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Random Twinborn Combos: Go!


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Day 46: A-Duralumin and F-Cadmium 

(useless without other Allomancy + store/tap oxygen or breath)

 A useless power plus a very niche power. Basically just a Gasper Ferring who gets the "badge of honor" of being a Twinborn.  Even if you can use A-duralumin while tapping a metalmind to escape the diminishing returns of tapping at high rates (as discussed earlier on this thread), this isn't a Feruchemical attribute that would really be useful for - unlike something like speed or health, oxygen you'll likely want running over long time spans rather than one huge burst.

Resonance: no idea

Name: Deep Breath? (if duralumin does work with tapping metalminds)

Rating: 1/10. Probably the third or fourth least useful combination out there, only above A-Aluminum / F-Electrum and such.

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On 1.7.2023 at 5:51 AM, cometaryorbit said:

 Day 44: A-Electrum and F-Cadmium

(See one's own future shadows + store/tap oxygen/breath)
One potentially very useful but really hard to use power, one quite niche power. And I can't see any synergy.


Ability not to breathe for extended periods of time would help with being a sniper. Also, in addition to the physical enhancement via hyper-oxygenation of the blood, it would also help to keep going with some otherwise debilitating/mortal wounds for as long as the stores last. After all, blood loss and even a stopped heart wouldn't be lethal if tissues could be oxygenated by other means. For that matter, outside of combat F-Cadmium would be helpful for surviving heart attacks and general circulatory system breakdowns until medical assistance can be provided as well. And shouldn't routine storing over a period of time improve one's lung capacity? It has much more potential and is much less niche than it looks at a first glance.


As to A-Electrum, I would claim that we got some idea of it's usefulness even in a limited context in cosmere spoiler


"Sixth of the Dusk".

I don't see why the broader application on Scadrial,  with mental training and  experience, can't be much more useful still. After all, we have seen how such things can make the use of A-Tin, A-Steel and A-Brass  much more flexible and nuanced than just what the mere ability to burn provides.

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10 hours ago, Isilel said:


Ability not to breathe for extended periods of time would help with being a sniper. Also, in addition to the physical enhancement via hyper-oxygenation of the blood, it would also help to keep going with some otherwise debilitating/mortal wounds for as long as the stores last. After all, blood loss and even a stopped heart wouldn't be lethal if tissues could be oxygenated by other means. For that matter, outside of combat F-Cadmium would be helpful for surviving heart attacks and general circulatory system breakdowns until medical assistance can be provided as well. And shouldn't routine storing over a period of time improve one's lung capacity? It has much more potential and is much less niche than it looks at a first glance.


As to A-Electrum, I would claim that we got some idea of it's usefulness even in a limited context in cosmere spoiler

  Reveal hidden contents

"Sixth of the Dusk".

I don't see why the broader application on Scadrial,  with mental training and  experie

nce, can't be much more useful still. After all, we have seen how such things can make the use of A-Tin, A-Steel and A-Brass  much more flexible and nuanced than just what the mere ability to burn provides.

Ok, yeah, F-Cadmium might have much broader utility than I'd thought.

Electrum... I don't know, because


the Sixth of the Dusk Aviar effect seems to be single corpses per danger, not a constantly shifting storm of shadows. So much easier to interpret. It seems to be more than a second or two ahead as well.


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Day 47: A-Iron and F-Electrum

(Pull metals + store/tap "determination")

One good but probably not quite top tier power, one very niche/weak power. Not a ton of synergy either.

Resonance: hard to see a sensible combination of pulling metals and determination. Suggestions?

Name: I got nothing

Rating: maybe 4/10, depending on Resonance or if there's a synergy I missed.

Edited by cometaryorbit
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Day 48: A-Aluminum/F-Nicrosil

(Burn away own metals + store/tap Investiture)

...OK, wow, Aluminum Gnat with the Feruchemical ability to ... store the power to be an Aluminum Gnat. This is possibly the weakest combination there is. At least both metals are on the Spiritual/Enhancement quadrant, so it's easier to see possible Resonances.

Resonance: This one's a bit of a stretch, but ... clearing self of metals/foreign Investiture plus storing Investiture... maybe increased Investiture soul-interference? So it would be harder than default to Push on metals inside this Twinborn's body?

Name: Double Gnat? Or (if my resonance suggestion is valid) Soulblock?

Rating: 0.5/10. This is probably the second-worst possible Twinborn*, unless F-Nicrosil does something other than store your Metallic Arts powers.

*A-Duralumin/F-Nicrosil is arguably worse since it makes a much more desirable Hemalurgic victim.

Edited by cometaryorbit
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Day 49: A-Bendalloy/F-Pewter 

(Bubble of accelerated time + store/tap muscle strength)

Ok, this is a cool combo. Similar to what Wayne has in utility (trapping an opponent in your time bubble and then using your F-power to fight them) but different enough to be interesting.

As we've seen from Wayne, A-Bendalloy is really useful for a lot of things (combat, quick disguise changes, secret conversations, way more). And F-Pewter is superstrength.

Resonance: maybe reduced "diminishing returns" loss from tapping at high rates, due to the time-nature of bendalloy?

Name: Suddensmash

Rating: 8.5/10. This is a very powerful combo. Not quite up there with the strongest Compounder combinations (steel, gold, probably pewter and zinc) or A-Pewter/F-Steel, but nonetheless extremely strong.


I probably will not be posting these daily for a while; I won't be on here much until I can read SP3.

Edited by cometaryorbit
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On 7/6/2023 at 9:19 PM, cometaryorbit said:

Day 49: A-Bendalloy/F-Pewter 

(Bubble of accelerated time + store/tap muscle strength)

Ok, this is a cool combo. Similar to what Wayne has in utility (trapping an opponent in your time bubble and then using your F-power to fight them) but different enough to be interesting.

As we've seen from Wayne, A-Bendalloy is really useful for a lot of things (combat, quick disguise changes, secret conversations, way more). And F-Pewter is superstrength.

Resonance: maybe reduced "diminishing returns" loss from tapping at high rates, due to the time-nature of bendalloy?

Name: Suddensmash

Rating: 8.5/10. This is a very powerful combo. Not quite up there with the strongest Compounder combinations (steel, gold, probably pewter and zinc) or A-Pewter/F-Steel, but nonetheless extremely strong.


I probably will not be posting these daily for a while; I won't be on here much until I can read SP3.

Suddensmash is a criminally hilarious name, I love it

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  • 2 weeks later...

Day 50(ish): A-Tin/F-Zinc

(Increased senses + Store/tap speed of thought)

Lucky combo for a first draw. These two have pretty obvious synergy. Increased senses, plus the increased speed of thought to sort through and glean as much information from those senses as possible. This would be great for a spy or criminal (as a lot of Twinborn are, to be honest). You can be far more aware of your surroundings than an ordinary criminal, and able to think much faster to get yourself out of situations, or to come up with lies on the spot. But they're also very useful for a detective, able to find clues and evidence at crime scenes and connect dots quickly. Not only that, I think it has great synergy in a fight too. We see from Spook that Tin can help you fight by literally sensing the way the wind changes around you. Obviously, Spook was a Savant, so he was more sensitive to that kind of input when others might not be, but F-Zinc makes up for that, and you don't necessarily have to reach Savant level before you can replicate things like that. The additional F-Zinc boost just takes it a whole league further.

Resonance: The ability to know when they are being watched, not foolproof of course, but like a worse version of Life Sense. A sharpened sixth sense, if you will.

Name: Vigilkeeper

Rating: Not the best, but definitely leagues above most other combos. Solid 9

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Day 51(ish): A-Bronze/F-Tin

(Detecting Allomancy/Feruchemy + Store/tap senses)

Another good one. A-Bronze is plenty useful for tracking or hunting Metalborn, and Tin would no doubt help with that a lot. Given how versatile F-Tin is, in that you can measure and precisely control exactly how much you magnify your senses, it would be a great tool in the hands of a Roughs-style bounty hunter, or even a 90s lawman. All this to say, they work very well together.

That's without mentioning that you can store Bronze Sense in a Tinmind. What doors does that open? Reverse-compounding Bronze sense is hardly difficult, so you could fill whole Tinminds with it very quickly, maybe even becoming a Bronze Savant by doing that, which is one of the less detrimental strains of Savantism and only serves you heighten your ability. Becoming a Savant could maybe let you pierce Copperclouds all on its own. Then tapping huge amounts of Bronze, you could basically become a Bronze radar, able to detect an Invested Art being performed from miles away, let alone through a Coppercloud. Heck, given how easy it would be to reverse-Compound, what if you stored up giant stores of Bronze sense, say for a decade, then begin draining all of them within a month, maybe you could become an F-Tin savant, and see what that's like.



Is there a maximum number of spikes a person can have? Would having more spikes eventually cause issues, be it mental or physical limitations?

Also do the benefits from spikes have some form of diminishing returns, or could some one have like, 200 bronze spikes and be able to sense a person burning metal through copper from 50 miles away?

Brandon Sanderson

1) Yes, it would cause big issues.

2) #1 interferes greatly with what you would like to do here, but there are other ways of magnifying the powers to the extent you postulate.

Skyward Pre-Release AMA (Oct. 22, 2018)

Resonance: Maybe heightened sense while burning Bronze?

Name: Pulsar

Rating: Functionally, another solid 9 for it's excellent synergy, but given how specific it is and it's relatively small impact on daily life otherwise, maybe more of a 7 or 8.

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16 minutes ago, Underwater_Worldhopper said:

Day 51(ish): A-Bronze/F-Tin

@Koloss17, something from your field of expertise.

17 minutes ago, Underwater_Worldhopper said:

Reverse-compounding Bronze sense is hardly difficult, so you could fill whole Tinminds with it very quickly, maybe even becoming a Bronze Savant by doing that, which is one of the less detrimental strains of Savantism and only serves you heighten your ability.

I don't think you would become a bronze savant faster as the same amount of investiture would flow through your soul. But a F-tin savant for sure, as now you have an external source of investiture stored and tapped in metalminds. You're using Allomancy to fuel Feruchemy. 

22 minutes ago, Underwater_Worldhopper said:

it's relatively small impact on daily life


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1 minute ago, alder24 said:

I don't think you would become a bronze savant faster as the same amount of investiture would flow through your soul. But a F-tin savant for sure, as now you have an external source of investiture stored and tapped in metalminds. You're using Allomancy to fuel Feruchemy.

It would allow you to burn constantly without getting the effect of hearing pulses, so you could constantly be filling a Tinmind without always Seeking, but yes, it wouldn't actually accelerate the rate of Savantism

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So I actually have an Alleyverse character that currently has this Twinborn combo. One of the greatest things with this that you can do is that you aren’t restricted to burning or flaring, and can instead create insane blasts of practically duralumin-enhanced bronze. That means easy piercing of copperclouds, and given how much optimization you can have with bronze, I would be that one of these Twinborn would get really good at detecting things with Bronzesense. So knowing specific emotions that are being soothed or rioted, and, with the right training, being able to sense feruchemy. Now it has been noted to be possible, just difficult. It uses something different than normal pulses, so I would assume it would take some getting used to to detect. However, if anyone would be able to do it, it would be an F-tin savant that can store bronze.


overall, an amazing combination, and while not deadly, can be extraordinarily helpful at knowing when, and what, and probably how much, someone is using any sort of active investiture.

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18 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

So I actually have an Alleyverse character that currently has this Twinborn combo. One of the greatest things with this that you can do is that you aren’t restricted to burning or flaring, and can instead create insane blasts of practically duralumin-enhanced bronze. That means easy piercing of copperclouds, and given how much optimization you can have with bronze, I would be that one of these Twinborn would get really good at detecting things with Bronzesense. So knowing specific emotions that are being soothed or rioted, and, with the right training, being able to sense feruchemy. Now it has been noted to be possible, just difficult. It uses something different than normal pulses, so I would assume it would take some getting used to to detect. However, if anyone would be able to do it, it would be an F-tin savant that can store bronze.


overall, an amazing combination, and while not deadly, can be extraordinarily helpful at knowing when, and what, and probably how much, someone is using any sort of active investiture.

Exactly. I'm dying to ready a story that has a Seeker on a world other than Scadrial, just to see what that would look like.

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I made a list for you to be able to copy and delete all the ones already done so we know which ones are left. This includes Compounders. 

First element in the set is Allomantic, second is Feruchemical. I divided them up into groups based on the Allomantic metal in the pair. To show one is already done, bold the pair. This can be updated over time. 

Also, make sure to put in in a spoiler, as it is big and we don't want to make a text wall. 



{Iron,Iron} {Iron,Steel} {Iron,Pewter} {Iron,Tin} {Iron,Zinc} {Iron,Brass} {Iron,Copper} {Iron,Bronze} {Iron,Duralumin} {Iron,Aluminum} {Iron,Nicrosil} {Iron,Chromium} {Iron,Gold} {Iron,Electrum} {Iron,Cadmium} {Iron,Bendalloy}

{Steel,Iron} {Steel,Steel} {Steel,Pewter} {Steel,Tin} {Steel,Zinc} {Steel,Brass} {Steel,Copper} {Steel,Bronze} {Steel,Duralumin} {Steel,Aluminum} {Steel,Nicrosil} {Steel,Chromium} {Steel,Gold} {Steel,Electrum} {Steel,Cadmium} {Steel,Bendalloy}

{Pewter,Iron} {Pewter,Steel} {Pewter,Pewter} {Pewter,Tin} {Pewter,Zinc} {Pewter,Brass} {Pewter,Copper} {Pewter,Bronze} {Pewter,Duralumin} {Pewter,Aluminum} {Pewter,Nicrosil} {Pewter,Chromium} {Pewter,Gold} {Pewter,Electrum} {Pewter,Cadmium} {Pewter,Bendalloy}

{Tin,Iron} {Tin,Steel} {Tin,Pewter} {Tin,Tin} {Tin,Zinc} {Tin,Brass} {Tin,Copper} {Tin,Bronze} {Tin,Duralumin} {Tin,Aluminum} {Tin,Nicrosil} {Tin,Chromium} {Tin,Gold} {Tin,Electrum} {Tin,Cadmium} {Tin,Bendalloy}

{Zinc,Iron} {Zinc,Steel} {Zinc,Pewter} {Zinc,Tin} {Zinc,Zinc} {Zinc,Brass} {Zinc,Copper} {Zinc,Bronze} {Zinc,Duralumin} {Zinc,Aluminum} {Zinc,Nicrosil} {Zinc,Chromium} {Zinc,Gold} {Zinc,Electrum} {Zinc,Cadmium} {Zinc,Bendalloy}

{Brass,Iron} {Brass,Steel} {Brass,Pewter} {Brass,Tin} {Brass,Zinc} {Brass,Brass} {Brass,Copper} {Brass,Bronze} {Brass,Duralumin} {Brass,Aluminum} {Brass,Nicrosil} {Brass,Chromium} {Brass,Gold} {Brass,Electrum} {Brass,Cadmium} {Brass,Bendalloy}

{Copper,Iron} {Copper,Steel} {Copper,Pewter} {Copper,Tin} {Copper,Zinc} {Copper,Brass} {Copper,Copper} {Copper,Bronze} {Copper,Duralumin} {Copper,Aluminum} {Copper,Nicrosil} {Copper,Chromium} {Copper,Gold} {Copper,Electrum} {Copper,Cadmium} {Copper,Bendalloy}

{Bronze,Iron} {Bronze,Steel} {Bronze,Pewter} {Bronze,Tin} {Bronze,Zinc} {Bronze,Brass} {Bronze,Copper} {Bronze,Bronze} {Bronze,Duralumin} {Bronze,Aluminum} {Bronze,Nicrosil} {Bronze,Chromium} {Bronze,Gold} {Bronze,Electrum} {Bronze,Cadmium} {Bronze,Bendalloy}

{Duralumin,Iron} {Duralumin,Steel} {Duralumin,Pewter} {Duralumin,Tin} {Duralumin,Zinc} {Duralumin,Brass} {Duralumin,Copper} {Duralumin,Bronze} {Duralumin,Duralumin} {Duralumin,Aluminum} {Duralumin,Nicrosil} {Duralumin,Chromium} {Duralumin,Gold} {Duralumin,Electrum} {Duralumin,Cadmium} {Duralumin,Bendalloy}

{Aluminum,Iron} {Aluminum,Steel} {Aluminum,Pewter} {Aluminum,Tin} {Aluminum,Zinc} {Aluminum,Brass} {Aluminum,Copper} {Aluminum,Bronze} {Aluminum,Duralumin} {Aluminum,Aluminum} {Aluminum,Nicrosil} {Aluminum,Chromium} {Aluminum,Gold} {Aluminum,Electrum} {Aluminum,Cadmium} {Aluminum,Bendalloy}

{Nicrosil,Iron} {Nicrosil,Steel} {Nicrosil,Pewter} {Nicrosil,Tin} {Nicrosil,Zinc} {Nicrosil,Brass} {Nicrosil,Copper} {Nicrosil,Bronze} {Nicrosil,Duralumin} {Nicrosil,Aluminum} {Nicrosil,Nicrosil} {Nicrosil,Chromium} {Nicrosil,Gold} {Nicrosil,Electrum} {Nicrosil,Cadmium} {Nicrosil,Bendalloy}

{Chromium,Iron} {Chromium,Steel} {Chromium,Pewter} {Chromium,Tin} {Chromium,Zinc} {Chromium,Brass} {Chromium,Copper} {Chromium,Bronze} {Chromium,Duralumin} {Chromium,Aluminum} {Chromium,Nicrosil} {Chromium,Chromium} {Chromium,Gold} {Chromium,Electrum} {Chromium,Cadmium} {Chromium,Bendalloy}

{Gold,Iron} {Gold,Steel} {Gold,Pewter} {Gold,Tin} {Gold,Zinc} {Gold,Brass} {Gold,Copper} {Gold,Bronze} {Gold,Duralumin} {Gold,Aluminum} {Gold,Nicrosil} {Gold,Chromium} {Gold,Gold} {Gold,Electrum} {Gold,Cadmium} {Gold,Bendalloy}

{Electrum,Iron} {Electrum,Steel} {Electrum,Pewter} {Electrum,Tin} {Electrum,Zinc} {Electrum,Brass} {Electrum,Copper} {Electrum,Bronze} {Electrum,Duralumin} {Electrum,Aluminum} {Electrum,Nicrosil} {Electrum,Chromium} {Electrum,Gold} {Electrum,Electrum} {Electrum,Cadmium} {Electrum,Bendalloy}

{Cadmium,Iron} {Cadmium,Steel} {Cadmium,Pewter} {Cadmium,Tin} {Cadmium,Zinc} {Cadmium,Brass} {Cadmium,Copper} {Cadmium,Bronze} {Cadmium,Duralumin} {Cadmium,Aluminum} {Cadmium,Nicrosil} {Cadmium,Chromium} {Cadmium,Gold} {Cadmium,Electrum} {Cadmium,Cadmium} {Cadmium,Bendalloy}

{Bendalloy,Iron} {Bendalloy,Steel} {Bendalloy,Pewter} {Bendalloy,Tin} {Bendalloy,Zinc} {Bendalloy,Brass} {Bendalloy,Copper} {Bendalloy,Bronze} {Bendalloy,Duralumin} {Bendalloy,Aluminum} {Bendalloy,Nicrosil} {Bendalloy,Chromium} {Bendalloy,Gold} {Bendalloy,Electrum} {Bendalloy,Cadmium} {Bendalloy,Bendalloy}

Also, I did the math, and if you want to know how many different Allomancy-Feruchemy combinations are, if you include all Mistings and Ferrings, and also include Mistborn and Fullborn, it comes to 323 (technically 324, but that last one is a normal person without Feruchemy or Allomancy).

Edited by Firesong
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14 minutes ago, Firesong said:

I made a list for you to be able to copy and delete all the ones already done so we know which ones are left. This includes Compounders. 

First element in the set is Allomantic, second is Feruchemical. I divided them up into groups based on the Allomantic metal in the pair. To show one is already done, bold the pair. This can be updated over time. 

Also, make sure to put in in a spoiler, as it is big and we don't want to make a text wall. 


  Reveal hidden contents

{Iron,Iron} {Iron,Steel} {Iron,Pewter} {Iron,Tin} {Iron,Zinc} {Iron,Brass} {Iron,Copper} {Iron,Bronze} {Iron,Duralumin} {Iron,Aluminum} {Iron,Nicrosil} {Iron,Chromium} {Iron,Gold} {Iron,Electrum} {Iron,Cadmium} {Iron,Bendalloy} {Steel,Iron}

{Steel,Steel} {Steel,Pewter} {Steel,Tin} {Steel,Zinc} {Steel,Brass} {Steel,Copper} {Steel,Bronze} {Steel,Duralumin} {Steel,Aluminum} {Steel,Nicrosil} {Steel,Chromium} {Steel,Gold} {Steel,Electrum} {Steel,Cadmium} {Steel,Bendalloy}

{Pewter,Iron} {Pewter,Steel} {Pewter,Pewter} {Pewter,Tin} {Pewter,Zinc} {Pewter,Brass} {Pewter,Copper} {Pewter,Bronze} {Pewter,Duralumin} {Pewter,Aluminum} {Pewter,Nicrosil} {Pewter,Chromium} {Pewter,Gold} {Pewter,Electrum} {Pewter,Cadmium} {Pewter,Bendalloy}

{Tin,Iron} {Tin,Steel} {Tin,Pewter} {Tin,Tin} {Tin,Zinc} {Tin,Brass} {Tin,Copper} {Tin,Bronze} {Tin,Duralumin} {Tin,Aluminum} {Tin,Nicrosil} {Tin,Chromium} {Tin,Gold} {Tin,Electrum} {Tin,Cadmium} {Tin,Bendalloy}

{Zinc,Iron} {Zinc,Steel} {Zinc,Pewter} {Zinc,Tin} {Zinc,Zinc} {Zinc,Brass} {Zinc,Copper} {Zinc,Bronze} {Zinc,Duralumin} {Zinc,Aluminum} {Zinc,Nicrosil} {Zinc,Chromium} {Zinc,Gold} {Zinc,Electrum} {Zinc,Cadmium} {Zinc,Bendalloy}

{Brass,Iron} {Brass,Steel} {Brass,Pewter} {Brass,Tin} {Brass,Zinc} {Brass,Brass} {Brass,Copper} {Brass,Bronze} {Brass,Duralumin} {Brass,Aluminum} {Brass,Nicrosil} {Brass,Chromium} {Brass,Gold} {Brass,Electrum} {Brass,Cadmium} {Brass,Bendalloy}

{Copper,Iron} {Copper,Steel} {Copper,Pewter} {Copper,Tin} {Copper,Zinc} {Copper,Brass} {Copper,Copper} {Copper,Bronze} {Copper,Duralumin} {Copper,Aluminum} {Copper,Nicrosil} {Copper,Chromium} {Copper,Gold} {Copper,Electrum} {Copper,Cadmium} {Copper,Bendalloy}

{Bronze,Iron} {Bronze,Steel} {Bronze,Pewter} {Bronze,Tin} {Bronze,Zinc} {Bronze,Brass} {Bronze,Copper} {Bronze,Bronze} {Bronze,Duralumin} {Bronze,Aluminum} {Bronze,Nicrosil} {Bronze,Chromium} {Bronze,Gold} {Bronze,Electrum} {Bronze,Cadmium} {Bronze,Bendalloy}

{Duralumin,Iron} {Duralumin,Steel} {Duralumin,Pewter} {Duralumin,Tin} {Duralumin,Zinc} {Duralumin,Brass} {Duralumin,Copper} {Duralumin,Bronze} {Duralumin,Duralumin} {Duralumin,Aluminum} {Duralumin,Nicrosil} {Duralumin,Chromium} {Duralumin,Gold} {Duralumin,Electrum} {Duralumin,Cadmium} {Duralumin,Bendalloy}

{Aluminum,Iron} {Aluminum,Steel} {Aluminum,Pewter} {Aluminum,Tin} {Aluminum,Zinc} {Aluminum,Brass} {Aluminum,Copper} {Aluminum,Bronze} {Aluminum,Duralumin} {Aluminum,Aluminum} {Aluminum,Nicrosil} {Aluminum,Chromium} {Aluminum,Gold} {Aluminum,Electrum} {Aluminum,Cadmium} {Aluminum,Bendalloy}

{Nicrosil,Iron} {Nicrosil,Steel} {Nicrosil,Pewter} {Nicrosil,Tin} {Nicrosil,Zinc} {Nicrosil,Brass} {Nicrosil,Copper} {Nicrosil,Bronze} {Nicrosil,Duralumin} {Nicrosil,Aluminum} {Nicrosil,Nicrosil} {Nicrosil,Chromium} {Nicrosil,Gold} {Nicrosil,Electrum} {Nicrosil,Cadmium} {Nicrosil,Bendalloy}

{Chromium,Iron} {Chromium,Steel} {Chromium,Pewter} {Chromium,Tin} {Chromium,Zinc} {Chromium,Brass} {Chromium,Copper} {Chromium,Bronze} {Chromium,Duralumin} {Chromium,Aluminum} {Chromium,Nicrosil} {Chromium,Chromium} {Chromium,Gold} {Chromium,Electrum} {Chromium,Cadmium} {Chromium,Bendalloy}

{Gold,Iron} {Gold,Steel} {Gold,Pewter} {Gold,Tin} {Gold,Zinc} {Gold,Brass} {Gold,Copper} {Gold,Bronze} {Gold,Duralumin} {Gold,Aluminum} {Gold,Nicrosil} {Gold,Chromium} {Gold,Gold} {Gold,Electrum} {Gold,Cadmium} {Gold,Bendalloy}

{Electrum,Iron} {Electrum,Steel} {Electrum,Pewter} {Electrum,Tin} {Electrum,Zinc} {Electrum,Brass} {Electrum,Copper} {Electrum,Bronze} {Electrum,Duralumin} {Electrum,Aluminum} {Electrum,Nicrosil} {Electrum,Chromium} {Electrum,Gold} {Electrum,Electrum} {Electrum,Cadmium} {Electrum,Bendalloy}

{Cadmium,Iron} {Cadmium,Steel} {Cadmium,Pewter} {Cadmium,Tin} {Cadmium,Zinc} {Cadmium,Brass} {Cadmium,Copper} {Cadmium,Bronze} {Cadmium,Duralumin} {Cadmium,Aluminum} {Cadmium,Nicrosil} {Cadmium,Chromium} {Cadmium,Gold} {Cadmium,Electrum} {Cadmium,Cadmium} {Cadmium,Bendalloy}

{Bendalloy,Iron} {Bendalloy,Steel} {Bendalloy,Pewter} {Bendalloy,Tin} {Bendalloy,Zinc} {Bendalloy,Brass} {Bendalloy,Copper} {Bendalloy,Bronze} {Bendalloy,Duralumin} {Bendalloy,Aluminum} {Bendalloy,Nicrosil} {Bendalloy,Chromium} {Bendalloy,Gold} {Bendalloy,Electrum} {Bendalloy,Cadmium} {Bendalloy,Bendalloy}

Also, I did the math, and if you want to know how many different Allomancy-Feruchemy combinations are, if you include all Mistings and Ferrings, and also include Mistborn and Fullborn, it comes to 323 (technically 324, but that last one is a normal person without Feruchemy or Allomancy).

Oh shoot, thanks! This is so useful, I was just skipping through the pages one at a time and using the search-text-in-page function to check if a combination had already been done.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been able to post on here for awhile.

After skimming through all 256 possible Twinborn combinations, a few really interesting ones stood out to me, which I'd love to post if you guys don't mind :lol:

Aside from A-pewter/F-steel (which we already discussed much earlier on this thread), the A-electrum/F-nicrosil, A-gold/F-aluminum, A-duralumin/F-duralumin, A-pewter/F-nicrosil, A-nicrosil/F-nicrosil Twinborns have some pretty neat things going on.

Does anybody object to me posting about my thoughts on them?


Edited by Trusk'our
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42 minutes ago, Trusk'our said:

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been able to post on here for awhile.

After skimming through all 256 possible Twinborn combinations, a few really interesting ones stood out to me, which I'd love to post if you guys don't mind :lol:

Aside from A-pewter/F-steel (which we already discussed much earlier on this thread), the A-electrum/F-nicrosil, A-gold/F-aluminum, A-duralumin/F-duralumin, A-pewter/F-nicrosil, A-nicrosil/F-nicrosil Twinborns have some pretty neat things going on.

Does anybody object to me posting about my thoughts on them?


Of course not, fire away!

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16 hours ago, Underwater_Worldhopper said:

Of course not, fire away!

Excellent! Thanks!

Day 52: A-electrum/F-nicrosil

(Allomancy- Ability to see short term future of self/Feruchemy- ability to store Invested powers)

This has to be one of my favorites :)

Allomantic electrum allows one to see their own future by a few seconds, though it doesn't allow the same kinds of shenanigans as A-Atium due to the fact that it does not proportionately increase mental capacity to use that knowledge to its fullest potential. Still, as @alder24 mentioned earlier, it could be very useful if trained extensively with.

The other side of the coin is Feruchemical nicrosil, which allows you to store the ability to use Allomancy or Feruchemy (or at least some other Invested powers, though that would be for a Cosmere based thread). We're not fully certain of all its abilities yet, but many people on the Shard believe that you could store your ability to use Allomancy and tap it later at an accelerated rate to turn yourself into a stronger Allomancer.

If this holds true the Twinborn could store their ability to burn electrum when not using that ability, which would be pretty often I would think, since electrum is an expensive and fast burning metal. Then they could tap their Nicrosilmind very quickly, potentially compressing hundreds of hours without any Allomancy into a few minutes of burning. They might even be able to crack open the SR and see a more expansive vision of the future if they did this, similar to Elend when he burned Atium and duralumin together, giving them a whole new strategy of utilizing their powers.

Resonance: You know, I don't know that we've mostly been doing this part correctly; Wax and Wayne's Resonances don't seem to affect the powers themselves but are a completely separate benefit. I have guesses as to what their Resonances are (Wax: enhanced aiming ability/Wayne: increased Fortune), and they kind of fit their powers, so maybe we can extrapolate from that?

Anyway, I think that this Twinborn Resonance would have something to do with the SR and manipulating their Spiritual Aspect. So, maybe they could more easily (without directly using their powers) change the course of their life, maybe their "destiny"?

Name: Visionary

Rating: assuming that F-nicrosil does work the way I think it does, an 8 due to enhanced (though infrequent) visions of the future. If not, maybe 5 or 6- it would be little better than being an electrum Misting (which requires an expensive, fast burning metal that is hard to master) unless the Resonance is pretty good.

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Day 53: Duralumin Compounder

(Allomancy- Ability to instantly metabolize all metals currently burned by the user for a burst of power/Feruchemy- Ability to store spiritual Connections)

Another one of my favorites here.

Allomantic duralumin allows the user to burn through their entire metal reserve in a single burst, granting them enormous amounts of power momentarily. It isn't very useful on its own, though when combined with its Feruchemical half it would allow for Compounding.

Feruchemical duralumin allows for the ability to store Connections- I used to think for the longest time that it stored the ability to form Connecitons, but that was debunked a while ago. We've seen that you can store Connections with people to have them become less aware of you and you can tap those Connections to form friendships faster. The Malwish have found a way to store "blank" Connection to land, allowing them to speak the language of any foreign land they visit (we aren't sure yet whether this "blank" Connection can be achieved through F-duralumin alone or if some sort of hack is required). It is also possible to take over Hemalurgic constructs sufficiently pierced by Hemalurgic spikes.

There's more that can be done with F-duralumin though; Connections to time are possible, though the consequences of that aren't particularly clear to me at this time.


Calamity Denver signing (Feb. 19, 2016)


Can you store any sort of Temporal Connection?

Brandon Sanderson

Um, most.

There's more that may be possible as well... SA spoilers.


The Stormfather has mentioned that thoughts are related to Connection as well, so perhaps those Connections could be stored as well.

In any case, a double duralumin Twinborn can Compound Connection, giving them a reserve far larger than all other Connector Ferrings. Another interesting possibility is that this Twinborn can use their Allomancy to not only Compound, but also to speed up the process of compounding by burning some duralumin for the Allomantic effect as well as the Feruchemical effect simultaneously. This could grant them access to stores of Investiture far larger even than other Compounders- they'd just need a lot of duralumin (which, conveniently, is going to be much cheaper now that electrolysis has been discovered on Scadrial).

Resonance: Speeding up Invested metabolism and storing Connections? Probably they would naturally form Connections more quickly, though the effect wouldn't be very noticeable if they can Compound Connection already.

Name: Soulweb calls out to me, but Worldbinder seems fitting as well.

Rating: Defiantly a 9, especially if they can discover other Investitures across the Cosmere, as their powers would allow for some pretty interesting possibilities.

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9 hours ago, Trusk'our said:

Day 53: Duralumin Compounder

(Allomancy- Ability to instantly metabolize all metals currently burned by the user for a burst of power/Feruchemy- Ability to store spiritual Connections)

Another one of my favorites here.

Allomantic duralumin allows the user to burn through their entire metal reserve in a single burst, granting them enormous amounts of power momentarily. It isn't very useful on its own, though when combined with its Feruchemical half it would allow for Compounding.

Feruchemical duralumin allows for the ability to store Connections- I used to think for the longest time that it stored the ability to form Connecitons, but that was debunked a while ago. We've seen that you can store Connections with people to have them become less aware of you and you can tap those Connections to form friendships faster. The Malwish have found a way to store "blank" Connection to land, allowing them to speak the language of any foreign land they visit (we aren't sure yet whether this "blank" Connection can be achieved through F-duralumin alone or if some sort of hack is required). It is also possible to take over Hemalurgic constructs sufficiently pierced by Hemalurgic spikes.

There's more that can be done with F-duralumin though; Connections to time are possible, though the consequences of that aren't particularly clear to me at this time.

There's more that may be possible as well... SA spoilers.

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The Stormfather has mentioned that thoughts are related to Connection as well, so perhaps those Connections could be stored as well.

In any case, a double duralumin Twinborn can Compound Connection, giving them a reserve far larger than all other Connector Ferrings. Another interesting possibility is that this Twinborn can use their Allomancy to not only Compound, but also to speed up the process of compounding by burning some duralumin for the Allomantic effect as well as the Feruchemical effect simultaneously. This could grant them access to stores of Investiture far larger even than other Compounders- they'd just need a lot of duralumin (which, conveniently, is going to be much cheaper now that electrolysis has been discovered on Scadrial).

Resonance: Speeding up Invested metabolism and storing Connections? Probably they would naturally form Connections more quickly, though the effect wouldn't be very noticeable if they can Compound Connection already.

Name: Soulweb calls out to me, but Worldbinder seems fitting as well.

Rating: Defiantly a 9, especially if they can discover other Investitures across the Cosmere, as their powers would allow for some pretty interesting possibilities.

This sounds like a really interesting combo, and if this is what they really can do, as they know little on what connection can do, this would make them extremely powerful.

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4 hours ago, Underwater_Worldhopper said:

Imagine if a Duralumin Compounder became a 

SA Spoilers:

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Eh, can't they just...


open a Perpendicularity (for fuel) and make a super strong Connection upon will? Or just supercharge themselves with Light? Don't get me wrong, I think a Soulweb (duralumin Compounder) is pretty powerful, but a Bondsmith on their own is already way beyond them in terms of versatility and raw Investiture.

In any case-

Day 54: Nicrosil Compounder

(Allomancy- ability to instantly burn through another's metal reserves in a burst of power/Feruchemy- ability to store Invested powers)

I couldn't help myself- I know that this the second Compounder in the same number of days, but this is another combo with some really interesting potential.

As a Nicroburst, this Twinborn can burn nicrosil and basically grant the power of A-duralumin to whomever they touch (even if they don't want it). Could be very nice when used in conjunction with other Allomancers, especially combat. For example, a Nicroburst with a Coinshot friend could do as Wax and Wayne did in TLM and jump a good mile in the air, though they'd obviously need to be careful not to kill themselves with such a sudden burst of motion.

A Soulbearer Ferring can store their other powers and- assuming that this works the way that the majority of Feruchemy does- they can tap it later to increase its effectiveness. This is particularly interesting to me; what if the Twinborn stores their ability to burn nicrosil, then taps it later to increase their Allomantic strength while Compounding more of it? would they create a feedback loop, increasing the total effectiveness of their Compounding, resulting in far more Investiture drawn from the SR? Perhaps with enough they could open a Perpendicularity or teleport as is mentioned is somehow possible in TLM. They could possibly become so Invested (even if temporarily) that they could gain a greater comprehension of the Metallic arts and the world around them, sort of like a little-mini ascension (though admittedly that is stretching the possibilities I would believe available to them- they'd likely need to spend a long time with increased Compounding efficiency and a huge Nicrosilmind to achieve such an effect. as a side note, I think the duralumin Compounder may have a similar option available to them).

But admittedly, this Twinborn involves a lot of speculation, so much of it may not turn out to be true.

Resonance: The ability to increase other's metabolism of Investiture and the power to manipulate your own innate powers? Maybe they'd have a little extra innate Investiture, but with their Compounding available to them it likely wouldn't be very noticeable.

Name: Saturated-soul? As in they're so saturated with Investiture? I feel like we have a lot of "soul" things going on with Twinborn names but I can't think of much else, especially when it seems to fit.

Rating: this one really depends on how Invested they can become and just what that raw Investiture can do. If nothing major comes from it I think they'd be a 5, since their powers as a Nicroburst can be pretty useful, but pretty much only when teamed up with someone else and their Feruchemy is of little benefit since A-nicrosil doesn't really do much when powered up from what I can tell. If the raw levels of Investiture do end up doing some of the stuff I mentioned above, they'd maybe be a 6 or 7- cool possibilities, but it would be difficult to activate them.

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