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Random Twinborn Combos: Go!


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Is no one here thinking about the resonances from a more abstract light? For example one of the few resonances we know of is Wax's steel bubble ability (most likely) and that doesn't have anything to do with affecting one's weight. Another example of this is the fact that bondsmith powers are almost completely because of a resonance. So for example the resonance of this may be that you can more finely tune how "close" the gold shadow is to your current Identity. 

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All of this is of course highly based on how F-iron rusting works, but given that it doesn't actually increase your mass, it probably works by a similar mechanic to the Surge of gravitation, so altering how the mass of other objects effect your attraction to the ground 

P.S does anyone have a WOB that says how F-Iron works anyway?

Edited by Spearguy
missed a word
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8 minutes ago, Spearguy said:

Is no one here thinking about the resonances from a more abstract light? For example one of the few resonances we know of is Wax's steel bubble ability (most likely) and that doesn't have anything to do with affecting one's weight. Another example of this is the fact that bondsmith powers are almost completely because of a resonance. So for example the resonance of this may be that you can more finely tune how "close" the gold shadow is to your current Identity. 

Interesting. I hadn't thought of that before, but perhaps that could be the case.

3 minutes ago, Spearguy said:

P.S does anyone have a WOB that says how F-Iron works anyway?

@alder24 has four of them I think on the previous page.

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5 minutes ago, Spearguy said:

For example one of the few resonances we know of is Wax's steel bubble ability (most likely) and that doesn't have anything to do with affecting one's weight.

Wax's steel bubble ability is very strange right now. From what I can tell, it's actually the Savant Version (Savantized?) Resonance. Meaning that might not be the actual Resonance of A-Steel and F-Iron, but a Savant effect of it. Especially since Wax burns Steel more, that might explain why there seems to be more of an A-Steel-based effect and not an F-Iron-based effect. Brandon is reworking Savantism according to some WoBs that I remember, but can't find. I'll edit them if I can find them, here.

7 minutes ago, Spearguy said:

Another example of this is the fact that bondsmith powers are almost completely because of a resonance.

Bondsmiths are strange cases. We don't know anything about Cultivation's Bondsmith, we have not learned much about Cultivation + Honor's Bondsmith, and Honor's Bondsmith is... Honor's Bondsmith, so Connection manipulation seems more natural. Bondsmith's ability to manipulate Connection could be entirely unrelated to a Resonance, and purely related to the fact the only one we've really seen in action is Honor's Bondsmith. It could be a resonance, but we've no solid proof or a way to identify it as either option, especially since from what we've seen Cultivation + Honor's Bondsmith and Honor's Bondsmith have completely different effects despite having the exact same surges. Yet again, we haven't studied them, so we don't really know- it's all up in the air, this is partially speculation.


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16 hours ago, alder24 said:

Brandon Sanderson

Just a note: in the quote of mine above, I was trying (I believe) to find a way for Wax to indicate that weight doesn't influence the rate at which he falls. IE, acceleration in regards to gravity. It's tough, and I made the call (perhaps incorrectly) not to use modern physics terminology in the W&W books. It has been very hard then to explain:

1). Wax changing his weight doesn't change the pull of gravity on him, or the rate at which he falls. 2) He DOES follow the laws of conservation of momentum.

My talking around these things has let me to tie a few paragraphs in knots.

General Reddit 2016 (Feb. 19, 2016)



Never mind i'm a storming idiot. But the resonance may still work and my point about imagining resonances in a more abstract light still stands.

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1 minute ago, Voidwatcher said:

Wax's steel bubble ability is very strange right now. From what I can tell, it's actually the Savant Version (Savantized?) Resonance. Meaning that might not be the actual Resonance of A-Steel and F-Iron, but a Savant effect of it. Especially since Wax burns Steel more, that might explain why there seems to be more of an A-Steel-based effect and not an F-Iron-based effect. Brandon is reworking Savantism according to some WoBs that I remember, but can't find. I'll edit them if I can find them, here.

Yes the ability is now unrelated to savantisim but it may still be in somewhat part connected to his resonance 

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Just now, Spearguy said:

Yes the ability is now unrelated to savantisim but it may still be in somewhat part connected to his resonance 

It definitely is, but what I'm saying is that it's a Savantized (yes I'm using that now) Resonance, meaning it's probably different from the usual Resonance and therefore not a great baseline to work off of. It definitely clues us in a bit, but since it was changed by Savantism and in a way we don't know how, I doubt it's a solid trusted source- especially since Brandon will change Savantism to make it work better, that means Steel Bubble is not a true Resonance. I would definitely like more abstract Resonances, though... thinking up all these combinations of Spiritual, Cognitive, Physical, Mental, Temporal, and Enhancement for my own personal take on TCs is very confusing sometimes :wacko:

Also, this brought something up that I thought was cool: Resonances can have Savant effects. Should we start listing Savantized Resonances in the Twinborn Combos list, or is that a bit too much for both of us @Koloss17 :P 

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1 hour ago, Spearguy said:

Is no one here thinking about the resonances from a more abstract light? For example one of the few resonances we know of is Wax's steel bubble ability (most likely) and that doesn't have anything to do with affecting one's weight. Another example of this is the fact that bondsmith powers are almost completely because of a resonance. So for example the resonance of this may be that you can more finely tune how "close" the gold shadow is to your current Identity. 

That's a good point. But I'm quite sure that there was a coinshot that did the same trick and wasn't a Twinborn at all. I don't remember in which book he was, but I'm quite sure of that.

Resonances are a very abstract concept for now. We still don't know what Wayne's resonance is.

45 minutes ago, Voidwatcher said:

Wax's steel bubble ability is very strange right now. From what I can tell, it's actually the Savant Version (Savantized?) Resonance. Meaning that might not be the actual Resonance of A-Steel and F-Iron, but a Savant effect of it. Especially since Wax burns Steel more, that might explain why there seems to be more of an A-Steel-based effect and not an F-Iron-based effect. Brandon is reworking Savantism according to some WoBs that I remember, but can't find. I'll edit them if I can find them, here.

It's not a savant version. It used to be written as Wax savantism, but it was "recently" changed by Brandon, as savantism has to come with dire negative consequences, not just cool powers. Wax isn't a savant yet.


Brandon Sanderson

Warning, Evgeni. I'm really considering doing a backpedal on savants. The more i think about them, the less I'm not liking how my current course has them being treated in upcoming books. I think it deviates too far from my original vision.


Hey, I wouldn't normally contact you directly like this, but given that you thought it important enough to reach out and let me know you might change how savants work, I figured you probably wouldn't be too upset by this message. I replied to your Facebook comment, asking if you could clarify a little bit which aspects of savantism you are thinking of keeping and/or cutting. I don't need an essay on the topic (though you know I'd love one!), just some details on what we can consider canon for theories, and what we should be careful around.

Brandon Sanderson


So here's the problem. The more I dig into savants in the later outlines, the more I feel that I'm in a dangerous area--in that I'm disobeying their original intention. (Which is that using the power so much that it permeates your soul can be dangerous, a kind of uncontrolled version of a spren bond.)

And so, I don't want to let myself just start making people savants right and left. It needs to be a specific thing. Wax is the troubling one, as I have him burning so much steel that he's well on his way, but isn't showing any side effects. If I'm going to give him savant-like abilities, he needs savant-like consequences.

That's the danger, just falling back on savanthood to do some of the things I want, so often that it undermines the actual point and purpose of them in the cosmere lore.

So if I backpedal, it will be to contain this and point myself the right way, sharply curtailing my desire to make people savants without their savanthood being an intrinsic part of their story and conflict in life. (Like it was for Spook, and is for Soulcasting savants on Roshar.)

Feel free to share this.


Okay, so - if you do decide to go this route, I see the story implications (larger focus on consequences, less easy to get to the point where a character can be considered a savant). What I am not sure about is the potential for a mechanical change. Would a backpedal on your side cause a conflict with information you've shared with us, in or out of your books? Are you saying that it's possible that Wax won't be considered a savant (if you can't squeeze a good ramifications plot for him that doesn't contradict the apparent lack of consequences so far, for example)?

Brandon Sanderson

I haven't decided on anything yet. It's mostly consequences for the future--just a kind of, "be aware I'm not 100% pleased with how Wax turned out, re: savanthood and Allomantic resonance."

The idea of resonance is that two powers, combined, meld kind of into one single power. This is a manifestation of the way Shards combine. Wax was intended as a savant of the two melded powers. But without consequences in his plot, I'm not confident that I'll continue in the same vein for future books.

Footnote: The first message comes from Brandon reaching out to Argent (Evgeni) on Facebook with a follow-up regarding this entry. This rest is from a Reddit PM exchange between Argent and Brandon.
Miscellaneous 2016 (Dec. 15, 2016)



@Spearguy You can quote multiple different posts in one reply, without the need for double posting: 



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Hope that helps.


We're in Mistborn forum, SA spoilers:


In case of Radiant's resonances, technically merging two powers gives resonances, and all Radiants have access to two different surges. Yet Reverse Lashing, only available to Windrunners, isn't a true resonance of Windrunners, it's their ability to have more squires than any other order. The same goes for every order, they have resonances less obviously connected to their powers. For Lightweavers, they have perfect memory, like Shallan.

For Bondsmiths that's different. Their connection manipulation powers aren't their true resonance (likely). But they have individual resonances with each Order - with Lightweavers they can create a full detailed map of Roshar. But we don't even know if that Bondsmith ability to work with other Orders is their resonance.

In fact we have only 2 confirmed resonances in the entire Cosmere - Lightweavers and Windrunners. That's it: https://coppermind.net/wiki/Resonance It's really hard to see any patter based on only two examples.


callumke (paraphrased)

Is Shallan's memory a Surge? 

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

I want to wait for the right opportunity before revealing more surges.

Footnote: It has since been revealed that Shallan's Memories are not a Surge but rather the Lightweaver Resonance.
Alloy of Law York signing (Nov. 24, 2011)



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41 minutes ago, alder24 said:

That's a good point. But I'm quite sure that there was a coinshot that did the same trick and wasn't a Twinborn at all. I don't remember in which book he was, but I'm quite sure of that.

Now that you mention it, I feel like I loosely remember it. Was it AoL? I associate that memory with Miles, is all.

43 minutes ago, alder24 said:

It's not a savant version. It used to be written as Wax savantism, but it was "recently" changed by Brandon, as savantism has to come with dire negative consequences, not just cool powers. Wax isn't a savant yet.

It might just be up to WoB interpretation, but I thought it was saying 'I made Wax a Savant, I dislike it, I won't do it again.' Mainly just from how he said Wax was 'intended' as a Savant, but won't be doing it 'again'. However, it's mostly up to interpretation here. I don't think this is something we can solve, so let's just say he's not a Savant but it's not a Resonance either.

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19 hours ago, alder24 said:

Good, you know the most important part. That's enough :P 

Edit: @Underwater_Worldhopper Don't listen to me, I'm stupid, it's late, my brain doesn't function anymore. Weight is mass times gravitational acceleration, F=mg, by changing mass you indirectly change weight without changing gravitational acceleration, thus you can climb trees easier, jump higher or push on coins further away. F-iron is still inconsistent, but that fixes a few problem.

Thanks, so the Mario-jump Death From the Skies move is still viable. Good to know next time I'm a Skimmer squaring up.

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Random Twinborn Combo Day 15:

A-Chromium and F-Copper


So A-chromium is pretty cool, but I often feel that if you are close enough to touch someone, you could have shot or stabbed them. Would love to know others’ thoughts on it, though!

F-Copper is really cool, and has many uses, but I can’t find something that would synergize nicely with A-chromium. 

This is one of the few combinations where I really don’t have much to say, as there’s really not much going for it. 

Resonance: Another case of the nothings. Sorry!

Name: Until I can actually understand what the heck this convo does, I won’t be able to come up with a name.


This Twinborn is basically a blank slate, so please, jump in and theorize!

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19 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

Random Twinborn Combo Day 15:

A-Chromium and F-Copper


So A-chromium is pretty cool, but I often feel that if you are close enough to touch someone, you could have shot or stabbed them. Would love to know others’ thoughts on it, though!

F-Copper is really cool, and has many uses, but I can’t find something that would synergize nicely with A-chromium. 

This is one of the few combinations where I really don’t have much to say, as there’s really not much going for it. 

Resonance: Another case of the nothings. Sorry!

Name: Until I can actually understand what the heck this convo does, I won’t be able to come up with a name.


This Twinborn is basically a blank slate, so please, jump in and theorize!

Well this Twinborn can just drain unwanted memories from his Coppermind permanently with Chromium. So that's a nice and fast way of losing memories and emptying metalminds. And there is potentially more than Chromium can do and based on this WoB below I propose that this Twinborn can drain memories from other people, permanently destroying them (Twinborn's resonance).



You've mentioned in the past aluminum savants being able to somewhat heal their spiritweb, healing them of the cracks, sort of healing them of Allomancy. Could a chromium savant do this to other people, kind of like in the Avatar [The Last Airbender] finale where he seals bending?

Brandon Sanderson

I will say RAFO, but I will say you're theorizing along correct directions.

Orem Signing (March 16, 2019)

The name for it: Dreameraser.


Imagine sneaking into somewhere, and erasing people's memories of you being there. Good for spies or sneaky people. Or those who want to start a new life. Or just erase that embarrassing memory of you out of their heads.

Edited by alder24
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Edit: I got Ninja'd, I think that's the term. Sorry!

20 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

A-Chromium and F-Copper

Ah yes, an Enhancement and a Cognitive Metal. This is always difficult...

20 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

This is one of the few combinations where I really don’t have much to say, as there’s really not much going for it. 

F-Copper can be good in some limited cases- especially against Twinborn. If you can get into a fight with a Misting/Ferring/Twinborn, bait their ability out. This allows you to prepare for their strengths and weaknesses- Pewter Burners will be used to increased strength, so you can take that away with a touch, and F-Copper can provide you with a strategy for disarming them without getting your face bashed in. This really shines in Twinborn, though- if you fight a Twinborn, you can scan your Coppermind for a good strategy of getting close without their F or A ability stopping you, then disarm their A ability. This would probably throw them off until they get another vial. If you can take them down now that they're disoriented, now's the time. However, you may want to just waste their Metals until backup comes in- if it does come in. Use your Coppermind for strategy once they replenish/if they replenish, disarm them again, and repeat. Beat them a little if you have to. Would be more effective as a Nicroburst/Archivist, but it could work.

20 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

Resonance: Another case of the nothings. Sorry!

Resonance is hard here. Maybe you can use your Chromium as Enhancement for others' Cognitive states? Maybe wipe away a memory, or just disorient them further? Resonance here is very difficult to balance, but it's a better approach.

20 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

Name: Until I can actually understand what the heck this convo does, I won’t be able to come up with a name.

Naming is not my kinda thing. Hope this at least generates some better ideas for you, this combo is very hard to analyze and predict. Even mine seems pretty weak, but here's my best shot at it.

Edited by Voidwatcher
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3 hours ago, Voidwatcher said:

Now that you mention it, I feel like I loosely remember it. Was it AoL? I associate that memory with Miles, is all.


4 hours ago, alder24 said:

That's a good point. But I'm quite sure that there was a coinshot that did the same trick and wasn't a Twinborn at all. I don't remember in which book he was, but I'm quite sure of that.

Do you guy's mean when Wax fights the Coinshot on the train that uses a Steelbubble? That was in BoM.


1 hour ago, alder24 said:

And there is potentially more than Chromium can do and based on this WoB below I propose that this Twinborn can drain memories from other people, permanently destroying them (Twinborn's resonance).

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You've mentioned in the past aluminum savants being able to somewhat heal their spiritweb, healing them of the cracks, sort of healing them of Allomancy. Could a chromium savant do this to other people, kind of like in the Avatar [The Last Airbender] finale where he seals bending?

Brandon Sanderson

I will say RAFO, but I will say you're theorizing along correct directions.

Orem Signing (March 16, 2019)


That would be really powerful- and awesome to see. It does make me wonder though if it would just make the Metalborn getting Leeched unable to access their powers temporarily, since they still have their Spiritual DNA in their system, they may just be unable to draw more Investiture into their system (burning metals or tapping Metalminds) to use their powers (at least until their Spiritwebs crack up again over time).

Maybe super-charged chromium could do the trick? Or it might only be available to Savants.

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42 minutes ago, Trusk'our said:

Do you guy's mean when Wax fights the Coinshot on the train that uses a Steelbubble? That was in BoM.

Yeah, I think that was on the train now. This means the steel bubble isn't a resonance of A-steel and F-iron.

36 minutes ago, Trusk'our said:

That would be really powerful- and awesome to see. It does make me wonder though if it would just make the Metalborn getting Leeched unable to access their powers temporarily, since they still have their Spiritual DNA in their system, they may just be unable to draw more Investiture into their system (burning metals or tapping Metalminds) to use their powers (at least until their Spiritwebs crack up again over time).

Maybe super-charged chromium could do the trick? Or it might only be available to Savants.

The WoB asks if super powerful Leecher could permanently leech Allomancy away from their spirit web, like aluminum can cleanse the spirit, chromium can do the same to others, but based on what you want to take away from them. Leeching innate investiture giving them powers. They can't snap back again, as they lack the portion of their Preservation's fragment which gave them that power. That would work like hemalurgy but with far less damage done to their soul, more controllable and precise, making them invested down to the level of normal Scadrians.

If that's true, then I also think you could heal that back. Even if that was cleansed out of your spiritual idea, your perception will matter and with enough healing, you can get that back. But that would require lots of health in a gold medallion.

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2 hours ago, alder24 said:

Well this Twinborn can just drain unwanted memories from his Coppermind permanently with Chromium. So that's a nice and fast way of losing memories and emptying metalminds. And there is potentially more than Chromium can do and based on this WoB below I propose that this Twinborn can drain memories from other people, permanently destroying them (Twinborn's resonance).

  Reveal hidden contents


You've mentioned in the past aluminum savants being able to somewhat heal their spiritweb, healing them of the cracks, sort of healing them of Allomancy. Could a chromium savant do this to other people, kind of like in the Avatar [The Last Airbender] finale where he seals bending?

Brandon Sanderson

I will say RAFO, but I will say you're theorizing along correct directions.

Orem Signing (March 16, 2019)

The name for it: Dreameraser.


Imagine sneaking into somewhere, and erasing people's memories of you being there. Good for spies or sneaky people. Or those who want to start a new life. Or just erase that embarrassing memory of you out of their heads.

Man, you’re totally right! I slightly doubt being able to wipe other’s memories, but certainly your own. Which is still pretty good, as it could allow for a really solid spy-type person. Sneaking up, wiping reserves, recording your findings, and wiping them if things get rough. 

Congrats folks! We found a use!

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1 hour ago, Koloss17 said:

Sneaking up, wiping reserves, recording your findings, and wiping them if things get rough.

why would you ever need to wipe your own metalminds, currently there is no way for someone to look into someone else's metalminds (though there probably could be a way to do that with Identity shenanigans)


  Maybe this twinborn could store the "shape" of the investiture leeched in their coppermind. This would require that copper could store that memory. 

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1 hour ago, Spearguy said:

why would you ever need to wipe your own metalminds, currently there is no way for someone to look into someone else's metalminds (though there probably could be a way to do that with Identity shenanigans)


  Maybe this twinborn could store the "shape" of the investiture leeched in their coppermind. This would require that copper could store that memory. 

Mostly because someone could torture you for information, force you to take information from your metalminds and tell them. Same reason why many a spy could have a cyanide pill.

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1 hour ago, Spearguy said:

why would you ever need to wipe your own metalminds, currently there is no way for someone to look into someone else's metalminds (though there probably could be a way to do that with Identity shenanigans)


  Maybe this twinborn could store the "shape" of the investiture leeched in their coppermind. This would require that copper could store that memory. 

There is a way - Hemalurgy. 



If a Ferring creates a metalmind and then loses his power (for example through Hemalurgy), could he still use his previous-made metalmind ?

Brandon Sanderson

No, he could not. And, unfortunately, the person who stole a bit of his soul would probably be keyed with enough Identity to use his metalmind. :( (This is uncertain, though, based on how much of the soul got ripped off, and how much the spike has decayed.)

/r/books AMA 2015 (Sept. 3, 2015)


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3 hours ago, Spearguy said:

why would you ever need to wipe your own metalminds, currently there is no way for someone to look into someone else's metalminds (though there probably could be a way to do that with Identity shenanigans

Taken out of the context of only having F-copper, other ferrings have use for this too. Say we have a skimmer. Let's name him William. William is kinda heavy, and to get around more easily, he stores a bit of weight in his metalmind constantly. But metalminds can become full (I think filling a metalmind makes it so that you can't store anything more in it, if I'm wrong then this doesn't apply), and as such he might want to wipe his metalmind to allow him to continue storing his weight.

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Random Twinborn Combo Day 16:

You know what? It’s day 16! There has to be something special for it!

First ever triple perhaps? Yeah, let’s do that!

Random Twinborn Combo Day 16.1

A-Steel and F-Zinc

(pushing metal and storing mental [speed])

At this point, we know what these two can do. One lets ya kill things and fly, the other lets ya think fast. 

Put em together, and you get someone that could do some really nice tricks, with ricochet and perfect pushing. It would be quite the deadly combo, honestly.

Resonance: Cognition and external pushing, eh? I would say an intrinsic understanding of arc trajectories, but that’s less a resonance than something that comes with the trade. Perhaps being surprisingly charismatic? Combining the external pushing nature of Steel with the cognitive aspect of Zinc?

Name: Trickshot, for sure.

Rating: 7/10. Pretty fun gimmick, but they kinda have the one thing.


Random Twinborn Combo Day 16.2:

A-Copper and F-Tin

So you all know how much I love F-Tin, or at least I hope you know (I really need to revive that F-Tin Cult). F-Tin can allow a Twinborn to gain extra senses from their Allomancy using 8 of the 17 possible Twinborn combinations. Sadly, copper is not one of them.

Allomantic copper is nice and all, don’t get me wrong. The Allomantic protection is quite nice, and being able to be invisible to a Seeker certainly has its perks.

F-Tin, I could go on and on about. Storing pain, sense of temperature, balance, and of course the five senses can be useful for any manner of situations. There’s theoretically a whole bunch more, but it depends how much you’re willing to stretch what counts as a sense. I made a whole other thread for it, and there was varying opinions on it. 

Now, theoretically, F-Tin would have the most distinct outputs for a Seeker to sense, as a truly talented Seeker could determine the exact sense that is being stored or tapped. It would be quite the advantage against a Windwhirsperer Ferring, but it’s likely a tad too niche to worry about.

Resonance: Cloaking and Senses, eh? Well, if resonances could be bad, having a general numbness to senses would be fitting, but I’m not sure resonances can be negative. This is a pretty good one to pitch out to y’all, because there’s certainly something there, I just can’t find it.

Name: Another one to pitch out? I don’t love not having names for things, but there’s been some fantastic name suggestions recently.

Rating: 6/10 overall, but to an F-Tin snob like me, it’s a 4/10. 


Random Twinborn Combo Day 16.3:

A-Bendalloy and F-Atium

Hey, this is the first time we’ve seen Atium! 

F-Atium stores age, which is kind of weird, and I have mixed thoughts on it. It could Reuther be physically aging the current state of the body forwards or backwards, which has a lot of weird ramifications, like what happens to your muscles? And what counts as “aging”? Another option is that it shifts the body forward or backward in time, which would lead to some really weird stuff, such as potential manifestations of tattoos and such through use. I’m personally preferential to the latter interpretation, but if you want to go on a tangent about that, I have yet another thread about that.

Allomantic Bendalloy is funky, and could interact interestingly with aging. Since you are creating a personal speed bubble, where you are moving through time much faster than the rest of the world, how would that affect F-Atium? I honestly don’t really know. I don’t think it would reverse compound, but someone smarter than I can determine that.

Overall, really cool stuff.

Resonance: Perhaps an intrinsic understanding of the aging of your own body, like an uncanny knowledge of it. “My body is exactly 30 years, 50 days, and 12 hours old” for example. 

Name: Well, I would certainly like Time Wizard as a name, but it doesn’t really fit as an in-world name. Maybe Time Sifter?

Rating: 8/10, purely due to how interesting it is. I would say that it would be closer to a 6/10 in practicality though.

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2 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

A-Steel and F-Zinc

(pushing metal and storing mental [speed])

At this point, we know what these two can do. One lets ya kill things and fly, the other lets ya think fast. 

Put em together, and you get someone that could do some really nice tricks, with ricochet and perfect pushing. It would be quite the deadly combo, honestly.

Resonance: Cognition and external pushing, eh? I would say an intrinsic understanding of arc trajectories, but that’s less a resonance than something that comes with the trade. Perhaps being surprisingly charismatic? Combining the external pushing nature of Steel with the cognitive aspect of Zinc?

Name: Trickshot, for sure.

Rating: 7/10. Pretty fun gimmick, but they kinda have the one thing.


I just imagine they do a triple backflip through the air while shooting off coins; I wonder if the steelsight would help them get around zinc's issue of not being able to take in more information, with 360 magic vision being superior to regular vision. Perhaps a better steelsight would be their resonances since you could fill in the blanks of lines much easier.

3 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

A-Copper and F-Tin

So you all know how much I love F-Tin, or at least I hope you know (I really need to revive that F-Tin Cult). F-Tin can allow a Twinborn to gain extra senses from their Allomancy using 8 of the 17 possible Twinborn combinations. Sadly, copper is not one of them.

Allomantic copper is nice and all, don’t get me wrong. The Allomantic protection is quite nice, and being able to be invisible to a Seeker certainly has its perks.

F-Tin, I could go on and on about. Storing pain, sense of temperature, balance, and of course the five senses can be useful for any manner of situations. There’s theoretically a whole bunch more, but it depends how much you’re willing to stretch what counts as a sense. I made a whole other thread for it, and there was varying opinions on it. 

Now, theoretically, F-Tin would have the most distinct outputs for a Seeker to sense, as a truly talented Seeker could determine the exact sense that is being stored or tapped. It would be quite the advantage against a Windwhirsperer Ferring, but it’s likely a tad too niche to worry about.

Resonance: Cloaking and Senses, eh? Well, if resonances could be bad, having a general numbness to senses would be fitting, but I’m not sure resonances can be negative. This is a pretty good one to pitch out to y’all, because there’s certainly something there, I just can’t find it.

Name: Another one to pitch out? I don’t love not having names for things, but there’s been some fantastic name suggestions recently.

Rating: 6/10 overall, but to an F-Tin snob like me, it’s a 4/10. 

Since I feel copper "pulls" the pulses into themselves so they can't be detected, and tin pulls your senses, perhaps you could pull on other's senses and make them blind or deaf? As for names i've got nothing.

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3 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Allomantic Bendalloy is funky, and could interact interestingly with aging. Since you are creating a personal speed bubble, where you are moving through time much faster than the rest of the world, how would that affect F-Atium? I honestly don’t really know. I don’t think it would reverse compound, but someone smarter than I can determine that.

Make a bubble, store youthness inside, pop it, tap Atiummind and you just gain 5 minutes of youthness by storing it for 5 seconds (from the outsider's perspective). Very expensive way to slowly crawl your way to almost agelessness, but it will work.

Cool Twinborns, finally somebody appreciates F-zinc! 

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4 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

F-Tin, I could go on and on about. Storing pain, sense of temperature, balance, and of course the five senses can be useful for any manner of situations. There’s theoretically a whole bunch more, but it depends how much you’re willing to stretch what counts as a sense. I made a whole other thread for it, and there was varying opinions on it.

Spoilers for Tress of the Emerald Sea:


Context: some witch cursed Hoid

“She took my other sense of taste. The important one.
And with it went my sense of humor, my sense of decorum, my sense of purpose, and my sense of self. The last one stung the most, since it appears my sense of self is tied directly to my wit. I mean, it’s in the name.
As a result, I present you with Hoid, the cabin boy.”

So there is precedent for these other "senses" to be seen as senses, in which case tin becomes even better.

I'm starting to feel like F-tin is pretty broken, if this applies.

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2 hours ago, mip67 said:

Spoilers for Tress of the Emerald Sea:

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Context: some witch cursed Hoid

“She took my other sense of taste. The important one.
And with it went my sense of humor, my sense of decorum, my sense of purpose, and my sense of self. The last one stung the most, since it appears my sense of self is tied directly to my wit. I mean, it’s in the name.
As a result, I present you with Hoid, the cabin boy.”

So there is precedent for these other "senses" to be seen as senses, in which case tin becomes even better.

I'm starting to feel like F-tin is pretty broken, if this applies.

this feels like more of a play on words than anything else

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