an example of the latter, I think perhaps that part of the reason Wayne is so lucky is because is Resonance combines his ability to mess with the flow of time and his ability to align his physical aspect with his spiritual. Which actually makes some sense if it turns out to be true, as he would be more in tune with his Fortune as a Result of his Resonance.

If this is how Resonances work (with some wiggle room for the author to make characters have certain attributes, of course), then perhaps we can accurately determine what Resonances would do.

Still don't know what an A-nirosil F-electrum Twinborn would have; I don't understand exactly what both powers do Realmatically.

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12 minutes ago, Trusk'our said:

I've kind of wondered what determines what a Resonance does? Is it the effects of the two powers combining into a similar effect, or is it that the two powers combine to create an effect that relate to the Realmatics of the two powers?

It's the idea of two powers melging into a single one. How those powers could work together or something like that. Very hard to say.



Brandon Sanderson


The idea of resonance is that two powers, combined, meld kind of into one single power. This is a manifestation of the way Shards combine. Wax was intended as a savant of the two melded powers. But without consequences in his plot, I'm not confident that I'll continue in the same vein for future books.

Miscellaneous 2016 (Dec. 15, 2016)



Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

The "perks" ("secondary effect born with interaction between powers") also has not a 100% sure name, but the main one at the moment is resonances....We will discovered a lot of the in the third trilogy where the Scientific Method would be applied to the magic.

Lucca Comics and Games Festival (Oct. 28, 2016)


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5 minutes ago, alder24 said:


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Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

The "perks" ("secondary effect born with interaction between powers") also has not a 100% sure name, but the main one at the moment is resonances....We will discovered a lot of the in the third trilogy where the Scientific Method would be applied to the magic.

Lucca Comics and Games Festival (Oct. 28, 2016)


Awesome. Maybe then we can find out what all Twinborn Resonances do.

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Random Twinborn Combo Day 8:

A-Copper and F-Gold

(hiding Allomancy and storing health)

Well, I’ll make this one fairly brief, as to me, it’s a fairly straightforward one. 

Allomantic Copper: pretty good for other folks, who have more useful and powerful abilities, but a hair useless on its own. Technically could hide the signals given off by Feruchemantic abilities, but most people don’t really know how to check for that, as it appears differently than Allomancy does to a Seeker.

Feruchemantic Gold, however, is quite nice. Healing? Everyone likes it. Nobody loves to die, and not dying certainly has its benefits.

Together, there isn’t much past having a coppercloud that won’t die when a coinshot bursts into the room. It could certainly be a nice little surprise, if an assailant expects you to be useless in a fight, and it turns out you are certainly not. And I suppose you could also be storing health while sitting around burning copper, so that’s nice.

Overall, not really a frontline role, but could be a nice combo.

Resonance: Well, ya got healing and cloaking. Maybe slightly lessened pain, as you’re kind of “hiding” the signals of your injuries? It’s a bit of a stretch, but that’s all I got.

Name: I actually have no clue. Any name suggestions are welcome!

Rating: not the most powerful combo ever, but could lead to a fairly cozy lifestyle. 6/10

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4 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Feruchemantic Gold, however, is quite nice. Healing? Everyone likes it. Nobody loves to die, and not dying certainly has its benefits.

Not being dead does have its benefits :D

4 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Resonance: Well, ya got healing and cloaking. Maybe slightly lessened pain, as you’re kind of “hiding” the signals of your injuries? It’s a bit of a stretch, but that’s all I got.

Makes more sense than anything else in my opinion.

4 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Rating: not the most powerful combo ever, but could lead to a fairly cozy lifestyle. 6/10

Get paid to Smoke other Mistings who work in the underground whilst you store health for when you inevitably have your operation tracked down and the police come to shoot the place up. Cozy indeed.

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4 hours ago, Koloss17 said:
3 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Random Twinborn Combo Day 8:

A-Copper and F-Gold

(hiding Allomancy and storing health)

Well, I’ll make this one fairly brief, as to me, it’s a fairly straightforward one. 

Allomantic Copper: pretty good for other folks, who have more useful and powerful abilities, but a hair useless on its own. Technically could hide the signals given off by Feruchemantic abilities, but most people don’t really know how to check for that, as it appears differently than Allomancy does to a Seeker.

Feruchemantic Gold, however, is quite nice. Healing? Everyone likes it. Nobody loves to die, and not dying certainly has its benefits.

Together, there isn’t much past having a coppercloud that won’t die when a coinshot bursts into the room. It could certainly be a nice little surprise, if an assailant expects you to be useless in a fight, and it turns out you are certainly not. And I suppose you could also be storing health while sitting around burning copper, so that’s nice.

Overall, not really a frontline role, but could be a nice combo.

Resonance: Well, ya got healing and cloaking. Maybe slightly lessened pain, as you’re kind of “hiding” the signals of your injuries? It’s a bit of a stretch, but that’s all I got.

Name: I actually have no clue. Any name suggestions are welcome!

Rating: not the most powerful combo ever, but could lead to a fairly cozy lifestyle. 6/10

I keep circling back to something like Sleeper Agent, since thematically I'd imagine it's someone who'd act like a spy, periodically burning Copper to keep from being manipulated, and someone who wouldn't be quite so easy to dispatch or execute if they were figured out, but my brain isn't braining properly at the moment so nothing more specific than 'spy' is coming to mind right now

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43 minutes ago, Underwater_Worldhopper said:

I keep circling back to something like Sleeper Agent, since thematically I'd imagine it's someone who'd act like a spy, periodically burning Copper to keep from being manipulated, and someone who wouldn't be quite so easy to dispatch or execute if they were figured out, but my brain isn't braining properly at the moment so nothing more specific than 'spy' is coming to mind right now


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8 hours ago, Elder said:

Cool thread.  I hope you don't mind, I made a table/matrix based on it.  Kinda a work in progress.  I want to use color coding or something to classify what kind of metals are what (Internal, External, Pushing, Pulling, etc).


Twinborn Table.xlsx


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9 hours ago, Elder said:

Cool thread.  I hope you don't mind, I made a table/matrix based on it.  Kinda a work in progress.  I want to use color coding or something to classify what kind of metals are what (Internal, External, Pushing, Pulling, etc).


Twinborn Table.xlsx

That’s really cool!

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Random Twinborn Combo Day 9:

A-Bronze and F-Zinc

(detecting Allomancers and storing mental speed)

Oh I’m actually really excited for this one!

Alright first thing’s first: bronze. Bronze technically doesn’t just detect Allomancy. It detects any sort of kinetic investiture, i.e. any investiture that is actively being used in some way, and isn’t just sitting around. While that has a load of fun consequences for Worldhoppers, it also means feruchemy can be detected. Now, it is detected in a different way than just pulses, so you would need to be looking for it (or be very clever) to notice it.

Now this is where F-Zinc comes in. Mental speed would almost certainly enable you to figure out what to look for, and spot it much easier. I’m addition, it’s just really nice.

Put the two together, and you have someone who can know exactly which metal is being burned, and which metal is being tapped/stored pretty easily. Of course any Seeker could theoretically learn that, but it is super easy for a twinborn like this.

Resonance: I would think that it would be an increased ability to notice small details, even when not using F-Zinc. A heightened astuteness, basically.

Name: Either Hunter, which I personally prefer, or Detective. Your call.

Rating: A fun combo, that seems both useful and powerful. I would personally put this as a 9/10, but could hear the argument for an 8/10.

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27 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

Rating: A fun combo, that seems both useful and powerful. I would personally put this as a 9/10, but could hear the argument for an 8/10.

I feel that while this is a wonderful supporting combo, it doesn't deserve a 9/10. Detection of allomancy/feruchemy isn't super useful if you can't really do anything about it, and this combo has next to no fighting ability (although zinc might be kinda useful in combat). I would give this an 8 or 7 out of 10.

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