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Random Twinborn Combos: Go!


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4 hours ago, Argenti said:

this feels like more of a play on words than anything else

You're right. Also, going off of the fact that F-tin mimics A-tin in a lot of ways, I'm assuming it's only the 5 senses (the sense of pain being included in there, under sense of touch.)

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14 hours ago, mip67 said:

You're right. Also, going off of the fact that F-tin mimics A-tin in a lot of ways, I'm assuming it's only the 5 senses (the sense of pain being included in there, under sense of touch.)

It's more than the 5 senses, since you can store bronze Pulses and electromagnetic senses. Pretty much anything that collects info.

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22 hours ago, Argenti said:

Since I feel copper "pulls" the pulses into themselves so they can't be detected, and tin pulls your senses, perhaps you could pull on other's senses and make them blind or deaf? As for names i've got nothing.

Copper and Tin are both internal metals, so I doubt it. If you could though, Pulling on other people's senses would make them better, like with A-Tin, not make them blind or deaf.

22 hours ago, alder24 said:

Make a bubble, store youthness inside, pop it, tap Atiummind and you just gain 5 minutes of youthness by storing it for 5 seconds (from the outsider's perspective). Very expensive way to slowly crawl your way to almost agelessness, but it will work.

It's not really agelessness in any way, since from your perspective you're still spending an equal amount of time old and young, but it would be very effective as a disguise, so yet another Twinborn who could be very good as a spy of sorts. Anyone else getting suspicious about how many Twinborn have spy-relevant abilities?

21 hours ago, mip67 said:

Spoilers for Tress of the Emerald Sea:

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Context: some witch cursed Hoid

“She took my other sense of taste. The important one.
And with it went my sense of humor, my sense of decorum, my sense of purpose, and my sense of self. The last one stung the most, since it appears my sense of self is tied directly to my wit. I mean, it’s in the name.
As a result, I present you with Hoid, the cabin boy.”

So there is precedent for these other "senses" to be seen as senses, in which case tin becomes even better.

I'm starting to feel like F-tin is pretty broken, if this applies.

I think you couldn't store those since they're a different kind of sense. Google gives two relevant definitions of sense:

1. a faculty by which the body perceives an external stimulus; one of the faculties of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch.

e.g. "the bear has a keen sense of smell which enables it to hunt at dusk"

2. a feeling that something is the case.

e.g. "she had the sense of being a political outsider"

Number 1 is what you would store in a Tinmind, which is sense as a synonym of perception, so things like the five senses, plus some less-known ones like proprioception. Number 2 is what Riina takes from Hoid, which is sense as a synonym of awareness. The first one is a means for detection, the second one is a knowing of something. A Tinmind could store the first, but not the latter.

Edit: quick response to Mip67's post that I didn't see before; touch and pain are two different things: What we call touch is the Tactile Sense, and what we call pain is Nociception. I don't think you could make all pain go away by storing Tactile Sense alone, but you could by storing nociception (take this last part with a grain of salt, I'm not 100% sure)

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Sorry for the late posting today! 

Random Twinborn Combo Day 17:

A-Nicrosil and F-Aluminum

So this is a funky little combination. Allomantic Nicrosil can be quite powerful, as you can burst a target’s allomantic reserves, which is useful in many a circumstance, so long as there’s others with you.

F-Aluminum is the odd one. It stores Identity, which isn’t fully understood, but in the end it can allow stuff like stealing and using others’ metalminds. It seems to have downsides to storing your identity though, but we haven’t really seen all that much about it.

Together, you got someone that is the ultimate tag team of another twinborn. They can use their metalminds and boost their Allomancy. Pretty cool stuff!

Resonsnce: External Enhancement plus Internal Erasing, eh? Perhaps it could lead to having a sense of others’ cognitive selves?

Name: well, Sidekick is a bit boring, and Tag Team is a bit off. I’m not so sure about this one, honestly.

Rating: 7/10, as it kind of needs others to do anything.

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1 hour ago, Koloss17 said:

F-Aluminum is the odd one. It stores Identity, which isn’t fully understood, but in the end it can allow stuff like stealing and using others’ metalminds. It seems to have downsides to storing your identity though, but we haven’t really seen all that much about it.

Can they use other Ferrings metalminds? They are only the aluminum Ferring and don't have any other Feruchemical ability other than that, so they can't use another person's metalminds unless it's aluminummind. I guess they could do some wierd stuff with identity, but what's that is unknown for now. 

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38 minutes ago, alder24 said:

Can they use other Ferrings metalminds? They are only the aluminum Ferring and don't have any other Feruchemical ability other than that, so they can't use another person's metalminds unless it's aluminummind. I guess they could do some wierd stuff with identity, but what's that is unknown for now. 

Rusts, you’re right. Well, rating goes down to a 4/10 I guess.

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7 hours ago, alder24 said:

Can they use other Ferrings metalminds? They are only the aluminum Ferring and don't have any other Feruchemical ability other than that, so they can't use another person's metalminds unless it's aluminummind. I guess they could do some wierd stuff with identity, but what's that is unknown for now. 

Would they be able to use other peoples metalminds, as they have no Identity? The metalminds don't work for the people who didn't fill them up, but if they don't sense a person (since they are storing Identity) maybe they would be able to use it.
Although maybe not, since you're not gaining the Identity of someone else. What do you think?

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2 hours ago, Walter The Moral said:

Would they be able to use other peoples metalminds, as they have no Identity? The metalminds don't work for the people who didn't fill them up, but if they don't sense a person (since they are storing Identity) maybe they would be able to use it.
Although maybe not, since you're not gaining the Identity of someone else. What do you think?

You wouldn't. Normally, trying to use someone else's Metalmind is like trying to open a lock with the wrong key; Having no key at all won't get you any closer to opening the lock. The only way to 'unlock' a Metalmind so that anyone can use it is to store Identity while you store a different attribute, whereupon the Metalmind will have no lock at all. The F-Aluminium ability is kind of useless in a Ferring or a Twinborn unless you have a Malwish Medallion or Hemalurgic spikes (It may have some effects on its own, but so far we haven't been told what they are).

Still, by virtue of Unkeying Investiture on its own, being a Trueself has uses for other Invested Arts, such as

Warbreaker Spoilers:


Storing Identity in an Aluminiummind while you receive a Breath (Or maybe while Awakening, I don't remember entirely) Unkeys the Breath(s), allowing anyone to then draw the Breath from the Awakened Construct (So long as they know they can, Intent can stop them from accessing it if they aren't aware of it, similar to Unkeyed/Unsealed Metalminds)


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6 hours ago, Walter The Moral said:

Would they be able to use other peoples metalminds, as they have no Identity? The metalminds don't work for the people who didn't fill them up, but if they don't sense a person (since they are storing Identity) maybe they would be able to use it.
Although maybe not, since you're not gaining the Identity of someone else. What do you think?

4 hours ago, Underwater_Worldhopper said:

You wouldn't. Normally, trying to use someone else's Metalmind is like trying to open a lock with the wrong key; Having no key at all won't get you any closer to opening the lock. The only way to 'unlock' a Metalmind so that anyone can use it is to store Identity while you store a different attribute, whereupon the Metalmind will have no lock at all. The F-Aluminium ability is kind of useless in a Ferring or a Twinborn unless you have a Malwish Medallion or Hemalurgic spikes (It may have some effects on its own, but so far we haven't been told what they are).

There are contradicting sources on that, BoM ch 3:


“So if a person could store their Identity,” Marasi said, “as Waxillium does with his weight…”
“They’d be without it for a time,” VenDell said. “A blank slate, so to speak.”
“So they could use anyone’s metalmind?” Marasi asked.

“Some have been experimenting with your idea,” VenDell said, “and early results are promising. However, having a Feruchemist who can use anyone’s metalminds is intriguing, but not particularly life-changing. Our society is strewn with individuals who have extraordinary abilities—this would simply be one more variety. No, what interests me is the opposite, Miss Colms. What if a Feruchemist were to divest himself of all Identity, then fill another metalmind with an attribute. Say, strength. What would it do?”

WoB below is about medallions, but it shows that it's possible to be blanked and tap not blanked metalminds:


Brandon Sanderson

So one of the things people have been asking about a lot the nature of Identity and its uses for accessing other people's metalminds, and things like this right. And I hedged a little bit when somebody asked me... *inaudible*...send people into spirals of confusion, so I'm gonna clarify it for now. So, someone comes in and says, we need a blank metalmind, anybody can use that. I'm like, yes but, the reason that it's a hedge is that you need to actually be a feruchemist to access it, right, you can't just hold the blank metalmind not being a feruchemist, even though it's somebody else's investiture that's been blanked, right. So people keep kind of missing this thing. I'm hedging in the sort of, you don't quite have it, I've kind of dodged it, but I worry that it's just going to be confusing.

So the issue is, you need two things from one of these. You need something that makes you a feruchemist, and then you need a metalmind that somebody else has filled with blank investiture, ok. Now if you can get pure investiture, that can be used by anybody, regardless, ok, you need it in pure form though. But, so there are some other tricks with this as well that don't make it...so anyway, you've got a couple of things that can go on. So you've got a blank metalmind, right, with nothing. You need either investiture, to be able...like you need to be the right type. There are ways to access that if you are completely blank also, if you were a blank slate, but that is still...kind of hard. It's even harder if you are blank, and the metalmind is not blank, but that's not what they're doing in Mistborn right now. You are tapping investiture, gaining the ability of feruchemy and then you are drawing out a blank metalmind, ok. That's the one you need to be...and everything else I'm hedging on intentionally, and I'm worried I hedged in a way that made it sound confusing, ok. So you know now what they're doing. You know that there are other things possible. But I don't want you to think that you have the explanations for how all those things happen, ok.

Arcanum Unbounded Seattle signing (Dec. 1, 2016)

WoB below says it's not possible, the most recent one (contradicting BoM):



If you were to Feruchemically drain your Identity, would you just be able to be soulstamped by any--  Would any soulstamp work on you?

Brandon Sanderson

Not the way I have it now. Because-- You're getting into stuff that I really would like to have my notes next to me for. So don't take this as too gospel. But the way I have this worked out right now, is if you drain your Identity, you still can't use Feruchemical metalminds that themselves have not been drained of Identity, right?

So, any old stamp still is going to be keyed to someone's past and Identity. So my instincts say no that would not work, but I have not worked out that specific interaction in the notes.

Orem signing (March 10, 2018)


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4 hours ago, alder24 said:

There are contradicting sources on that, BoM ch 3:

WoB below is about medallions, but it shows that it's possible to be blanked and tap not blanked metalminds:

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Brandon Sanderson

So one of the things people have been asking about a lot the nature of Identity and its uses for accessing other people's metalminds, and things like this right. And I hedged a little bit when somebody asked me... *inaudible*...send people into spirals of confusion, so I'm gonna clarify it for now. So, someone comes in and says, we need a blank metalmind, anybody can use that. I'm like, yes but, the reason that it's a hedge is that you need to actually be a feruchemist to access it, right, you can't just hold the blank metalmind not being a feruchemist, even though it's somebody else's investiture that's been blanked, right. So people keep kind of missing this thing. I'm hedging in the sort of, you don't quite have it, I've kind of dodged it, but I worry that it's just going to be confusing.

So the issue is, you need two things from one of these. You need something that makes you a feruchemist, and then you need a metalmind that somebody else has filled with blank investiture, ok. Now if you can get pure investiture, that can be used by anybody, regardless, ok, you need it in pure form though. But, so there are some other tricks with this as well that don't make it...so anyway, you've got a couple of things that can go on. So you've got a blank metalmind, right, with nothing. You need either investiture, to be able...like you need to be the right type. There are ways to access that if you are completely blank also, if you were a blank slate, but that is still...kind of hard. It's even harder if you are blank, and the metalmind is not blank, but that's not what they're doing in Mistborn right now. You are tapping investiture, gaining the ability of feruchemy and then you are drawing out a blank metalmind, ok. That's the one you need to be...and everything else I'm hedging on intentionally, and I'm worried I hedged in a way that made it sound confusing, ok. So you know now what they're doing. You know that there are other things possible. But I don't want you to think that you have the explanations for how all those things happen, ok.

Arcanum Unbounded Seattle signing (Dec. 1, 2016)

WoB below says it's not possible, the most recent one (contradicting BoM):

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If you were to Feruchemically drain your Identity, would you just be able to be soulstamped by any--  Would any soulstamp work on you?

Brandon Sanderson

Not the way I have it now. Because-- You're getting into stuff that I really would like to have my notes next to me for. So don't take this as too gospel. But the way I have this worked out right now, is if you drain your Identity, you still can't use Feruchemical metalminds that themselves have not been drained of Identity, right?

So, any old stamp still is going to be keyed to someone's past and Identity. So my instincts say no that would not work, but I have not worked out that specific interaction in the notes.

Orem signing (March 10, 2018)


Seems to me the BoM one is just Vendell speculating, so it's not a confirmation, just an idea being thrown around. As for the WoB about Medallions, the way he phrases it makes it sound like there's a farfetched and consulted way to make it work, and it's usually best to not rely heavily on anything Brandon says obliquely.

So, you can't get into someone else's Metalmind by just blanking your Identity, but there might be a way to achieve it that's a bit more complicated.

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31 minutes ago, Underwater_Worldhopper said:

Seems to me the BoM one is just Vendell speculating, so it's not a confirmation, just an idea being thrown around.

It's clearly more than speculation, extrapolation at least: "Some have been experimenting with your idea,” VenDell said, “and early results are promising.". 

34 minutes ago, Underwater_Worldhopper said:

So, you can't get into someone else's Metalmind by just blanking your Identity, but there might be a way to achieve it that's a bit more complicated.

BoM says it's probable, so probable is a canon. But the most recent WoB (the last one 2018) said it's not possible - so that might clarify BoM's "probable". Moreover there is this WoB that straight up says things with identity could change when he starts writing Era 3 - so we will see in the future how it works.


Brandon Sanderson

For the recording and for the sake of you, Peter and I have a big document that talks about all these mechanics [of blank identity and metalminds]. It's entirely possible that when I'm actually sitting down and building future Mistborn, like 1980s technology, that I'm like "Ahh some of this needs tweaking". So what's not expressly in the books, that I'm telling you guys, has not...I mean it's like 90% canon but it's possible that I'm like "Ahh this is just not going to work" because when we get to the actual plotting of that and future Mistborn, science fiction Mistborn, I'm going to have to look at that and decide, how is the power ratio, right, am I breaking the economy by doing these things. So things that I just have instincts on right now, I haven't worked out the economics of. 


So that'll come later.

Brandon Sanderson

That'll come later in the series, so I'm just giving myself some wiggle room on some of these things, but that's how I have it in my head right now.

Arcanum Unbounded Seattle signing (Dec. 1, 2016)


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I am terribly sorry about the lateness of my posting. Perhaps some of you may have the mercy to forgive me.

Random Twinborn Combo Day 18:

A-Nicrosil and F-Gold

So these don’t have that much synergy with each other, but that doesn’t mean they’re bad. They’re both definitely within the top three best metals of their magic system, and they each have their own uses. Imagine shooting the Nicro, expecting them to die, ending the sonic speed coinshot bursts, only to see them heal it up. You would be hyper boned.

This would be really nice for the Elendel military, honestly.

Resonance: Perhaps a slower burn of Nicrosil or something? I don’t have a very good one for it honestly.

Name: Don’t really know, sorry!

Rating: 8/10, purely because both are such banger abilities


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6 hours ago, mip67 said:

Maybe the resonance could be something along the lines of speeding up recovery of others? In the same vein, the name could be healer.

The big hesitance there is that Twinborn Resonances were said to be significantly weaker than other magic system’s, which makes me hesitant to add something that basically makes the Resonance the whole thing of the Twinborn. 

But I don’t know. Perhaps that could work!

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12 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

I am terribly sorry about the lateness of my posting. Perhaps some of you may have the mercy to forgive me.

Random Twinborn Combo Day 18:

A-Nicrosil and F-Gold

So these don’t have that much synergy with each other, but that doesn’t mean they’re bad. They’re both definitely within the top three best metals of their magic system, and they each have their own uses. Imagine shooting the Nicro, expecting them to die, ending the sonic speed coinshot bursts, only to see them heal it up. You would be hyper boned.

This would be really nice for the Elendel military, honestly.

Resonance: Perhaps a slower burn of Nicrosil or something? I don’t have a very good one for it honestly.

Name: Don’t really know, sorry!

Rating: 8/10, purely because both are such banger abilities

7 hours ago, mip67 said:

Maybe the resonance could be something along the lines of speeding up recovery of others? In the same vein, the name could be healer.

I don't think so. I think they would just be better at naturally healing themself (with no gold), so they would have more health to store compared to normal Bloodmaker. Or they would have more delicate control over boosting other people's F-gold healing. It's really hard to say. These two abilities don't fit each other well.

Name: medic if the second resonanse is true? 

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Alright! Today’s post is late yet again, but tomorrow will be an early one, so be prepared.

Random Twinborn Combo Day 19:

A-Zinc and F-Chromium

That’s right folks, we’re diving into chromium.

So Chromium stores Fortune. Arcanum says that for Scadrians, that is synonymous with luck, but all we’ve seen of capital F Fortune in the Cosmere has been about seeing the future. For example, that’s how shards can see into the future a bit. And a bit of how Atium does what Atium do. 

With that in mind, what happens when you store Fortune? Scadrians would say the person would be less lucky, but what actually happens? I…don’t really know. 

But what happens when it’s tapped? Well, the user would be able to know where they need to be when they need to be, and is more likely for good things, or things that they want, to happen. So pretty good, and a tad weird.

Mix that with Zinc, and you can be much more accurate with which emotions to riot. Also, you would be one heck of a gambler. You would likely be the best Rioter around while tapping it, and easily go from zero to hero. It would honestly be quite dangerous. I’m sure one could easily become quite addicted to things going your way. That would honestly lead to quite the interesting character!

Resonance: Perhaps naturally charismatic, or have that “can easily be your friend” face/voice, with Fortune being tied to the spiritual realm and all that.

Name: Gambler is a pretty good one, honestly.

Rating: The elusive 9/10, as it is both very powerful and very interesting. I would love to see one of these folks in action!

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Catching up:

On 5/4/2023 at 9:32 AM, Trusk'our said:

The ideas that come to mind for F-iron are;

(1) slowing your fall by reducing your weight,

(2) reducing your weight to make it slightly easier to climb (Wax mentions in BoM that it's slightly easier to climb a ladder when storing weight) and to be able to climb up more delicate structures without fear of breaking them,

I think low weight would also help you jump, like jumping on the Moon - though at exceptionally low weight you might have air resistance issues.

On 5/5/2023 at 11:51 AM, Koloss17 said:

Random Twinborn Combo Day 15:

A-Chromium and F-Copper


So A-chromium is pretty cool, but I often feel that if you are close enough to touch someone, you could have shot or stabbed them. Would love to know others’ thoughts on it, though!

F-Copper is really cool, and has many uses, but I can’t find something that would synergize nicely with A-chromium. 

This is one of the few combinations where I really don’t have much to say, as there’s really not much going for it. 

Resonance: Another case of the nothings. Sorry!

Name: Until I can actually understand what the heck this convo does, I won’t be able to come up with a name.


This Twinborn is basically a blank slate, so please, jump in and theorize!

I think we don't know enough to really speculate usefully on any Twinborn's resonance, but what I'd like it to be is the ability to Leech someone else's coppermind and transfer the memories to your own.

Name: Brain Drain (lol). Maybe Scadrians would call the combo Mindleech?


A-Steel and F-Zinc: I love the name "Trickshot"!

This is probably one of the more powerful combos that isn't one of the obviously broken ones (like double gold or double steel). It's not quite up there with A-pewter/F-steel or A-pewter/F-gold, but still. We see Sazed using F-zinc to predict Marsh's Push/Pull trajectory in their WoA fight; an experienced Coinshot could probably push this pretty far. Maybe even to react to individual bullets.



Random Twinborn Combo Day 16.3:

A-Bendalloy and F-Atium

Two time powers, cool.

On 5/8/2023 at 6:49 PM, Koloss17 said:

I am terribly sorry about the lateness of my posting. Perhaps some of you may have the mercy to forgive me.

Random Twinborn Combo Day 18:

A-Nicrosil and F-Gold

So these don’t have that much synergy with each other, but that doesn’t mean they’re bad. They’re both definitely within the top three best metals of their magic system, and they each have their own uses. Imagine shooting the Nicro, expecting them to die, ending the sonic speed coinshot bursts, only to see them heal it up. You would be hyper boned.

This would be really nice for the Elendel military, honestly.

Resonance: Perhaps a slower burn of Nicrosil or something? I don’t have a very good one for it honestly.

Name: Don’t really know, sorry!

Rating: 8/10, purely because both are such banger abilities


Yeah, this is a super awesome support Twinborn for the Elendel military - or any group with Mistings.

Name suggestion: Everburst.

14 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

The big hesitance there is that Twinborn Resonances were said to be significantly weaker than other magic system’s, which makes me hesitant to add something that basically makes the Resonance the whole thing of the Twinborn.

Yeah, Resonances have to be pretty subtle because after four books we still aren't sure of either Wax's or Wayne's! OK, Wax's was presumably supposed to be the steel bubble and that became a generic Coinshot thing when Brandon decided against his "resonance savant" thing, but still... And Wayne's lack of any clues is weird. I really don't know whether Twinborn Resonances are supposed to be straightforward mechanical things (which I feel fits the Metallic Arts better) or more symbolic like the Stormlight ones


Windrunner Squires: Adhesion and Gravitation (people gravitate and adhere to them)

Lightweavers have the photographic memory, which seems related to Illumination ... and maybe transformation of images?


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3 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Alright! Today’s post is late yet again, but tomorrow will be an early one, so be prepared.

Random Twinborn Combo Day 19:

A-Zinc and F-Chromium

That’s right folks, we’re diving into chromium.

So Chromium stores Fortune. Arcanum says that for Scadrians, that is synonymous with luck, but all we’ve seen of capital F Fortune in the Cosmere has been about seeing the future. For example, that’s how shards can see into the future a bit. And a bit of how Atium does what Atium do. 

I think that it's worth noting that Fortune and accessing the Spiritual Realm to see the future aren't necessarily synonymous; you can use Fortune to access the Spiritual Realm, but when you access the Spiritual Realm you aren't always utilizing Fortune.




Odium said to Taravangian, "You did this without access to Fortune or the Spiritual Realm?" How does one access Fortune without the Spiritual Realm or Feruchemical chromium, as almost all future sight tends to utilize the Spiritual Realm in some way?

Brandon Sanderson

So, that line is mostly just me saying... *long pause* I think you're picking apart those things too much.


Right, that makes sense. Hey, Odium said it, so I didn't know-- Gotta take that seriously, so.

Brandon Sanderson

So, yeah, don't read too much into picking apart those two things. You can read it as-- Honestly, that is me making sure I am being clear in the text.


That there are those are two different things.

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah those are two different things, but they are just interrelated. Fortune is a property, and the Spiritual Realm is a place, but not a place. Do you know what I mean? To use Fortune, you're always involving the Spiritual Realm, but in the Spiritual Realm, you're not always involving Fortune.


3 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

With that in mind, what happens when you store Fortune? Scadrians would say the person would be less lucky, but what actually happens? I…don’t really know. 

But what happens when it’s tapped? Well, the user would be able to know where they need to be when they need to be, and is more likely for good things, or things that they want, to happen. So pretty good, and a tad weird.

There was a thread made recently about the nature of Fortune and what it might look like in action (here's a link- note, it's in the Cosmere discussion forum, so it has Cosmere related spoilers: Precog: stormlight and chromium).

3 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Mix that with Zinc, and you can be much more accurate with which emotions to riot. Also, you would be one heck of a gambler. You would likely be the best Rioter around while tapping it, and easily go from zero to hero. It would honestly be quite dangerous. I’m sure one could easily become quite addicted to things going your way. That would honestly lead to quite the interesting character!

Name: Gambler is a pretty good one, honestly.

Rating: The elusive 9/10, as it is both very powerful and very interesting. I would love to see one of these folks in action!

Just imagine Breeze, but if he had literal deus ex machina on his side whenever he pleased. I would love to see such a character in action.

25 minutes ago, cometaryorbit said:

Catching up:

I think low weight would also help you jump, like jumping on the Moon - though at exceptionally low weight you might have air resistance issues.

Glad to see your ideas! I think that reducing your weight might help a little bit with jumping since we've seen with Wax that his strength get proportionally stronger when storing, but not significantly- plus, as you mention, reducing your weight enough will make air resistance become a real problem. 

Now, if you had a Twinborn with A-pewter and F-iron I bet they could jump pretty high by reducing their weight and increasing strength- and they might even have a Resonance that helps them with jumping better due to the combination of powers.

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Random Twinborn Combo Day 20:

A-Bendalloy and F-Cadmium

So Allomantic Bendalloy, as previously stated, ain’t bad. It is useful in everyday life, it can be used to zoom around the place if you are good enough with it, and you can use it to buy yourself some extra time in many situations. Overall, really nice.

F-Cadmium is a really interesting one. This one stores breath, so while tapping it, your body gets all the oxygen it needs to keep going. While this is called a Gasper Ferring, it is so much more than being able to swim underwater for a long time.

I would say that besides F-gold, this is the best Feruchemantic metal at keeping you alive.

Your body needs oxygen to survive. It gains said oxygen through the lungs, which it then spreads through the rest of your body through blood. The Ars Arcanum says that Oxygen is dispersed through your bloodstream, so we’ll go with that.

If you are, say, bleeding out, getting oxygen into your bloodstream could be quite nice. Of course, that can only help so much, as you’re kind of losing your bloodstream pretty quickly. But from Asphyxiation to heart attacks, this can be really nice.

The main downside is that storing is an absolute nightmare, as you have to hyperventilate while storing, which is a pain.

Together, you get a Twinborn with offensive and defensive power. It’s like a slightly worse Wayne.

Resonance: perhaps a better metabolism? Having it work faster than most, so recourses can be nicely distributed throughout the body quickly?

Name: other than Wayne At Home, I don’t have much.

Rating: 6/10, purely because we’ve already seen a better version of this in action.

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11 hours ago, Trusk'our said:

I think that it's worth noting that Fortune and accessing the Spiritual Realm to see the future aren't necessarily synonymous; you can use Fortune to access the Spiritual Realm, but when you access the Spiritual Realm you aren't always utilizing Fortune.

Yeah, I think Fortune is a more limited thing than directly seeing the Spiritual Realm (what Elend does with his duralumin+atium burn, or the vision Fuzz-Preservation gives Kelsier).

I think it's understood as "luck" because it's like an instinct or gut feeling that happens to work out. I think it's like the part of Allomantic atium that makes you move instinctively even if you didn't notice the atium shadow coming.

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41 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

Name: other than Wayne At Home, I don’t have much.

Lol, :D

One thing you could get from this combo (or any A-Bendalloy Twinborn) is storing Feruchemically while inside a Speedbubble- then you could gather more of an attribute over a shorter period of time.

This wouldn't be very useful to use all the time- Bendalloy is relatively rare and you have to deal with other side effects (such as being awake for longer than a full day if a sufficient amount of time is spent in the bubble or aging more quickly), but if you were in a situation like Sazed was in while rescuing Vin in TFE, you could get enough of a Feruchemy boost to make a difference.

11 minutes ago, cometaryorbit said:

Yeah, I think Fortune is a more limited thing than directly seeing the Spiritual Realm (what Elend does with his duralumin+atium burn, or the vision Fuzz-Preservation gives Kelsier).

I think it's understood as "luck" because it's like an instinct or gut feeling that happens to work out. I think it's like the part of Allomantic atium that makes you move instinctively even if you didn't notice the atium shadow coming.

That's how I understand it as well. There are some other questions I have about it at this time (such as how you control what potential path you take, since you aren't able to see and determine logically as you do with A-electrum and A-Atium), but a gut feeling is probably the most accurate way to describe it right now.

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On 5/10/2023 at 9:12 AM, Trusk'our said:

Lol, :D

One thing you could get from this combo (or any A-Bendalloy Twinborn) is storing Feruchemically while inside a Speedbubble- then you could gather more of an attribute over a shorter period of time.

This wouldn't be very useful to use all the time- Bendalloy is relatively rare and you have to deal with other side effects (such as being awake for longer than a full day if a sufficient amount of time is spent in the bubble or aging more quickly), but if you were in a situation like Sazed was in while rescuing Vin That's how I understand it as well. There are some other questions I have about it at this time (such as how you control what potential path you take, since you aren't able to see and determine logically as you do with A-electrum and A-Atium), but a gut feeling is probably the most accurate way to describe it right now.

With A-Atium at least*, they don't always see and determine logically. Often they do, but sometimes Vin burning atium reacts to things she didn't even see the shadow of (because it was out of her field of view). How exactly that works is unknown, yeah, but from what we've seen of people burning Atium (especially Vin) it does happen.

*and we've never seen anyone use A-Electrum for anything other than countering A-Atium, though we know it is possible

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1 hour ago, cometaryorbit said:

With A-Atium at least*, they don't always see and determine logically. Often they do, but sometimes Vin burning atium reacts to things she didn't even see the shadow of (because it was out of her field of view). How exactly that works is unknown, yeah, but from what we've seen of people burning Atium (especially Vin) it does happen.

*and we've never seen anyone use A-Electrum for anything other than countering A-Atium, though we know it is possible

I suppose it could be a sort of subconscious Intent, kind of like how an Allomancer's body can have the Intent to burn pewter when it senses the need; the Mistborn burning Atium doesn't consciously recognize the need to dodge from the unseen arrow, but their subconscious (the body?) does, so the Mistborn dodges.

Perhaps Fortune follows a similar principle except that it's entirely subconscious, having the user follow through with a certain action to achieve their current Intent without logically knowing why they are doing it.

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You know, I am no realizing how much of a thing this has become. Three weeks in, and we already have 170 replies and a seven page post. I have to say thank you all for your wonderous insights, and I am very glad that you all are enjoying this series!

Random Twinborn Combo Day 21:

A-Iron and F-Chromium

Back to Fortune theorizing we go!

So Fortune, as a few of you have wisely pointed out, doesn’t necessarily have to be seeing the future. I would say the Fortune that is generally stored in a Chromiummind likely allows a subconscious, and maybe even conscious if you’re skilled enough, sense of being where you need to be when you need to be there. Certainly a very useful trait!

Storing it wouldn’t be too bad, and is more of an irritable than a chore, like F-cadmium. I’m sure it could get to your head, but it’s not as bad as many others can be.

Combined with A-Iron, I would say this does a lot of nice things, but if we’re talking synergistically, it can allow you to expertly position yourself in just the right way to pull off some crazy iron-pulls. A talented Lurcher could certainly achieve the same thing (like @I think I am here.’s current Alleyverse character), but being able to do that off the bat is really nice.

The great thing about F-Chromium is that, when you train to get a better understanding and management of your Chromium, all of your other skills improve. Cool stuff!

Resonance: Luck and Pulling Metals, eh? Perhaps additional luck in encountering physical items? I’m not very sure about a good resonance, so suggestions are, as always, very much appreciated.

Name: Acrobat would be a nice one, or given that they’re lucky with fast metals being shot at them, Daredevil?

Rating: 8/10. F-Chromium just makes everything better, so I doubt you will encounter any F-Chromium Twinborn below an 8.

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