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Random Twinborn Combos: Go!


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1 hour ago, cometaryorbit said:

The question is whether Duralumin/Nicrosil bursts actually accomplish anything for Feruchemy, since Feruchemy already allows tapping everything at once; would it get around the diminishing returns at high tapping rates, or is it just useless?

I think it would let you ignore diminishing returns - you're losing attribute to compression when tapping more than stored, that's diminishing returns. But duralumin does that for you, it compresses everything into a single moment, your attributes don't need to do that, therefore you won't have any diminishing returns with dualumin or nicrosil.

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38 minutes ago, alder24 said:

I think it would let you ignore diminishing returns - you're losing attribute to compression when tapping more than stored, that's diminishing returns. But duralumin does that for you, it compresses everything into a single moment, your attributes don't need to do that, therefore you won't have any diminishing returns with dualumin or nicrosil.

Interesting. I hadn't thought of that as being an advantage of A-duralumin or nicrosil before, but perhaps that would help explain why Vin's duralumin pewter was so powerful- it didn't have the same kind of diminishing returns (though probably still some) as a Feruchemist tapping power.

Edit: Hey @Koloss17, I just thought of a really cool Twinborn combo; A-Bendalloy plus F-steel. Would you be interested in bending the rules a little and making a post about that one soon ;)?

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43 minutes ago, Trusk'our said:

 Hey @Koloss17, I just thought of a really cool Twinborn combo; A-Bendalloy plus F-steel. Would you be interested in bending the rules a little and making a post about that one soon ;)?

We’ll get to the boring ones when we get to the boring ones, okay? It’s RANDOM Twinborn combos >:(

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1 hour ago, Trusk'our said:

Interesting. I hadn't thought of that as being an advantage of A-duralumin or nicrosil before, but perhaps that would help explain why Vin's duralumin pewter was so powerful- it didn't have the same kind of diminishing returns (though probably still some) as a Feruchemist tapping power.

Edit: Hey @Koloss17, I just thought of a really cool Twinborn combo; A-Bendalloy plus F-steel. Would you be interested in bending the rules a little and making a post about that one soon ;)?

A-bendalloy + F-steel is just speed, so I assume it would meet the same restrictions as a steel compounder (air resistance)

Honestly, being a steel compounder is probably more useful because you get steelpushing as well.

Interestingly, you burn allomantic metals faster while tapping speed, so you'd probably get some exponential stuff going on with both of these combinations, where you tap speed, start to burn faster, have quicker effect of burning metals, go even faster, start to tap speed faster, etc.

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1 hour ago, Trusk'our said:

Interesting. I hadn't thought of that as being an advantage of A-duralumin or nicrosil before, but perhaps that would help explain why Vin's duralumin pewter was so powerful- it didn't have the same kind of diminishing returns (though probably still some) as a Feruchemist tapping power.

I really wouldn't expect A-duralumin to have diminishing returns at all. It's just burning all the metal at once. Is there some reason why it should?


If A-aluminum/duralumin does work with Feruchemy (which I'm not sure is actually confirmed, but it should since chromium/nicrosil does:  https://wob.coppermind.net/events/479/#e15240 ) then maybe A-duralumin would actually be useful for Twinborn.

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Well, @Trusk'our, you get half of your wish.

Random Twinborn Combo Day 25:

A-Bendalloy and F-Brass

So this one is actually quite interesting! You have the almighty power of heat plus the almighty power of speed. Now, had this been physical speed, it would create heat. Since it’s temporal speed, while moving about would generate more heat over time for those outside the bubble, inside the bubble, where it counts, it would feel the same. Still, it’s a pretty cool duo.

Now here’s a question: does a speed bubble give some form of resistance from external temperature? Obviously if a bomb were to explode, sending a heat wave your way, putting up a speed bubble would spare you from the heat. But what if regular temperatures? I suppose it would have some odd effects with wind, but it probably wouldn’t mess with infrared light, eh? What of rain or snow? I would assume the time bubble would mess with that in interesting ways.

What I’m trying to say is that this Twinborn could not only have their own temperature resistance, they could probably be able to pass a bit of that on to others with clever use of speed bubbles. They would be the ultimate mountain climbing buddy! Keeping you warm and getting the climb done quickly. Honestly, that would be quite nice. 

Resonance: perhaps an increase in body heat spread? So you could feel their warmth (or coolness) from farther away.

Name: Past Climber or Campfire, I don’t have any really cool names (just hot ones).

Rating: 8.5/10. Had I not be so addicted to F-tin, this would be the ultimate comfort Twinborn combo for me. I could move from place to place quickly, get things done fast, and never have to worry about the weather. Slam dunk of a comfort Twinborn.


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12 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Obviously if a bomb were to explode, sending a heat wave your way, putting up a speed bubble would spare you from the heat.

What? No way. That's not how it would work. It will still burn you in a speed bubble if the hot air gets to it. There is no redshift/blueshift for electromagnetic radiation, but it still propagate through the bubble, so does a shock wave. At least in a regular time bubble.

12 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

I suppose it would have some odd effects with wind, but it probably wouldn’t mess with infrared light, eh? What of rain or snow? I would assume the time bubble would mess with that in interesting ways.

A time bubble would deflect the path of physical objects like bullets, rain, snow, just like light is bending while passing through glass or water, the same way the pathway of every object (including light) is bending while entering and exiting a time bubble. Time bubbles won't protect you from the environment.

12 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

What I’m trying to say is that this Twinborn could not only have their own temperature resistance, they could probably be able to pass a bit of that on to others with clever use of speed bubbles.

I very doubt this. That's not possible, otherwise Wanye would be able to create a healing effect for everyone in the bubble. Unless you're talking about convection - Twinborn getting hotter by tapping his metalminds, which heat ups the air around him and others close to him - that won't work as well in the bubble, as air can move freely in and out of the bubble.

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4 hours ago, alder24 said:

That's not possible, otherwise Wanye would be able to create a healing effect for everyone in the bubble.

I think campfire works really well as a name

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Harmony, I didn’t make a post today. Well, here ya go.

Random Twinborn Combo Day 26:

A-Pewter and F-Chromium

Do I think these synergize all that much? Not really. But I still think the combo has merit. Getting lucky in a fight is quite nice, and having every hit you give hit like a truck is extra nice. I wonder if it would make savantism less of a problem, as you might be lucky enough to not get that injured?

Anyway, cool, and in my opinion straightforward, combo.

Resonance: I would say extra agility would be a nice resonance.

Name: Boxer is a pretty nice one honestly.

Rating: 7/10. Pretty decent, nothing special. Could still be an interesting character though!

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2 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Random Twinborn Combo Day 26:

A-Pewter and F-Fortune

Name: Boxer is a pretty nice one honestly.

No underline or bolding? Cringe.

Brawler seems like a solid name, boxer doesn't really bring in the fortune element that much for me.

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6 hours ago, mip67 said:

No underline or bolding? Cringe.

Brawler seems like a solid name, boxer doesn't really bring in the fortune element that much for me.

I’ll fix it, I’ll fix it. I posted it riiiight before I went to sleep for the day.

talk about a mippick…

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11 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Harmony, I didn’t make a post today. Well, here ya go.

Random Twinborn Combo Day 26:

A-Pewter and F-Fortune

Do I think these synergize all that much? Not really. But I still think the combo has merit. Getting lucky in a fight is quite nice, and having every hit you give hit like a truck is extra nice. I wonder if it would make savantism less of a problem, as you might be lucky enough to not get that injured?

Anyway, cool, and in my opinion straightforward, combo.

Resonance: I would say extra agility would be a nice resonance.

Name: Boxer is a pretty nice one honestly.

Rating: 7/10. Pretty decent, nothing special. Could still be an interesting character though!

This combination would be very good, a low level Atium good. They would get the feeling to dodge, strike at the right moment. And they could counter Atium to some extent. Everything is better with a bit of Fortune.



Can a person compounding Luck defeat a Mistborn burning atium?

Brandon Sanderson

*Hesitantly* Yes. That is theoretically possible. I would say the emphasis on, "Could there?" But it is plausible that that could get around it.

Legion Release Party (Sept. 19, 2018)


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Wow, I’m posting these later and later. Perhaps I should do something about that…

Random Twinborn Combo Day 27:

A-Aluminum and F-Bendalloy


So Allomantic aluminum (and to some degree, duralumin) are mostly useless Allomantic abilities. There are theoretical uses (primer cubes, for example), but for this series, I will likely be focusing on the resonances they can create rather than the potential improbable use of them.

With that said, let’s get to F-Bendalloy. Feruchemantic Bendalloy stores calories, as in the energy bodies need to keep functioning over extended periods of time. So basically, while storing, unless there is a constant supply of food that you’re munching down, it will cause starvation. But when tapping, you can go without having to eat for extended periods of time. Overall, if managed correctly, storing of this could be quite easy to do. Not the most powerful of Feruchemantic abilities, but it could certainly still be a useful one. I mean, you could always be in shape, with losing weight being insanely easy. 

Resonance: Perhaps greater control over fat distribution around the body? So you would be able to form your body to better match your ideal self?

Name: Not A Clue.

Rating: 6/10. Not bad, but it’s just a slightly better Subsumer.


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On 5/17/2023 at 6:43 AM, Koloss17 said:

talk about a mippick…

I thought it was called "nitpick" :lol:



the fact that this pun is so great is very frustrating.

Ah, well, it seems that the original "mippick" was indeed a pun, playing upon the username of the poster with said nitpick, thus, making it funny.

It seems that my "joke" has only proven my own lack of understanding of social ques :rolleyes:

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11 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Wow, I’m posting these later and later. Perhaps I should do something about that…

Random Twinborn Combo Day 27:

A-Aluminum and F-Bendalloy


So Allomantic aluminum (and to some degree, duralumin) are mostly useless Allomantic abilities. There are theoretical uses (primer cubes, for example), but for this series, I will likely be focusing on the resonances they can create rather than the potential improbable use of them.

With that said, let’s get to F-Bendalloy. Feruchemantic Bendalloy stores calories, as in the energy bodies need to keep functioning over extended periods of time. So basically, while storing, unless there is a constant supply of food that you’re munching down, it will cause starvation. But when tapping, you can go without having to eat for extended periods of time. Overall, if managed correctly, storing of this could be quite easy to do. Not the most powerful of Feruchemantic abilities, but it could certainly still be a useful one. I mean, you could always be in shape, with losing weight being insanely easy. 

Resonance: Perhaps greater control over fat distribution around the body? So you would be able to form your body to better match your ideal self?

Name: Not A Clue.

Rating: 6/10. Not bad, but it’s just a slightly better Subsumer.


Hard one. There is that WoB saying aluminum can cleanse the body, maybe together with F-bendalloy you could target storing not just calories in metalminds but also toxins, which you can burn away from metalminds with aluminum? Or straight up burn them away with aluminum when those are still in your body? Or something on much smaller scale, just increased immunity to toxins.

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12 hours ago, Argenti said:

@Koloss17 not rush you or anything... but you have 2 hours until its been 24 hours *Gasp*

I know, I know. Here’s the post. 

Random Twinborn Combo Day 28:

A-Bendalloy and F-Electrum

Well given that one creates a bubble where you can do more in less time, and the other allows you to keep going at something over a large amount of time, I would say the synergy is quite straightforward.

Get 5 degrees in the span of three years!

The ultimate workaholic or over-studious Twinborn combo. Not much more to say than that, but still, it could be quite nice for sure.

Resonance: I would say that they would naturally be a quick learner, and pick up on topics faster than most.

Name: Quickstudy, hands down

Rating: 7.5/10. Cool, but not too cool.





As a side note, I’m not loving how much I’m pushing the time on these posts. There’s a chance, at some point soon-ish, but we’ll see, that I will need someone to sub in for about a week to enable some recharging time for myself. This isn’t a particularly difficult task, and it is one that I enjoy, but commitments are commitments, and when you kinda have to do something every day, burning out, at least for a little bit, is generally inevitable.

We’ll see tho. It looks like I’m approaching that point, but haven’t gotten there yet. I’ll keep y’all posted!

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1 hour ago, Koloss17 said:

A-Bendalloy and F-Duralumin

Well given that one creates a bubble where you can do more in less time, and the other allows you to keep going at something over a large amount of time, I would say the synergy is quite straightforward.

Get 5 degrees in the span of three years!

The ultimate workaholic or over-studious Twinborn combo. Not much more to say than that, but still, it could be quite nice for sure.

Resonance: I would say that they would naturally be a quick learner, and pick up on topics faster than most.

Name: Quickstudy, hands down

Rating: 7.5/10. Cool, but not too cool.

It sounds like you are talking about here?

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2 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

A-Bendalloy and F-Duralumin

Well given that one creates a bubble where you can do more in less time, and the other allows you to keep going at something over a large amount of time, I would say the synergy is quite straightforward.

I thought that F-duralumin stored Connection and F-electrum stored determination :huh:

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